Veteran Eritrean journalist and diplomat Abdu Heji has been arrested by the dictatorial PFDJ regime.
Veteran Eritrean journalist and former Eritrean ambassador to Pakistan, Abdu Mohammed Bekri Heji (Abdu Heji) has been arrested by the dictatorial PFDJ regime, according to sources. The veteran Eritrean journalist during the armed struggle for independence, who also served as

Veteran Eritrean journalist and former Eritrean ambassador to Pakistan, Abdu Mohammed Bekri Heji (Abdu Heji) has been arrested by the dictatorial PFDJ regime, according to sources.
The veteran Eritrean journalist during the armed struggle for independence, who also served as head of the Eritrean television before he was assigned to Denmark as Charge De Affairs has been arrested last Monday.
The reason for his arrest is not yet known.
Abdu Heji has been working at the Strategic Centre in Asmara, after his return following the closure of the Eritrean embassy in Pakistan.
alem January 29, 2017
I do not have any sympathy for obidient servants of criminal dictator.
Asmara Eritrea February 4, 2017
Like Alem, I have no sympathy for such long stand clique of the dictator to be locked up in perpetuity but human rights matter. He should be treated with due regard to the country’s non-existent rule of law.
My only question is who from within the dictator’s elite will be incarcerated next? To hazard a guess, it probably will be either the two Yamanes (they are inseparable twins and so have to be locked up as one) or Sebhat Ephrem.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
PH January 29, 2017
No body is immune. He will continue to arrest one by one if we don’t act. Let’s see and wait who will be next. The bad thing is, we wait until last moment to the road of humiliation.
Gideon Haile January 30, 2017
PH, I dare you to act.
alem January 29, 2017
Mafiatat nenhidihidom mikitital lmud eyu. Kiserku yitehababeru, kimakelu ziserekuwo yibasu. Mesel mithas do yeblun. Nay sivil mesel kigehas yeskitu kemzeymilketom.nabom mismexet misom tetew zibil yisienu shuu. Yifletuwa.
Ass January 31, 2017
Shifta eyu neru
nakifa January 29, 2017
Any body it doesn’t matter,if commit a crime will go to prison ,no body is above the low.You bring this like a news big deal.
True Eritrean January 30, 2017
Which law are you talking about? Do we have a public law in Eritrea or you mean the dictator law.
Nakfa …………you if you are brainwashed or hard supporter of the dictator you will eventually end up in prison as it is the normal way of life cycle in PFDJ circle.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 30, 2017
I guess HGDF law of NAKIFA . You remember the time a singer nick named
ZEMACH promoted for position in a court as JUDGE .
To practice law require license from Issayas school of NAKIFA LAW .
wey gud gherimuna uko inafeletka do wedey tidinkur ikha .
Gideon Haile January 31, 2017
Next will be Amanuel Eyasu for sure and then . . . .
PH January 31, 2017
ኣንታ ርእሲ ሓምሓም፡ናትካ ተራ ዘይትፈልጥ፡ “ላም ምስ ሓራዲኣ ማይ ትሰቲ “ዝብልዎ ከምዚ ናትካ ኢዩ።ዕድለኛ ኢንተኽንካ ድሕሪ ( ኢሰያስ ) ንርእሰ-ቢሀር ኤመሪካ ምእሳሩ ኢዩ።ኣዋጺኦ ይሃብካ።
AHMED SALEH !!! January 31, 2017
Your bad wish to see other human to suffer might hunt you back directly or indirectly .
Remember the saying of reality of life ;
We pray for forgiveness and well being of family members because the cycle
of humans life can not be taken for granted . We live day by day until our daily
activity rotation changed its direction unexpectedly for better or worst .
LORD are beautiful words for our soul and spirit satisfaction .
PH January 30, 2017
Why the veteran journalists was moved to diplomatic post? . oh no! I forgot the routine dictating assignment. DIA doesn’t trust eritrean origin except others. yes men have fixed jobs. ex. monkey and charlee, kisha &kassa ect. DIA is everything for someone , he is also engineer, architect, judge, and even clergy of religion.
alem January 30, 2017
Ofcourse he trusts his brothers who have identity crises like him and specially hagos kisha who is 100% tigraway.
alem January 30, 2017
Hijiwn mesel mithas dob yeblun. Lomi ncivil xibh nhigdef abal. Zegerim neger gin naben zeymexen mesiluwen higdef nay kalie zega mesel kirigex kelo krtaku miray eyu.
alem January 30, 2017
Mekonen February 1, 2017
“ወዲ መድህን በራድ” ሎሚሲ መሊኡ ተፀሊሉ!
1. ንነብሱ ኤርትራ ገንፂሉ ደቡብ ሱዳን ካብ ሱዳን ክትግንፀል አይነበራን በለ!
2. ንነብሱ ኤርትራ ገንፂሉ አብ ኢትዮጵያ ሕገ-መንግሥቲ አንቀጽ 39 አያድልን ኢለ በለ!
3. “ማፍያ” ውድቡ ካብ ኢትዮጵያ ክሰርቆ ዝሀቀኖ ምዕንታን በቢ ክልላት ተፍትሽ ከይበዝሆ ፍዴራል ሥርኣት ንኢትዮጵያ አያድልያን ኢለ በለ!፤ ዛጊድኮ ብስርቂ ኣብ 1997 ፈረንጂ፣ ኤርትራ ብዓለም ሰደድ ቡና 7ይቲ ደረጃ አስሪኡዋ’ዩ፡፡ እናሀደረ በቢ ክልሉ ተፍትሽ ስለዝበዝሀ ንሌባ ስለዘይምቹ ብልሂ ኮይኑስያ ካታልል ማለትዩ!
“ፀማማት” በለ ወዲ ዜናዊ! ካብ ጌግኡ ኣይማሀር፣ ተጋጊየ ኣይወፆ፤ ን 3-ሚልየን ሕዝቢ ካማሀድር ዘይካኣለ፣ ንሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ፋህ ብትን ዛእተወ’ሲ፣ ናይ ዓለም ሊቅ ፈሊጥ’የ ኢሉ ንሕዝቢ እንካጽምሞ እንታይ ይባሀል? እዚ መወዳእታ ዘያብሉ ደንቆርቆርን ኣጀውጀውን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ እንታይ ወረዶ? እዚ ሽፍታ’ሲ ቃታ ሂዙምበር፣ ኤርትራስ ካብ ኤስያስ ዝከፍአ ኣሻ አሎ!? አይኣምንን:: ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ንኣካ ዝሀበካሲ ንፀላኢካውን ኣያሀቦ! ኣምላክ ምህረት ያውርደልካ! ኣብ ምንጋጋ ጭራቅ ስለዛለካ፣ ብማእዶ ዛለናውን ካብ ልቢ ሀዚና፡፡ ሙዚቃ “እንክርዳድ! እንክርዳድ! የተንከረደደ፣ ደህና መስሎ ገብቶ ስንቱን ኣሳበደ!
andom February 2, 2017
Heji bacame a victim because he did not stand up for his rights before he became a victim.
Ahmed February 6, 2017
Andom, and how do you think he should have stood up for his rights?