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USA and Its Policy on Eritrea and Phalestina since 1948:

My Birthday is unfortunately on the same year and when I celebrate my birthday with few friends I burn two candles, one for the Phalestinian refugees and the second also for the Eritrean refugees whom

My Birthday is unfortunately on the same year and when I celebrate my birthday with few friends I burn two candles, one for the Phalestinian refugees and the second also for the Eritrean refugees whom from Eilet Sahel to whom I met along the railway line in Asmara leading to Keren and Agordat in 1965.These group of internally displaced were mainly women and children among them were two women in labour on the grass maat, called now EXPO but we use to call it Parco, meaning parck in the Barjima area of Asmara just below the junction of the railway and the asfhalt road leading to Blocko Godaif. What I did not know at that time was how many Eritrean refugees have crossed the boarder with Sudan from the areas of Barka,Sahel and Semhar provinces of Eritrea. As children or young adults we were shocked and went home to beg bread and panne from our mothers and neighbours and came back with some bread and some Eth.Birr which we were donnated by our relatives and neighbours.


One of the women in labour already gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Despite the hardships and uncertainity the women gathered to conguratulate the newly mother and ullulating with vigour. Well saddly enough this was during the occupation of Eritrea by the then Emperor Haile Sellassie, and it was not the last time Eilet and its people would be facing a catastroph.The DERG, amilitary Junta that took power from Haile Sellassie went again to destroy Hirghigo,Emberemi in the Semhar province and further to the coast to Eilet in the Sahel province, the province where our Hero Wed Ali Hijay was born, also our Founding father of the Eritrean Independence struggle Ibrahim Sultan’s birth place and province.The DERG soldiers run over people and domestic animals with armoured tanks. How terrible it was is not far from the memories we have of the DERG.

The USA:

Diplomats and poleticians would refrain from mentioning the Vietnam and Laos wars.The bombs falling on villages and the Agent Orange spraid on crowded areas. My Lai village massacre was a vivid memory in 1968.What happened at My Lai only came to public light in November 1969 when a US soldier, Paul Meadlo, was interviewed on television and admitted killing “ten of fifteen men, women and children” at My Lai.

Asmara, Massawa and Guraa in Eritrea, were the Stations where US Marines spied the Vietcongs and the Middle East Arabs. As usual the powerful countries have their priorities; USA National Interest has no eyes and noses towards Human Beings but their strategy and gaining Capital where ever material gains can be achieved.By now it is the accepted policy, due to its unchanging foreingpolicy and application while drawing its strategic importance. The New World Order is also based on this notion, no mater how harmful to the world peace it may be.


The USA  policy on Eritrea’s Self determination since 1948;

The USA has never been considered as a friend to the Eritrean people ever since the end of the WW II, the reason is that it has chosen the bigger and friendly nation of  Ethiopia as a strategic partner in the Horn of Africa.

The text of the Eritrea resolution, which was initiated by Somalia and Djibouti, was watered down after several countries – among them the United States and China – objected to the tough language.

Unlike Ambassador Susan Rice, the current

U.S. diplomat Eric Richardson said the Eritrea report did not have” the same level of sophistication and precision” as the report on North Korea and the United States could not support the language of the text without revisions.” Eritrea as it today governed by a dictator and a murderer, is not in the National interest to help the suffering people, but to treat its old client Issayas mildly and may be busy to give him a corridor to get away with it.The USA is usually a friend of dictators as long as US national interest and strategy is maintained by such dictators.Saudia Arabian Monarchy is a good example and, the late Pinochet of Chile and others…How could such a nation that advocates for democracy, national parliament elections and free speech could neglect the sufferings of a whole nation caused by such a mad dictator ? Well being a layman is hard to understand such sofisticated foreign policy, however such hypocracy is heart breaking no matter what the reason may be.Could it be the cheaply available raw material in Eritrea, where even slave labour is tolerated by foreign companies such as NEVSUN  of Canada.


US National interest:


A commission that reported on US national Interest has laid down a summary of the Vital US National Interests; Vital national interests are conditions that are strictly necessary to safeguard and enhance Americans’ survival and well-being in a free and secure nation.


Vital US national interests are to:

  1. Prevent, deter, and reduce the threat of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons attacks on the United States or its military forces abroad;
  2. Ensure US allies’ survival and their active cooperation with the US in shaping an international system in which we can thrive;
  3. Prevent the emergence of hostile major powers or failed states on US borders;
  4. Ensure the viability and stability of major global systems (trade, financial markets, supplies of energy, and the environment); and
  5. Establish productive relations, consistent with American national interests, with nations that could become strategic adversaries, China and Russia.


Instrumentally, these vital interests will be enhanced and protected by promoting singular US leadership, military and intelligence capabilities, credibility (including a reputation for adherence to clear US commitments and even-handedness in dealing with other states), and strengthening critical international institutions– particularly the US alliance system around the world.

Extremely important national interests are conditions that, if compromised, would severely prejudice but not strictly imperil the ability of the US government to safeguard and enhance the well-being of Americans in a free and secure nation. This implies even using Force and political  machinationes like bypassing the UN security Council’s confirmation of evidences!A good example is the Bush Junior decission to invade Iraq.

Phalestina and Eritrea are in the US vital interest zones, the Middle East and East Africa, as the commission has given the areas of US positions of vital interest;


  • That Israel survive as a free state.
  • That there be no major sustained curtailment in energy supplies to the world.
  • That no state in the region hostile to the United States acquire new or additional weapons of mass destruction (WMD) capabilities.

Extremely Important

  • That there be no hostile regional hegemon in the Persian Gulf.
  • That the Middle East peace process continue toward success.
  • That the United States maintain good relations with the region’s pro-Western Arab regimes and that these regimes survive domestically.
  • That regional terrorism be held in check.


In the UN General Assembly for Human Rights in Geneve , US and China both softened the Djibouti and Somalia recommendations to deal with the Crimes against Humanity commited by the Eritrean regime, to take the matter to the ICC, simply they do not want to embarass their claint Issayas Afewerki. Both countries have relied on him for a long period of time for the work he did in the Horn of Africa i.e. to destabilize the area where they can exploit the situation of instability for their own means to get what they wanted from that area.    


The Phalestine issue is obvious in their vital  national interest, because they created an artificial state in Phalestina and maintained their interest in the Middle East at the expense of the Phalestinian people and the Middle East. They still maintain the idea  “That Israel survive as a free state.  in the context of the US Vital National Interest in the area of a strategic importance to control and garranty their oil exploitation.  The number of  Phalestinan internally displaced and refugees in Syria and Lebanon is not as important as the safety of Israel.  

What do one expect from the suppoerpoer in the Human suffering of these two nations? A benovelent concern to ease the population of these countries by supporting their cause in the UN, however as the commison concluded;

Today the US has greater power and fewer adversaries than ever before in American history. Relative to any potential competitor, the US is more powerful, more wealthy, and more influential than any nation since the Roman empire. “With these extraordinary advantages, America today is uniquely positioned to shape the international system to promote international peace and prosperity for decades or even generations to come.” Only a foreign policy grounded in America’s national interests can identify priorities for American engagement in the world. Only such a policy will allow America’s leaders to explain persuasively how and why American citizens should support expenditures of American treasure or blood.      

Finally the Eritrean people and the Phalestinians should do rely on their own potential and ability to convince the world community that they have also the legitimate  right to live in peace and be considered as other peoples else where in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East.     

  • Who is going to represent the US vital interest in the small Horn of African countryEritrea, after Issayas Afewrki? Well there are a couple of them, not the NECSE or Political Organizations who were members of the ELF or may be newly formed Youth opposition groups, but who would represent the US Vital National Interest. First of all Ethiopia will be consulted and the Pro US guys who have been visiting the State Department are already involved, and as a white wash, the SIDRI as a favourable civil group + the nonviolent political group, the EPDP under Mesfun Hagos courtship,Proff.Bereket H/SellASSIE +Ilias H/Selassie  +MEDREK, the newly formed remnants of the Secret Party of the EPLF members, including Dr.Asefaw,Shengheb etc.and the Elite group of A/Brhan and H.Menkerious+Abdala Adem etc..etc..The Youth group offcourse it will not the majority in Ethiopia resident ,Israel or USA and Europe.

There will be a chosen group considered non-violent and pro-USA entities. There will be the EDF and PFDJ senior officers and YPFDJ youth and those mostly Ethio-Eritrean entities with some inferiority Complexities still living in the Country and Ethiopian Involvement alla …………………………….Federation that would help the US and EU intrested to be garranted.


Excluded will be the ex-estudientes agush or lefties. The major ELF remnants living in Ethiopia but with some Ethiopian favourites based on Ethnic,religous and already based on trust.   


The Strategy :

Courting the Tigray Tigrigni Entities from both countries and eventually uniting both countries to satisfy the US vital interest in the Horn of Africa and the security garranty on the Red Sea and Bab El Mandeb and Bay of Tadjura area.

Dialema: The Saudia,Emerat and Preident Issays Afewrki Conivance to be resolved in a short period of tim.

Resolve: The Minerals,Potash and other natural resources in Eritrea sharing between The USA,Ethiopia and the new Eritrean provisional government…….based on Confederation with Ethiopia blessed by the USA.


The Eritrean people’s aspiration for Independence and Democracy will be vanishing, with the hope that the USA will have a chank of the RED SEA and the BAB EL MANDEB Entrance to the Red Sea!  The hegomony and Imperialistic dreams of the USA remains the same from the 19th Century and beyond! Emperialism Is the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Vladmir Lenin!

I pray to God that this machination would not happen in my life time!

We shall overcome even the National Interest of the USA in due course!

God Bless Eritrea!



Review overview
  • g michael July 7, 2016

    The myth and conspiracy theories that the US maintains Imperial ambitions on Eritrea would have been appropriate for people at different place and different times when globalization driven by revolution in technology and mass media had not reached to the level we witness in our times. Eritreans in diaspora particularly those in the USA have access to information that the United States Government makes available. National policies and many unclassified information have been declassified and made open in ‘wikileaks’. Yet, no trace of any hidden agendas towards Eritrea.

    Hgdef begged and begged the US particularly when Ramsfield visited Eritrea.before the Desert Storm to use Eritrea as a staging ground for the Iraq war. Who could forget when Girma Asmerom pleaded, ‘Eritrea for sale’ to the US around the same time? In this space age, the US simply does not seem to be interested in an empire/subject type of relationship..

    The great statesman, the late Meles Zenaw, effectively negotiated his nations dreams and visions with the USA and often at odds but managed to enlist the support he needed to get the financial help to the tune of billions of dollars and continues to this day even after he is long gone. .

    So why propagate this myth? It falls in to HGDEF’s narrative of blame game.

    • Lamek July 7, 2016

      Thank you G Michael. The author exemplified the mentality of the prototypical Eritrean. I cannot believe how much brainwashing has been done by Ghedli and in particular Shaebia to Eritrean people. Even the most educated and elite Eritreans still hold the belief that we are a unique people, we are being targeted by big powers, we have the best land and sea in the world, we are better than all the ‘monkey’ black people, heck we are not even black. I am not sure what it will take to undo all of these utter misconceptions. But until the day when we are de-brainwashed, we will continue to perish.

  • Tes July 7, 2016

    Dear assenna Team
    I am really confused items fit to modet or meskerem is posted here. I visit this site to get unbiased news and analysis not same rubbish. This gentleman waste my time. What a garbage

  • Qantisha July 7, 2016

    Complete garbage! blaming USA or Israel to once own problems is a national sport in many Arab nations, be it Libya under Gadaffi, Iraq under Sadam, Syria under Assad, Sudan under Omar Albashir … and many others while these tyrants were murdering their own people in hundreds of thousands like the Khurdish and darfur Muslims.
    Issiais Afaf does too as some Eritreans in the opposition and the slave minded ones.
    America is not going to do your job, clean your act and do it yourself or keep on burning your identity, history, languages and keep on living like a slave or Abeed as the UN report indicates.

  • Solomon Aceto July 7, 2016

    I want to see Eritrean people living in peace. I do not care, whether Federation or Confederation. The historically brotherly people of Agazian have to leave peacefully. Whether in Eritrea or Ethiopia OR to have Agazian country.

  • Michael Tesfamariam July 7, 2016

    First of all, I think many would profoundly disagree with your point of view that the state of Israel was created “artificially” by the US. There is no scintilla shred evidence that could justify your argument.
    The state of Israel was created as homeland for the Jewish people legally under the UN-then the League of Nations-partition plan between Arabs and Jewish. In fact, the Jewish accepted the partition plan while Arabs abjured it-instead they formed a coalition of war to eliminate the state of Israel through military means- which unfortunately turned out to be one of the most devastating war for all Arabs that were involved in the war or otherwise knows as the 6-Days war. Ever since then the two people have been in continuous circle of violence.
    It is just absurd to hear people from the left political spectrum espousing their ideologically driven toxic groundless anti-Israel sentiments. I am not Israel, have never been to Israel, or met Israeli but I happened to be one of those who had opportunity to observe the debate sounding Israel-Palestine issue. Like or lump It-Israel is the only country in the middle East with functioning democratic internal mechanism by which justice is served equally. It should deserve the support of all decent and morally good people around the globe. Despite being small and young, its contribution in science, agriculture, tech and other very essential fields have been extremely significant-millions of poor Africans were able to achieve sustained food security with Israel High Ari technology.
    Despite its tremendous security challenges- Israel was able to accommodate thousands of Eritreans refugees-gave them the basic rights no Arab country has ever given them.
    Personally-you may be entitled to take a side-but you cannot simply deny the fact just because you did not like Israel.
    With regard to US foreign policy-yes I agree. It is always perfectly clear that the US does not get involved in any military or diplomatic action if it does not appear to be for its geopolitical interest. That is why US and its European counteracts were using softly crafted languages in response to the UN COI on Eritrea. There are well paid lobbies who were deployed by the military junta in Eritrea to affect the decision of the UN human rights report and in fact-they did manage to influence to some extent as we all know.
    Also worth remembering the fact that the PLO was the only faction in the region that did not recognize Eritrean struggle for independence. That is why -when asked about Israel-Palestine issue, the leader of HGDEF-dictator Issais responded by saying “there is no such Palestinian people exist” I am afraid I have to reluctantly concur with him though he is my worst enemy ever.
    I agree by all odds that Arabs in Palestine have suffered terribly for years. However- one with sensible mind ought to pose himself the fundamental question-why they are still suffering 78 years on? The simplest answer one could ever give you is- because of their greedy, corrupt and dishonest leaders- whose goal is nothing but to maintain the status quo for ever so they can continue to make fortunes at the expense of innocent live whom they pretend they are fighting for. The fact of the matter is neither the Palestinian leaders nor do the despotic leaders in the Gulf have the will and courage to make peace with Israel.
    Human rights situation in Eritrea has just started to receive UN attention for the first time ever since the regime began to anguish its own people back in 1990. Until recently- the UN has been unable to spend a single session on Eritrea despite influx refugees fleeing in drove to escape appalling human right conditions in the country. It was completely stuck in the Middle East -allocating disproportionate amount of international resources on Israel-Palestine nonsense-while ignoring others with much worse humanitarian crisis.

    • Muhammad July 8, 2016

      Dear Michael Tesfamariam – you sound like a Tesfasion/ተስፋጽዮን wana be zionist (ጽዮናዊ) of our own.
      For your benefit, I just googled for the definition of artificially and here is what I got for you. I hope you had not waste a full page of and it’s moderater’s precious time.
      Artificial: made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally. So the country you’re defending was established by the UN (collection of human beings) in compensation of the atrocities committed by the Europeans on the jews people at the price of the Palestine’s land (ዘይ ስንኻ እምኒ ቆርጥመሉ ይብሉ ኣቦታትካኣ!).
      As a side note: Eritreans are supposedly to be the first people to feel or express sympathy for the oppressed and landless people of not just the South Sudan people but also with all people regardless of their religion and ethnicity. Until then we will continue to suffer of our own evil thinking and double standards.

  • Michael Tesfamariam July 7, 2016

    With regard to US foreign policy-yes I agree. It is always perfectly clear that the US does not get involved in any military or diplomatic action if it does not appear to be for its geopolitical interest. That is why US and its European counteracts were using softly crafted languages in response to the UN COI on Eritrea. There are well paid lobbies who were deployed by the military junta in Eritrea to affect the decision of the UN human rights report and in fact-they did manage to influence to some extent as we all know.
    Also worth remembering the fact that the PLO was the only faction in the region that did not recognize Eritrean struggle for independence. That is why -when asked about Israel-Palestine issue, the leader of HGDEF-dictator Issais responded by saying “there is no such Palestinian people exist” I am afraid I have to reluctantly concur with him though he is my worst enemy ever.
    I agree by all odds that Arabs in Palestine have suffered terribly for years. However- one with sensible mind ought to pose himself the fundamental question-why they are still suffering 78 years on? The simplest answer one could ever give you is- because of their greedy, corrupt and dishonest leaders- whose goal is nothing but to maintain the status quo for ever so they can continue to make fortunes at the expense of innocent live whom they pretend they are fighting for. The fact of the matter is neither the Palestinian leaders nor do the despotic leaders in the Gulf have the will and courage to make peace with Israel.
    Human rights situation in Eritrea has just started to receive UN attention for the first time ever since the regime began to anguish its own people back in 1990. Until recently- the UN has been unable to spend a single session on Eritrea despite influx refugees fleeing in drove to escape appalling human right conditions in the country. It was completely stuck in the Middle East -allocating disproportionate amount of international resources on Israel-Palestine nonsense-while ignoring others with much worse humanitarian crisis.

    • Haile July 8, 2016

      Brother M.Tesfamariam, very well said and keep it up, all in all great observations brother.

  • Simon G. July 7, 2016

    This is just my opinion and don’t blame me for not having the big picture. Why? Because that’s my limitation.
    Now, let’s get to the topic. I believe:
    1. USA cares for its interest. Well, they say this every time in public. This is not for our interest……..
    2. USA cares more about Ethiopia than Eritrea. Why? Ethiopia has more population and also they sell the “Christian Country” to the public. We both look alike and they don’t really care if it comes to the race or nationality. Who they can sell more products to? Of course Ethiopia. Think if you were a trader for a moment. Who would you pick.
    3. I agree on the comment it was stated above that we Eritreans think the smartest people. What exactly did we do to claim we are the smartest people? For God sake, Even Asmara was built by Italians. We are as normal people as anyone. If we have to take statistics on the diaspora Eritreans, the data shows on contrary. Data never lies. Unless we stop thinking that we are as normal human being but we have fallen to the bottom of bath curb, we will never improve. Drop that HGDF scam that they have been programming us to be unique people. That is complete gibberish.
    4. East Africans are all the same. Don’t make it like we are different from each other. We have separate countries but same people. Think globally!
    5. Successful people do not complain! Let’s think that way and fix our problem. We have wasted more time than we can afford it. Time to act!
    I have high respect for the author of this article. We need more educated people like you. It doesn’t matter if agree with you or not but I still see you as an asset to future Eritrea. Keep it up my brother!

  • Abate July 7, 2016

    Dear brothers and sisters
    Believe me this is a piece from DIA and his cohorts with an abominable english writing style to make us believe.

  • Gobo July 7, 2016

    I thought I was reading Meskerem or an Arab yellow paper, or shall I say a volunteer Arab wanabe text. The funny and sad thing about these “Arab” more than the Arab attitude is that, they do not open their mind when half a million African Muslims in Darfur perished in few years or about hundreds of thousands Khurdish massacred by the Arab Sadam Hussien or about the millions black slaves or “Abeed” as they call them in the savage Arab world, nor do these guys speak about the Eritrean languages and identity burned deliberately by some ignorant worthless Ghedli “leaders”.
    This is a typical product of Ghedli inspired, addled and lazy brain suffering from deep inferiority complex. This, I am afraid, is the future mentality of many Eritreans, no wonder some people are still singing “we are Saudis or Baathi Iraqis” while we are being raped and murdered in the Arab world.
    The many people who hate America and love other nations are hiding with their children as refugees in America as Ali Abdu did by sending his wife to America to give an “American” child.

  • Berhe Tensea July 7, 2016

    On this modern age spying is done mostly from space, and as such America has no strategic interest on the Red sea .
    America has more than enough friends on the Red sea area like Saudis, and Egypt.
    Above all the American government is in good diplomatic terms with Ethiopia.
    Secondly we do’t need any one to help us liberate our selves , we have started the fight from outside my witness is Geneve, and Israel , and hopefully the tortured and the abused inside will also do their part in by doing popular uprising , as soon as possible.
    The regime is doing its best to stop popular action from taking place as it is wasting millions of dollars in spying and and on its huge security apparatus,
    I hope to see the Tembenay in Arusha Tanzania as a prisoner of the African Union.,

    • hp July 8, 2016

      Berhe tensea
      You said it correctly! USA is no longer enemy of us if not we are enemy to ourselves. We are olso giving rooms to WEYANIST & ISIS aspirants in this forum unfortunately.

      • hp July 8, 2016

        Unfortunately. “”the so called our government is responsible to oll this matter i guess.

    • Haile July 9, 2016

      Poor Berhe Tensea and hp,
      Your kind of poor slaves and sick mentality is what is destroying our youth and Eritrea. If you weren’t a victim of your own ignorance, then you should have known better the path your masters WEYANE have taken to make Ethiopia at peace and developing it like never before without Eritrea and would take another 30 yrs of evil gedli armed struggle among Eritreans to come to our sense and catch up with Ethiopia. Forget your evil fake ghedli, it has put Eritrea and Eritreans into stone age with your types of stone age ignorant zombies.

      • PH July 11, 2016

        I bet you’re are poisoned by mistake.perhaps you have acidity, unbalanced PH! How ever,since there are anti dot is available why don’t you go or going with if you are true eritrean? Anta Zeman. ..

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