From the interview with Hawna Kubrom we learned about Issayas secretive agenda to get rid of his
GHEDLI compatriots to replace them with individuals from outside the country who do not have any
association within EPLF military and political circle .
At this moment the same old actors try to repeat same extortion shamelessly with no guilt . I blame
also those idiots supporters who ignore human value for dirty politics .
This is it! I agree with Dafla. This reminds me of the desperate maneuvers of Dergue and die-hard Ethiopians in denial and discounting awhile our heroes were stormed Massawa.
This must be a trying period for honorable tegadelti harbegnatat like:
– Wedi Tukul
– Jende
– All others that are anticipated to participate in Bologna
They must be appealed in the name of the fallen heroes and they too draw the line against this evil dictator. They should walk out en masse from their stage and go across ti join Delyti Fithi!!!
Thanks Mr. Kibrom Dafla for exposing the tyrant dictator and his blind followers.
Thank you for telling us who is who, how all Isayas’s cronies came to power?
You represented Eritrean people and you stood against the mad dog tyrant dictator Isayas wedi Berad, his blind followers HIGDEF and his burned flag.
Starting from Bologna we will liberate our people.
Let freedom ring in Bologna, Italy!
Let freedom ring in Senhit, Keren, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay, Adi keyih, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Denkel, Asseb, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Barka, akurdet, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Sahil Nakfa, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Seraye, Adi Ugri, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Hamassien, Asmera, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Semhar, Massawa, Eritrea!
Eritrea will be free soon.
Our original Eritrean Liberation Flag, Semayawit Banderana will be allover Eritrea!
ahmed saleh June 27, 2014
From the interview with Hawna Kubrom we learned about Issayas secretive agenda to get rid of his
GHEDLI compatriots to replace them with individuals from outside the country who do not have any
association within EPLF military and political circle .
At this moment the same old actors try to repeat same extortion shamelessly with no guilt . I blame
also those idiots supporters who ignore human value for dirty politics .
Mesinas June 28, 2014
ሃገር ብምልእታ እናነብዐት ከላ
እዚ ኹሉ ሬሳ ኣቐሚጥኩም ጓይላ
ዘዝወለደቶም *ባልዋ እናመንጠላ *ኣርሓ መፍለስ
ኣደ’ምበር ተሪፋ ደባሲ ዘይብላ
እሽም ጥራይ ኮይኑ ብኸበሮ ዝላ
*ሃጥር ተሳኢኑ እሾኽ ዚነቕሰላ! *ጅግና
“ኣቱም ብዓል እሽም ብዓል ደስደስ
ናበይ እዩ እዚ ኹሉ፡ ሃበስ ቀደስ?
ንቡር ከይረኸብና ተስካርና ኪድገስ
ግደፉ’ባ ቅድም ሓመድ ኣዳም ንልበስ
እቲ ኣብ ሓዘን ዘሎ ህዝብና ክድበስ!”
ይብለና ኣሎ ድምጾም ግዳያት’ዚ ገበል
ብፍላይ እታ ኣደ ወላዲት እቲ ዕሸል
ትጽውዓና ኣላ ብናይ ድምጺ ማዕበል
ኣብ ሃገር እቲ ቅዝፈት ጓይላ ከይትከል
ዝባን ስውእ ኢልካ ብስም እቲ *ሃምበል *ጅግና
ሓፋሽ ኤርትራዊ ንህግደፍ ዓገብ በል!
ዝኸበርኩም ኣሕዋት ኤርትራውያን ብሓፈሻ፡ ብፍላይ ድማ ወነንቲ ማዕከናት ዜና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፡ ከምኡውን ከም ብዓል ሓርበኛ ሓውና ተጋዳላይ ክብሮም ዳፍላ ዚኣመሰሉ ጀጋኑ ልዑል ምስጋና ይብጻሓዮም እብል። ንነውሪ ብትብዓት ነውሪ ዝብሉ ሃጥራት (ጀጋኑ) ስለ ዝኾኑ፡ ካብቶም ከም ኣባጊዕ ናብ ሓዊ እውን እንተኾነ ብህይወቶም ክጥበሱ ዝተዳለዉ ዲፋኖታት (ገንሸላት)፡ በተሓሳስባን ብትብዓትን ስለ ዝሓየሉ ኣገናዕ! በዚ መሰረት ከኣ ነዚ ህዝብን ሃገርን ንምድሓን ብቐጻሊ ዘየተሓለለ ጻዕሪ ዘካይድ ዘሎ ሃብሮም ተጋዳላይ ክብሮም ዳፍላ በዛ እትስዕብ ናዕተ ኣቢለ ደጊመ ደጋጊመ ኣገናዕ ኣንበሳ ኣናብስ ክብሎ ፍቐዱለይ?
ወዲ ዳፍላ!
ዳፍላ ማለት ትርጉሙ ዘይትፈልጡዎ እንተ’ሊኹም፡ በቲ ብዝተፈላለዩ ገዛእቲ ሓይልታት ዝተቐትለን ሕጂውን ብጉጅለ ህግደፍ ዚቕበር ዘሎን ሃብታም ቋንቋና፡ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ፡ ለማሽ ጸጒሪ ርእሲ ማለት’ዩ።
ኣንታ ወዲ ዳፍላ እንታይ ኢኻ ትብለና?
ማእሰርትን ስደትን ሽግር መከራና
እዚ ኹሉ ሕሰም ዕንወት ናይ ሃገርና
ብመደብ’ዩ ኢልካዮ ንጥፍኣት ህዝብና!
ስጉምቲ ምውሳድካ ሓቂ ኪትገልጸልና
ምስጋና ይብጻሕካ ብስም ስውኣትና!
ነዚ ለዋህ ህዝቢ ንምጥሓሉ ኣብ ማዕበል
ንሱድዩ ብሓቂ ትልሚ ናይዚ ገበል!?
ጽቡቕ ተመንየ ንሕማቕ ከይቅበል
ኣንጻርካ መጒተ ከይብል ሸንኮለል
ሕሰም መከራኡ ኮይኑኒ ዘይክወል!
ክረምቲ ክጸምእ ሩባ እናዛረየ
*ተክሪርውን ክጠሚ ዘርኡ እናፈረየ *ቀውዒውን
ናብራኡ ጸልሚቱ ዓይኑ እናራኣየ
ይቑዝም ከም ዘሎ ደቁ እናኣድበየ
ንቃል ምስክርካ ክኽሕዶ ኣይክእልን’የ!
ዓይነይ እናረኣየ’ወ እዝነይ እናሰመዐ
ህዝቢ ብቐጻሊ ደቁ *እናተቐምዐ *እናተመንዝዐ
ኣዒንቲ ኣደታትና ደም እናነብዐ
ብሓለንጊ ምልኪ ኩሉ እናተቐጽዐ
ከመይ’ለ ክኽሕዶ ነብሱ *እናጸልዐ! *እናቘሰለ
ብመሬትን ባሕርን ስፍሪ ኣልቦ ሃብቱ
*ብርያል ጨዊዩዎ ንኹሉ ገቢቱ *ሰይጣን
ብኩፖን ክቕለብ ወትሩ ተመጽዊቱ
ኣብ ሕሰም ክነብር ናብራኡ ጸልሚቱ
ብስደትን ሞትን ካብ ሃገር ጸኒቱ
ወላድ መኻን ኮይኑ ባዲማ’ላ ቤቱ!
ደኺመ ዘይወጾ እዚ ጻዕራም ህዝቢ
ብስራሕ ዝምሰል ከም ጻጸ ከም ንህቢ
ፋሕ ጭንግራሕ ኢሉ ስኢኑ መዕቖቢ
ረዲአት ክምጽወት ኣብ ፈቐዶ ካምቢ
እዚድዩ’ታ ኔሩ ዝግብኦ ዓስቢ!?
ሞባእ ናይ ሓርነት መስዋእቲ ከፊሉ
ጽምኡ ከየርወየ ጎሮሮኡ ኣጥሊሉ
ከብዱ ከይዓንገለ ካብ ምህርቲ እኽሉ
እዚ ሰታዪ ደም *ኣሰለት ዚምስሉ *ደም ዚመጹ ዓብዪ ዓይነት ገበል
ነዚ ለዋህ ህዝቢ ኣበሳ ዘይብሉ
ክንዲ ዚድብሶ ሓዘኑ *ሰንጊሉ *ኣቢዱ፡ ኣጸናኒዑ
ቅሳነት ዚኸልኦስ እንታይ እዩ በዲሉ?
ይዕበ ይንኣስ ኩሉ ሽግር መከራና
ሃንደበት ኣይኮነን ወሪዱ ኣብ ልዕሌና፡
ገበን ተቘጺሩ ትምህርቲ *ቴሎግና *ትምህርቲ ቃል ኣምላኽ
ብረቂቕ ጥበብ’ዩ ብዘይርደኣና
እዚ ርጉም ድያብሎስ ሓዊ ኪዕዩልና!
ህዝብና ኣጥፊኡ ሃገርና ከዐኑ
ከም ዚተበገሰ ብመደብ ወጢኑ
ጠንቂ ናይ *እልበትና መላኺ ምዃኑ *ሓሳር መከራና
ዋላ እቶም ዕዉራት ርእዮም ዘይኣምኑ
ደሚቑሎም ኣሎ ሎምስ እቲ ብርሃኑ
ይብገሱ ኣለዉ ሃገሮም ከድሕኑ!
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 13-09-2013
Petros June 28, 2014
This is it! I agree with Dafla. This reminds me of the desperate maneuvers of Dergue and die-hard Ethiopians in denial and discounting awhile our heroes were stormed Massawa.
This must be a trying period for honorable tegadelti harbegnatat like:
– Wedi Tukul
– Jende
– All others that are anticipated to participate in Bologna
They must be appealed in the name of the fallen heroes and they too draw the line against this evil dictator. They should walk out en masse from their stage and go across ti join Delyti Fithi!!!
Semhar June 28, 2014
Thanks Mr. Kibrom Dafla for exposing the tyrant dictator and his blind followers.
Thank you for telling us who is who, how all Isayas’s cronies came to power?
You represented Eritrean people and you stood against the mad dog tyrant dictator Isayas wedi Berad, his blind followers HIGDEF and his burned flag.
Starting from Bologna we will liberate our people.
Let freedom ring in Bologna, Italy!
Let freedom ring in Senhit, Keren, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay, Adi keyih, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Denkel, Asseb, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Barka, akurdet, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Sahil Nakfa, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Seraye, Adi Ugri, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Hamassien, Asmera, Eritrea!
Let freedom ring in Semhar, Massawa, Eritrea!
Eritrea will be free soon.
Our original Eritrean Liberation Flag, Semayawit Banderana will be allover Eritrea!
Shighey abbey ala?
Bologna, Italy besiha ala!