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Sweden piles pressure on Eritrea with plan to sever diaspora cash

Sweden, whose citizen has been jailed by Eritrea for more than ten years without charge, has moved to block the flow of diaspora money to the isolated Red Sea nation. Its parliament, Riksdag, is preparing legislation

Sweden, whose citizen has been jailed by Eritrea for more than ten years without charge, has moved to block the flow of diaspora money to the isolated Red Sea nation.

Its parliament, Riksdag, is preparing legislation to block a two per cent mandatory tax collected by Eritrea from its citizens living in Sweden.

The Swedish parliament tasked its justice affairs sub committee to prepare a supplementary bill to support the decision following a recent debate on the proposal.

“We are willing to take measures if current legislations cannot put a stop to this,” Mr Johan Linander, the deputy chair of the committee, told reporters after the parliamentary session.

Some parliamentarians had referred to the technical challenge of enforcing such a decision without a suitable legal framework.

The decision would be a huge flow to the finances of Eritrea, which is already under United Nations sanctions for its alleged support of terrorism in eastern Africa.

Huge blow

The taxes have been described in a UN report as the largest source of income for the internationally isolated Asmara government.

Eritreans living in the diaspora are forced to pay the tax with failure to comply reportedly leading to a denial of entry back home and exclusion from government services.

Source: African Review

Review overview
  • tegadalay March 9, 2012

    the only thing sweden can do is block the 2% they dont have the guts do free their jornalist they dont want to mess with THE LIONS OF NAKFA so let them craying & wining year after year DAWIT ISACK DAWIT ISACK for the world when he is rating in eraero so do somthing or shut the hall up

    • Haile March 9, 2012

      Anta Halay,prostitute, you are prostituted, you have no human dignity. I describe Naizgi Kflu is better than you with his cruel history. But yours is worset. YOu should go school and improve your writing rather than humilitating people here.

    • SideLiner March 9, 2012

      Just wow…for wounded pfdj follower…

    • Fetawihaki March 9, 2012

      instead of os simply supporting the eritrean government, would be reasonable, if you could ask yourself why your brother Dawit Isaak has been jailed for ten years without charge???

      selam n deki erey

      • HAKI YTAKEB March 11, 2012


    • X TEGADALAYE March 9, 2012


    • Baraee March 10, 2012

      Imposter Tegadalay,
      Is it true TV Eri announced Naizghi Kiflu will be buried after the BORDER DEMARCATION. Beause it is “national security”

  • Simerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr March 9, 2012

    Of course the country law can forbid you from with your in Sweden or elswhere earned money supporting terrorist or dictatorial goverment who works aginst the interest of their interest and the interest all civilized society..if you want to help your goverment go and show us how the real patriot does ,built bridges and roads not couple of dollars or Euros or krowns.when your children enjoying the best of freedom in Sweden , America and other European cities and the poor Eritrean mothers are struggling to raise their children in hardship….bezesinikas hiza kortmolu..I get you—lieli hagerawi nayhasot shekati music is for you and others who do things like you.

  • Simerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr March 9, 2012

    For yemane is the above

  • March 9, 2012

    I read here something by one so called “TEGAdalay”……you illiterate “TEGADALAY”:
    by “Craying” you mean crying?
    by “wining”…-. do you mean whining
    by ” hall” …do you mean hell?
    “aye beal tegadalay”………just like most of them, if not all……they know nothing, but they try to act as if they know everything…..and by so doing, they have taken the country in to “hall!”….hehehehe…..!

  • Semhar March 9, 2012

    You are a mercenary just like your boss the mad dog Isayas who is from Tembien Ethiopia sent to dissolve the Eritrean straggle for independence.
    ! 980 destroyed ELF, 1993 he dissolved EPLF. And replaced it by HIGDEF, his followers.
    1993 he took down our Liberation fag and replaced it by his own flag
    1993 hi abolished our historical provinces and implemented his own Zorbas.
    1993 he started to dismantle all religions in Eritrea and replaced them by his own believers. (They are serving him rather than to their God).
    1993 he took control of the land and the people in Eritrea.
    It was the law of the land for an Eritrean to own a land to build his house and to have a farming land in his or her parent’s village. The mad dog has changed it. Now Eritreans now are forced to buy a land from the mad dog only.

    All these were implemented buy force, by dividing and ruling. He made Eritreans fight against their interest, against one another. Fathers betray their wives and mothers betray their husbands and kids. and at the end he jail or kill them all.
    The perfect example, Naizghi Kiflu, the number one man of the mad dog, after he killed many dissent Eritreans now he has been denied by his master the mad dog to be buried in Eritrea, the land of his ancestors.

  • Semhar March 9, 2012

    You are a mercenary just like your boss the mad dog Isayas who is from Tembien Ethiopia sent to dissolve the Eritrean straggle for independence.

    if you are Eritrean please lern from your fellow Eritreans.

    ! 980 destroyed ELF, 1993 he dissolved EPLF. And replaced it by HIGDEF, his followers.
    1993 he took down our Liberation fag and replaced it by his own flag
    1993 hi abolished our historical provinces and implemented his own Zorbas.
    1993 he started to dismantle all religions in Eritrea and replaced them by his own believers. (They are serving him rather than to their God).
    1993 he took control of the land and the people in Eritrea.
    It was the law of the land for an Eritrean to own a land to build his house and to have a farming land in his or her parent’s village. The mad dog has changed it. Now Eritreans now are forced to buy a land from the mad dog only.

    All these were implemented buy force, by dividing and ruling. He made Eritreans fight against their interest, against one another. Fathers betray their wives and mothers betray their husbands and kids. and at the end he jail or kill them all.
    The perfect example, Naizghi Kiflu, the number one man of the mad dog, after he killed many dissent Eritreans now he has been denied by his master the mad dog to be buried in Eritrea, the land of his ancestors.

  • tegadalay March 9, 2012

    Semhar when isee you mad & angry that make me happy evry thing you sayed in your comment is right he is the god in eritrea ERITREA AYTDFERN EYA because of him so go cray to your MATER WEYANE THE USA or athers eritrea is in good hands iagree with all of your comments

    • bus-Zone March 9, 2012


      When You see (Semhar) mad and Angry bcz of his people been treated like animal if that make you happy I think you need to be checked on mental institution you should not be in this medium

    • Baraee March 10, 2012

      Tegadalay nai bhsot,

      You confessed that you are a sadistic pyscopath like your DIA. You are happy when you see others mad & angry…..Hasawi, it is because of him Eritrea went to war with all it’s neighbours and paid 19 Thousand, ,….you understand thousand 1000 then 19 times only in Woyane war….Your imbecile brain and sadistic soul does not feel it….Eritrea bsenkhi hade Ibud kelbi shimu Issayas tedefira imber…..Eritrean youth is sold and his internal bodies taken while living to save an older or sick Egyptian, Eritrean women tedefiren imber all over the sinai dessert, Eritrawi now is sold for $30,000 USD to desert bedouins, Erireawi tedefiru imber.
      I am surprised what kind of parents raised such an attitude you spew to your own.

  • tegadalay March 9, 2012

    BUS ZONE what kind of idiotic name is that so if you want way SEMHAR is angry is he has relatives from those inERAERO prison so ther is nothing he can do abaout it he put comments that is the only thing he cando against of THE LION like thos ather opposition do caraying insolting wining to SO CALLED WORLD OF HUMAN RIGHTS so my frind iam happy to see him misreabel mad angry if you remember THE LION OF NAKFA was in NEWYORK last year where were those GEREWEYAN ANDAFAT oppositon can you tell me

    • Baraee March 10, 2012

      Tegadalay nai bhsot,
      How about you give a burial to Naizghi Kiflu your comrade Tegadalay if you are one!!

  • truly, Truly i say to you March 9, 2012

    What the socalled Tegadaly telling us, weather he mean frankly or satirically supporting the regime, by all means i found it interesting and logic his arguments. Because he seems to me in other way,he fed up of and disappointed of with the fruitless duty of the socalled oppositions duty like me.

    • Baraee March 10, 2012

      truly, truly i say to you,

      Respectfully I do not agree with your reasoning. If Tegadaly is disappointed of the opposition what is he doing to change the game. One indivdual can create a lot of focused on a direction he knows. I for one do not believe the opposition will bring change from Addis Abeba,…..It starts with each and every one then family, then neighbourhoods, ….no force can stop it as it gets to our gallant defense forces.

  • Kalighe March 9, 2012

    A law that forbids 2% tax money on diaspora, is the only way the so-called government can hear what others are saying. Their ears are open only when you start talking about money.
    When the law is passed and implemented, the whole mafia work related to money collecting and buying services with it will go underground. At least that way they are forced to minimize the crimes they are committing against the people of Eritrea.