Some of the Eritrean Catholic Church’s public interventions during the last two decades
The numerous reactions to the latest pastoral letter by the four Catholic Bishops of Eritrea has prompted Assenna to explore the previous public interventions of the same institution for the period of over two decades

The numerous reactions to the latest pastoral letter by the four Catholic Bishops of Eritrea has prompted Assenna to explore the previous public interventions of the same institution for the period of over two decades since independence. Result: besides the three full- fledged pastoral letters of 1991, 2001, 2014, there have been at least seven other public documents, the knowledge of which can help Assenna’s readers to place the last pastoral letter in its proper historical context. We have gathered that all such documents were issued both in Tigrigna and English and, besides being duly and directly delivered to the government authorities, were published in print and widely distributed. Here below is a selection, which to some extent responds to some of the questions raised lately by web article writers and commentators.
fithawi July 30, 2014
Thanks to the Catholic and apostolic church, who has been working hard for love, peace and prosperity at all times and at every location of the world it reaches. Those who blatantly accuse and blackmail the church would hopefully understand it’s efforts, specifically in Eritrea, to help the pagan politicians understand the true meaning of love and peace as well as reconciliation with each other. Now, after all the atrocities and suffering of our people, through the hard way, I can say, we all tend to look back towards our God all mighty for mercy.
May God listen to our appeals and prayers.
Thank you Assenna for your efforts.