What did your hadami wedi ali do for christian Eritreans?
He was sponsored by the saudis to bring a moslem president in Eritrea.
Eritreans never came out to help wedi ali or haji musa because they were only for
islamic ISIS harmful/malicious agendas. No one is fooled by your moslem tricks/gimmicks.
TEQORADI HARADI Aslamay, kidi niYemenika {Arebika} kidiQured atsebika.
Mushmush Yemeni nomad saHab gimel, the ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Saho’s vicious Islam’s poisonous snake, you have no shame to keep denying your evil nomad Yemeni/Sudanese nationality a muslim jerk asshole.
I feel sorry for the family but he is an idiot was it OK then to kill someone’s son or brother. This epitomizes our stupidity we are insensible to the agony of others.
Could not understand your english. Can you rewrite it in tigrigna. “Bekomata bet and tat birk nat” nay hgdf muhur english mifitanka akuriekana amanuel. Kabakas eti kedamay amet “fresh man” ziterefe halekaka yihayish.
Wedi Halima savage evil Arab’s slave dog, if you want our civilized languages rewritten or translated to your barbarian slave/abeeds masters savage Arabic then get lost to your barbaric savage evil Islamic websites where you could also congregate with your kind taliban/ISIS terrorist beasts. ROT in your vicious Islam HELL.
Brother meretse
There are thousands and thousands who do not shoot to kill innocents who cross on foot. It is like a norm nowadays to fire into the air when they reach safe area or not fire at all. With regard to that he did not expect them to shoot his brother to death. Did he kill the killers? May be not. Did he convey a message? Yed. Could he have targetted officers? Absolutely.
ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Yemeni evil muslim nomad saHab gimel and mushmush kondaf Saho’s whore snake/rat, why the fuck are you so ashamed of your monster Mohammed’s Arab slave dogs names like SiEd, Ali, abdurahiman, abdurobo, bin Laden and so on??? How long you going to fucking hide behind beautiful Christian names???
Very penetrating , as well as encompassing,question, Dear Meretse.
Let alone to answer the question even to ponder over it on passing would be a rarity
When a country is damaged deeply to its core and loses its ‘balance and direction’ it will take a miraculous aligning force to reckon with itself. and embark on a sane road.
Justice is a universal human value and as such it cannot be divided and administered in diverse ways.
That said, do we Eritreans stand for justice, irrespective of the identity, culture, ethnicity, language, religion. . etc. of those who are seeking it ?
Many would say, yes we do. But the experience of post independence Eritrea under the regime of Iseyas shows that there are a lot of people, who prefer to look somewhere else when their neighbors are unjustly treated. They react to injustice only when it knocks on their door.
One reason why we are all suffering and yet unable to defend ourselves standing together shoulder to shoulder is because indifference is now in our culture.
Very well said sister Roma but please ignore this savage evil Yemeni muslim mercenary posing as a Christian Eritrean with multiple pen-names to deceive gullible readers. No one knows what he is supposed to be fighting for but it is always the same old thing with ROOTLESS CANCEROUS muslim Arab dogs, they only represent their vicious Islam.
Who invited you to an Eritrean forum Mr. Bajet ?
How you dare to divide and create a wedge among Eritreans along sectarian lines ?
We have enough of small men with cuboid head thanks to Janhoy and his messenger Iseyas.
Look after your business or cross Mereb to South before it’s too late.
Fuck you stinky fat ugly Yemeni Halima dog shitty. You should be advertising at the savage evil muslim Arab slave dog’s barbarian taliban/jihadi websites to find your matching savage evil wild Arab dogs to drill you properly and savagely and then you would be back to your stinky Halima instead of the beautiful/bella Roma!!! Savage evil stinky Halima, how is your jihadi terrorists hijab????
amanuelMay 13, 2018
Suk beli dehan mis iseyas kinguhfom ena tsibah nigho.tsaeri mot eyu zeegergrom zello
Berhe TenseaMay 12, 2018
This guard was accepting happily orders given to him by his superiors. He was more than happy to kill as what goes around comes around, he killed his brother too. This cursed slave then finally realised his mistake and out anger killed others in revenge.
This guard ‘s comparison with the real hero Wedi Ali is childish and stupid..
The only thing that we must feel sorry is for poor mother who may not handle this sad situation easily.
Poor ignorant Egyptian shepard Berhe Tensea aka Berhe begiE, please enlighten us with your tremendous knowledge {from being a life long foot soldier and savage shifta/bandit of barbaric evil Islamic ELF mendef} why you claim Wedi Ali to be your hero??? Was that haji evil Akhriya’s dog Mussa also your hero??? These two died for evil Sha’ria just like rotten dogs but you are a life long vicious Islam lackey.
Asmerom May 11, 2018
Tsibuk gebere tehabina gin/but he should’ve killed 60 of them instead of 6 but from the top leaders & azezti.
amanuel May 11, 2018
He is a hero for all eritrean families.
Danilo May 11, 2018
Viva ካልኣይ ወዲ ዓሊ!!!
Muller-Mulugeta May 11, 2018
What did your hadami wedi ali do for christian Eritreans?
He was sponsored by the saudis to bring a moslem president in Eritrea.
Eritreans never came out to help wedi ali or haji musa because they were only for
islamic ISIS harmful/malicious agendas. No one is fooled by your moslem tricks/gimmicks.
amanuel May 12, 2018
Hgdf Agame. Kid niadika
Bajet May 12, 2018
TEQORADI HARADI Aslamay, kidi niYemenika {Arebika} kidiQured atsebika.
Mushmush Yemeni nomad saHab gimel, the ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Saho’s vicious Islam’s poisonous snake, you have no shame to keep denying your evil nomad Yemeni/Sudanese nationality a muslim jerk asshole.
Amanuel May 11, 2018
I feel sorry for the family but he is an idiot was it OK then to kill someone’s son or brother. This epitomizes our stupidity we are insensible to the agony of others.
amanuel May 11, 2018
Could not understand your english. Can you rewrite it in tigrigna. “Bekomata bet and tat birk nat” nay hgdf muhur english mifitanka akuriekana amanuel. Kabakas eti kedamay amet “fresh man” ziterefe halekaka yihayish.
Bajet May 12, 2018
Wedi Halima savage evil Arab’s slave dog, if you want our civilized languages rewritten or translated to your barbarian slave/abeeds masters savage Arabic then get lost to your barbaric savage evil Islamic websites where you could also congregate with your kind taliban/ISIS terrorist beasts. ROT in your vicious Islam HELL.
meretse May 11, 2018
መጀመርያ ንኩሎም ስድራ ቤት ሞዎቲ ጽንዓት ክህቦም ይምነ። ብርግጽ ከም’ዚ ዓይነት ቅትለት ኣብ ኤረትራ ናይ መጀመርያ ኣይኮነን፤ ክሳብ መሰረታዊ ፍታሕ ዝርከብ ከኣ ፡ ናይ መጨረሻ ክከውን ኢዩ ዝብል ግምት እውን የብለይን። እቲ ክንገብሮ ዝግበኣናን ፡ ቀደም ዝተረፈናን ፡ ብህጹጽ መዕለቢ እንተ ዘይረኪብናሉ ከም’ዚ ዓይነት ኣሕዛኒ ወረ ካብ ኩቱር ብዝሒ ከም ልሙድ ወይ’ውን ዘየደንጹ (ተራ ተረክቦ) ጌርካ ናይ ምውሳድ ባህሪ እንዳኣጥርና ክንከይድ ኢና። ክዓቢ ኢለ ኢየ’ምበር ዳርጋ ኣቲናዮ ኣሎና እንተበልኩ’ውን እኩል መርተዖ ኣሎኒ። ከም’ዚ ኣደንጋጺ ሞት ቅድሚ ሚኢትን ገለን ዓመታት ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ክፍለ ሃገር ጎንደር ፡ ንሓንቲ ሰበይቲ ሰብኣያን ሓዋን ኣብ ተዋጊኦም ምስ ተቃተሉ ሓደ ካብቶም መልቀስቲ ዝበሎ፡–
የገደለ ባልሽ – የሞተ ወንድምሽ
ኃዘንሽ ቅጥ ኣጣ – ከቤትሽ ኣልወጣ
ዝቀተለ ሰብኣይኪ – ዝሞተ ሓውኪ
ሓዘንኪ ቀጥዒ ስኢኑ – ኣብ ቤትኪ ሰፊኑ
እሲኪ ንመልከት እዚ መልቃሳይ እዚ ሎሚ እንተ ዝህሉ ፡ እሞ እዚ ግፍዒ ሓው ኣኣብ ርእሲ ሓው ዝፍጽሞ ዘሎ እንተዝሰምዕስ እንታይ ኮን ምኾነ መልቀሱ? ኣይትስሕትዎን ዝብል ግምት ስለ ዘሎኒ ናብታ ቀጻሊት ሓሳበይ ክሰግር፡
ነዛ ናይ ሕማቅ ኣጋጣሚ ወረ ፍልይ ዘብላ ሓደ ሓው እብ ርእሲ ቅትለት ሓዉ ዊዒሉ። ምናልባት’ውን እቲ መዋቲ በታ ካብ ማህጸን ኣዲኡ ዝወጸ ሓዉ ዝተተኮሰት ጥይት ሞይቱ ክከ’ውን ይክእል’ዩ? ሓዊ ቅድሚ ስጉምቲ ምውሳዱ ዘይሃበሮ ሓቤረታ እንተ ሃልዩ፡ ኣነ ንሓወይ ባዕለይ ተዅሸ ቀጢለዮ እትብል ናይ ነስሓ ቃል ኢዯ። እቱይ ኮይኑ እቱይ ግን ሓዉ ወዲ ኣዲኡ ምስቶም ዝሞቱ ምስ ረከቦ ብኩቱር ሕርቃን ንገለ ብጾቱ ድሕሪ ምቅታል ነብሲ ቅትለት ጌሩ። እሲ ዓይነት ክስተት ወዲ ሰብ ካብ ቅጽበታዊ ስምዒት ተበጊሱ ዝፍጽሞ ኮይኑ ይስመዓኒ። ህድእ ኢልና’ሞ ንርኣያ — ሓደ ካብቶም ሞወቲ “ሓዉ” ምስ ኮነ ድሕሪ ምርግጋጹ ኢዩ ነቲ ስጕምቲ መሲድዎ። ሕቶ — እዚ ቀታሊ ኣጋታሚ ኮይኑ ሬሳ ሓዉ(ወዲ ኣዲኡን ኣቦኡን) እንተ ዘይከውንከ? ማለት ንበል መታዓቢቱ? ወዲ ገዛውቱ? መታዓልምቱ? ኮታ….. እንተ ዝከውንከ? ንጹር መልሲ ዋላ!!! እታ መፍትሒ ስኢና ዘላ ጸገም ከኣ “ሓው” ወይ “ሓውካ” እትብል ቃል ቀንዲ ትርጕማ ምልላይ ስኢና ዘሎና ኮይኑ ይስመዓኒ። ስለዚ ንሕጹጽ ፍታሕ ትርጉም “ሓው” ነለሊ።
ሰናይ ቅነ
amanuel May 11, 2018
Brother meretse
There are thousands and thousands who do not shoot to kill innocents who cross on foot. It is like a norm nowadays to fire into the air when they reach safe area or not fire at all. With regard to that he did not expect them to shoot his brother to death. Did he kill the killers? May be not. Did he convey a message? Yed. Could he have targetted officers? Absolutely.
Bajet May 12, 2018
ROOTLESS CANCEROUS Yemeni evil muslim nomad saHab gimel and mushmush kondaf Saho’s whore snake/rat, why the fuck are you so ashamed of your monster Mohammed’s Arab slave dogs names like SiEd, Ali, abdurahiman, abdurobo, bin Laden and so on??? How long you going to fucking hide behind beautiful Christian names???
Danilo May 11, 2018
ኣንታ ሓው መረጸ፡ኣይትብከ ኢንድዩ ዘብክየኒ።ኩላህና ምስ ሓራዲና ረዲና ምንባርና እዩ እቲ ዝገርም።
rezen May 11, 2018
Very penetrating , as well as encompassing,question, Dear Meretse.
Let alone to answer the question even to ponder over it on passing would be a rarity
When a country is damaged deeply to its core and loses its ‘balance and direction’ it will take a miraculous aligning force to reckon with itself. and embark on a sane road.
meretse May 11, 2018
የቀንየለይ ሓው ረዘን
ጽሕፍካ ብዕምቆት ዝርደኣልካ ሰብ ክትረክብ እንከሎካ ንመጻኢ’ውን ስንቒ ኢዩ ዝኮነካ። ሓሊፍካ ሓሊፍካ ኣብ እቲ ስንዝሮም ሪኢቶታት ከይ ኣድነቁካ ኣይተርፍን። ግን እቲ ጥዑም ጥዑም! ! ! ሕጂ ከኣ ጥዑም ! ! ! ከይበዝሕ እንዳበልና ንካልእይ እግሪ ወይ ንሳልሳይ እግሪ ነሳግሮ ኣሎና ፡ እምበር ኩሉ ግዜ ካብ ሓብሬታካ ይኩን ካብ ሪእቶታት ካልኦት ኣሕዋት ኩሉ ግዜ እንዳተማህርና ኢና። ኣብዛ ናይ ሎሚ ኣሕዛኒት ወረን ግን መሊኡ ኣሎ ዝብሃል። ፍትሒ ኣብ ማእከል ገዛካ ምስ ተሳእነት ጥራሕ ክትደልያ እንተከድካ ወይ ዝኮነ ዓይነት ስጉምቲ እንተወስዲካ (ከምዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዝተጠቅሰ ሓውና >>> እዚኣ ምስ ምድላይ ፍትሒ ብገለ ሸነካ ጥራሕ ኢያ ትራከብ። ማለት እንተዘይተጋግየ እቲ ቀታሊ ሕነ ክፈዲ ኢዩ ተርእዩ። ካልእ ሰብ ከይለከመ ንነብሱ ጥራሕ ቀቲሉ ኔሩ እንተዝከውን እውን ገና ሕነ ሓዊ ፈድዩ ኢዩ ዝጽዋዕ። ቀታል ሓዉ ሕነ ሓዉ ክፈዲ ሕይወቱ ኣሕሊፉ። እቶም ስድራ ክልተ ኢዮም ዝክስሩ ዘሎዉ፡ ግን ካብ ቀታል ወድና ብዶዉ ይከይድ ኣኣሎ ምባል ይድሕኑ። ዘይረ ዘይረ እዚ ሓውና ዝወሰዶ ስጉምቲ ፡ ንስለ ፍትሒ ዝተዎፍወየ ጌረ ወሲደ ጀግና ዝብል መዓርግ ከልብሶ ይጽግመኒ ኢዩ። ሕነ ሓው ካልእ ኢዩ፡ ሕነ ሰእነት ፍትሒ (ሞት ንስለ ፍትሒ) ከኣ ካልእ ኢዩ። ፍትሒ ንመን ንኩሉ ኣብ ዝብል ኣምር ( ሙሉእ ሓሳብ) ክንኣምን ኣሎና። ፍትሒ ደም ኣይትሓትትን ኢያ። ፍትሒ ስለ ዝፈሰሰ ደም ሓወይ፣ ሓፍተይ፣ ኣቦይ፣ ኣደይ ጥራሕ ጠቢቃ ትተርፍ ኣይኮነትን። ፍትሒ ዋላ ንሓላፍ መንገዲ “እንኮ” ክትከውን እንከላ እያ ሙሉእ ትርጉም ዝህልዋ። ዘረባ ከይበዝሓኒ ብጻይ ምጻይ ዝብሉ ናይ በረካ ዒንዲዳ ትርጉም ሓውን ሓፍትን (ስድራን) ከባቢን ኮታ ሰናይ ምትእስሳር ህዝቢ ኣብ ኤረትራ ድራሹ ኣጥፊኦሞ ኢዮም። እዞም ናይ ባህሊ ነቀዝ ዝኮኑ ናይ በረካ ቃላት ተነቂሶም ካብ ባህሊን ልምድን ህዝቢ ኤረትራ እንተ ዘይተጓሒፎም ከኣ ሽግርና ቀጻሊ ኢዩ። ደሃይካ ደሃይ ሓው ክ . ተዎልደ ደሃይ ሳይሞን ጂ ፣ደሃይ ዳኒ፣ ደሃይ ኣማን፣ ከምኡውን ደሃይ ብዙሓት ካልኦት ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትንስ ኣይተሓባእ ደኣ !!!
Roma May 11, 2018
Justice is a universal human value and as such it cannot be divided and administered in diverse ways.
That said, do we Eritreans stand for justice, irrespective of the identity, culture, ethnicity, language, religion. . etc. of those who are seeking it ?
Many would say, yes we do. But the experience of post independence Eritrea under the regime of Iseyas shows that there are a lot of people, who prefer to look somewhere else when their neighbors are unjustly treated. They react to injustice only when it knocks on their door.
One reason why we are all suffering and yet unable to defend ourselves standing together shoulder to shoulder is because indifference is now in our culture.
amanuel May 12, 2018
Agree 100% roma.
Bajet May 12, 2018
Very well said sister Roma but please ignore this savage evil Yemeni muslim mercenary posing as a Christian Eritrean with multiple pen-names to deceive gullible readers. No one knows what he is supposed to be fighting for but it is always the same old thing with ROOTLESS CANCEROUS muslim Arab dogs, they only represent their vicious Islam.
Roma May 12, 2018
Who invited you to an Eritrean forum Mr. Bajet ?
How you dare to divide and create a wedge among Eritreans along sectarian lines ?
We have enough of small men with cuboid head thanks to Janhoy and his messenger Iseyas.
Look after your business or cross Mereb to South before it’s too late.
Bajet May 12, 2018
Fuck you stinky fat ugly Yemeni Halima dog shitty. You should be advertising at the savage evil muslim Arab slave dog’s barbarian taliban/jihadi websites to find your matching savage evil wild Arab dogs to drill you properly and savagely and then you would be back to your stinky Halima instead of the beautiful/bella Roma!!! Savage evil stinky Halima, how is your jihadi terrorists hijab????
amanuel May 13, 2018
Suk beli dehan mis iseyas kinguhfom ena tsibah nigho.tsaeri mot eyu zeegergrom zello
Berhe Tensea May 12, 2018
This guard was accepting happily orders given to him by his superiors. He was more than happy to kill as what goes around comes around, he killed his brother too. This cursed slave then finally realised his mistake and out anger killed others in revenge.
This guard ‘s comparison with the real hero Wedi Ali is childish and stupid..
The only thing that we must feel sorry is for poor mother who may not handle this sad situation easily.
Bajet May 12, 2018
Poor ignorant Egyptian shepard Berhe Tensea aka Berhe begiE, please enlighten us with your tremendous knowledge {from being a life long foot soldier and savage shifta/bandit of barbaric evil Islamic ELF mendef} why you claim Wedi Ali to be your hero??? Was that haji evil Akhriya’s dog Mussa also your hero??? These two died for evil Sha’ria just like rotten dogs but you are a life long vicious Islam lackey.
amanuel May 13, 2018
Make sense if he was among the shooters Berhe. Nay adiom daa ” b itel aykesenku b ketal itel” eya.