Urgent Letter from Eritrea
It is with the great sorrow and disgust that I am expressing a deep feeling of despair regarding the Eritrean Govt’s indiscriminate recruiting campaign of diabetic and blood pressure(hypertension) victims to the most punitive and

It is with the great sorrow and disgust that I am expressing a deep feeling of despair regarding the Eritrean Govt’s indiscriminate recruiting campaign of diabetic and blood pressure(hypertension) victims to the most punitive and life threatening military training camps.
The day to day life in that camp is so volatile to those militias who are suffering from these prevalent diseases. There is no mercy at all from the regime operatives. I think we are being punished by the regime for ‘the crimes’ of those youngsters who are crossing the border in mass either to Ethiopia or Sudan.
Hence I would like to insist on you to call the international community and Amnesty International on behalf of us to put more pressure on the state of Eritrea to stop this barbaric act. Blood pressure is a dangerous medical condition; diabetes is also a killer either for insulin or oral tablet attendant.
Finally I want to re-iterate my call for all of you to stand beside those victims and take action urgently; because, the regime is indirectly facilitating our death. Please try to make some pressure on the EU in particular not to give aid to this brutal government which is killing its own people.
Thank you
meseret tesfu May 8, 2015
ዝብሩቃት ፍጥረት ክይና ካን ትማሊ ትማሊ ምስ ሓጺን ባሩድን ከምዘይጸምድና እንታ እንታይ ወሪዱና ትሕተሃገራዉነት ናይ ቁሸት ፖሊቲክ ሓዲግና ህዝብና ዘይነድሕን፡፡ እንተ እቶም ፍጡር ሰብ እተምልኵu እምሰሉታት ኣይትደቅሱ ገዛኩም ክኩኩሕ እዩ ንሱ ንሕና ጥራይ በሉ ፡፡
Tezareb May 8, 2015
Eritrea is on its final death bed, what a tragedy!
AHMED SALEH !!! May 9, 2015
I do not blame you but rather for those who give you chance
To contaminate this forum .
For some reason assenna deleted your arrogant comments in
reference at our educated independent patriots who disappeared
because they refuse to compromise on their principled beliefs for
the sake of national interest .
At the same time my response was deleted , we are even .
Anti-Higdef May 9, 2015
” ..I would like to insist on you to call the international community and Amnesty International on behalf of us to put more pressure on the state of Eritrea to stop this barbaric act. ”
The so-called GoE does not care about international pressures. However, they do care about people talking to them in the only language the understand: the sound coming out of the barrel of Kalashnikov.
Guns are everywhere, the government gives them without hesitation freely. The criminals are everywhere too, including Issu the monster. So what is missing is the will to bring about change by removing a few who are bleeding the country.
If you think there will be change while still the same people who are killing the whole country are still in power then you will continue to suffer. Partly because of wrong choices you do.
Mesinas May 9, 2015
እዚ ሓበሬታ’ዚ ሓሶት ከይመስለኩም ናይ ብሓቂ’ዩ! ክገርመኩም ኣጋጣሚ ትማሊ መዓልቲ ካብ ኣስመራ ዝተመልሰት ሓብተይ፡ ኣብ ኤርትራ ከላ ኣብ ሓደ እንዳ ሓዘን ካብዞም ግዳያት ታዓሊም ህግደፍ በጺሓ ኔራ። ሓደ ሰብ ኣብቲ እንዳ ሓዘን፡ ክሳዕ ሕጂ ካብታ ንሱ ዝነበራ ቦታ ታዓሊም ጥራይ፡ 10 ሕማም ደም ብዝሕን ሽኾርን ዝነበሮም ዜጋታትና ህይወቶም ከም ዝሓለፈት፡ ኣብቲ እንዳ ሓዘን ከዕልል ከም ዝሰምዓቶ ኣዕሊላትኒ! ምጾታት’ዩ! ኣብ ግዜ ደርጊስ ክገርመኩም፡ ሓደ ‘ናይ ሕርካም ጨጎራ’ እንብሎ ደቂቅ መንእሰይ ወዲ ገዛውትና ኔሩ። ጠላዕ ጎበዝ ክነሱ፡ ስርዓት ደርጊ ኣብቲ ፈታኒ ናይ ኲናት እዋን፡ ሚዛኑ ትሕቲ 50 ኪሎ ስለ ዝኾነ፡ ክልተ ግዜ ካብ ብሄራዊ ውትህድርንና ኣትሪፉዎ! ዝኾነ ይኹን ሕማም ዘሎዎም እሞ ከኣ ዕስክርና ብፍጹም ኣይምልከቶምን’ዩ! እሞ ከኣ ኣብቲ እዋን’ቲ ደርጊ ኣዝዩ ተዋጢሩ’ዩ ኔሩ! ናይ ሞትን ሕየትን ኲናት ዝካየደሉ ዝነበረ እዋን፡ ብሕማምን ብሚዛንን ምኽንያት ሰባት ፈላሊኻ ናብ ኲናት ክትሰድድ ብሓቂ ካብ መንግስቲ ትጽበዮ ፍትሓዊ መስርሕ’ኳ እንተ ኾነ፡ ካብ ደርጊ ከምዚ ዓይነት ፍትሒ ምርካቡ ግን ይገርመካ’ዩ። እዚ ከኣ ደርጊስ ዋላ’ኳ ከም ህግደፍ ኣዝዩ ጨካን እንተ ነበረ መንግስቲ ምንባሩ’ዩ ዚሕብር! ናይ ብሓቂ ደርጊ ዋላ ክንዲ ዝሓሰመ ይሕሰም መንግስቲ ዘብሎ ቅርጽን ስርዓትን ኔሩዎ’ዩ!
Teclay May 9, 2015
First of all i want to thank you for your good Tigrigna language.You try to teach us our own language, unlike the ignorant who burned it to ash in fever of alien.
Brotheri agree with what you said but “ካብ ደርጊ ከምዚ ዓይነት ፍትሒ ምርካቡ ግን ይገርመካ’ዩ። እዚ ከኣ ደርጊስ ዋላ’ኳ ከም ህግደፍ ኣዝዩ ጨካን እንተ ነበረ መንግስቲ ምንባሩ’ዩ ዚሕብር! ናይ ብሓቂ ደርጊ ዋላ ክንዲ ዝሓሰመ ይሕሰም …”
I could have understood for those brothers who left Bahre Negashi earlier but you are telling us you were in Eritrea in the 80s . On what parameters did you dare to call Dergi ጨካን ?
-Was it almost full peace or not?.Every one planed his future in his ancestors land,such as education ,family life and so on.
-The life necessitates infrastructure such as water ,food and electricity were always available .
-Do you know any body who was killed or arrested with out any reason ?i know this things good because my brother and sister were among infiltrators who were sabotaging from inside to bring this shame .
-Mengistu used to feed you by plain after the Massawa road had been closed by Shefatu..the list is long.
So ,this is the punishment from God ,for being a spoiled children of God in the first place and a spoiled children of Mengistu in the 2nd.
እዝኒ እንኮሎና ዝጸመምና ዓይኒ እንኮሎና ዝዓወርና ሰባት እና።ሕጂ ግን ዝቕየር ነገር ዋላ ሓንቲ ስለ ዘየልቦ ፣ሕርር ኢልካ ስቕ እያ።
Mesinas May 9, 2015
ጽቡቕ ኣለኻ ክቡር ሓው ተኽላይ። እዚ ዝጠቐስካዮ ኩሉ ሓቂ’ዩ። ብነፋሪት እኽሊ ካብ ሽዋ እናምጽአ ክቕልበና ከሎውን ኣብኡ ኔረ’የ። መንግስቱን ኢሳያስን ብጭካነ ኣይወዳደሩን’ዮም! ሓቂ ንምዝራብ፡ ክሳዕ ሎሚ ብኣካል ዘርከብኩሉ ጨካን ስርዓት ደርጊ ጥራይ እይ። ብታሪኽ ዝፈልጦም ድማ ካብ ብዓል ሂትለር ጀሚርካ ቡዙሓት ኣለዉ። ካብ ኩሎም ዚጨከነ ግን ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ’ዩ! ምኽንያቱ፡ እቶም ካልኦት መለኽቲ፡ ኣብ ካልእ’ምበር ኣብ ገዛእ ህዝቦም ከምዚ ናትና ዝበለ ከቢድ ሰብኣዊ ግህሰትን ሕሰምን ስለ ዘይፈጸሙ! ደጊመ አመስግነካ።
AHMED SALEH !!! May 9, 2015
You asked Mesinas if he know anybody who was killed and
arrested with out reason at DERGI time . We can conclude
that you don’t have any idea of our people sufferings mainly
the young generation . At the same time all your offensive ,
negative and suspicious comments doesn’t sound Eritrean .
Anyway it is Eritreans fault to hand over sensitive high post
government positions for wrong people by miscalculating
the chance of having power to native Eritreans than people
like Issayas , kisha , monkey who took control on entire nation .
Anti-Higdef May 9, 2015
“We can conclude
that you don’t have any idea of our people sufferings mainly
the young generation . At the same time all your offensive ,
negative and suspicious comments doesn’t sound Eritrean .”
The guy mostly here is Assenna known as Teclay (nickname) is a Tigreyan who hates Eritrea and Eritreans, in particular Eritrean Muslims. His real name is Mahari. He has a facebook under another nickname where he makes propaganda against Islam. He poses as Eritrean to confuse people and create a wedge among Eritreans along confessional lines. Hence, this guy is very dangerous.
Genet-orginal May 11, 2015
Thank you.
Mr Teclay is a paid agent for the Greater Tigray dream. SO he is waging propaganda war against the Eritreans people and their nation. His actions shouldn’t be seen lightly. Any one like Mr Teclay who denies our existence as people shouldn’t be ignored as benign.
Genet-orginal May 11, 2015
Hi Mr Teclay
You aren’t Eritrean. So what are you doing here.
May be you were one of those Derg’s cader who was infiltrating and spying on the Eritrean people. Please stop the lecture of “Dergi was good”. The fact is Derg was equally a dictator on the lives of Eritreans and Ethiopians. Where you under a rock or someting. If Dergi gave food to some Eritreans, he also was bombing villages and killing people.
For the last time, there is no longer geographical regions or people called “Bahre Negashi” There is only Eritrea and Ethiopia.
hara May 9, 2015
Emo entay yhaysh ?entay ygeber? Kulna bdem bzihn bshikorn ketefaena gele endo Ngber
Bkulu medayat ysahalom eqa u zelo
Fisehaye May 9, 2015
Eritreans no one will save us from
The brutal Isias only ouerselves.
Gun is in ouer hand.
What we are expecting?
Freedom comes with blood and iron only
Simon G. May 10, 2015
If Mengistu had a cruelty scale of 7, Isayas dwars him with a scale of 9.5. Mind you, this is logarithmic scale. So, Mengie would like like an angel, with his all criminal record, in front of king isayas.
Anti-Higdef May 10, 2015
Teclay (nickname) is a Tigreyan who hates Eritrea and Eritreans, in particular Eritrean Muslims.
His real name is Mahari Araya (finally exposed, thanks to people who know him well). He poses as Eritrean to confuse people and create a wedge among Eritreans along confessional lines. He is a very dangerous enemy of Eritrea.
Teclay May 10, 2015
Assena //Anti- Higdef
Would you tell him this man please to stop discredit me or any other member of the forum.The above comment of mine was addressed to Messinas,and Messina understood it.Why has he repeatedly provoked me.
Stop provoking me ! Stop provoking me !i have told you several times.If You do not like my comments jump it,just as i do when ever i see your comment.
To answer for your claim = I feel very proud when you call me ትግራዋይ.But had you called me ህዝቢ ትግርኛ i would have been really mad .Yes, i am proud Habesha, black African.Yes i have been always my self..For your information i studied Italian Grammar when i was a teenage but i never intended to burn my own language and identity in fever of alien .ኣነ ውሉድ ወዲ ውሉዳት ፣ኣደልዲለ ዝረግጽ፣ኣንቃሪረ ዝኸይድ ሰብ ፣ብ መንነቶም ዘይኾርዑ መንነት ክትኮበልይ ዘየፍቅድ ሰብ ምዃነይ ፍለጥ።
You raised about my stand on religion.I do not want to go farther for the respect of the forum.In short i support any religion which stands for peace and equality of human being and opposes slaughter and violence in practice not in words.
Anti-Higdef May 10, 2015
“For your information i studied Italian Grammar when i was a teenage but i never intended to burn my own language and identity in fever of alien ”
Teclay aka Mahari
Are you trying to tell us “I know Italian .. therefore I am Eritrean”. You know what you are of those “caga cazzi” born to be Ethiopian slave.
Genet-orginal May 11, 2015
Mr Teclay
Stop It!
“would you tell him this man please to stop discredit me” Now you are crying foul. But it is ok to discredit the people of Eritrea and our nation. We are not let you get away with discrediting us.
Genet-orginal May 11, 2015
Thanks Anti-Hgdef
Mahari Araya. Most of us know that he is not Eritrean. Most likely, he is one of those Tigreyan orgion born and grow in Eritrea, just like Isayas and hate, hate Eritrean nation. Yet, he can’t fit with the Tigreyan people either. This is what we are dealing with, not only our own dysfunctional problmes, but we have to deal with this epidemic identity crisis of Eritreans of Tigreyan orgion. They are the enemy within. They are dangerous.
Yohannes May 10, 2015
Removing the dictator is not enough. We need to completely demolish the PFDJ DNA system which has infected even the former EPLF members (I wouldn’t say all) including those currently opposing the very backward and evil regime. Of course, the current PFDJ and their poor and blind supporters whether for profit or ignorance.
We need to search a deep cleaner tool (whatever you call it) to clean the psychological line of thinking developed in their brain by the backward, static, shallow and narrow legacy of the Gedli DNA. They continue living in DENIAL of the dynamic objective reality on the ground. They continue living in the older mind-set and stereo type permanent perception. We call it NOSTALGIA. They still (rather persistently) assume that Gedli experience is the best. The world should learn from the ultra-superior Gedli experience.
We need to clean up this mind-set which is damaging the roots of existence of the Eritrean public. Worst of it, very damaging the young and the leaders of tomorrow. God has Merci to pull the Eritrean people out this quagmire of misery in this 21st century.
gomera May 10, 2015
Amauel as amedia please advice the people to use thier guns against the few collaborators of Iseyas. Higdef has nothing different. Let rhe people defend themselves .
Asafihika mote tekormika mote iu.We are dying anyways.