Somalia: U.S. Blames Eritrea Still Supporting Al Shabab Militant Group in Somalia
The U.S state department has blamed again that Eritrea is still supporting Somalia's militant group Al Shabab. A report by the state department has blamed that Eritrean officials were in Somalia's Lower Shabelle region to
The U.S state department has blamed again that Eritrea is still supporting Somalia’s militant group Al Shabab. A report by the state department has blamed that Eritrean officials were in Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region to give training and other mechanical support to Al Shabab fighters in Somalia, battling against the Federal Government forces and the African Union troops (AMISOM).
The report did not name the individuals from Eritrea in Somalia. Also Somali Government sources could not confirm the existence of such Eritrean presence in its territory.
Eritrea has been always blamed for supporting the militant group of Al Shabab, a claim Asmara regime constantly denied.
UN report in July last year said that Eritrea has reduced its support for the al Qaeda-allied al Shabaab militant group in Somalia.
daneil Amiche December 12, 2013
teckle and alike..
save your nationalistic views for the time being.
Eritrea is being draggd into this corner by the ruling party(?) PFDJ. Just like you do not want the US or so to meddle in the affairs of Eritrea (let alone train and arm terrorists), but shaabia was cought numerous times meddling & supporting every terrorist accros the horn upto Central Africa. In the end Eritrea gets the penality. This why PFDJ should be removed BY ANY MEANS to save Eritrea. I hope you are not naive to believe PFDJ’s sorta propoganda that this is another wave of conspiracy by the US/UN/EGAD/AU/EU/Weyane etc against Eritrea. No there is no conspiracy its just Eritrea gets the blame only because of the consequence her leaders actions. I am sorry we have the worst mafia styled government that we should say fooooo..just like that mother put it nice. Don’t worry nothing worse comes if the UN security council passes another sanction. For the people are already sanctioned by PFDJ long time ago. You will need to save that Eritrean Pride & Dignity for the time being. For there is none left and people are bowing down thinking only one thing – how to escape from Eritrea. There is no pride left as people have nothing more to pride on. PFDJ bringing shame after shame to the state. If there is anything we as ertireans defend is against the rule of dictator isias and his mafia system. then the world wont bother us with its none existent conspiracies (it was PFDJ’s creation anyway).
chala December 17, 2013
the cause for somalia disorder is issayas,who knows,one day he will be asked for what he doing evil purpose