The mysterious breakaway of the former pilot from Asmara’s high security prison still unresolved and a matter of great concern to the Isaias Regime
The mysterious breakaway of the Eritrean former pilot, Dejen Andehishel, from high-security prison in Asmara (Carchelli) and his subsequent disappearance is still unresolved and a matter of great concern to the senior security authorities in
The mysterious breakaway of the Eritrean former pilot, Dejen Andehishel, from high-security prison in Asmara (Carchelli) and his subsequent disappearance is still unresolved and a matter of great concern to the senior security authorities in Asmara according to sources from Eritrea.
After more than one month of the incident that took place during a broad-day-light, the Isaias regime couldn’t locate the pilot who drove one of the officials’ cars to pass through several hurdles within the prison premises and broke the main gate before vanishing into the capital.
Security forces of the PFDJ regime sealed off all main exit points within the same day and established check points along the main roads towards Ethiopia and Sudan, but couldn’t capture the former pilot who was imprisoned for 15 years without charge for no apparent reason.
The sources added that Isaias visited the prison camp as soon as he received the report of his breakaway and insulted the officials for not shooting him on spot.
Such kind of high profile escape from the same prison camp is happening for the second time. These incidents expose the vulnerability of the PFDJ regime which is increasingly getting weaker. Its system has been broken while the Eritrean population has withdrawn its support. The one-man dictatorial regime is losing control of the country by day.
ፎል April 19, 2014
ኣማኒኤል mysteri ዶ’ ክንብሎ ወይስ ሓሳዊ ዳ’ ሓደረ ይፎክስ ፡ ኣሰና ሚድያ ሸዊት ሰበረ ተትሸይጥ መሓሻ ፡መንገዳ ጠፊእዋ ኣይተፍቅር ኣይትፍቀር ኮይናትሉ ዘላ ምርቃ ውሒድዋ ህዝቢ ፈንፊንዋ መሸጢ ሓሶት መቃለሲ ባይታ ሲኢና ፈሲ ፊቨን ሸቲታ፡ ፡
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis April 19, 2014
Your Tigrgna is not good, improve your Tigrgna plesse, my be it is not ypur mothrr language
Yohannes April 20, 2014
Fooe did you felt the heat. Assenna is getting more popular day by day. Why do you come here? Your tigryna seems DEMHIT one. How long have been in Eritrea? Go Asmara and hang in rega meganun and hope your tigryna will improve.
fori April 20, 2014
ንነብስካ ፎእ ክትብላ ዲካ ፎል ልካያ ኣታ ደንቆሮ፣ ሎምስ ከኣ ንእማን ምስታ ብድርግ ሜታ ብሰልዲ ኣሰፋው ተከስተ ዝተበራበረት ፈበን ከተወዳድሩ ብኣር ደሊኩም፣ መሻኪን፣ ተከክ ዶ ኣቢሉኩም፣ ኣብ ታሕቲ ኮበርታ ፈበንካ ኣቲካ ደኣ ፈሳ ተኣጠን ኣንታ ዓጢነ ለቅላቒ፣ ኣምኒኤል ሸዊት ስበረ ክሸይት ከሎ ንዓካ ከኣ መጠቅለሊ ሸዊት ሰበረ ክገብረካ እዩ፣
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis April 19, 2014
Your Tigrgna is not good, improve your Tigrgna plesse, my be it is not your
mothr language
yodit April 19, 2014
Anta nistro weyane amaniel hassenna Dawn with weyane !!!
Yohannes April 20, 2014
Yodit I told you before and I will tell you again. Did you check if you are HIV POSITIVE? Don’t get frustrated, it is ok to be HIVE positve darling. HGDEF will provide you till they there. Cry louder and Wedi medhin berad will check what you say. Methri Teal!
eriman April 20, 2014
I love your comments
m April 20, 2014
yodit i think you are bull shit, dont wested time to say weyane,weyane,wyane, our Enemy number one is Hgdef we Erirean pepole we now the hgdef game is over now
Yerhiwo April 19, 2014
The mafia regime is dead! It is a matter of months before it collapses! Watch out Dictator Isaias Afwerki and your cousins Kisha snd Monkey….your days are numbered and I hope the Eritrean people do to you what the Libyans did to Gedaffi (Wedi Berda’s idol)and his son.
Good job Dejen for daring escape to freedom….I hope your escape is successful at the end and you witness the demise of the Wedi Berad’s regime. It is very sad that Dekebat Eritreans including young children are dying every day, locked up in prison for no reason, or fleeing their beloved country in droves.
Our Eritrea is occupied by DEMHIT, ruled by deki 40 and ignorant Dekebat generals!
Yerhiwo April 19, 2014
There is no viable economy in Eritrea. The only business is human trafficking, bribe, money laundering, torture, jail construction, unused road construction, propaganda, etc. The educated people in economics such as Dr. Wolday Futur and Dr. Giorgis are marginalized and are not working in their field or have no authority in decision making. The economy, the money, the commerce is controlled by Hagos Kisha (a non-Eritrean HGDEF treasurer), who is more than a minister and use to steal from EPLF members in the 80′s and also steal money from stores in DC.
How can a guy who can’t read and spell the word “economics” control Eritrean economy and its data. The guy was stealing money in hundreds from his boss in the 1980′s, what do you think he will do with the millions that belong to Eritrea?
This is what we have in Eritrea now! No data, no budget and no nothing!
Worried April 20, 2014
Does anybody know where the so called Dr.Berhe Habteghiorgis is? To phony Doctor use to make me laugh. I Have not seen him making a fool of himself. Hope he comes back. I need some loughs.
Or did the mafia man fired him?
Poor ex-Haile selassie, ex-derg, ex-PFDJ riffraff …. who use to say “Eritrean economy is good half of Eritreans have shoes”
Bus.Zone April 20, 2014
Who ever helped the pilot to be set free your good Eritrean and we commend our courage and bravery
MightyEmbasoyra April 20, 2014
Real pilots are trained how to evade enemies. Please ignore that, isayas can’t possible know that.
Merhawit April 20, 2014
i’ve been to Eritrea recently. Everything dysfunctional. Desolate villages and towns, the populce, or what is left of it, demoralised. Everyone hates Isaias and Hgdef. All are ready for change. But no one believes in peaceful change. They want to hear guns speak, not endless talks. They are longing for another Wedi Ali, but a much better organised one. 15 minutes of exchange of gunfire- Hgdef and the tyrant would already be history.
ahmed saleh April 21, 2014
Issayas built his power by mobilizing
security ( seleya ) factions since Ghedli
time . He lost popularity among EDF &
the people in general . Your argument
sounds logically possible . Organized second attempt of Wedi Ali operation may succed in short time . The one who suffer should make the call to get
rid from all of them.