Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on Capsize of Boat Carrying Migrants
Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on Capsize of Boat Carrying Migrants The Secretary-General is deeply saddened to hear reports of the loss of lives as another boat carrying migrants capsized yesterday off the

Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on Capsize of Boat Carrying Migrants
The Secretary-General is deeply saddened to hear reports of the loss of lives as another boat carrying migrants capsized yesterday off the coast of Italy, only a few days after the tragic incident near Lampedusa which had already claimed more than 300 lives.
The Secretary-General calls on the international community as a whole to take action to prevent such tragedies in the future, including measures that address their root causes and that places the vulnerability and human rights of migrants at the centre of the response.
New York, 12 October 2013
Almaz Gaul Asmera October 12, 2013
“…including measures that address their root causes”, I like that. We were proud people like anyone else, who earned their freedom by shading enormous blood. Now we have the land and sea plus a boundary that delineates our country from others, but we don’t have a normal life where we know our rights and duties. There is only one law in Eritrea, one man with a distorted mind. He is a law and in his mind and actions he is the country. This is abnormal situation drives thousands to flee from the iron-fist of the hinged dictator, Isaias Afeworki.
Awet October 12, 2013
Right on Almaz. Everyone knows the root cause is the ruthless Mxxxxr Fxxxxr dictator Isias. Statement alone isn’t going to do it, they need to take action. I can’t believe it we have military in the county, but they not willing to defend the people.
abdu October 12, 2013
I’m sorry we have not only distorted mind; I think we have have one man who is retarded mind.
Awet October 12, 2013
Let’s take it at face value that he if regarded, but what the heck is wrong with the rest of the population? Family members are Pershing and they are not doing a dime about it.
MightyEmbasoyra October 12, 2013
I might add, one mentally challenged for all good things but at the same time one man laser focused for evil actions. How this is possible is beyond any explanation I can find – may be split personality?
About the rest of his followers, I don’t have a single word to sum it up. Majority are ignorants, some opportunist (I have a cousin in this category), very few are mentally sick.
Andom Woldu October 13, 2013
Evil actions have a direct relationship to the [conspired] targets. The way is the goal! We are moving the same way since years without any culture of critcism (only wedi Afom). This gave him the chance to choose ignorants or opportunists in the key positions of Eritrean government, if I am allowed to call the 1-man show as a “government”. We have put our heads in the sands of Eritrea and now we are looking for a way out. It is never too late! We can still make it. As a ‘CAN DO’ – people we put our naivity away and replace all weakness by substanciality & wisdom we inherited from our fathers and mothers!
We are smart people, we were only fooled by DIA who exploited out innocence.
Smart -> smarter -> Eritrean!
Lets UNITE & make it !
belay nega October 13, 2013
“I’m sorry we have not only distorted mind; I think we have have one man who is retarded mind”
Rather you have a retarded Eritrean issue.
Kabbire October 12, 2013
Below is a link to the memorial held in Telaviv, Israel Today to remember and to pay tribute to the Eritreans who died in the Italian coast of Lampeduza:
Genet October 12, 2013
Did the dictator say any word about this tragedy? Did he give any word of comfort to the families who lost loved once?
belay nega October 13, 2013
“Did the dictator say any word about this tragedy? Did he give any word of comfort to the families who lost loved once?”
It does not make any difference,considering the crocodiles who judge the president for where ho comes from.
abdu October 12, 2013
I’m sorry we have not only distorted mind; I think we have have one man who is retarded mind.
kilite mot October 12, 2013
The root cause is the dictator in eritrea .
Kalighe October 13, 2013
The root cause is not only a dictator and his regime, but a lot of other problems that are difficult to pinpoint at. The dictator uses them everyday to remain in power.
For those of you who may find what I am trying to say a bit strange, think of the following:
In a country where the Hindus make 80% of the population (India), a Hindu Nationalist party lost elections !!, why ??. There could be many answers depending on who answers this question ….
To my understanding, this has happened because India has a fast growing middle class (300 million) whose main concern is it’s economic well being. Due to that, short supply of onions and consequent economic crisis that followed was enough for people to vote against them.
Now compare that with what is happening in our country.
It’s important to find out why we are so divided to the extend that, we cannot even stand together to stop the continuous bleeding of our people at the hands of a monster and his regime. The very existence of our people and country is at risk.
– From where Iseyas is coming is not as important as what he is doing.
– He is godless, whether he was born Christian or Muslim should not be an issue at all. – Whether he is a Hamasenite or a rootless Tigrean is secondary issue.
As long as we remain entangled in secondary issues and fail to see the big picture, we are partly to blame for what is happening to our people.
We have see enough of the regimes crimes: nobody is spared.
So why are we wasting our time on petty issue ?
Will we ever learn to prioritize our national issues ?
Samrawi October 13, 2013
Well said!
Hats off to you.
belay nega October 13, 2013
“Whether he is a Hamasenite or a rootless Tigrean is secondary issue.”
The under nationalism oriented so called oppositions,cannot help to judge the president for where he comes from,because their problem is not a hiccup, but a vomit they been suffering from for ever. Unless by the above statement you mean MAKE THE SIGN TO THE LEFT AND TURN TO THE RIGHT.
Kalighe October 14, 2013
“Unless by the above statement you mean MAKE THE SIGN TO THE LEFT AND TURN TO THE RIGHT.”
belay nega
Excuse me if you find my question inappropriate.
Why do you keep calling a self appointed mafia boss a president ?
belay nega October 14, 2013
“Why do you keep calling a self appointed mafia boss a president ?”
The unfortunate president I do not think is self appointed.
Aman October 13, 2013
Have any of you recently lived in Eritrea? I am sure I get a negative answer from most of you. Today’s Eritrea is where lawlessness and selfishness rules. The regime in Eritrea created a lawless nation which in effect gave way to many selfish classes like the illiterate generals,their lieutenants,blood sucking rich and greedy businessmen. It is among these classes of society that this unfortunate nation is divided. The government is responsible for brainwashing and creating a figurative and inactive society. The military commanders are the oppressing mechanisms instrumental in detaining and holding the society hostage. The businessmen fill the big bellies of the military commanders at the expense of the poor society.
The bottom line: do not point your finger on one individual. In today’s Eritrea, a minister can destroy your family, a city administrator can imprison your whole family, a zoba admin can ruin your life, a general can have you killed for no sensible reason, a ‘merah hayli’ can send you to ‘shella’, a businessman with a good connection can bribe officials and make your life miserable.
The most worrying thing is there are people from the new generation in line who wants to pursue this lawless and selfish road. The most terrifying thing – the society is doing nothing about it. May God save Eritrea.
ahmed saleh October 13, 2013
I do not have a bit of recognition upon United nations . They are bunch politically corrupted who give the
game of international politics instead the primary safety and well being of ordinary people . Always they
try to look concerned after destructive events occurred . For them it is all politically connected issues .
tekeste October 13, 2013
The one to blame it the GoE for its savage policies and inhuman nature.
Suleiman Salim October 14, 2013
Don’t be a shameful and stupid person. Which savage policies are you talking about? Eritrea is a very poor country. The government is doing its best to improve the living condition of the Eritrea people while protecting the country from external enemies.