Unfiltered Notes: Are we losing the deeper message of Eritrea’s courageous Catholic Bishops?
Unfiltered Notes: Are we losing the deeper message of Eritrea’s courageous Catholic Bishops? By Tewelde Stephanos, June 14, 2014 Email: testifanos@gmail.com Many have commented on the exemplary moral leadership of the four Catholic Bishops articulated in the

Unfiltered Notes: Are we losing the deeper message of Eritrea’s courageous Catholic Bishops?
By Tewelde Stephanos, June 14, 2014 Email: testifanos@gmail.com
Many have commented on the exemplary moral leadership of the four Catholic Bishops articulated in the now famous document titled “Where is Your Brother?” 1,2. Such courageous moral stand is truly uplifting anytime but especially so at this moment of Eritrea’s grim reality.
But I worry if we are losing the deeper lesson of the good Bishops already. Some of us are concluding as if the message only applies to the regime and its supporters. Yes, the lawless regime makes Italy’s apartheid era look good by comparison. The wanton plundering of Eritrea’s material and humanresources and Isaias saying “no one gave me a contract” to create the oppressive and corrupt regime leaves no doubt he is the worst enemy the country has.
That is not the whole story, however. Could a one-man empire last this long if we had heeded the Bishops’ deeper lesson? Did we honestly stick with the spirit of their question – “where is my brother”? What was our response when the disabled veterans were mercilessly mowed down or when so many people were herded to prison, some never to be heard from again? Except for very few brave souls, like our Catholic Bishops, we have all failed to do the right thing and that is why the regime has thrived this long.
Let’s start with the most contentious. In 1991, Eritrea’s tegadelti were given boundless respect and admiration. Then tegadalai Bitwoded Abreha was jailed without due process of the law and thetegadelti did nothing to help his mother who, as the word of mouth reporting goes, was knocking on all doors to gain her son’s freedom. Because the tegadelti stopped asking “where is my brother” things only got worse from there. Then came the jailing of Muslim teachers in Keren, the massacre of the disabled veterans in Mai Habar; followed by one horrendous crime after another. And what did thetegadelti do? Nothing. Even the top leaders who ignored the pleas of Bitwoded’s mother have disappeared without a trace since. And because they did nothing, even tegadelti’s children are fleeing Eritrea confirming what they (the tegadelti) let happen has made Eritrea unfit for their own children. While all this mess is unfolding, Eritrean society wrongly took the back seat assuming the tegadeltiare there to safeguard freedom only to find out freedom cannot survive unless it is guarded by all. As the tegadelti abandoned the spirit of freedom and justice they supposedly fought for, ordinary citizens (derisively referred to as gebar by tegadelti) also willingly accepted a second class citizenship role. And it all went downhill from there.
How about diaspora Eritreans and Eritrea’s so-called educated class who enjoy full personal freedoms provided by our host countries? Did we wish the same freedoms for our brothers and sisters inside Eritrea or try to speak truth to power? Not even close. The vast majority of us kept quiet (even as the regime closed the only University in the country), and the voices of few brave ones were continuously drowned out in favor of a corrupt regime that is still in power. The irony of ironies: we even mis-used the freedom of expression allowed in our host countries to demonstrate in favor of a regime that kills people demanding those very rights.
How about religious leadership? Except for the consistent and united moral leadership of the Catholic Bishops – both now and in 2001, there is not much to speak of here either. The Protestant Church has been extremely quiet; and one dares say complacent The Orthodox Church is severely divided and cleverly manipulated by the atheist regime. It can’t even rally in a united way to free the ailing Patriarch who was demoted by the regime and replaced by immoral “leaders” who continue to turn a blind eye as the regime brutalizes their brothers. The role of the Mosque is not that better. Forgetting they are our brothers and sisters, we have been dormant or complacent as the regime viciously attacked members of the smaller faith groups.
Predictably, the regime and its supporters have started playing the same old song that the Catholic Bishops were funded by Eritrea’s enemies. Of course it is a bankrupt argument because Eritrea’s enemies did not massacre the disabled veterans, closed the only University, nor convert Eritrea into a despotic state. We did. But let’s assume for a moment that an enemy did fund the Bishops to write the deep, thoughtful and caring document. A document that is full of practical advice on how to solve our problems, a document that awakens the soul to do the right thing, a document that arouses sympathy for a mistreated brother or sister. A document that appeals to our sensibilities to never do what we did to Bitwoded’s mother ever again. If there are enemies like that who help you accomplish such noble causes, I, for one, want as many of those enemies as I can find. I am sure many also feel the same way.
But let’s go back to the bigger picture. Segment it anyway we want – by gender, by age group, by religion etc., our collective behavior has not been that good. After all, the hated regime is still there doing what it does best – promoting backwardness, poverty, ignorance and destruction.
Collectively, we are all equally bad for letting things get this ugly. No group can claim virtue over any other. But now is our opportunity to right this wrong, to rise from the ashes, to heed the Catholic Bishops’ message to never stop asking “where is my brother?” again. Because as the saying goes, if I don’t stand up when they take away my brother, there won’t be anyone left when they come for me. This regime will surely go. And good riddance! what a moment that will be. What we will allow to replace it, is the real test awaiting us. Are we now getting the deeper lesson outlined by the good Bishops? Are we going to allow another mother’s heart to be broken like what let happen to Bitwoded’s mother and the countless mothers like her?
I feel nothing but gratitude for the stand the Catholic Bishops took. And for that, I say, I am a Catholic today.
1 http://demo.archive.assenna.com, June 6, 2014
2 http://asmarino.com/alewuna/2093-the-most-daring-message-to-come-out-of-eritrea-
Ti June 15, 2014
abduselam hawey tewedikha kedka sged. aytsref. n Rebi dma yqreta yteto nhawna Jemal ztserefka. nsu Haqi iyu tezaribu.
Akli Kisab Awet June 15, 2014
Kuuuuuudoooooooooooos Tewolde for being so simple and laconic. Here when it comes to the question all of us the silent Majority are responsible. You have almost all the landmarks of our sliding along the wrong alley. let me also append some where almost everyone kept quiet when the government laid off workers in the name of wise use of human work force 1994.
You know what they did in some cases; they just laid off people claiming that they were unproductive although some used to be the eyes and ears in their work places.
what we silent majority are doing is they accepting and praising the dictator as a God send gift.
Selam June 15, 2014
Great article that calls for action. But I don’t agree when the author say “atheist regime” to the PFDJ regime. There are millions of people that are atheist and free thinking, progressive and good people. The regime in Eritrea lead by Isaias is criminal. First and most our problem is US the people diaspora in part particularly the “mehurat” they know to tell people what to do sitting behind the screen, but when it comes working at the grass roots level and appease and educate and lead their community and work at the grass roots level. PLEASE LET US GET REAL!!!
“ዝኸበርኩም ከምዚ ናተይ ሓማሴንን ከንሻን ዝኾንኩም ኤርትራውያን”
ሓደ ጀርመናዊ ብጊዜ ሂትለር ከምዚ ዝስዕብ ኢሉ ኔሩ።
ሂትለር Gypsis ክኣስርን ክቐትልን ጀሚሩ፣ግን ኣነ ጂብሲ ስለ ዘይኮንኩ ኣይምልከተንን እዩ ኢለ ሱቕ ኢለ___ናብ ኣይሁድ__ለዋጢን__ኣካለስንኩላን መጺኡ፣__እዚ ኩሉ ግን ስለ ዘይምልከተኒ፣ሱቕ ኢለ __መጨረሻ ሂትለር ንዓይ ክኣስርን ክቐትልን መጺኡ፣ሽዑ ግን ንበይነይ ተሪፈ ዝካላኸለለይ ስኢነ በለ።
መጀመርያ ኣስላም ክኣስር ጀሚሩ ፣ብቐደሙ ሙጅሃዲን ስለ ዝኾኑ እዩ ዝኣስሮም ዘሎ ኢልና_
ጸኒሑ ድማ ኩናማን ዓፋርን ክኣስርን ከጽንትን ጀሚሩ፣__እቶም ኩናማ ካብ ቀደሞም ኢትዮጵያውነት ከም ዝመርጹ ፣ነቶም ዓፋር ድማ ባሕሪ ሒዞም ክኸዱ ደልዮም ኢልና ወንጀልናዮም ።
ድሓር ብናይ ዮሆዋ መሰኻኽርን፣ጴንጤን ጀሚሩ__ሕራይ ገበሮም ጸየቕቲ ባህልን ሃይማኖትን ኢልና፣__
ብድሕሪ ምእሳር G 15 ነቶም ኩሉ ጊዜ ብጥርጣሬ ዝጥምቶምን ከሕምቑኒ ይኽእሉን እዮም ኢሉ ዝፈርሆምን ፣ኣውራጃ ኣከለጉዛይ ጸለመ ጀመረ__ ካብ ቀደም እውን እዚኦም ናይ ስልጣን ሕማም ዘለዎም መንካዕ እዮም ኢልና፣__እቲ ስልጣን ንሓማሴናይ ጥራይ ዝትዓደለን ዝተመረቐን ጥራይ ይመስል።
..ብዙሓት ዘቕርቦም ሰባት ነዚ እከይ ሓሳብ ክዝርግሕዎ ጀመሩ፣ካብቲ ህግደፍነት ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ብሓሳብ ካብቲ ተቓዋማይ እውን ነጺልዎም__ኢሉ ኢሉ ግን፣ ናብ ከንሻ ኣቕሽሽትን ኣመሓደርትን ምእሳር ኣትዩ፣እቶም ኣብ ዓዲ ሽወደን ኮይኖም ዝቑጸዩሉ ዝነበሩ ደቂ ኣውራጃይን ሃይማኖተይን እንታይ ይብሉ ይሃልዉ ??? ከምቲ ኩሉ ጊዜ ዝብሎ __ካብ ወዲ ደቂዘርኡ ይኹን ወዲ ዓደኮሎም ፣ንሓደ ወዲ ድግሳ ወይ ሽከቲ ክሓልየሉ እየ እንተ ኢለ ይሕሱ ኣለኹ።ግን ነቲ ወዲ ድግሳን ወዲ ሽከቲን ዝበጽሓቶም ሎተሪ ነቲ ድምበዛናይን ጉሕጭዓታይን እውን ኣይትተርፎን እያ ንርእያ ድማ ኣለና።ንኹሉ ኣውራጃን ሃይማኖትን ፍተዉ ኣይብለናን እየ፣ብዙሕ ዘየፍቱ ዘለዎም ሸነኽ ኣለዉ፣ግን ምእንቲ ከንሻን ሓማሴንን ጠጠው ክንብል እንተዄንና፣ በቲ ተዋህዶን ሰራየን __ኣከለጉዘታይን ኮተሊኽን_ መታሕትን ኣስላማይን__ኩናማን ባህላዊ እምነትን__ጠጠው ክንብል ኣለና።ኣነ ደቂ መቐለ ቆለውዕ ክሕምሸሹ ከለዉ __እንቋዕ ጥራይ ኣይሮፕላናትና ጥራይ ብድሓን ተመልሳ__ዕልልልል ክብሃል ርእሰይ ዝዞረኒ እኮ ወይ እንድርታ ጓሎም ክህቡኒ ወይ መቐለ ሓደ ፋብሪካ ክዕድሉኒ ኣይኮንኩን፣እንታይ ድኣ ነቲ ሕልና ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ስለ ዝሃስዮ እየ።
ስለዚ ኣቱም ናይ ቀረባ ኣሕዋተይ፣ሓንቲ ዝሓታ ነገር እንተ ሃለወት መሰል ወይ ንኹሉ እዩ ወይ ክኣ ንማንም ኣይኮነን።ሰብ ንጀበርቲ ክወርዶም ከሎ ዓገብ ዝብል ነታ ጀበርቲ ንምጽላእ ዝተጠቕሙላ ነከለጉዘታይ_ሰረወታይ ሓማሴናይ እውን ከተገልግል እያ።ስለዚ ክቡራት ኣሕዋተይን ኣሓተይን__ንንፈትዎን ንዘይንፈትዎን ኩሉ ጠጠው እንድሕር ኢልናሉ እቲ ንፈትዎ ሰላም ይረክብ።
ሻዕብያ ሙዳዳ ናይ ሓማሴን ኣይኮነት ናይ ትግራይ ትግርኚ ኣይኮነት፣..ሙዳዳ ኣቢሲንያዊት እያ ፣ግን እቲ ቅኑዕን ተቐባል ጋሻን ኣቢሲንያ ዘይኮነት ንኹሉ ትቶኩብ ኣቢሲንያ እያ፣እምበር ኣቢሲንያስ ናይ ኩላትና እያ።
ኣምላኽ ሕልና ይሃበና !!!
ወዲ ሓውኩም ስየ ድምበዛን
Kombishtato June 15, 2014
Well said by the author,
“How about religious leadership? Except for the consistent and united moral leadership of the Catholic Bishops – both now and in 2001, there is not much to speak of here either. The Protestant Church has been extremely quiet; and one dares say complacent. The Orthodox Church is severely divided and cleverly manipulated by the atheist regime. It can’t even rally in a united way to free the ailing Patriarch who was demoted by the regime and replaced by immoral “leaders” who continue to turn a blind eye as the regime brutalizes their brothers. The role of the Mosque is not that better. Forgetting they are our brothers and sisters, we have been dormant or complacent as the regime viciously attacked members of the smaller faith groups.”
weyane donated independence June 15, 2014
This is the message I try to deliver ,yet anger gets the bast of me & my message gets misunderstood.
The young peole gove us the old ,50+++ years old a pass when this attitude has been inherited from us. I do not give us a pass..but ,the young people also worship a fantasy land than the people.Thank you Author of the article.
Rhis is Uncle SYE with a new cyber name not to bore you the old ones..whenever I use a new cyber name ,I will inform you..so when others tell you Uncle SYE uses many names …it is not toconfuse or misrepresent myself thank you .
UNCLE WEDI/weyane donated independence
Mehari T. Teklay June 16, 2014
Uncle SYE,
No matter how many cyber name you change, you always stick to your same principle of Eritrean people first and the land last. You also to your credit, inform people well in advance about your new name. However, my main point or comment is to tell you how much I love your new cyber name of “weyane donated independence”. It is really a wicked name with marvelous sense of homour. You should add to it ‘weyane donated independence’ and ‘Weyane/CIA about to do a U turn on fake independence’.
weyane donated independence June 16, 2014
Nephew Mehari T. Teklay,
Thank you for noticing my honesty..for you & I it is not some blog to act ..We mean it & even if we were to be proven wrong we held our heads high for being honest..& I truly hope ,I will be proven wrong.
Uncle SYE aka Uncle Wedi
yigermena alo June 15, 2014
what do you expect ? for the past 30 years, during the struggle, we abandoned God ( Marxism became the norm) and we did whatever was possible to label the Orthodox church as the extension of Ethiopia. We replaced matrydom of our religion with that of murder. When our peasant relatives were forced to take up arms, and sent to a death valley that was murder. But we glorified their death as Martyrs. We forgot God long time ago, we adored the PIA and believed in the meida experiences of the tegadelties. Now the orthodox church is gone / divided beyond repair. Never did that happen to it even during the colonial eras. It was one and was loyal to no-one but to God. But the unblievers, the revolutionaries who openly blasphemed GOD does not exist took Eritrea first than God. and we followed! what is new then if we are getting the consequence of this ??? you shall reap what you sow..goes the word.
Only in Eritrea, an abun could be hunted from his monastries and forced to take AK-47
Only in Eritrea, if you are found carrying the Bible, you will be sent to unknown prison cells and get tourched
Only in Eritrea, if you ask about your brother, you will be sent to prison
only in Eritrea, g’fa is conducted during church gatherings, etc
If you feel that this is a new phenomenon, then think again. This was happening long time before shaebia turned into PFDJ. during the meidia time, shaebia did everything unimaginable hoping to get the raw material it needed to fuel the war. Only this time, shaebia is doing its old nasty job in cities right at your door. so, nothing new !!
Probably what is so bad than what shaebia does is, our silence. Our silence is a rich ground for shaebia to do it wiered experiments. The more you keep silent, the more horror is to follow.
Edris June 15, 2014
An qoyqn tserfn fekeran si ba bqawatat ekhum…. weyalat…kkkkk atef tef tef tef…………….
TwoWayStreet June 16, 2014
I don’t think you listen to yourself. You said “An qoyqn tserfn fekeran si ba bqawatat ekhum…” and then you yourself started insulting i.e. “weyalat”. You don’t understand what you are writing, and Idon’t expect you to understand what the Eritrean situation is.
Baelikha ab tserfi brawatat ikhum kitibil tsenihka baeilikha titsaref. Entay t’tsihif kemzelekha yiridiaka silezeyelo, kunetat Eritrea ab mintay kemzelo yiridiaka eyu zibil emnet yebileyin.
Edris June 15, 2014
Do something ! you are always searching how to attack each other…. and there are so many jeganu died and are dying for your freedom… since 40th….. come on shit guys… think a human being just for one second!!!!!!!!!!!!
girmay June 16, 2014
GOD bless those good and corgouse catholic bishops. may the lord pour his sprit on u sothat u will be the instroument of peace.i hope i could lisen the same thing from shiekh alamin ,and others.
Edris June 18, 2014
Here we go, you mention Shiekh ( who ever he is) to do the same…. are you kidding me?
first of all Alamin is HGDF , he is working for DIA, he dont belong to muslims , he is criminal as Isayas and will be counted for what he is doing Hanti Malti sooon.
secondly, i think you guys are record breakers by forgetting things or Kone Elkum ekhum Trisu? when muslims are complaining about eritrea situation ( in early times, just after liberty) HGDF name muslims Terrorists, jihadists, Hamshay Mesrie…. bla bla…, thousands of muslim eritreans were arrested and been killed and still missing. all christian was with HGDF and was happy,,, saying Yetsriyuwom da….
im so proud of Chatolic church,and its not the first time they make such a brave step…. you may know or understand what they did now….but they are always doing it ….
so dont piont your finger to muslim leaders to do the same , the did thousand times and get arrested killed….