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Sophia Tesfamariam’s Failed and Flawed Seminar in Vancouver on March 3, 2013

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Review overview
  • selam April 6, 2013

    She is a SLAT, BITCH, GAHBA

  • Kokhob selam April 6, 2013

    PFDJ is becoming more toothless and Sofia might be the last of it’s tooth. if the sharp tooth couldn’t cut the truth how can this decayed tooth do?

  • Kombishtato April 6, 2013

    Some people will not stop digging all the past atrocities of shaebia, as it should be, but the same people will not open their mouth at Jebha’s evil past and atrocities. Some opportunist Jebha supporters will not stop covering up or avoiding Jebha’s evil past as they talk about shaebia’s past with out stop.
    In any Jebha affiliated website, like Awate web site, you will never read anything that exposes the evils of Jebha but these groups will not stop digging Shaebia’s past. Now tell me who is for free press and transparency?

    Here is what YG writes about this topic in his classic essay “Romanticizing Ghedli”:

    (5) Exculpating Jebha

    For many in the opposition of the Jebha mold, the crisis in Shaebia is all they needed to make a full time job out of rehabilitating Jebha and some of its dubious heroes. But this sounds more hypocritical than the Highdefites’ task of defending Shaebia because, while the Jebha defenders do want us to remember all the atrocities committed by Shaebia, they do not want us to remember even a single event that seems to mar the image of Jebha. All this despite the fact that this organization, throughout its history, has inhabited the worst of two worlds: although it emulated Shaebia in almost all its failings, it lacked the focus the latter displayed in fighting the enemy.

    But if there is anything that defines Jebha aptly, it is its sectarianism. This is an organization that was born out of sectarian motives, with ethnic and religious overtones; lived throughout its existence in sectarian squabbles (religious, regional, ethnic, linguistic and ideological); and understandably died as a result of its sectarian malaise. Its only half-hearted effort to reform itself in the 70’s soon floundered because it was never able to distance itself from its sectarian past, all along having been unwilling to let go the sectarian leaders of its past. No wonder that in its ashes, the Jebha factions that have survived it have now neatly aligned themselves along the very fault lines that doomed it to self-destruction. Only now, having come out of their respective closet, they openly wear their religious and ethnic hats all the way to their EDA meetings.

    The contradictions that Jebha supporters display could be seen everywhere: They have been diligently digging up all the skeletons they can find in Shaebia’s past (as it should be). But if you point to similar cases in Jebha – Falul, Suriyet Addis, Menfere, Rasai, and all other pre- and post-Adboha massacres. – they throw tantrums. They love to criticize Isaias for every blunder that he makes and for every crime that he commits (again, as it should be). But not only do they not want to hear any negative attribution about their leaders, however inept, undemocratic, sectarian or murderous they were, they also are in the active business of giving them a post-mortem “make over.” They never tire of reminding us of the marginalization of Kunamas under Shaebia (again, as it should be). But if you tell them that in this marginalization, which has a long history behind it, Jebha played a major role, with many of their villages burned down to the ground, many Kunamas killed and their cattle pillaged, they go nuts in anger. Day and night, they never tire of pointing out the inhumane treatment of prisoners under the hands of Shaebia/PFDJ (again, as it should be). But it is in one of the most shameful history of ghedli in Eritrea that Jebha summarily executed its Ethiopian prisoners at a time of its retreat in the late seventies. In this regard, even Shaebia didn’t match this atrocity. I could go on and on: the horrors of giffa (which actually started with Jebha), sexual abuse of women (especially by corrupt cadres and military leaders), endemic corruption of the leadership, etc – all areas that Jebha had excelled well before Shaebia came to be fully identified with them.
    Read the full article below:


  • Kokhob selam April 7, 2013


    in first place EPLF is the result of ELF and both are the result of our thinking. we are not in era to compare those two fronts. everything is mixed today. Jebha fighters were in EPLF and EPLF fighters are in Jebha. that party or this what ever happened for the advantage of people will be appreciated what ever created chaos will be rejected. let’s leave to historians talk about it in the future. what matters is today. where are we today? and how are we going to solve our national problem?

    my friend thanks to PFDJ we are in the same boat today. we are all suffering and living in the past will not help us all.let’s concentrate in present.

    • ahmed saleh April 7, 2013

      I do not mind to arguments or criticisms . My problem is with those particularly who come
      with various names to contaminate the subject on discussion . This person so far used more
      than ten names in this forum . Longtime ago I revealed the names he use to confuse people .

  • H.K April 7, 2013

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    It is not wise and ethical to use any vulgar words to express your disagreement for the cheap and false presentation of Sophia.
    She and her alike are on the wrong side of history. It is useless to try to change this people because they are in a situation where they are saying ” Even if it flies it is still a goat”
    She and her alike will be damped in the garbage of history. She will be remembered as a liar and as a glove of a vampire and nothing else!!
    She cannot preach of progress for a government who cannot supply food for its people!!
    She cannot preach of investment for a country that cannot provide ellectricity to its people!!
    Why is she working in the US with her family if Eritrea is good place. Go to Eritrea with your kids and say what you are saying now to have a credibility!!
    It is unforgivable crime to use democratic right of free expression in the US against people who are asking the smallest right which is “Rule of law!!” Quam !!

    I pray for you to come back to your senses!!
    God bless Eritrea and its lovely people, and save us from the rule of DRAKULA!!


  • April 7, 2013

    I don’t need gold or a thousand miles of Gold Paved Road; just give me freedom and I will treat it more than the gold or roads you are bragging about.

  • Genet April 9, 2013


  • Higdef telam April 10, 2013

    She the hooker and fucking bitch what she talking about gold road she one of the assistant of smagler of Sinai we will ask by the time of freedom why she is she second wife of the conerel she is one of
    I don not mind about that trash higdef lady
    She don’t know even how to shoot the gun how she is acting like the hero of our sisters and mothers those their fighting and 30 years and bring freedom go and see Eritrea it dark like the grass of your hair of vagina

  • mike February 10, 2014

    She is just fucking bitch useless trash creature. She will the price sooner for what she is doing now.

  • Robi March 17, 2014

    Hi Sofia bejaki Hiwet seab yabi kab n genzeb resah tefkri,zmotu zelewu koliut Eritrea ayehznukin darga 500,000koliut Eritrea mekeret sdrabetom ayfeltwon eyom mknyatu abotatom about Sawa,Dfae,Sudan,Libya,Italia,Malta,Ethiopia……. Fahfah elomo be senki hade Halay, Asha Dictator Essayas so nski ms motki abeyenay eki ktiatwi deliki? Kurub hlina yeblkin anti torogabit? About America koinki yehwatki tsheti sea. Hanti Bani keybelia ywuel alo about Eritrea nski kea genzeb ktkbeli kab Hgdef zkealeki tzarebi about media weys Essayas Ewala teweshimki eyu ? Nski gn hanti Gual angolo eki gualza nay kurnae.hzbina bkyat tmet skay shgir shukrera frhi mealtawi nabriu koinu alo kulu zfelto nski gn nay bealege bealege eki sheyatit yehwata Komal sahsah Hiwet 360 fukurat yehwata about lampedusa eyom zelewu mekabr sienom adebo kemzeyblom eza hamed Adam harimatom nski gn ajoki nay edki ktrekbi eki ruhuk aykonen hzbi Eritrea nska fthi zkales zelo kiewet, entenski gn mekabrki keman nab Eritrea aynkbelon anti resah shermuta.