Urgent Call by Cav. Dr. Tuolde T/Mariam (Wedi Vaccaro)
This is an urgent call to all Eritreans concerned with the need to change the dictatorial government in Asmara and the establishment of Justice and democracy in Eritrea. [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/TEWELDE-FINAL-CORRECTED.pdf"]
This is an urgent call to all Eritreans concerned with the need to change the dictatorial government in Asmara and the establishment of Justice and democracy in Eritrea.
Teclay April 30, 2014
reading the word” urgent” i was hurry,to see something different,after all the famous black-day, may 24is coming,even if we don`t like it,it is a natural law once in 365 days it is may 24.ohh wait! i expected the announcement of the assassination plan ,not the marathon call.
TaEsa April 30, 2014
@ Suleman,
Bhmam qonqinu, mahminun TsTisun zelo si eti bzeykakha redaI zeyblu Hlnakha iyu.
H.K. April 30, 2014
Dear friends and compatriots,
The fact that you are giving him a reply or consideration to the so called “Suleman Salim” which is only a pen name for a HIGDEF distortion mechanism is succumbing to his ploy‼! It is getting trapped to his game‼
Please ignore him regardless what he says because his intention is always and will remain always to divert us from the CORE of the subject matter.
To do that he has to say childish and nonsense comments. From now on please don’t even read his comments‼!
The Shifta regime in Eritrea has the following divisive tricks that we must be aware of:
1- Divisive comments. It could be bad regional or religious comments. They do it as any other person who makes comments. Never get trapped into their trick‼!
2- They create an opposition which is regional or religious intentionally. This type of opposition movements are established and funded by HIGDEF‼
3- They are happy with our 35 political groups or parties and without any common GOAL.
4- They have to do whatever they can to create friction between the followers of Unity and Justice movement of Wedi Vacaro because he made us see the main point which is “UNITY” and our enemy is “ISEYAS”
Once again please forget everything and concentrate on the two points:
A) Our main enemy is “ISEYAS AFEWORKI”
B) The only way to get rid of him is through “UNITY”
abraham April 30, 2014
suleiman salim,we know u work for the dictators embassy in london and u are always defending the dictatorship more than the lunatic dictator himself. u will regret one day. sooner not later u will be ahamed of your history.
one who knows you better and who personally told you to abandon the dictator in march 15/2014.
kulu kefelteka eyu!!! heji ewin kabzeom rehaq yebleka allokhu. kab fetawikha neber.
m April 30, 2014
wake up my Eritrean pepole now dont wested time hgdef is losing the game now,20 yearess they said weyane weyane weyane but we know the game is over we now our number one enemy is hgdef
Suleiman Salim May 1, 2014
ኣንታ ሓውና ዶ እምበር እቲ ሓንጎልካ ይሰርሕ እዩ? ነዚ ወያነ ምስ ኤርትራ ኣብ ህልኽ ኣትይዎ ዘሎ ነገር ብውድዓዊ መርትዖታት ዝተረጋገጸ እንከሎ ከመይ ጌርካ ተናኣእሶን ከም ዘየሎን ጌርካ ትወስዶ ? ንከም ኤርትራ ዝኣመሰለት ንእሽተይ ሃገር ፡ እሞ ከኣ ከም ወያነ ዝኣመሰለ ኣዝዩ ድሑርን መርዛምን ጎረቤት ዘለዋ ፡ ናይ ዶብ ጉዳይ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ እዩ። ንዕኡ ኣወንዚፍና ኩሉ ኣድህቦና ናብ ካልእ ክነቅንዖ ኣሎና ዝብል ኣተሓሳስባ ዕሸላዊ እዩ።
እዚ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ መንግስቲ ንሃገር ኣትሪሩ ሒዙ ንሓፋሽ ኣንቂሑን ኣወዲቡን ኣዕጢቑን ብሓደ ህርመት ከም ዝኸይድ ስለ ዝገበረ እዩ እቶም ጸላእቲ ኤርትራ ዓቕሎም ጸቢብዎም ንሃገርና ዘካፍኡን ብዲሞክራሲ ክሽቅጡ ዝረአዩ ዘለዉ። ብስም ለውጢ ዝኾነ ዓይነት ኣረጊት ሽጣራዊ ህቀናታት ህዝቢ ነቒሑሉ ስለ ዝኾነ ነቶም ዑሱባትን ለኣኽቶምን ነብስኹም ንብላሽ ኣይተድክሙ ተከሺሕኩም ኢኹም ንብሎም።
ምስ ብዙሕ ሰላምታ
ካብ ሱለይማን ሳልም ( ንፈተውቱ ከም ሱሊ ዝፍለጥ )
ERITRAWIT April 30, 2014
NOW OR NEVER DEKEY HAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OZ April 30, 2014
Wedi Vacaro,
Amlakh yehagzka. hizbi ab gonikha alo. hanti sikfta nay bizuH Eritrawi koyna zela gn ezom MEDREKH ilom kalie HGDEF kifeTru zixeruu zlewu (Dr. Asefaw, Andebrhana & Ambasader Ahmed)kulu sirHom neti jemirkayo zelokha haqeNa elama nmiblishaw slezKhone kingrhalom yebilnan. kulu hzbi dima nayzom teref HGDEF shiTara kifelTo bzey Hibe’ Hibe’ keteqalioóm aloka. entezeykone nezi agohahirkayo zelokha fitHawi qalsi entkhoynulom kiChewyuwo entezeykone dima nab rebHaom kQyrwo eyom zdelyu.
Eritreawit April 30, 2014
fetsum abrahamt April 30, 2014
Fantastic achievement. This is it!
sammy mike April 30, 2014
yes I m ready now
selamawit2 April 30, 2014
Dear assena the pfd data just don’t work – you can not see it. if there are other people with the same technical problem, could you copy and paste the text an publish it as a “normal” page?
thank you very much in advance.