Take it or leave it: There is only one way to Democracy
Fetsum Abraham//5/14/2013 I first want to encourage the opposition forces to continue the resistance, yet I respect and thank them all for hanging on this far individually or in group. As we all know, our opposition forces
Fetsum Abraham//5/14/2013
I first want to encourage the opposition forces to continue the resistance, yet I respect and thank them all for hanging on this far individually or in group.
As we all know, our opposition forces (parties And CIVIC organizations) were doing their activities without a threat from the independent minded pro-democracy forces in Diaspora. They took so much time to unite and yet, they are still apart certainly for obvious reasons. As the tide of the movement turns in favor of people looking for democracy in Eritrea, the comfort zone of the scattered opposition forces aiming at undemocratically controlling political power appears to be in serious problem with all respect to whoever is affected by this assumption.
First, you do not form a political party and refuse to unite with other political parties unless you want to lead without a democratic process. You do not form a youth organization and refuse to unite with others alike unless you aim at political power in post-Afwerki Eritrea without election. Once we agree on transitional government as the only process by which democracy comes to Eritrea, the rest boils down to how genuine and practical the party and organizational leaders are in this respect. There is no other litmus test for genuine democratic spirit than forming a united front and joining it: Something is wrong otherwise and we will fight back to save the future of Eritrea from power mongering individuals that would not hesitate to dictate forever like that guy in Asmara.
If democracy means tolerance to opinion differences and if a transitional government requires unconditional unity of all opposition forces, can the staggering division of our forces and youth imply breaching the concept of democracy? What else then: The answer is positive and this is what Eritreans in Diaspora must be clear on and pressurize their leaders for unconditional unity before another surprise takes place in Eritrea. By then of course the nation will be useless all together because it is already at the bottom of the list in everything. Eritrea cannot afford another dictatorship in its current situation where it lags its neighbors in education, stability, exodus, human rights, etc. without becoming an easy prey of enemies and disintegrating because of civil war.
With intentionally broken family structure that went on for two decades and a systematically gutted out urban youth of the country leaving behind a well indoctrinated and uneducated peasant army only capable of protecting the regime, our country can neither protect itself from its enemies not can our people react to any adversities. Any mistake the resistance may undergo can cause a serious problem to the desperate society that has become a victim of power thirsty leaders all over the place. The society is today sandwiched between the destructive forces of dictatorship at home and some selfish leaders of the opposition forces who resist working under a united front. Responsibility lies on every Eritrean to do the right thing before the Afwerki regime completely collapses. Should the regime fall before the resistance unites chances are Eritreans will continue to suffer and abandon their country in mass probably with greater magnitude than ever before. The disgust and hopelessness will worsen and nationalism will further lose its essence putting the society in critical situation.
Seemingly, there are many Eritreans today silently watching the drama from distance. The excuse is, “the hopeless opposition forces” and I think it makes sense to some extent.
What is interesting in the flip of the coin is that some individuals working under organizations are not comfortable to hear UNITY and yet trying to spot a common ground that makes them work together outside FORMIG A TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT in Eritrea. This is having the cake and eating it too. What other common ground do we have other than this? How can the forces complain of lacking mass support when they are the main cause of the problem? Why should an Eritrean support individual forces that resist going through a transitional government to take power in the country? At the bottom line, there is no priority and a common ground for UNITY other than FORMING A TRANSIONAL GOVERNMENT and any one having a problem with this must be grilled to answer why and even rejected outright?
Please pay attention to how many parties and youth organization claiming for democracy we have around when in reality, the concept of democracy is a constant phenomenon that does not change forever. There is no other form of democracy except democracy itself, nor is there another form of justice other than justice itself. There is no ethnic or religious nor is there African or Caucasians democracy and justice, but only democracy and justice. Any religiously or ethnically affiliated organization cannot bring democracy and cannot rescue the people that it claims to represent. It rather uses them to control political power at the expense of their lives and destiny at large. A self nominated leader that concentrates on religion or ethnicity to solve the problems of a diversified society like ours is using his community as means of controlling power without representing its most fundamental issues, and will go as far as destroying everything including the community in question for power.
This is easy to prove: Can a MOSLEM or a CHRISTIAN organization make it without destroying the other? Can an ethnic based organization make it without antagonizing others in the society? A so-called leader as such is a bandit or a thug that does not care about his own community at all beyond using its sacrifice as a stepping ground to take power by force. Such a terrorist force is tuned to first destroy its own community for greed. Democratic forces must reject such enemies before they mushroom into a full-fledged force that can threaten our society.
In the flip of the coin, any organizational leader insisting on bringing democracy separate from others is a good an enemy as the menace two in the previous paragraph. I would ask a simple question if I were a member of an organization: what is the difference between your concept of democracy and others’ for me to follow you? Are you for transitional government or what? If the first, then why are you resisting unity? If the second, then what do you want?
In conclusion, the concept of democracy demands its practical application in any circumstance. One has to first liberate the self before liberating others and any ethnic or religious oriented self-appointed leader does not have a liberated mind to liberate anything. So is any leader that resists a united front: he is not free himself to free others…PERIOD. Any organization against unity is a potential dictator as greedy and destructive as the system in Asmara. And any individual that buys the BS of such leaders is a potential slave ready to serve the master at the expense of society. TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT requires unconditional unity and let us please work hard to unite the forces as the main goal of the resistance. Do not accept any excuse against unity: this is not the time for Eritreans to separate and any organization claiming to bring about a better democracy in Eritrea is simply cheating. It therefore is the responsibility of every Eritrean to understand the consequence of recklessness in this issue and stand for a united front as strong as possible before it is too late.
I remind the Diaspora should request UNCONDITIONAL UNITY of all forces for TRANTIONAL GOVERNMENT in Eritrea during the Independence Day festivities as the priority of the struggle for DEMOCRACY. There is no freedom without this and it is not worth struggling for another opportunist to dictate without UNITY!! Happy Independence Day!
Petros Haile May 15, 2013
f) Pressurize the international community to continue the SANCTION (Fistum A.)
Dear Fistum,
During my time at EGS (Eritrean Global Solidarity), and even before that , We approached our local representatives and others who were members of the U.S foreign relation committees in both the Senate & House, including our visit to the State department, that is where I wanted to start, specially the open and frank discussion we have had with the Eritrea & Djibouti desk representatives at the State Department, which Seyoum did the presentation from EGS side, and Hailesellasie from the EDA, To make the story short, the vibe we were able to receive from the representatives was more or less to engage, and not to close the diplomatic channels, how ever we also sensed if the diplomatic options were closed, they were willing to entertain some sort of punitive measures targeting the PFDJ leaders, and in so many ways we understood it as a commonly called the “Smart Sanction” approach … what it means is particularly for the Eritrean case, mainly to suffocate the leadership with travel restrictions and take away other privileges … However due to Isayas’s belligerent behavior and Ethiopia’s diplomatic maneuvers, the case of Sanction developed to have a broader reach and results on a severe impact in isolating and reducing the mobility of the regime … But I wanted to discuss the other aspect of the sanction that may result, not only punishing the criminal elements, but the innocent bystanders as well … As Fistum insist to continue the Sanction, I wanted him to realize what the sanction that may impact negatively the EDF capability to defend the nation, since the recent sanction includes the purchasing of military hardware’s and other supervisions that deter Eritrea from acquiring an up to date, and modern capabilities to defend its sovereignty … at the same time Ethiopia has given not only highly sophisticated state of the arts military hardware’s, but granted the advantage to engage on a joint military exercise with the world’s most powerful forces … Now without going into detailed discussions, let us consider and itemize Ethiopia’s regional and international violations, that often ignored or over-looked by the enforcers of the same law … The Alger’s treaty, Badmme , Human rights violation during the Badmme war, The uprooted of innocent Eritreans, and much more …. the moral of the story is by any standard these two nation are fundamentally hostile to each other … So, keeping one man tied one hand behind the back, and allowing the other not only to use both hands,but with it’s hostile chaperons and referee blocking the punches throwing by the one hand man would not be fair , and the results are obvious and predictable … Fistum I was in favor of “Smart Sanctions”, but as time goes by the scenarios has changed, and at this time , the punishment is going beyond the intended target, and it has the potential to harm the average Eritrean, and I am not about to accept the developing reality … So brother Fistum, as an Eritrean nationalist, who loves his country, you should also suggest a sound proposal, and encourage the intellectuals to come up with better alternative that avoids the unfair and dangerous proposals that its time passed, and put our nation in jeopardy ….
abe May 15, 2013
What a stupid analysis.
Ethiopia is out of picture here,Eritrea is in no position to be compared and balance of power measured with Ethiopia.That kind of stupid judgement has led to the current status.Now that Meles is gone another miscalculation will end the survival Eritrea as a nation. Somalian bravado under under Said Barre is a good example,40 years after the war with Ethiopia,they still are disoriented/dysfunctional as a state to speake off.I said worst will happen to disoriented Eritrea of Christian/Islam/Kunama/Afar.The appeasing policy of the late PM days are over.Eritreans must focus 100% on Eritrean problem on this dieing minute and with lots of prayers might be able to save it from falling appart, some said it is already a failed state.
Kalighe May 15, 2013
“.. the punishment is going beyond the intended target, and it has the potential to harm the average Eritrean”
Petros Haile
Dear brother Petros,
What exactly are you proposing so that sanctions do not harm the average Eritrean ?
Do you think there is a way to reach the people without putting the money in the hands of the brutal regime ? or you want the sanctions to be lifted because it’s harming the people ?. Can you please elaborate on this .. ?
Thank you.
Petros Haile May 15, 2013
“.. the punishment is going beyond the intended target, and it has the potential to harm the average Eritrean”
Dear brother Kalighe,
What exactly are you proposing so that sanctions do not harm the average Eritrean ? (Kalighe)
I am hoping the experts will engage intensely on finding a way to protect the citizen of Eritrea, and the nation in transition period, … as the current trend stands , I see a dis advantaged Eritrea, since no one is trying to stop Ethiopia’s open and often undetected violations, here I am referring Eritrea as a country, …. Sanction’s and embargo’s can go very wrong -if for some reason one side is fully equipped , while the other is not, … the Yugoslav case of the 90’s can be a good example … ,
However I would suggest the involvement of more regional & International neutral actors in the Eritrean & Ethiopian affairs, … this kind of approach should halt the potential crisis from harming the innocent citizens of Eritrea, and the nation at large, … and also it will be able to maintain it’s peace and stability in one hand, and it will force the tyrant to change its ways, …This can be done by making the involvement of influential powers and institution conditional to a mandatory reforms from the service recipient state, which is Eritrea, , For now Qatari’s, and Sudanese initiatives is an encouraging signs, and hopefully a bigger and influential powers should be involved as well , ….Once the international actors begin to play their role, not only as a peace keepers, but having an active role in bringing a lasting solution to the regional crisis, … We will see a genuine reform, not because the tyrant wants it , but the diplomatic isolation it brought to itself, and other developing circumstances that emanates from being part of the international legal institutions, … coupled with the sound strategies of Eritreans, Inside the country, or from the diaspora communities …. It seems the PFDJ rule realized , they can not sustain in isolation for long !
Do you think there is a way to reach the people without putting the money in the hands of the brutal regime ? (Kalighe)
I sincerely believe once you regionalize and internationalize the crisis for the purpose of solving the problem, and knowing the regime is in desperate situation, and the chances of accepting these neutral forces is very high, and this will be the time to enforce the conditions to satisfy and secure the people’s need …
or you want the sanctions to be lifted because it’s harming the people ?. Can you please elaborate on this .. ?(Kalighe)
I am not suggesting for sanction to be lifted right away, I am just saying the only time you lift the sanction is when the PFDJ government abides by the rules set up by the international groups, who are in a position to foresee the progress and evaluate as they see fit … , only gradual lifting of the sanction, provided a tangible progress are made … as you can observe yourself, the PFDJ is running around like a mad dog to regain its membership in IGAD, and other vital institutions, including yesterday’s presentation at the UN ….. Yes, it is a sign of desperation, but the question is, what are we doing to about it ?
Kalighe May 16, 2013
Dear brother Petros Haile,
If I understood you well, I think you are saying (although not stated clearly), the PFDJ has started to realize that it needs to mend it’s ways, as result of it’s deteriorating condition internally and diplomatic isolation.
– Where do we need to look, to see the regime is indeed trying to change it’s policies ?. That it’s intentions are genuine and good for the country ?.
Please allow me to differ. The regime in Asmara has neither the will nor the energy needed to reform itself. It’s terminally ill, waiting for an unknown fate.
Eritreans are not left with many options to chose from, but reforming the very system that has turned the whole country into a gulag land is the first one which has to be excluded.
No amount of pressure can change Higdef’s policies. External pressures can push for internal reforms only in countries where there is a regime that cares for it’s people, which is not the case of Eritrea. I understand that, the regime is exposing the country to external dangers, but as long as the regime remains in power, there are also possibilities of the country facing risks that are detrimental to it’s very existence. The only way to avoid the country sliding into Somalization is to start dialogue among all opposition forces, with the aim of reaching consensus on broad national issues, and lay ground work for a transition period and national reconciliation.
Mike May 15, 2013
I think arming the nation is not the issue right now for Eritrea. The issue is simple if it is done right and yet complicated since we are all pointing fingers at each other. Issue – get rid of the regime in Eritrea. Arming and building the nation will not take a whole lot when the current dead heads leading Eritrea are all gone. Instead, we are all blaming Ethiopia, opposition, usa, Djibouti, Yemen, Sudan….have I forgotten anyone else…. Only one left is God I might add.
Problem: None of the current people leading Eritrea will be willing to give up their power. Why: they have no hope for themselves and the nation. So they will hold on to power by all means to cover up the mess they have create and the blood they have in their hand – Hint – look at Mengistu’s time, Mugabe’s and shall I say more….,
Solution: Opposition forces need to keep pressing with plan. One at a time, despite, the time it takes for a change to come, one day peace will come. Change will come. Stay strong and maintain pressure and the system will collapse from within. Another Forto 2013 will come it is just a matter of time……
Funny story: Now that the regime tries to speak out, trying to take credit, at the UN pleading for help with human trafficking? Where was the regime when Eritrean young were bleeding and raped and sold for body parts and thrown to the ocean? Credit belongs to all Eritreans indiv/groups outside of Eritrea that have fought day and night to inform the world of the suffering! Watching it all from a distance and hopeful soon peace and justice will arrive!
Berhanedin May 15, 2013
Dear Fisum;
The different Eritrean organization have been and are refusing to form TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT is clearly as you stated it, only for each organization has a political strategy to replace the EVIL DICTATOR IN ASMARA. As for the ethnic organizations in general and Kunama and Afar in particular, either willing or without knowing, they are fullfilling the strategy of MALELIT to grab the port of Aseb and the fertile land of Gash Barka.
Tamrat Tamrat May 15, 2013
First, you do not form a political party and refuse to unite with other political parties unless you want to lead without a democratic process.
Thanks, sir Fitsum!
Truly truly i say to you May 15, 2013
I found it Petros Hiles´s analysis somehow sensible and reasonable. However i don´t believe we Eritreans able to change our nation destiny, or regime to change by our selves, let alone like we are divided now even we be united, unless we be supported and get recognition by powerful nations. So for me even i see it Fitsum´s proposal for unity constructive, but because the idea is not new and we didn´t seen it when function for decades because of the useless oppositions deed, i advice the rest of our majority society before being continue victimizing by both devils, it is better to side and live with known devil in Asmara. This i say it not because i am frustrated only, but like Albert Einstein say “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world a new.” This alternative logic idea, because it convinces me at most to bring change i chose this, rather than the useless oppositions fruitless deed. For most of you the above logic what Einstein said, you might think think the wisdom as come from him, but never every wisdom the source is, Almighty God Jesus Christ self. This is why his disciple, Holly apostle Paul said, ” Do not let evil defeat you; instead, conquer with good.” (Romans, 12; 21) This is why the need to side with the devil Isayas to approach in love, instead opposing him; because Isayas by nature is devil, you can not defeat devil with same kind of method he loves it hatter and confrontation, but by love. Do you think Isayas even he be stay a president with out a threat could lead the nation peacefully? could let young to learn and let business to function even we all be his supporters? never he existing only by manging our conflicts. I prefer this alternative method to test,rather than the useless oppositions using same hatter method. Or i trust most a courageous individual person action like Hero Said Ali Hijay for instance deed or, like Semhar in most his comment again and again remarks ” To assassinate the main evil Isayas” alone i believe would be a best solution to end our Missouri,.I believe nothing worse could come after Isayas death. Unfortunately the Useless General Mesfin Hagos and Adhanom instead construct a strategy, or give advice people how to kill one evil dictator, they are wasting time in the name of opposition by arguing each other to defend and cover up their past crime. How could for one General in exile could be difficult the way to find how to kill one evil Diablos unless they be selves are same Diablos?
Asmara2 May 15, 2013
Imagine a woman with a new born baby, ok?
Now consider the following scenarios
Scene 1: normal scenario
A woman with a new born baby, ok?
The normal accordance would be – mom breast feeding her baby happily. A happy baby.
Scene 2: The abnormal scenario
But, imagine cuffing both her hands and tie them behind her back.
The normal accordance would be – mom loses hugging capability, but still manages to feed her baby. But the baby is vulnerable, and could be prone to predators. The mom is not comfortable, but at least she managed to do something for her baby.
Scene 3: Worst case scenario
In addition to tying her hands behind her back, shackle both her breasts with iron cups, and fasten it behind her back so hard, that you are almost crushing her chest.
Digest that for a second
Now, let us check what the normal occurrence would be under the given condition.
The baby is not fed hence is hungry and is crying like crazy. The woman is in an extreme pain due to the shekels. But worst of all she is in extreme pain and misery because she cannot feed the baby that she is supposed to provide and protect. It breaks her heart. But the woman, very loving as she is, very caring as she is, she twists her body in a peculiar and extremely painful way , trying to squeeze out some drops of milky that could possibly leak through the sides of the metal breast cup and reach her baby’s mouth. Oh, God!
Scene 3: Epic
Now add the following to scenario 3:
– The mean neighbor comes to the woman’s house and starts to crap there. He also comes with a syringe to suck the milk from her breast, fill it in a cap and takes it to his house. And lures the hungry desperate baby, to crawl to the neighbor’s house in search of that milk.
– That mean neighbor also, time and again throws blows to the woman’s head and chest, and kicks het tummy kun Fu style.” Karate kick” right in the rib cage, every time he feels like it. Painful!
– Here comes her older son who was so jealous because his mom was breast feeding the new baby instead of him, and because he believes he is not the center of her love any more, starts to bit his baby sibling. That is not all. Because of his deep hatred for his mom; he goes all the way to the neighbor’s house and bends so low. He chooses to be the neighbor’s bitch. And conspires with the neighbor to suck the blood out of his mom and his baby sibling.
– In the meantime, the “ABITI ADI” of the community, the superpowers of the community, the “SHIMAGLE” of the community, sits there making sure the neighbor is not touched. Actually they support the neighbor and supply him with new techniques of torture and cover his financial expenses. And also do their utmost in luring the children of that poor woman in deserting her.
Scene 4: Intriguing
– The “ABITI ADI” of the community, the superpowers of the community, the “SHIMAGLE” of the community – now call for a meeting. They say “we have a problem at our hand. We have to stop this problem from going out of proportion”. What is the problem, you might ask. To these people, the problem is the woman. See?
– They accuse the woman of
o Not feeding her baby
o Not protecting her baby
o Human right abuse
o Human trafficking – for allowing or for sending her baby to the neighbor’s house.
– They consider some measures to punish the woman
o Blind fold her
o Starve her
o More biting
– End result? Well, until the woman submits herself to the neighbor and be a puppet for those superpowers of the area.
May be I should do some definitions here:
– The Woman = Eritrea
– The Baby = Eritreans in Eritrea
– The neighbor = Woyanie
– The older son, who hates and bits his mom = Antsu Nay Woyanie who are conspiring with Woyanie
– Abaiti adi = US, UN, OAU…etc
– Son who is lured to go to the neighbor = Eritreans who are fleeing to Ethiopian camps and then to USA
Ghenet May 16, 2013
Eritrea is a piece of land and it can not feed anyone unless the eritreans make it by farming and making maximunm use of its resources. So this analogy won’t work for eritrean situation.
Asmara2 May 16, 2013
Ghenet (ጠራዕራዕ)
Why you always choose to be an Idiot is beyond me.
Let me simplify it for you, so that it would be easy on your feeble brain: You love to bark at the Eritrean government and people, change the Woman to mean “the Eritrean Government”, then re-read it (Consult any one, if you want. Nah, funny hat is as idiot as you. Ask someone else) and come back
Ghenet May 16, 2013
There are quite a lot of thingstat are beyond you; things like truth, justice, civility, moral, compassion and communication skills are all beyond what you can understand.
EG. Eritrean will never mean Eitrean Gvt.Gvts will come and go bu ertrea will be there, see? simple logic!
All you do is just go around calling people names hiding behind cybernets and a fake name.
Asmara2 May 16, 2013
Ghenet (ጠራዕራዕ),
Abiet Minia Kolel! Miss. ጠራዕራዕ, focus, will you? Try to grasp the message of the analogy, don’t you go round in “minia kolel” on me now.
Again I will make it easy for you, until you start to focus on the message of the analogy (Don’t worry, I already know you are an idiot – I am just doing this for any one here with half the brain).
Nah! who am I kidding – let us go directly to the message. You idiots love to accuse the Eritrean government and want to stick any bad thing to it, right? That analogy shows you that, the government and the Eritrean people are put in a shackle, like that woman, so that they would not be able to function in a normal way. The no-war-no peace, sanction, disarming of the Eritrean government, while arming woyanie to the brim, shipping Eritreans from Shimelba camps to USA (High scale trafficking)- luring the youth to abandon their nation…and what not.
The intriguing part is – nobody tells Woyanie to abide by law (Like the neighbor), actually the UN, US etc stick staff like human trafficking and what not and try to choke Eritrea more – like what the shimagles did to the woman in the analogy…..etc etc
Now, finally Miss. ጠራዕራዕ, you said this :
“….Governments will come and go but Eritrea will be there…”
Very true! Now you are talking! This is actually what we are telling you.
Ghenet May 16, 2013
Ayyyyy Asmera,
Meskinay!!!, that is all I can say to your giber gaber comment and the foul mouth of your!
Asmara2 May 16, 2013
Exactly!. No substance no nothing. Just ጠራዕራዕ
fetsum abraham May 16, 2013
this guy (Asmara)is crazy and for some reason he is against u. Poor dude can not handle your reasoning power probably molded by education and reason, of course he does not know who u are (I am only guessing). If there is some thing worth talking about this dude, it is not his ridiculous intelligence (a slave by choice) but the entertainment subject he has become that attracts me more. He is simply a joke and I love to see him here just to break the monotony. I love him to death because he is useless. We need some uselessness and idiocy here to enjoy life and he is a perfect individual for this. I like his idiocy and slave mentality so much I miss him when he is absent in the forum. I think I am addicted to idiocy to miss him as much as I miss my guitar when I stay away from it even for a week. I hope u are not taking this dude seriously but I am sure the struggle will free him along with the rest of our people at the end of the day. Let me ask u a question: are u as addicted as I am of this dude who has no mission in life except worshiping the worst dictator on the planet? Is that why u are responding to him like I am doing here indirectly knowing that he ain’t got nothing upstairs except perversion and a strong need to enslave for a master? What I think here is that u can not take his upstairs seriously considering ur intelligence and I believe u are using him for entertainment: did I get it right or wrong? I just hope I will see him in person one day after all this is over and enjoy watching his head wondering about what may be inside to make him as uselessly interesting as he is.
Please enjoy the show my dear without personalizing things.
Ghenet May 17, 2013
Hi Fitsum,
Yea, I do enjoy enjoy his idiocy but I am a very optimistic person so till recently I tried to put some sense in to him for him to understand his lack of communication skills. But now I have given upon him and I am just enjoying whatever he is. As you said he is a spice of life and makes us smile now and then. I think now I am as addicted as you are and even more.I love it when he writes my name. I hope I am not scaring him off.I hope he would keep coming back!
Asmara2 May 17, 2013
Oh Swell!
The cheap prostitute called its own cheaper call girl!
We all know Funny hat (The idiot – Fitsum) is a low level, Woyanie’s trash prostitute (Ghenet ጠራዕራዕ, you know that, right?). There is no surprise there.
What is funny is, when he tries to use Ghenet ጠራዕራዕ as a go-between “call girl”. That is hilarious. Well, it also shows he has a low regard for this confused girl, for sure.
Asmara2 May 17, 2013
Ghenet( ጠራዕራዕ )
Now, just look at this and judge for yourself. Funny hat said
“….this guy (Asmara)is crazy and for some reason he is against u……”
– First of all, you are the one who started to respond to my comments; it is not the other way around.
– Secondly it is Funny hat who is writing stupid articles here, glorifying Woyanie and all – so, if there is any one targeted here, it can only be him. Meaning he has to stand up and be accountable for what he writes here.
– Third, you don’t have to be the door keeper of his cheap, low level sell-out self. It is apparent he is trying to use you as a shield whenever he feels threatened.
– Forth, you should never, never allow any one – be it funny hat or anybody else to ride easily – when any one is writing about Eritrea! You don’t have to be ready to defend him/her just because you thought they are going to talk trash about the Eritrean government. There should be times – you have to use your brain and elevate the standard they have to be justify whatever they are writing here – AFTER ALL THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT ERITREA.
To make my point, here are a couple of comments Funny Hat posted here, which I believe sailed through without any one challenging them. YOU SHOULD NOT ALLOW ANY FOOL TO DEFAME YOUR COUNTRY, NEVER
Haben May 15, 2013
As always thank you for your enlightenment and you are right on the target. We must accept democracy and democratic ideas to reach our destiny. One of the biggest obstacle to our success is lack of tolerance. This is pervasive in almost every group you try to organize. We have seen it and got sick of it in communities in Diaspora, we have seen it in churches and of course politics. If someone brings a different idea more often the idea is accepted with defensiveness exacerbated by further arguments. We must learn to celebrate differences.
Ghenet May 15, 2013
Hi Fitsum,
well said and right moment to say it bro!
Some things are basic and cannot be negotiated on and a compromise can be reached but some issues cannot be put on the table of negotiation. In our (Eritrean) case what can never be put on the table of negotiation is ‘ERITREAN PEOPLE AND THEIR RIGHTS’. period. For Eritrea to be/exist there must be Eritreans. Eritrea is just a piece of land but it is our land and nobody will touch it because we are there! But only if we are there. The land does not care what colour flag is flying on it. Moreover, if we are not there to defend it, no matter how many sanctions are lifted or how many countries support Eritrean GVT, it is always vulnerable and actually there is no meaning to it WITHOUT PEOPLE. So our priority should be our people.
The mushrooming parties should get their acts together and unite to work and free our people. This struggle is not and should not be about them and about power. Our people are heaving under the yoke of a brutal group of thugs who would stop at nothing to stay in power. Power should be given to the people to choose who can lead and should lead them. At this moment in time we should be fighting for UNITY of THE OPPOSTION CAMP! THE POEPL IN ERITREA ARE looking up to us to start the job so that they can finish it. We should NOT LET THEM DOWN.
This independence day should be a turning point otherwise our people will give up on us. We can NOT LET THEM DO THAT. We should demand for UNITY!!!
ida May 15, 2013
I agree that unity should be our first goal. We should also consider all the points that unite us. There is no Eritrean that is happy with the deteriorating condition back home. There is no Eritrean who is not hurting about the situation in the Sinai. There is no Eritrean who doesn’t want progress. We have always lived in peace with all religions and tribes, there is no reason why we can’t unite as one people now.
Salim May 17, 2013
” We have always lived in peace with all religions and tribes, there is no reason why we can’t unite as one people now. ”
We are already united and celebrating our independence. You are searching for something which haven’t lost in the first place.