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USA and Its Policy on Eritrea and Phalestina since 1948:

My Birthday is unfortunately on the same year and when I celebrate my birthday with few friends I burn two candles, one for the Phalestinian refugees and the second also for the Eritrean refugees whom

My Birthday is unfortunately on the same year and when I celebrate my birthday with few friends I burn two candles, one for the Phalestinian refugees and the second also for the Eritrean refugees whom from Eilet Sahel to whom I met along the railway line in Asmara leading to Keren and Agordat in 1965.These group of internally displaced were mainly women and children among them were two women in labour on the grass maat, called now EXPO but we use to call it Parco, meaning parck in the Barjima area of Asmara just below the junction of the railway and the asfhalt road leading to Blocko Godaif. What I did not know at that time was how many Eritrean refugees have crossed the boarder with Sudan from the areas of Barka,Sahel and Semhar provinces of Eritrea. As children or young adults we were shocked and went home to beg bread and panne from our mothers and neighbours and came back with some bread and some Eth.Birr which we were donnated by our relatives and neighbours.


One of the women in labour already gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Despite the hardships and uncertainity the women gathered to conguratulate the newly mother and ullulating with vigour. Well saddly enough this was during the occupation of Eritrea by the then Emperor Haile Sellassie, and it was not the last time Eilet and its people would be facing a catastroph.The DERG, amilitary Junta that took power from Haile Sellassie went again to destroy Hirghigo,Emberemi in the Semhar province and further to the coast to Eilet in the Sahel province, the province where our Hero Wed Ali Hijay was born, also our Founding father of the Eritrean Independence struggle Ibrahim Sultan’s birth place and province.The DERG soldiers run over people and domestic animals with armoured tanks. How terrible it was is not far from the memories we have of the DERG.

The USA:

Diplomats and poleticians would refrain from mentioning the Vietnam and Laos wars.The bombs falling on villages and the Agent Orange spraid on crowded areas. My Lai village massacre was a vivid memory in 1968.What happened at My Lai only came to public light in November 1969 when a US soldier, Paul Meadlo, was interviewed on television and admitted killing “ten of fifteen men, women and children” at My Lai.

Asmara, Massawa and Guraa in Eritrea, were the Stations where US Marines spied the Vietcongs and the Middle East Arabs. As usual the powerful countries have their priorities; USA National Interest has no eyes and noses towards Human Beings but their strategy and gaining Capital where ever material gains can be achieved.By now it is the accepted policy, due to its unchanging foreingpolicy and application while drawing its strategic importance. The New World Order is also based on this notion, no mater how harmful to the world peace it may be.


The USA  policy on Eritrea’s Self determination since 1948;

The USA has never been considered as a friend to the Eritrean people ever since the end of the WW II, the reason is that it has chosen the bigger and friendly nation of  Ethiopia as a strategic partner in the Horn of Africa.

The text of the Eritrea resolution, which was initiated by Somalia and Djibouti, was watered down after several countries – among them the United States and China – objected to the tough language.

Unlike Ambassador Susan Rice, the current

U.S. diplomat Eric Richardson said the Eritrea report did not have” the same level of sophistication and precision” as the report on North Korea and the United States could not support the language of the text without revisions.” Eritrea as it today governed by a dictator and a murderer, is not in the National interest to help the suffering people, but to treat its old client Issayas mildly and may be busy to give him a corridor to get away with it.The USA is usually a friend of dictators as long as US national interest and strategy is maintained by such dictators.Saudia Arabian Monarchy is a good example and, the late Pinochet of Chile and others…How could such a nation that advocates for democracy, national parliament elections and free speech could neglect the sufferings of a whole nation caused by such a mad dictator ? Well being a layman is hard to understand such sofisticated foreign policy, however such hypocracy is heart breaking no matter what the reason may be.Could it be the cheaply available raw material in Eritrea, where even slave labour is tolerated by foreign companies such as NEVSUN  of Canada.


US National interest:


A commission that reported on US national Interest has laid down a summary of the Vital US National Interests; Vital national interests are conditions that are strictly necessary to safeguard and enhance Americans’ survival and well-being in a free and secure nation.


Vital US national interests are to:

  1. Prevent, deter, and reduce the threat of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons attacks on the United States or its military forces abroad;
  2. Ensure US allies’ survival and their active cooperation with the US in shaping an international system in which we can thrive;
  3. Prevent the emergence of hostile major powers or failed states on US borders;
  4. Ensure the viability and stability of major global systems (trade, financial markets, supplies of energy, and the environment); and
  5. Establish productive relations, consistent with American national interests, with nations that could become strategic adversaries, China and Russia.


Instrumentally, these vital interests will be enhanced and protected by promoting singular US leadership, military and intelligence capabilities, credibility (including a reputation for adherence to clear US commitments and even-handedness in dealing with other states), and strengthening critical international institutions– particularly the US alliance system around the world.

Extremely important national interests are conditions that, if compromised, would severely prejudice but not strictly imperil the ability of the US government to safeguard and enhance the well-being of Americans in a free and secure nation. This implies even using Force and political  machinationes like bypassing the UN security Council’s confirmation of evidences!A good example is the Bush Junior decission to invade Iraq.

Phalestina and Eritrea are in the US vital interest zones, the Middle East and East Africa, as the commission has given the areas of US positions of vital interest;


  • That Israel survive as a free state.
  • That there be no major sustained curtailment in energy supplies to the world.
  • That no state in the region hostile to the United States acquire new or additional weapons of mass destruction (WMD) capabilities.

Extremely Important

  • That there be no hostile regional hegemon in the Persian Gulf.
  • That the Middle East peace process continue toward success.
  • That the United States maintain good relations with the region’s pro-Western Arab regimes and that these regimes survive domestically.
  • That regional terrorism be held in check.


In the UN General Assembly for Human Rights in Geneve , US and China both softened the Djibouti and Somalia recommendations to deal with the Crimes against Humanity commited by the Eritrean regime, to take the matter to the ICC, simply they do not want to embarass their claint Issayas Afewerki. Both countries have relied on him for a long period of time for the work he did in the Horn of Africa i.e. to destabilize the area where they can exploit the situation of instability for their own means to get what they wanted from that area.    


The Phalestine issue is obvious in their vital  national interest, because they created an artificial state in Phalestina and maintained their interest in the Middle East at the expense of the Phalestinian people and the Middle East. They still maintain the idea  “That Israel survive as a free state.  in the context of the US Vital National Interest in the area of a strategic importance to control and garranty their oil exploitation.  The number of  Phalestinan internally displaced and refugees in Syria and Lebanon is not as important as the safety of Israel.  

What do one expect from the suppoerpoer in the Human suffering of these two nations? A benovelent concern to ease the population of these countries by supporting their cause in the UN, however as the commison concluded;

Today the US has greater power and fewer adversaries than ever before in American history. Relative to any potential competitor, the US is more powerful, more wealthy, and more influential than any nation since the Roman empire. “With these extraordinary advantages, America today is uniquely positioned to shape the international system to promote international peace and prosperity for decades or even generations to come.” Only a foreign policy grounded in America’s national interests can identify priorities for American engagement in the world. Only such a policy will allow America’s leaders to explain persuasively how and why American citizens should support expenditures of American treasure or blood.      

Finally the Eritrean people and the Phalestinians should do rely on their own potential and ability to convince the world community that they have also the legitimate  right to live in peace and be considered as other peoples else where in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East.     

  • Who is going to represent the US vital interest in the small Horn of African countryEritrea, after Issayas Afewrki? Well there are a couple of them, not the NECSE or Political Organizations who were members of the ELF or may be newly formed Youth opposition groups, but who would represent the US Vital National Interest. First of all Ethiopia will be consulted and the Pro US guys who have been visiting the State Department are already involved, and as a white wash, the SIDRI as a favourable civil group + the nonviolent political group, the EPDP under Mesfun Hagos courtship,Proff.Bereket H/SellASSIE +Ilias H/Selassie  +MEDREK, the newly formed remnants of the Secret Party of the EPLF members, including Dr.Asefaw,Shengheb etc.and the Elite group of A/Brhan and H.Menkerious+Abdala Adem etc..etc..The Youth group offcourse it will not the majority in Ethiopia resident ,Israel or USA and Europe.

There will be a chosen group considered non-violent and pro-USA entities. There will be the EDF and PFDJ senior officers and YPFDJ youth and those mostly Ethio-Eritrean entities with some inferiority Complexities still living in the Country and Ethiopian Involvement alla …………………………….Federation that would help the US and EU intrested to be garranted.


Excluded will be the ex-estudientes agush or lefties. The major ELF remnants living in Ethiopia but with some Ethiopian favourites based on Ethnic,religous and already based on trust.   


The Strategy :

Courting the Tigray Tigrigni Entities from both countries and eventually uniting both countries to satisfy the US vital interest in the Horn of Africa and the security garranty on the Red Sea and Bab El Mandeb and Bay of Tadjura area.

Dialema: The Saudia,Emerat and Preident Issays Afewrki Conivance to be resolved in a short period of tim.

Resolve: The Minerals,Potash and other natural resources in Eritrea sharing between The USA,Ethiopia and the new Eritrean provisional government…….based on Confederation with Ethiopia blessed by the USA.


The Eritrean people’s aspiration for Independence and Democracy will be vanishing, with the hope that the USA will have a chank of the RED SEA and the BAB EL MANDEB Entrance to the Red Sea!  The hegomony and Imperialistic dreams of the USA remains the same from the 19th Century and beyond! Emperialism Is the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Vladmir Lenin!

I pray to God that this machination would not happen in my life time!

We shall overcome even the National Interest of the USA in due course!

God Bless Eritrea!



Review overview
  • Afom July 7, 2016

    We know Isaias is a member of CIA. America was the enemy of Eritrea and will remain so for ever. Eritreans have one and only one way to get rid this bloody tayrent and that is to form one single force and fight him to his death. Please do not blame any one but ourselves.. It is time to unite and raise our arms against this brutal criminal. America is a sworn enemy of the Eritrean people.
    Unity is power
    Isaias will soon expire.

  • Muhammad July 8, 2016

    Dear Michael Tesfamariam – you sound like a Tesfasion/ተስፋጽዮን wana be zionist (ጽዮናዊ) of our own.

    For your benefit, I just googled for the definition of artificially and here is what I got for you. I hope you had not waste a full page of and it’s moderater’s precious time.

    Artificial: made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally. So the country you’re defending was established by the UN (collection of human beings) in compensation of the atrocities committed by the Europeans on the jews people at the price of the Palestine’s land (ዘይ ስንኻ እምኒ ቆርጥመሉ ይብሉ ኣቦታትካኣ!).

    As a side note: Eritreans are supposedly to be the first people to feel or express sympathy for the oppressed and landless people of not just the South Sudan people but also with all people regardless of their religion and ethnicity. Until then we will continue to suffer of our own evil thinking and double standards.

    • Haile July 8, 2016

      Muhammad aka Wedi Hagher, Wobawzan, ertra n Arebawyan, Khalid, Khaled, Nsane, Hagherawi and so many pathetic and fancy ones. You are sadly the usual “medakemi” and nuisance individual who tries to punch above his weight all the time. The point is because you practice disinformation and misinformation as a legitimate political tool, you also think everybody else does that too! Often times, you have a major problem of missing and twisting issues and we just wonder if this is what you really specialized in one of your jihadi madressas? Simply, if you are a genuine Eritrean and delay fitHi then fighting against individuals doesn’t bring the fall of the system bur that is as long as you don’t have a hidden agenda for our poor Eritrea and Eritreans..

      • Haile July 8, 2016

        please read and correct ‘bur’ as but.

    • Massawa July 8, 2016

      Why would anyone bother about what you called “zionist (ጽዮናዊ)”? You should worry first more about the Eritrean refugees in the Arab world living under Arab slavery or Abeedism, about the Eritreans forcibly losing their kidneys to savage rich Arabs, raped, murdered and kidnapped by savage sahsah Arabs in Sudan, Libya, Egypt …
      Only a coward servant would cry for far away people while his Tigre, Tigrinya and Saho languages are burned down to borrow a cheap second hand identity;
      Only a coward Iraqi Kuwaiti wanabe would call another Eritrean “Zionist” to mimic his savage Arabs that they call him Abeed or black slave while at the same time he doesn’t say a word as hundreds of thousands of black Muslims are massacred in Darfur, Yemen and Somalia by Arab wanabes slaves like Omar al Bashir and by the savage Islamic State ISIS dogs in Yemen, Libya and Somalia.
      It saddens me to see when hypocrites and volunteer Arab-Abeeds who are ashamed of their own values, languages and history call others “Zionists”.
      The Palestinians deserve every freedom which the two dozen tyrants in the Arab League are more than enough to cry for them but what about the Muslims of Darfur and the black slaves and migrant workers in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf who treated by Arabs as a third class citizens or camels? Will the liars and hypocrites cry for them? who will cry for the oppressed and marginalized in the Arab world living under the oppressive shoe of the savage Arab leaders and their racist population?

      • Muhammad July 8, 2016

        Dear Massawa aka Tesfasion/ተስፋጽዮን
        I am just reproducing my side note from my above comment which reads as “Eritreans are supposedly to be the first people to feel or express sympathy for the oppressed and landless people of not just the South Sudan people but also with all people regardless of their religion and ethnicity. Until then we will continue to suffer of our own evil thinking and double standards.”.

        You sound that you’re also infected by the same virus and thus you copied and pasted the zionist arguments used here and there to distract us from thinking right and thereby maintain the statuesque.

        Please compare my comment and your comment and decide for your self who fits best to your own definition of Abeed/slave.

        As a bonus, here is the Divine command that guides my argument:

        “Believers! Stand up firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor; for God can best protect both.” (Quran 4:135).

        May I invite you to join this Prophetic wisdom of supporting an oppressive regime of PFDJ by stopping their oppression, and help our young nation to be a much better place for all of us.

    • T.Yitbarek July 10, 2016

      Dear commentetors, it is your God given rights to voice what ever you deam wrong and right, however the machinations going on behind the backs of the people inside Eritrea is alarming.I am still struggling with my fellow Eritreans for the voiceless and I will do in the future as well.
      Vulgarity and distortion doesn’t make your comments to outsmart the article from wht it is meant for. Inforamation exchange with fellow Eritreans.Infrmation is power and we always need to dig for relevent information and share it! That is what information exchange is for fellows!

  • Jema July 8, 2016

    You keep speculating about US. What about the EU, UK, Denmark etc etc? Are they not more friendly and accommodating to the tyrannical regime in Eritrea? You keep blaming the US for not pushing for the UNSC and ICC, but you don’t have an idea what it means to the a resolution referring the matter to the General Assembly. and all of its Organs. Be realistic and blame those who are doing much less that the US.

  • WoBawzan July 8, 2016

    Here is my take on the article .
    1. The analysis is right that USA and a credible sovereign basis it’s bilateral & geo-political relations.
    It is a given US emerged as super power after World War II and Cold War. They have no choice but sustain that status . Otherwise , China takes over Taiwan, Iraq takes over Kuwait, Iran takes over Qatar. Meaning no order. Which means Iran will not stop until it gets to Yemen. These are dreadful scenarios.

    2. Thhe above analysis is however outdated in it’s details. Times have changed . USA supported Eritrean unity that culminated into Federatiin of Eritrea with Ethiopia in 1952. They made no secret of it. In exchange They got Kagnew station , radar in wokidiba, radar in Guraa.

    3. Boom !while we were killing each other , famine wiping out Wollo (a Tigrean governor who happens to be our dictators fraternal uncle as Inde-Rasse of the canine defunct emperor) modern physics changed the world . Yeah… satellites went up in sky. With that no Kagnew needed to eavesdrop Russia).

    4. Let us not Deny USA finally acknowledged Eritrean referendum, self determination was the solution. Recall a Khartoum airport TARMAC meeting with the then Vice President George H bush with Secretary General then, now DIA and the symbol only Romaadan Why ? They are seeing the tilt in power and yes it is about Red Sea!

    5. Fast forward Russia crumbled – carter led mediation with the dying Dergue , liberation of Massawa ( by this time Tigrai was liberated& on standby. Recall Eplf strategy to finish the Dergue from the South, then Dergue going full force to India Selassie, then Massawa became tactical and the route to Addis for the Eplf changed.
    This is when the card for the exit of evil Mengistu was put on the table. Recall first prime time interview With Ted koppel, Night Kine ( Dr. Tesfay Chegee- observer Eritrea at the Un , ambassador kasha Kebede-now a fun if DIA)
    6. Fast forward , Eritrea became free nation with first country to recognize it bein Ethiopiia , second USA
    7. Recall how quickly Issayas became reverd leader along with Meles as future of Africa.
    8. Prove in point , Eritrea took lead to mend Aydeeed – USA debacle..and they succeeded briefly
    9. Recall how Eritrea became enabler and lobbying for Kabila & Zaire
    10. DiA begun … To be ambitious – and did not listen to some of the brightest Eritreans advice.
    He begun to poke in Somalia, Kenya, Zaire Djibouti.
    11. Had he played a statesman USA vouched that Eritrea was stable partner of the red -sea interest
    12. This was proven after relationship soured just before and worse after the war Pentagon & Eritrean government continued this partnership was excellent.
    13. Don’t forget the famous picture of Rumsfeeld visit to Asmara beaming shake hand with the DIA.
    14. By this time the state department and Eritrea were at Odds
    15. Meles moved from no2 to no.1… And moved to full blown statesman. He listened better!
    16. . Let us call a spade a spade. This did not sit well with DIA.
    17 the rest is history – war erupted… We are we are both countries as much as Eritrea is in Shambles the troubled waters of Ethiopia not over . Time will test it – I remain a well wisher

    It is time to move from this myth that USA is against Eritrea . USA ‘ strategy for the East coast of the Red se is stability, no Somalia again, huge Alarm if slight cause of instability of 80 + million Ethiopia.
    You may not agree, like it or not these problems are viewed as unlikely, because of the journey in this nation . We have been through this even worst in the 50s . Now it is just one man , Higdef away.
    USA will always respect the sovereignty of Eritrea but will ensure we are strategically linked with Ethiopia considering the tough neighbiurhoid they are in look around . It is real
    Please refrain from hallucinating with nightmare of the past. We are a heartstop of DIA & implementing the chartered Constitution
    Leapt us spark the future bright

    • Haile July 9, 2016

      WoBawzan aka ertra n Arebawyan,
      You simply remind me of the comedian Iraqi Defense minister by the name of comedian Ali but you are not only an Arab desert comedian but also Abdurobo and a Somali warlord Sheikh Khalid still operating in one of your Libyan desert caves.
      Simply leave Eritrean issue to real/genuine dekebat Eritreans. No matter what latest fake and jihadi pen-names you come up with you remain the same old “baAl buzuH meliHas ab hade jihadi re’isi gimel” Arab slave.
      Sell all your trash somewhere else like to your savage evil moslem Arab markets and don’t bring your jihadi cheap terrorist lectures to our peaceful websites like Assenna’s. Indeed, it is the right reply to any idiot or group of idiots who want to use any Eritrean/Ethiopian story for a cheap and failed objective. We have already figured out that your small moslem Arab brain is decaying and needs to be sent back to its savage moslem Arab slave masters for refuel.
      Why on earth someone calling himself various weirdo savage Arab’s slave names is trying to do the same idiotic thing is beyond me! Simply, Why are you on Eritrean websites posing as an Eritrean with so many scavengers names? Do you really think you are more smarter and more Eritrean than the rest of us or is it just old habits die hard thing and also that you were damaged beyond repairs by your savage evil moslem Arab slave masters?
      I feel very sorry and sympathetic for poor Assenna that they have to put up with your cheap games and cheats on top of their very busy schedules. If you have nothing positive to contribute to the on going struggle against the Eritrean tyrant and brutal regime then just stay away and don’t distract the innocent ones from contributing their best for a change.

      • WoBawzan July 9, 2016

        Wow, Wow, Wow. Dude, don’t geer mad. I could feel you fretting . Trust me I did not mean to get under your skin.
        It is neither shocking or surprising to read your rant full of filth , with every word Arab, Arba, Arab.. Buth then I am not surprised your feudal brain still oozes( dirt poor but sill thinks superior to many). Haile, the defunct Haile Slassie, Haile – trhe Menistu Hailemariam.. Haile the anti=pm Hailemareriam, following footsteps of later pm Meles gerrting rid of Ethiopians like you sick to death with rotten feudalistic, inferiorty complex ridden old Tigrian/Ethiopian mentality.
        You despise Arabs so much , please go to Dubai how many of your sistersare not sold butsell themselves for a phone card. Stop hating Arabs ! Worst you saw the image from Saudi Arabia on your own people. They have no plaaqce in mine & your life or destiny , Zero, Nada, maffi , Minim!

        On a serious note, if you have an iota of cerebral matter I dare you to challenge every item of points backed with facts. I stated. Then you will learn how hard it is to argue from fear. I dare you to challenge me point by point.. I know the turf I am in. That is why I write point by point.

        If your aim was to run me out of this you have no clue how intertwined and connected Eritreans are. Stop this game of spewing venom inside Eritreans. It is old. It is dead on arrival.. if you want to understand Eritreans. Watch Genova, but more than that study the endurance and resilient history of Eritreans. (Turks, Egyptions, Ethiopin canine emperor & brutal dictaor, now we have a psycho(qualified under Higi Indabba citizenship qualification – don’t want to be ethnic but also a remnant of feudlism just like you.

        Hailucha! pleae cease to be imbecille , get to fact to fact debate. I urge you go back read point to point and critique it- then you will begin to live in 2016 in the west, not just get counted.

      • WoBawzan July 9, 2016

        Haile aka Haile Selassie, aka Mengistu Hailemariam,
        Wow, Wow, Wow. Dude, don’t get mad. I could feel you fretting . Trust me I did not mean to get under your skin.
        It is neither shocking or surprising to read your rant full of filth , with every word Arab, Arab,,Arab, nomad etc… But then I am not surprised your feudal brain still oozes filth. Your generations of feudal abuse got you to be dirt poor that sill thinks superior to many including Arbas.. Haile, the defunct Haile Selassie, Haile – the Menistu Hailemariam.. Haile the anti=pm Hailemarriam, Thanks God for Meles getting chapter one in place to get rid of Ethiopians like you sick to death with rotten feudalistic Timkihti and inferiorty complex ridden old Tigrian/Ethiopian mentality.
        You despise Arabs so much , please go to Dubai and see how many of your sisters are not sold but sell themselves for a phone card.! Worst you saw the image from Saudi Arabia on your own people. Don’t agree with it. But you behave so superior and try to demonize Eritrean history ! try & you will fail.

        Dont panic too much like a small boy dreading his parents divorce. Eritrea is free but is not going away from neighbors and brehtern country of future( thanks for Meles) Ethiopia.. Arbas have no place in mine & your life or destiny , Zero, Nada, maffi , Minim yelen, Aynehen!

        On a serious note, if you have an iota of cerebral matter I dare you to challenge every item of points I made backed with facts. Then you will learn how hard it is to argue from fear. I dare you to challenge me point by point..beyzakha Anbebo! I know the turf I am in. That is why I write point by point.

        If your aim was to run me out of this honorable Eritrean and yes Eritrean website you have no clue how intertwined and connected Eritreans are. Stop this game of spewing venom inside Eritreans. It is old. It is dead on arrival.. if you want to understand Eritreans. Watch Genova, but more than that study the endurance and resilient history of Eritreans. (Turks, Egyptians, Ethiopian canine emperor & brutal dictator, now about to knock down the psycho(a qualified under Higi Indabba Eritrean citizen – don’t want to be ethnic but he is also a remnant of feudals just like you.

        Hailucha! please cease to be imbecile , get to fact to fact debate. I urge you go back read point to point of my piece and critique it- then you will begin to live in 2016 in the west, not just get counted.

        • Why July 9, 2016

          As a wise Eritrean wrote, at least “Haile” is in Tigre, Tigrinya, Bilen, Amharic and Geeze, all African languages.
          Haile should be very proud for not burning his own Tigre language and not trying to be a fake Italian or Arab. ):

  • ertra n ertrawyan July 8, 2016

    The Eritrean youth know what Eritreas interests. They will play the game as what they did to achieve Independence. Eritrean youths have grown on struggle not on parks. Therefore no more games remained unknown. They know how to outsmart Issayas and his supper powers. You the author can not preach us which group may come to power. We know your intention. The power will go to the hands of innocents, the power will go to the voiceless Eritrean people.
    I can categorization your script in to two.
    1. You have wrote it as an alarm to intimidate Eritrean people from fighting Issayas.
    2. If reason number one could not happen you wrote it as an advertisement to show the people that there are groups which are ready to be elected.

    So thanks for your twisted article.

    • WoBawzan July 9, 2016

      Eritrea n Ertrrawyan,

      Keep going junior brother. You nailed it , Don’t get distracted by this academic, think tank wanna be who are struck in time, I have faith in our youth even if history has not been on your side. Time heals everything if you stay within the dreams and aspiration.


  • Why July 9, 2016

    The conclusion wrongly says, “… and the UAE and other allies with deepening interest in Eritrea are likely to involve themselves if needed.”

    No sane Arab, especially the opportunist selfish greedy Arabs in the Gulf states such as United Arab Emirates – UAE will risk their (Arab) lives and army to defend anything in Eritrea. Case in point, the savage and opportunist Saudi Arabians are using mercenaries from poor Muslim nations, including Eritreans to die for them in another Arab conflict in the Arabian peninsula of Yemen.
    An opportunist Arab comes to your house only first to sell trinkets or rent something then he tells you how backward your culture, language and beliefs are, after that he claims the piece of land you gave him as his own, burns your languages and identity, kills all the men and take all the women and children as slaves or Abeed.
    No Arab will die or even give a hand when Eritrea and Eritreans are in life and death situation let alone join to in war to support Eritrea. Just ask the Eritrean refugees in the land of Arab Libya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt … those who are being forcibly returned to Eritrea and raped, tortured, hot iron branded, forced to pay 35,000 US$, sold to Arab sex slavery, lost their kidneys and lives in Arab Arab lands and by Arabs …..

    Areb z’amene: mai kezHaqone; ዓረብ ዝኣመነ፤ ማይ ከምዝሓቖነ።

    Don’t be surprised if a slave minded Arab wanabe comes across this to defend the savage opportunist Arabs. The Gulf Arabs would not even respect the rights of the Pakistani and African Muslims who were born and grew up in the Gulf states nor would they give them citizenship, such is the evilness and opportunism of these backward savage Arabs

  • Genet Original July 10, 2016

    What in the world!
    What is going on at
    Our home website is being invaded by intruders with multiple fake names and identities. Some of Assenna commentators have noted those people may be are PFDJ dogs and Woyanits. My understanding of their comments posted on resent articles, they are not the usual PFDJ zombies. Those people who are invading assenna are absolutely not new to assenna. They have been around for a while. Unsuccessfully they have been trying to take down assenna.

    Now, how to successfully spot intruders:
    They are angry, disruptive, arrogant and hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, and hate, hate, hate, and hate the fact Eritrea is a NATION. And that is the root of their anger. Their message is to demoralize the Eritrean people.

  • Genet Original July 10, 2016

    How to spot an intruders at assenna:
    They are too angry at Ghdli not because what you think. Like Ghdli system was unusually traumatic and painful to Eritrean people. Not at all. Those pretender don’t care about Eritrean people. They are anti Ghdli, because Ghdli brought Independent Eritrea.

    The intruders hate the Eritrean Ghdli, but won’t hate the leader who is still alive. You got it. The diabolical Isayas Afewerq. Although the world knows Isayas mastermind the suffering of the Eritrean people, the pretenders at assenna will not want to hold him accountable. WHY? Because they think Isayas may be, able to undo the Eritrean independence. And that is way they won’t write or say against him.

  • Genet Original July 10, 2016

    Cont. How to spot intruders at assenna,
    They don’t feel the suffering of the Eritrean people. Hint, they are not Eritreans. They want to see Eritrea divided and in total chaos. Yes, worst than what our people are going through right now. See, my people, Yes, we are dealing with savage piece of trashes. They accuse the Eritrean society being arrogant, heartless, ruthless, and who suffer from identity crisis. The fact is we Eritreans know who we are and who wouldn’t want be with. The identity crisis goes to the Holier Than Thou, ” the intruders and pretenders at assenna”
    Now, they are coming under Muslim names, as women or men. They like to bash the Arab world all together, mainly to upset and divide the Eritrean people. What else can anyone bash any group of people at other group of people’s website? Their action speak for itself. They are the enemy of the Eritrean people. They are our worst enemy, because they are poring salts in our gashing wound caused by Isayas Afewerq from Temben.

  • Genet Original July 10, 2016

    Cont How to spot intruders and pretenders.
    Bashing the Arab world at assenna is meant to disrespect our Eritrean Muslims. How arrogant can they be that they think the Eritrean Muslims are different than the Muslims in Axum or the rest of Ethiopia. Just pure ignorant and hate. When is going to end bashing the Eritrean people and denying the Nation of Eritrea? One day will end. And those shameless intruders and pretenders will disappear in the thin air, Hate toward the Eritrean Ghdli, but loving Isayas Afewerq is just a red flag who the intruders and pretenders.
    So, Eritrean at assenna, be proactive and safeguard the Eritrean site. May be we are down, but not out.
    God Bless our people and the nation of Eritrea!!!