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Voice of Assenna: Eritreans from Struggle to Straggle – እንታይ ይብሃል ኣሎ? Saturday, April 26, 2014

Review overview
  • Mesfin Tesfaldet April 26, 2014

    How sad:

    President Isaias Afworki of Eritrea:

    On the 360 Eritreans who died in the sea: They are illegal Africans

    Prime minister Chung Hong-Won of south korea:

    On the 183 koreans who died on Ferry accident: I take responsibilty therefore, I resign from my position!!

    South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won has offered his resignation amid criticism of the government’s handling of the sinking of a passenger ferry.

    In a statement, a sombre Mr Chung said the “cries of the families of those missing still keep me up at night”.

    The Sewol ferry with 476 people on board – most of them students and teachers – sank off South Korea on 16 April.

    Divers have recovered 183 bodies, but scores are missing presumed drowned.
    Continue reading the main story
    “Start Quote

    On behalf of the government, I apologise for many problems from the prevention of the accident to the early handling of the disaster”

    South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won

    Furious relatives have repeatedly criticised what they see as the slowness of the recovery operation.

    “The right thing for me to do is to take responsibility and resign as a person who is in charge of the cabinet,” Mr Chung said in a brief televised statement.

    “On behalf of the government, I apologise for many problems from the prevention of the accident to the early handling of the disaster.”

  • gebre1 April 26, 2014

    viva assennna, sebhat is dead long time ago, devil is with he knows that and chosen to with him. petros was his best friend but never asked about hhis where about.

  • Asghedom Woldeghiorghis April 27, 2014

    Meskerem, you think all which has been told by assenna id wromg

  • Mesinas April 27, 2014

    “ሊሎ ሊሎ መሸላ ጉላሎ፡ እንዳ ገብረ ኣዳልከ እንታይ ይውረ ኣሎ?” ግሩም ዕላልን ሙዚቃን ብዕቱብ ዝተዋሃሃደ ንኡድ ስራሕ ኣሰና። ስብሓት።

  • Robi May 12, 2014

    Hi guys Sbhat efrem ( Golfo) is like fox don’t trust him after Hero Petros Solomon.he was detained with Peter in Mokadesho Somalia at the beginning of Eritreans struggle so his Best friend Petros Solomon is in jail but Mr Fox is enjoying garbage life with Hitler.any Way we will not forget Petros Solomon forever, who wanted to change Eritreans life from this dirty eritrean regime. Thanks.