Tesfai Tecle: A 1 st Rate Mobilizer Who Linked Regions & Religions for Struggle
When Tesfai Tecle’s body gave up to illness on 30 July 2018 while under treatment inGermany, a big gathering in Frankfurt of ex-members of his old ELF brigades, who have been denied safe return home

When Tesfai Tecle’s body gave up to illness on 30 July 2018 while under treatment inGermany, a big gathering in Frankfurt of ex-members of his old ELF brigades, who have been denied safe return home since 1991, bid his remains farewell for burial in Eritrea.
Degoli August 23, 2018
I urge everyone to discuss any issue without insulting anyone. There is nothing in comparison to the freedom of speech. Though assenna sometimes deletes some of my honest messages, thanks to Assenna, this website is great gift to the freedom of speech to educate and inspire Eritreans. Other websites may try to hide facts, white wash history or deny current events in Sinai or Libya and hide the suffering under their carpets.
People like Fitsum and others are given full rights to express their views, be it informed, uninformed or biased.
assenna should continue to be a reflection of all views in Eritrea,
even the Hgdefites, Arabists, self hating Deniers, Tigre language and book burners,
Agazians, Shaebias, Teref Meref Jebhas, Islamist Jihadists,
Pentecostals, men and women with only one kidney left, regionalists,
Wahabists, Omerites – “Omer was a great man” creative writers of fiction,
Shifta Janjawids cattle rustlers, Issaiasists, Camp or Gujle – “we are Arabs”,
Dreamers -“there was a spark and al Sawra” second hand creative writers,
Camp deniers – “there is no language called Tigre”,
Ras Teferians … Tesfazionaits …. all should be free to express their views,
even the ISIS Jihadi and Arab Bedouin dogs and kidney snatchers.
This is what makes Assenna the best and greatest website – no bars held to freedom of expression on Eritrea
Michael Tesfamariam August 24, 2018
There are some thin skin and intolerant folks here in this forum who try to shut people from expressing their ideas by calling Assenna.com to collect individuals’ IP Addresses and track peoples profiles as if they are still in Eritrea where citizens are absolutely denied to exercise their basic rights.
Yonas August 24, 2018
I have no words to express how deeply sorry I am to hear about Tesfai. I know Tesfai Tecle during 1977/78 while he was Bridge 72 military commander as well as Administrator of Hagaz Subzone 1992/1997. He allows me to build against all odds from the office of President one Poultry farm, three Veterinary clinics, one Artificial insemination center and one pasture research at “Daerotai” for Hazag Subzone/ community.