SNIT Eritreans in MN invites Eritreans & friends of Eritrea to celebrate Eritrean Independence day.
SNIT Eritreans in MN would like to invite all Eritreans and friends of Eritrea to celebrate the 24th Eritrean Independence day. We commemorate this year’s Independence Day under especially tragic circumstances by also holding a

SNIT Eritreans in MN would like to invite all Eritreans and friends of Eritrea to celebrate the 24th Eritrean Independence day. We commemorate this year’s Independence Day under especially tragic circumstances by also holding a candle light vigil for those who perished in the Mediterranean Sea; thus, our cancellation of music/dance night that was planned to take place on Sunday May 25th, 2015.
Please come to celebrate and commemorate Eritreans 24th Independence Day on Saturday May 23rd, 2015, at 12PM (noon) at 1227 Montreal Ave. St. Paul (Highland Park).
SNIT Eritreans in Minnesota
Pawlos T. May 6, 2015
Eritrea’s Independence : Celebrate or Commiserate?
May 24th 2015 – Some commiserate “independence (slavery) day” silently, and others publicly.
Semaynesh Tewelde May 7, 2015
Well said brother Pawlos.
Of course, Eritrean land was liberated on May 24th, 1991; but the people have yet to be liberated.
It is that simple, no lecture from ghedli romantics needed. Yes, what is needed is commiserate loudly in public.
AHMED SALEH !!! May 7, 2015
Ghedli romantic belong to cowards behind the computer . But they prove you
what does mean bravery to die for what you believe , GET FREE or DIE .
At the end they delivered the nation of Eritrea . Sorry ,It is bitter truth hard to swallow .
AHMED SALEH !!! May 7, 2015
Gohalalu ab denbena men mukhankum wela ASMAT inte keyeyerkum
felitnakum alona antum kurditat .
Hag pag May 7, 2015
I do agry with you.nowdays,we have nothing to celebrate.ሓፍቲ! ሽማይነሽ፡”ዱሙ መይታ-መመኽነይታ”ከምዚበሃል፡ ባድመ ተጎቢጣ፡ሉዑላውነትና ወዘተ ናይ ደቂ ሹቅ ኪቲዕ ስለዚኮነ ሕለፊዮ።ባድመ፡ አርትራ ቢቀንዳ ቁዋምን ቃልስናን ኢያ ቲሓተና ዘላ።ነዛ ኪብርቲ ዕለት 24 ጉንበት ሺምዓ ወሊዕካ ሙውዓል ነታ ኪብርቲ ዕለት—ማለት ናብ 20 ሰነ ስለ —-።
Banna May 7, 2015
ናጽነት ዝብሃል ነይረኣና ባርነት ብዝተፈላለየ ደረጅኡ እሞ ንርኢ ኣለና ንዕኡ ቶኾይና ክንጽንብሎ ትብሉ ዘለኹም??
Eritreawit May 7, 2015
Independent Eritrea existes today because of our brave people and by the blood and sweat of our brothers and sisters who wanted none but free dimocratic Eritrea. We will celebrate it. You people who are against it need to know, that we are aginst the Dictatorial criminal junta not our Country.