Breaking News:Tiny coffin of Lampedusa boat tragedy victim with a teddy on the lid among dozens buried in anonymous vaults despite Italian Prime Minister’s promise of a state funeral
Unknown child was among over 300 asylum-seekers who drowned when their boat caught fire and sank Dozens of coffins buried in vaults in Sicily despite Italian Prime Minister's promise to hold a state funeral for the

- Unknown child was among over 300 asylum-seekers who drowned when their boat caught fire and sank
- Dozens of coffins buried in vaults in Sicily despite Italian Prime Minister’s promise to hold a state funeral for the victims
A tiny coffin with a teddy bear fixed poignantly to the lid is lowered into an anonymous vault – the final resting place for one of the youngest victims of Italy’s worst ever refugee tragedy.
The unknown child was among more than 300 Eritrean and Somali asylum-seekers who drowned when their fishing boat caught fire and sank last just half a mile from the island of Lampedusa on October 3.
The coffin was one of dozens buried in vaults in the small cemetery of Piano Gatta near the city of Agrigento in Sicily despite Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta’s promise to hold a state funeral for the victims.
Read More Mail Online: Tiny coffin of Lampedusa boat tragedy victim with a teddy on the lid among dozens buried in anonymous vaults despite Italian Prime Minister’s promise of a state funeral
ab ab October 16, 2013
Italian officials promised to help when they were asked by humaniteryan activists that the eritrean people would send the bodies back home. but when HGDEF get aware of it guess what. they admited they are eritreans and said they would pay every thing to take them back. but that was only words to the poor Eritrean people. in realty HGDEF played their dirty game. came like a government and made it imposible to the italyan oficials.
Wedi ngus October 16, 2013
Why are we blaming our government for everything , the government said we will pay the cost and take them, that was said out loud so we need to stand with our government at least on this issue and ask the fascist Italy government why they aren’t sending them. Please eritrean people this is not the right time to play politics. We can do the politics later but we need to be united for our brothers and sisters now.
josef October 16, 2013
Yemane hbey ” ab adom kikberu iyom ilu.” Ilom do knenfhuna aykeneyun trit hgdef, Hji daa intay terekbe?! Wey gud!
ERITRAWIT October 16, 2013
Anta Josef,
Nezom shefatyu deka aminka entay nay seb kbret yfeltu keketylom mgohaf zlemedu.
Dan October 16, 2013
let’s wake up
tekeste October 16, 2013
The so called eritren government made it impossible forthe victims to be buried in eritrea. You would expect this from an evil regime. We need to be united against this monster before things are beyond repair. The regime is working day and night to destroy this nation.
dan October 16, 2013
Eritrean people trushed for 22 years by this Mafia regime his clueless leader Isaias.
enough is enough //
josef October 16, 2013
This is a really black story in Eritreans history, but the saddest one was about the pregnant woman who gave birth after she drowned in the sea, later found by the Italian divers.
Hagush October 17, 2013
Nobody was expecting the burial to take place at home country cos the mafia may fear that people may rise tremendous. Questions at the event
ahmed saleh October 17, 2013
The so called unknown child victim is an Eritrean angel who sacrificed to awaken the dormant people to
show courage on differentiation between just and unjust deeds in life .
For dedication not to be forgotten , let call the child ” ERITREAN BABY OF HOPE ” for her/him honor .
Anyway, my prayer goes to their families and love ones to stay strong and accept GOD”S will . As we
all remember some of those victims at early period like in Sinai said ” IZI KHEMAN KHALF IYU ” . Believe
on the message ” IT WILL PASS ” for sure .
Pleroma Righteousness October 18, 2013
If There was anybody expecting the Regime to allow the entry of the coffins,he or she must be someone from far far away country such us mars!Please don’t waste our time….as someone says this Vicious monster is devouring the nation.Everybody is gambling against poor Eritreans.
Unless we Eritreans arise in unison there is noway to bring down the trembling dying camel!
Pleroma Righteousness October 18, 2013
May The Loving Lord Confort and condole all the victims family!