I am not sure why , but I know the most tragic failure comes with betrayal . In fact
the tradegy is our weakness to let one had the courage to be evil while the whole
had not the courage to exercise sense of freedom to be true for themselves .
If we want change in life , first stop the crazy mind thought and walk through the
fire in order to reach safe destination .
Tegadalay Abed Tesfay fought since 1991 under Issayas leadership and he told
us about this monster and his generals we face are deadly to our people’s survival .
They exploited DEKI SUWUAT for financial gain to collect millions from people’s
contribution but those poor children fell victims like everybody else .
It is sad EPLF fighters were eventually miscalculated the dangers to keep snakes
who can turn to bite on whoever stand close to them .
AHMED SALEH !!! May 14, 2015
I am not sure why , but I know the most tragic failure comes with betrayal . In fact
the tradegy is our weakness to let one had the courage to be evil while the whole
had not the courage to exercise sense of freedom to be true for themselves .
If we want change in life , first stop the crazy mind thought and walk through the
fire in order to reach safe destination .
Tegadalay Abed Tesfay fought since 1991 under Issayas leadership and he told
us about this monster and his generals we face are deadly to our people’s survival .
They exploited DEKI SUWUAT for financial gain to collect millions from people’s
contribution but those poor children fell victims like everybody else .
It is sad EPLF fighters were eventually miscalculated the dangers to keep snakes
who can turn to bite on whoever stand close to them .