By Tewelde Stephanos Email: testifanos@gmail.com Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has introduced an encouraging new tone the region needed badly. The steps he has taken to make peace with his own people – ending the state of emergency,

By Tewelde Stephanos Email: testifanos@gmail.com
Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has introduced an encouraging new tone the region needed badly. The steps he has taken to make peace with his own people – ending the state of emergency, closing prisons, allowing “competitor” political parties and private media to operate inside Ethiopia – are impressive by any standard. His apparent acceptance of term limits this early in his tenure vis-à-vis Africa’s history of nasty dictators, remains to be seen but is refreshing no less. Given his multi-ethnic and multi-religious backgrounds, Ethiopia is very lucky to have him emerge at this critical moment too.
But we need to be cautious as well because we have seen this movie before. Musevini was also 42 when he came to power. At the time he said “Africa’s problem was leaders who did not want to leave power”. Still in power over three decades later, the transformation is complete: “Some people think that being in government for a long time is a bad thing. But the more you stay, the more you learn. I am now an expert in governance”. The arrogance is appalling. Conveniently, those who run against him are jailed and harassed. He always “wins” the sham elections.
Like many Eritreans, I am glad PM Abiy took the bold step to end the border stalemate. As a result, Ginbot7 was legitimized to operate in Ethiopia rendering its Eritrean presence obsolete. That is a good thing. Supposedly, Ginbot7 was fighting to bring democracy in Ethiopia. How it can claim democracy as its core value while turning a blind eye to the pain of millions of Eritreans enslaved by their mentor defies logic. God save us from such “democrats”.
Sadly, when it comes to the Eritrean people, the “demari” is not looking much better than Ginbot7. It is one thing to offer Isaias the respect diplomacy demands but quite another to act like a smitten teenager idolizing the one who personifies the exact opposite values he (Abiy) himself is setting in motion (http://asmarino.com/articles/articles-video/5105-2018-07-15-17-24-44). His enthusiastic embrace of a documented killer is what makes Abiy intriguing at this point.
Such callous display of idolatry can only diminish Abiy’s own stature and eventually tarnish his brand. If this new brand is truly values-driven, he cannot continue to be tone deaf to the suffering of the Eritrean people. The problem with populists is that they look good until they face a critical moment of truth. Yes, he is exciting and I am willing to give him multiple benefits of the doubt. But he has clearly failed his first compassion test, when it comes to the Eritrea people, by worshipping their oppressor like a god.
After all, as Ethiopia’s former security officer, PM Abiy is fully aware that Isaias is a murderer and Eritrea is nothing more than a slave colony. It is admirable that he admitted his government committed terrorist acts on the Ethiopian people. After saying that, he can’t be blind to Isaias’s decades-long terrorism on the Eritrean people. And so far, demariw (the adder) is glorifying the criminal and subtracting the innocent victims. That can’t be good. Isaias is human and he will die soon. People live on and they remember. To be credible, PM Abiy must be consistent.
The insatiable narcissist that he is, Isaias is of course beside himself blowing kisses and clutching his heartless heart — a frigid heart that kills old and young routinely. Even 93 year old Haj Musa had to die in prison. Isaias runs Eritrea as his own personal property. Sadly, he has turned it into a prostitute nation in his own image, offering it and himself to the highest bidder. Eritrean passports were sold in Kuwait, Qatar and Libya had their day, he dabbled in diamond smuggling in Zaire, Iran and the Houthis were his buddies at one time, now he is killing them because the Saudi’s gave him more money, he was Egypt’s reliable lackey shamelessly running to Cairo to subvert Ethiopia’s agreements with upstream Nile water countries, Aseb is a foreign military base (who would have thought?). Of course, no one knows the terms of any of his dealings or what other deals Eritrea has been committed to. Some Eritrean islands are said to be Israeli listening posts, others nuclear waste dump sites. Now, Abiy will bring him even more money to deepen the oppression of the Eritrean people.
There is no problem Isaias can’t make worse. He started the 1998 war claiming Ethiopia killed a dozen or so Eritreans – a manageable problem he escalated to a devastating war. Did the dozen even exist? If so, who investigated the situation and who analyzed the information to assess what really happened? Did he setup the dozen or send his own killers to liquidate them? As is his normal practice, did he kill his previously assigned killers to empty the witness pool? And yet, some 100,000 Eritreans and Ethiopians lost their lives, billions of dollars were squandered on Ukrainian and Russian arms; all to avenge the deaths of people whose names we don’t even know. Does anyone know?
The love fest with Abiy is a personal win for Isaias (it is always personal with him). Although the atmosphere is pregnant with peace, he is already busy sawing discord. His “game over” gloat directed at the TPLF is a clear indicator another game is in motion. Worryingly, the mass demonstrations supporting PM Abiy have underlying anti-Tigray biases; which will provide Isaias fuel for his fire. Isaias has committed way too many crimes to make peace with his own people. And any arrangement that does not include the people of Eritrea and Tigray will not last. Therefore, lasting peace has no chance as long as Isaias is around. His record on this is long and clear. Dr.Abiy needs to keep his eyes on the ball (people first) before Isaias drags him down to his level.
With no evidence, Isaias accused the G15 of treason and his supporters cheered on. What would his supporters’ reaction have been, if four months ago, they saw Arbi Harnetdemonstrators chanting “tedemrenal, aand honenal”? As usual, the reaction would have been disgust and ridicule; that traitors want Eritrea to be Ethiopia’s 14th province again. Now that Isaias is behind this new mantra, hopefully his supporters are at least surprised.
The regime’s math gets even weirder. Osman went back to 1991 to say Eritrea’s 27 years were wasted (kesirna). Isaias did the same by going back to the referendum year of 1993 to say 25 years were wasted. But the “waste” started in 1998 and shouldn’t have lasted beyond 2000. Are they then saying Eritrean independence was unnecessary, especially vis-à-vis their new mantra of “tedemneral, aand honenal”? Or are they referring to the years since the EPRDF had been in power? In that case when they say “we”, they will be talking as Ethiopians. That would be odd unless Isaias has signed Eritrea off already. The only way Osman’s and Isaias’s statements would make sense is if they meant to say “we have made Eritrea’s independence meaningless by turning it into a slave colony where human life is the cheapest commodity in the land”. But that would be honest and Isaias can never be accused of that.
Is there a way out? So far, both regime supporters and the opposition have been dismissive of each other, leaving the field wide open for Isaias to do whatever he pleases – singularly making all decisions with bullied and subservient messengers rushing to execute his orders. He has become the worst enemy Eritrea ever had and getting rid of him is the only way to freedom.
What is missing is a “bridge of love” (to borrow the spirit of the day) that can help people to think together. If the rotten top is discarded, PFDJ can be re-purposed to become an instrument of “democracy and justice”. It is the only entity, inside or outside of Eritrea, with usable organizational resources and experience. There is a good chance it can be a stabilizing force because if it is completely eliminated as was done with Baath party in Iraq, the resulting chaos that followed in Iraq and Libya can be Eritrea’s fate too.
The reason for this suggestion is two-fold. First, not many people heard of PM Abiy six months ago. Yet, here he is blazing away. So, with redirected focus and some luck, a few dynamic young people (men and women hopefully) in higdef’s deep belly and the diaspora could pop up to surprise us as PM Abiy did. Then PM Abiy can have true people-centered partnerswho can help transform the whole region to become a center of peace, hope and prosperity.
Second, Arbi Harnet has been looking for partners inside Eritrea. As a willing and able partner, it can create the necessary alliance with others joining quickly. The resulting big tent can be the inclusive transition team that many have been calling for. In the long term, the re-purposed higdef should not be a political party itself but it can be an incubator of viable party platforms and other ideas that are helpful to Eritrea’s future.
Amanuel July 22, 2018
We love Dr abiy not b/s of what he does for us but what he his doing for Ethiopia which can be a lesson to horn of Africa. Is iseyas going to learn anything from abiy. The answer is clear. A big NO. it is like expecting weyane admitting it’s crimes, apologising to ethiopians and leaving power to the people on it’s own. What we see is old guards resisting the change which offered them amnesty to the crimes they committed for 27 years though compared to iseyas’s crimes they might be insignificant.
Iseyas kab nhizbi yikreta hatitu geben zeyblom esurat fetihu siltan nhizbi zerekib mot yimerix. Gudayna dima bkemu tirah eyu ziwidae. Kab Zen kilte amarexti wexae amaraxi yelen.
AHMED SALEH !!! July 22, 2018
The priest in Norway and his blind
supporters prayed for Eritrea to
reunite with Christian Ethiopia .
Forsure some people strange behavior do amaze observers .
Majority of Eritreans won’t betray
the sacrifices paid dearly .
Eritreans blood paid the price to bring independence . So hypocrats
shut you mouth or you will regret
for life .
Degoli July 22, 2018
Who is hypocrite? Who burned our own Tigre books and hated the Tigrinya language to Arabize Eritrea? Read the articles written in the shifta-Janjawid website, you will find many articles about “connecting Eritrea with the Arabs”.
Eritrea and Ethiopia have alo t in common than with the Bedoune and Rashayda Arabs? Muslims and Christians, Afar, Saho, Bilen, Geeze Tigre, Tigrnya and Kunamas live in Ethiopia too.
k.tewolde July 22, 2018
‘Dr.Abiy needs to keep his eyes on the ball (people first) before Isaias drags him down to his level.’……..Mr. Tewelde warns,he already did,independent political observers are already frowning at this charade,this is a staged performance like the beauty and the beast funded by the gulf states.Both of them need the money for different purpose,they have to perform,they have to deliver,they have to repay the lender,for the beast it doesn’t matter if he puts up the nation and the people on the auction bloc.BTW, the HGDEF model is diametrically opposite than the Abiy model, so I don’t expect this honeymoon to last long without some kind of reform which retires the jerseys of the old guard on the rafters amicably on the Eritrean side and opening up the political space.Like I said before, this will be one the most important litmus test of EPM’s administration.
Tes July 23, 2018
Dear K. Tewolde
Agree with your comments. ” both need the money for different purpose,they have to perform,they have to deliver,they have to repay the lender……”it is very true bro! Thanks
Gezae July 23, 2018
Since I knew you over the past two inveterate years, you have gone off deep end when it comes to Eritrean and regional politics. You consumed and spend all day surfing anti PFDJ/PIA blogs and jolting all-inclusive hot-air viewpoints. That would render all the while wasting time you could be making a good time.
Personally I think you are wasting your time on the internet complaining and blaming PIA and the government instead of going out and enjoy with your beloved once because/for your losses and your plan failing. that would render your life wasted
Eyobel July 22, 2018
Abiy Ahmed is an accidental Minister (PM) and without the backing of TPLF Woyane he won’t last or survive long.
Degoli July 22, 2018
ሓደ ሰብ ከምዝበሎ፥ “ኣሻንኳይ ጎዲልና ፤ ተደሚርና ውን ኣይንኽእሎን። ንደምር ጥራይ።”
እሞ ምስ በዓል ኣልባሺር በድዊንን ዓረብ ራሻያዳን በጃን ጥራይ ደኣ ክንድመር፧
ኩሊትና ዝሃብናዮም ትግረ ትግርኛን ዘረከብናዮም ኣይኣኽሎምን፧
Mesfin July 22, 2018
A Protestant Reformist Preacher, Pastor Dr Abiy Ahmed will soon be killed by his own Oromos or the Somalis.
Personally, pastor Abiy Ahmed is a messenger of extreme forces: CIA, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Arab Emirates.
Sultan July 23, 2018
.ESEYAS IS ACTUALLY NOT A BAD GUY BUT THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN LATING HIM BE .FOR YEARS. ERITREANS stop crying making esayas look bad is not going to help …
rezen July 23, 2018
Subject:” Unfiltered Notes: HAS demariw ABIY SUBTRACTED THE ERITREAN PEOPLE ALREADY? By Tewelde Stephanos, July 22, 20018”
Commentary, 22 July 2018
1. The Article is a comprehensive treatment of the subject matter. I took the style of QUOTUNG and commenting there upon, as follows.
2. “demariw”: what does it mean? I am not being ‘funny’. I look it up in two dictionaries.
3. “Ginbot7: God save us from such ‘democtrats’ “ AMEN
4. “…Abiy Ahmed has introduced an encouraging new tone the region needed badly” Yes, and good luck to him. He has definitely an insidious challenge from TPLF. They never thought the 42 year old with a Ph D Degree and professional experience in security matters would have his own agenda. Obviously, the shrewd TPLF was caught off-guard. Now they know.
5. “But we [Eritreans] need to be cautious as well because we have seen this movie before.” YES. Except, we have a problem of learning from 130-year experience under colonialism. There is no strong indication to indicated that we Eritreans have actually learned from history
6. “Musevini was also 42 when he came to power.” Yes, he is now the absolute sleek dictator of Uganda and fighting to be the President for Life. That is Africa – and we Eritreans are Africans >>> aren’t we?
7. “Isaias is human and he will die soon” Yes, needless to say, in about 23 years — breaking the record of Mugabe. Eritreans of the Liberation struggle era will vanish and እቲ ሓድሽ ወለዶ ናይ ባዕሉ አረአእያ እለዎ።
8. “OH, THE HEARTLESS HEART. The insatiable narcissist that he is, Isaias” >>> will always be Isaias, having accomplished what he set out to do from the very beginning. It is a phenomenon i.e. a character to stick to one’s ultimate ideals, that had never been achieved by ERITREANS, though conscious of their own ultimate ideals. And that is why Issayas has the lowest opinion about Eritreans; hence the manipulation that he adopted for his own success at the expense of Eritreans!!!
9. “IS THERE A WAY OUT FOR ERITREA?” The field is wide open. But as long as we have THAT sociological problem, our ideals will always remain a dream – a theoretical venture. Adamant refusal to acknowledge is not a solution. Refusing to accept the REALITY on the ground of RELIGION & REGION is tantamount to accepting the continuation of the status quo of Eritrean history.
10. ” Arbi Harnet has been looking for partners inside Eritrea”. Good Luck.
Haben July 23, 2018
Hi rezen,
You are spot on number 9.
For the last 20-years,we were bleeding the word ‘Badme’ to death while 15-20% of population has been vacated the land called Eritrea. Badme is still where it was..
We are now worried to death by Ethiopians who are coming to our shores while oblivious to people who are perishing on Sahara Desert and sold on the open market.
Until we park ‘The abstract and imaginary Eritrea’ on one side and must give our 100% focus and attention to its inhabitants, we are doomed.
k.tewolde July 23, 2018
Haben,you just blew the target clean off with the last sentence in your post.However,you will get a ticket for illegally parking by those who have lost a mere logical sense.I agree,this nation is in dire straits.
Socrates July 23, 2018
Eritrean don’t get too excited about Dr Abiy, you lot are as usual too fragile – too empty/fake emotional freaks.
Abiy Ahmed is an accidental minister (PM), and without TPLF on his side he won’t last/survive long.
Well placed diplomats now say that the Gas from the Somali Region (Ogaden) will not go via Djibouti
but in a new deal will be re-routed to go via Assab.
Isaias Afeworki has been given a 40% stake in the Ogaden Gas while Abiy gets 60%.
Criminal DIA and pastor Abiy are out to destroy Djibouti, TPLF, Afar, Somali and even parts of Oromo.
AHMED SALEH !!! July 23, 2018
Weyane puppies pretend as concerned Eritreans but their
ideas speaks otherwise . Most
of Eritrean population support
the change in Ethiopian politics
and we hope it will inspire some
rank and file members within HGDF
ruling party .
Dr. Abiy has the support of majority
in his agenda to reform Ethiopian politics verses WEYANE rule based
on ethnicity to exploit the economy.
Now those who wish Eritreans to suffer with poverty ” bi kisadom sigab zihineku no war no peace ”
begin to show their frustration .
Remember even though I oppose
Issaias regime but I do not sell out
my people interest .
AHMED SALEH !!! July 23, 2018
HGDF tries to open an opportunity for Ethiopian investors in Eritrea while they forced Eritreans to invest
outside the country .
Does it make a sense ? Think about it fairly .
Kab zibeie adna zibeie godebona
yiblaE tiritna keytikhewn nitenkek
Danilo July 23, 2018
Dear brother Ahmed, don’t trust any one across the border. All want red Sea. They hate us because we defend it. They were lucky too not been invaded by Italian colonialism ( only five years ) again, we fought back in Adwa alongside instead we got Irespected gesture. Thus why we should not trust.
AHMED SALEH !!! July 24, 2018
Brother Danilo
I witnessed DEVILS and principled good people among us we try to overthrow
their negative insulated mind set . The same goes with Ethiopians and Sudanese .
I agree we had bad experience with TIGRAI since the era of great grand fathers .
But the sad past , the sufferings , unnecessary bloodsheds and evil tendencies
taught the people of neighboring countries .
Believe that PEACE WINS OVER DEVILS if in fact we are cautious .
May ALLAH show us the path of GOODWILL toward human beings