The Way Forward For Eritrea: Eritrean Education and Publication Trust in association with Initiatives of Change hosts a two-day conference in London
Our guest speakers will be: Mr Mesfin Hagos, former Minister of Defence; “Why haven’t the opposition united and achieved its goal?” Ambassador Abdela Adem; “Challenges to Mass Mobilization and Wider Participation”. Ambassador Adhanom Gebremariam; “Efforts Needed to

Our guest speakers will be:
- Mr Mesfin Hagos, former Minister of Defence; “Why haven’t the opposition united and achieved its goal?”
- Ambassador Abdela Adem; “Challenges to Mass Mobilization and Wider Participation”.
- Ambassador Adhanom Gebremariam; “Efforts Needed to Forge a Viable Common Strategy?”
- Mr Suleiman Hindi, Head of Engineering, EPLF; “Effective Ways to Bring About Change in Eritrea”
- Mr Dawit Fessehaye, Head of Dept; “PFDJ’s System of Control and Repression”
Michael Tesfamariam April 12, 2016
It is wrong, sinful and morally reprehensible for Assenna and others to serve as advertising board for this fringe egotistic, insensitive self representing loyal opposition elite that represents no body but their petty mayopic narrow political goal. How much effective and productive it would have been for all justice seekers had Assenna had spent much of its time and resources organizing and campaign another Geneva style demonstration other than flooding its website again and again with such time consuming expensive useless gathering by outdated pensioners.
Dala Ksha April 12, 2016
Most of you who are opposing this people,are HGDEF under cover agents or Andnet club members like Teclay(cowface)
Genet April 12, 2016
Why are you advertising this meeting if only invited people can attend it. It is NOT for us, the grassroots.It is only for the selected few.
mahamed,hilal April 12, 2016
let tesfay temnowo speake about this guys and their rule on killing movement 73
Fitsum April 12, 2016
If this is a meeting or seminar, why are you creating a comments box, this should be after the seminar, participants to give their opinion regarding the seminar. Assenna, please act professional. Creating problem and conflict is not for the benefits of justice seekers and peapel advocate the basic right of Eritrean peapel
Teclay April 12, 2016
“Yebio aka Teclay, Massawa
አንታ ወዲ ኾማሪት : ኒሲኻን አያኻ ኢሰያስ ኢኹም ሽፋቱ :”
ንዓና እንተ ትጸርፈና መልሲ ኣይመድለየካን፣ነተን ኣሕዋትና ስለ ዝተጻርፍካ ግን፣ ‘ኾማሪት ‘ ማለት እንታይ ማለት እዩ? = ብዝተፋላለዩ ሽግራት ማለት ሰብኡተን ምስ መቱወን ፣ብሸፋቱ ምስ ተቐንጸሉ፣ ኣብ ሽፍትነት ናይ ዓረብ መሳርሒ ኪኾኑ ምስ ከዱ ደቀን ንምዕባይ ዝወስድኦ ስራሕ እዩ።ስራሕ ስለ ዝኾነ ድማ ክቡር እዩ ።ኣብቲ ዘለኻዮ ዓዲ ሓንቲ ፈረንጂ ወይ ዓረብ ባር ትውንን እንተላ ኣይትጸርፋን ኢኻ፣ብኣንጻሩ ሽቓቓ እናሓጸብካ ,Signora ኢልካ ትሰግደላ፣ሕሱር ስለ ዝኾንካ ።
ከም ብዓል Miriam Yakob ዝኣመሰላ ብዙሓት ኣሓት ኣብዚ forum ስለ ዘለዋ ኣደብ ግበር፣ከብድኻ ካብ ተግዝፍ ፣ነታ ኣዝያ ንእሽቶ ሓንጎልካ የዕብያ።ዓቕምኻ ድማ ፍለጥ።
Hruy April 12, 2016
This is none sense. What do you expect from Mesfun Hagos. He was awarded ‘Head’ in defence minister not for his education or talent but for his skills in killing honest fighters. Now it is time to think out of these old generations. Lets take responsibility and fight on ground. These people tried all their best and we have seen the freedom they brought to us.That is all. We should not expect from them. Enough is enough. Lets wake up and do our share.
Hruy mrach
Mizan April 12, 2016
ሀገርን ሕዝቢን ፀሪህና ኣይንውቀስ! ‘ድንቁርና ያብቅዕ!’
ፀገም ሕዝበ ሀበሻ ዞም ሸ..ሻ ‘ዮም( ሸዋን ሻዕብያን) ‘ሕዝቢታት ኢትዮጵያን ኤርትራን አይኮነን’
ምንሊክ ሸዋ መፀ ጣልያን መፀ ->ስሜን መረብ ንባርነት ተሸጠ፤ ኦሮሞን ደቡብን ሙልዕ ሰብኣዊ ክብሮም ተገፉ፤ ተጋሩ ኩለ መዳያዊ ጥቅኣት ወረዶም–ናይ ሕዝበ ሀበሻ 100-ዓመታት መከራ ዘመን’ዮም(ካብ ምንሊክ ክሳብ ደረጊ) ፡፡ ነዚ ኩሉ መን’ዩ ተሀታቲ ገዛእቲ ሸዋ፡፡ ምንሊክ ንርእሱ ሸያጢን ለዋጢን ኮይኑ ሰሜን መረብ ምስሸጠ’ዩ ዘመነ ግርንቢጥ ወሪዱ፡፡
እዙ 100 ዓመታት ናይ ኩሉ ህዝብታት ሀበሻን፤ኦሮሞን፤ደቡብን ናይ መከራ ዘመን’ዩ:: ብሰንኪ ገዛእቲ ሸዋ፡፡ ገዛእቲ ሸዋ ብዝፈፀምዎ ገበን ድፍን ኢትዮጵያ ፀሪህካ ምውቃስ ጌጋ ጥራህ ዘይኮነስ ሀጥያት’ዩ፡፡ ንርዕሱ ኣብ መከራ ዝነበረ ሕዝቢ ብስም ኢትዮጵያ ክውቀስ የብሉን፡፡ ሻዕብያ ኣብ ጎረባብቲ ዛውረዶ ሞትን መከራን ብከመይ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ይህተተሉ፡፡ ንርዕሱ ኣብ አፍ ሀርገጽ(ሻዕብያ) ዛሎ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ እንታይ ክገብር ይክእል? ሻዕብያ ኤርትራ በይኑ ይዕንድረላ’ሎ፡፡ ገዛእቲ ሸዋ’ውን በይኖም አንዲሮምላ፡፡ ሻዕብያ ንስገኦም ዝሀደሩ ተለኣአክቲ አለውዎ፣ መግዛእቲ ሸዋ’ውን ከምኡ ኔሮምዎ፡፡ ሀረስታይ ኤርትራ፣ ትግራይ፣አምሓራ፣ ጉራጌን፣ ኦሮሞን….ወዘተ እንተሪኢና ነወዲ ሰብ ኩሉ ዝላዐለ ክብሪ ዛለዎ፣ ንፈጣሪኡ ዝፈርህ፣ንጋሻ ዛክብርን ለጋስን’ዩ፡፡ ፊዊዳል ከተማታት ዛፍረየኦም መንግሥቱ ወይ ኢስያስ መእቀኒዑ አይክኮኑን፡፡ እዙይ ተረዲእና ስም ሕዝቢ ብህማቅ አይንፅራሕ፡፡ ካብ መሠረቱ ፖለቲካ ላግፂ’ዩ ናይ ፖለቲከኛ ደረቅ ክኣ ንሕዝቢ ትርፉ መከራን ዕንወትን’ዩ፡፡
alem April 12, 2016
Wow, these people have a nerve to talk about Eritrean issue, if I were them I would live in hiding. What kills me is still they never get it that they are tinted with blood of innocent Eritreans. They never come across from being house slave of Issaias the decorated shifta through out their life simply they were the boot lickers of their boss to begin with this meeting by invitation only. They know damn well if it is open for the public they will be chewed by the general public. So that’s way they did it by hand picked thaier stooges. Shame for assena to advertise this garbage meeting. I do agree what Mr . Michael Tesfamariam and Mr.Teclay wrote.
Moki April 12, 2016
እቶም ራቢጣ ኢስላሚያ (ሕብረት ኣስላም)ኢሎም ተላዒሎም ዝነበሩ እውን ፣ኣንጻር ዕብለላ መሲሕ/christian ኢትዮጵያ ኢዩ ኔሩ መልዓሊኦም ኔሩ፣ስለዚ ተጋሩ ኢትዮጵያውያን ከም ኢሳያስን ክሻን እንተገዝኡና ክገርመና የብሉን፣ጀመርቱ ንሳቶም ፈጸምቱ ንሳቶም፣እምበር ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ማሕበር ኣንድነት እዩ ኔሩ።
Dark fantasy aka Cow[ard] Face
It seems as a child, when you wère in Eritrea, you hated people, because of some traumatic experiences you had gone through, that now you keep blaming it on the Eritrean people. Brother, we too were victims of your fathers who mostly worked as government spies.
Take it easy.