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  • zhaile March 3, 2013

    Hi everybody,

    As all of you I am in state that I cannot describe.Most of us are far away that paying the ransom is a way out. But actually it is not. The next day another kid will end up in the same miserable condition. The Rashaida, the Scam of the earth will leave from the avails of extorsion.
    My advice is as follows: 1) The people who have military training should enlist a battalion that would exterminate this scourge of the earth Rashaida. The resteither will pay money let’s say 1000 USD per person to arm and for all other logistics of this battallion.
    2) Let’s put together 1.000.000 dollars. That’s 100 USD per person for 10.000 person.
    Buy pistols or other more lethal weopons and distribute it to all eritrean youngsters crossing the boarder to Sudan. This way they are alla par with disgusting Rashaida.
    This so called Eritrean websites shouldn’t have any trouble doing this.

    I am ready to do anything well planned as long as it convinces me it will exterminate the Rashaida.

  • zhaile March 4, 2013

    I will contribute anything. just to decimate these criminals

  • zhaile March 4, 2013

    I think a lot has been said. Now it is time to see some plan and ways to contribute
    for the distruction of Rashaida. I am all for it.

  • ኣሕመድ ሓዋይ March 4, 2013

    Dear compatriots, I.m really shocked to read a strange opinions that consider this case as a case of Kabasa Chrisitians, while the smugglers are not excluding any one ’cause their aim is to gain money by any way.
    secondly I would like to assure that the arabs in this Video are not from sinai or rashaida bedeouins, therefore would assenna kindly revise it? and consult experts in Arab Bedeouin Languages ?
    thirdly: I.m also ready to contribute on the campagin aginst reshaida bandits and their supporters.

    • SABA March 4, 2013

      There you are right, i always tell anyone that those WILD BIESTS dont know Muslim or Christian.

      How many Eritrean and Sudanese Muslims have died already in Sudan and Sinai!!!!

      So dont make it a Christian Kebesa case only, (by the way many who were kidnapped were Christians from Lowland/Metahit and not only Kebesa)

      Please let us not reduce to this bullshit. Any ERITREAN,ABESSINIAN,NORTH-EAST AFRICAN Live is to be saved!

    • SABA March 4, 2013

      They are RASHAIDA!!! There is no doubt, listen to their DESERT Accent!!!!

    • ahmed saleh March 4, 2013

      Ahmed haway
      Ignore the cowards just follow the brave compatriots . It is a recent positively assertion in place
      WEDI ALI paid his price to highlight Eritreanism , religion or region wasn’t there and so let’s
      follow our models and make sure we are one to pay the back .

      • SABA March 5, 2013

        Ahmed my brother, what do you suggest then????
        Keep quiet and hope for a wonder??

        Anyone who will betray us in our movement will get his/her price!

        No risk, no hope!
        It is a shame that one can sit calmly in the west and crying around but not doing and real helpful step.

  • SABA March 4, 2013

    lets get in contact by name and location to make up a meeting and let funds flow via reliable relative “neutral” source like Assenna but as i said let us not involve Ammanuel directly in it, we need him and his brave team to focus on publications and informing us and we to him.

    my email is :


  • Kalighe March 4, 2013

    This video is shocking and it shows what the Rashaida are doing to our people while the so-called Eritrean government is their business partner in smuggling weapons, people and consumer goods in and out of Sudan. Iseyas first financed and armed the Rashaida gangs to use them against the central government in Sudan and later helped Omar Al-Bashir to reach a peace deal with them, since then tribal leaders from Rashaida make frequent visits to Asmara. These people are now part of Higdef’s mafia network, just see the market in Tesennei where you can see them going and coming with their 4 wheel drive Toyota Cars loaded with goods. You many not believe this but it’s a shocking truth that is not a secret any more. The Eritrean government is part of this network of criminals that are killing our people in Sudan and Sinai. Besides, there are a lot of Eritreans involved in these crimes. The only way to solve this problem is by first stepping up pressure on the mafia regime in Eritrea till it’s gone, and later to send EDF units to find them wherever they are. Having saying that, there is nothing Eritreans can benefit from insulting Arabs and Muslims or Ghedli like a few individuals mostly those posing as Eritreans are, as usual, quick to lead us into. Those who want us to have more enemies around us or push us into side issues whenever we find ourselves bleeding in the hand of criminals, have more sinister motives than many of us think, therefore, we better not lose our mind even in these difficult times. If we were to express our anger at Iseyas and his mafia regime, with the same intensity as in this case, the brutal regime would have gone long ago.

    • ahmed saleh March 4, 2013

      Do not forget when Eritrens were fighting and dying for freedom , there were many Eritreans who
      sided with their people’s enemies . But funny but in reality sad part , ISSAYAS pardon them
      with their hands on Eritrean blood but refuse to pardon his own political prisoners fighters after
      independence with the blessing of our people , weird people in deed . You remember when he made
      a tour in America somebody asked him to pardon them and responded by saying ” hire them a lawyer ”
      then our fools applaud just to satisf y his ego . .

      • Kalighe March 4, 2013

        Dear brother, dictators are made by people, or rather i should say created by naive people.
        Wherever you see dictators there is a history of people not knowing what is good is for them.
        There is also a long history of not knowing who is who. Till recently, he played the ‘Hama bel kit direr’ sort of divisive card, while in reality he was just a settler in Hamasien.
        Leaders should be seen as humans, not as demi-gods. Else, you will not able to bring them down easily, and that is what is happening in Eritrea.

  • Harnetna 2013 March 4, 2013

    How to meet, the people who wanted to go to fight Rashaid.
    1) Create a web page that lists names
    2) Put a deadline of meeting
    3) HOld all names in confidental but give them other name
    4)Inform Ethiopia government to give us a place, to allow us a peaceful entry and exit.
    5) once we armed we will fight Rashaid and their collaborator.
    6) all support and equiepment medical…etc need to be provided from our peace seekers people. I am 100% i will join the arms and fight Rashaid in the Ground.

  • Kokeb Abraham March 4, 2013

    Forget not !!!!! Dictator Issayas is behind this tragedy through his friend Albeshir . Forget not this

  • Abe March 4, 2013

    I am sorry,but isn’t Rashaida one of the so called 9 Nations that created the new country called Eritrea? How cruel.

  • Zhaile March 4, 2013

    SABA and all the other Brothers and sisters, please arrange something tangible ASAP and tell me to participate. I want to contribute badly for the demise of the criminal Rashadas