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  • Saba March 3, 2013

    Good would be as well negotiating with the current Ethiopian government to take several of our people. Because Shegeraeb or general Sudan,Libya and Egypt is tooooo dangerous for our people!!!

    • ahmed saleh March 3, 2013

      Saba , Sarah and all of you compatriot sisters , you made
      my day . Proud of you .
      Concerning those refugee issues if they come with plans
      on how to take csre those bastards , I am sure they will
      get partially enough support . But practically speaking
      the card is on their hand and so the initiatives .
      We can only give moral and financial assistances .

    • Robel March 4, 2013

      SAba I think that would be a great solution. But the problem is it can get messy with people trying to politicize the move. But I totally agree with you that Ethiopia is a much safer place for the refugees, and I don’t think that the Ethiopian government would refuse them refuge somewhere in Ethiopia.

  • Kalashin March 3, 2013

    Good answers from all my eritrean compatriots! If i may be allowed to summarize:

    1) We need to setup and organize protection for the eritreans in the sudanese camps. The arabs and their sudanese henchmen are armed to the teeth. So the habesha should be armed as well. No one will protect us but ourselves.

    2) Most eritreans would be happy to help fund such an operation.I personally would contribute all i could for this cause.

    But we need the competence and the connections of eritrean groups who already operate in the area. This would be the PERFECT cause for any of the opposition parties to take up. The organisation who does this would gain RESPECT and CREDIBILITY as a serious force in the minds of the eritrean public. Something they have failed to accomplish in the last 20 years. Which group will take this chance ? Or would they rather spend their days organisations “b´Awet tezazimu” seminars for themselfes , while the satanic arabs kidnap eritrean children in broad day light.

    What the hell kinda “Awet” can you talk about when you do not lift a finger to protect YOUR OWN BLOOD who are just a few hours away from the hotel that you live in !???

    If the opposition does nothing(which i fear is the case), then there is one other alternative:
    We can ask the eritreans who work close to the UN (ppl like Elsa Chyrum) to organize policing with the UN , carried out by the refugees themselves. For every 100 eritrean refugees, 10 could carry light arms. This would be enough to keep the arabs away!

    Remember that the cowardly arab only dares to attack unarmed people.

    Who will step up and organize this ? Who knows the mechanics of the refugee camp ? For gods sake LEAD and we will contribute our money and FOLLOW!

    • Nahom March 3, 2013

      By now it is an open secret that Eritreans being abducted inside Eritrea by Eritreans under the supervison of DIA’S General like Teklay Najis.

    • Ghirmai March 4, 2013

      We done Kalashin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so right!!!!!!!!!!!!. The solution is force and revenge. Just irradicate all armed and not armed because all of them are the same!!! They should be irradicate. What happen to us? Is’t you and me did unbilievable thing in SORONA yesterday, In assab ( 18) and all over the country border. Is’t we who did miracle in fighting for independence. What is wrong today??????????????????? We are being converted in to sheeps and goates!!!!!!!!!!! Lest us weck uppppppppppppppppp

      • Ghirmai March 4, 2013

        Well done Kalashin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so right!!!!!!!!!!!!. The solution is force and revenge. Just irradicate all armed and not armed because all of them are the same!!! They should be irradicate. What happen to us? Is’t you and me did unbilievable thing in SORONA yesterday, In assab ( 18) and all over the country border. Is’t we who did miracle in fighting for independence. What is wrong today??????????????????? We are being converted in to sheeps and goates!!!!!!!!!!! Lest us weck uppppppppppppppppp

  • Justice_please March 3, 2013

    Medias as the worst and efficient means of war are used to atain the desired target are what in the Eritrean issue reigns. I hate medias! If one wishes the solution to these sucrifices is easy and at hand, but THEY don’t want the solution, they want to generate emotions with these propaganda. Isn’t it inhuman what the socalled humanitarians and democrats are propagating about these inhuman brutalities. BUT it is also possible that they may tell us one time in the near future that all said was a fake!


  • Harnetna2013 March 3, 2013

    Follow Eritrean
    Arming Shegarb refugee might not be difficult, the reason is that, despite they can armed themselves, it is still risk to them. The bastard dictator Sudan government is collaborating with Eritrean bratal dictator, hence sudan know the problems in shegarb very well, but they don’t care as long as they are collabrating with the corrupted PFDJs, so there is no place to arm them, you can arm them but they will fight not live more in shegarb,
    the only solution is, to organise an armed youth that is based outside shegarb,after that all armed should enter shegarb and fight with Rashaida and sudans if they enterfer in support of Rashaida. That is the only solution. I know for the time, it could be difficult but all youth Erirean based in Shegarb would have joined the armed once it appeared to support them. Or lets not forgot the biggest enemy is pfdj, fighting pfdj would stop Rashaida at anytime. Lets organise a place that we can meet and fight these bratal and fight for our rights and digity.

  • Nahom March 3, 2013

    This is a Google translation about 7 released Eritrean abductees in Sinai

    Source: Al-Masryun newspaper – March 1, 2013

    Succeeded border guards in the Gulf of Suez to find number 7 Eritreans, including a woman in one of the mountainous areas that had been kidnapped from one of the camps in the State of Eritrea by unknown persons.
    The border guards in the Gulf of Suez, has received notification from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry reporting an abduction of 7 Eritreans, including a woman 22 days ago, and had been taken to one of the mountainous areas in the Gulf of Suez after information which confirmed that.
    Immediately, the border guards combed mountainous places along the Gulf .. Was also put strict control over fishing boats and places known and used by smugglers.
    One patrol discovered the existence of strange things in one of the mountainous areas, and prepared troops, equipment and raided the area where they found seven abductees with hands and legs bound.
    the were preserved after their release and notify the responsible authorities on the accomplishment of thetask. A report was released on the incident and referred the abductees to prosecutors in preparation for deportation to their country through their embassy and the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

  • Hailu March 3, 2013

    Can you see something out of this all tragedy?
    The Arabs are against Black Africans no matter whether Moslem or Christian, this problem is Black against Arabs and extension to the slave trade and kidnappings they were doing for many decades.
    The Sudanese whom they do not know their identity clearly, “they claim to be Bedouin-Arabs where no Bedouin-Arab cares about them” are also the main instruments to this smuggling channels.
    One thing is becoming clear now, if Ethiopian governments in the past were not as strong and dominant over Arabs governments; we could be sold like what is happening now many years ago.
    Be aware, we have to open our eyes and organize all our efforts to save our Eritreans, all from end to end. We will fight of behalf of our Tigre, Hedarib, Nara, Bilen, Kunama, Tigrigna, Saha, Afar.
    Every Eritrean must understand the consequences of lining to Arabs in the future, they are merciless ad cruel.

    • Kalashin March 4, 2013

      I agree 100%. That is why i said earlier that “Eritrean arabism is dead”. Who can say after what is happening to eritreans in libya, egypt, sudan e.t.c. that “eritrea is part of the arab world”. It´s simply a dead matter.

      I think i respect otherwise) learned that lesson when they foolishly showed a video how “palestians suffer” in Gaza. The very same palestinians who are deeply involved in the Sinai slave trade!

      • SABA March 4, 2013

        Kalashin i actually like several postings on AWATE but the arab defending articles really are disturbing to me. But i feel a great change in their website maybe due to some constructive/negative comments but maybe because they may also have realised that arabism and islam are two different pairs of shoes.

        • ahmed saleh March 4, 2013

          As a new member in this forum take my advise . We have individuals who disguise themselves with
          mulitiple names even sometimes supporting himself in multiple direction . So I warn you not to
          fall in their trap . If you are honest come clean with your name . we are all Eritreans .

          • ahmed saleh March 4, 2013

            sorry Saba
            I mean if they are honest come clean with their name .

  • weygud March 3, 2013

    Please stripe anything arab or arabism off my back. I am Eritrean HABESHA pure and simple. I am fore the fight against these sick tribes..

  • dekiabat March 3, 2013

    My brothers and sisters,
    Rashaidans were never one Eritrean ethnic group. This is what upset me more because theopposition do not want to talk about it. Isias and his generals enlisted them as ethnic by removingone ethnic group called ELit in t. No Eritrean complained about adding foreigners as Eritreans because everyone was worshipping Isias. Why the ELF are silent on this issue. So ELF and EPLF do not hide the documents and video recorded Eritrean ethnic groups. They are Tigrigna, Tigre, Blien, Saho, Afar, Kunama, Nara, Elit , Hidareb. These are the nine ethnic group when wedi tukhul was singing about Eritrea. Unfortunately the Nara people became business partners with arab rashaida because they hate the kebsa Christian people for taking their land in the gash barka region so they want to ethnic cleanse kebesa Christians from gash barka.

  • dekiabat March 3, 2013

    Those people who are saying arm the refugees. Sudan will not allow foreigners to be armed. If police find weapon in the hand of kebesa Christians they will kill our people or imprison them. The Bin amir and Hadendawa are allowed to carry weapons. I am thinking If we could hire the hadandawa and binamir and arm them with Hi-Tech weapons to terminate rashaidans from the entire region they will be very happy to help us. I have some doubt on the recent news that the three bin amir were kidnapped and found by egypitian border security. I think they the kidnappers when they were caught they said they were kidnapped. What about theKebesa Christian girls on you tube and eri-tv who are promoting rashaida culture and dance whiletheir sisters being raped and tortured by rashaidans. There Eritrean kebsa Christians who dance or promot rashaidans should be shot. For those people who say lets go to to ground Zero and fight , I am with you Please enlist me, i want to do it for the dignity of my sisters and brothers. We have reached beyond enough is enough. As for the irrelevant opposition who discussed about one man a century ago history while our girls and boys raped and tortured in their meeting let them all burn in hell. Do not go to their meeting ignore them disrespect them they are worthless.

    • Kalashin March 4, 2013

      Those people who are saying arm the refugees. Sudan will not allow foreigners to be armed. If police find weapon in the hand of kebesa Christians they will kill our people or imprison them.

      Dear compatriot! I respect your position. Is it really accurate though ? ( I have never been to the Sudan) The reason why Rashaida can be armed to the teeth is because no one(including the fat bellied guards) dares to stop them.

      If we arm the refugees, then the guards(corrupt and weak as they are) will think twice before doing anything. Let us not overestimate the power of the local police force. Remember that arabs respect power and guns!

      Yes, there will me skirmishes and lives lost. But i bet that any refugee would rather die gun in hand than being tortured in Sinai. With hundreds of armed youth, the messsage will be clear. It´s not a “free ride” anymore to kidnap eritreans at will.

      Let´s not submit to despair. We can smuggle guns, we have eritreans in the region inside the camps and outside the camps. What we lack is leadership from someone who has the right connections on site.

    • SABA March 4, 2013

      You are right, our unarmed brothers and sisters in those camps are not allowed to carry weapons as i just found out by one who is in Shegeraeb in those camps.
      They say it is a NGO/humanitarian thing thats why they are not allowed!
      But who said inside the camps. Small guns,knives,electroshockers can always be carried for emergencies. Especially by those were you dont really expect it!
      Come on, eritreans know well how to go for it if they are given a chance and hope!
      Sudanese are corrupt and cowards. They can neither fight nor do they like work. As long as you bribe them.
      No we have to do it ourselves. No Benamir or Hadanawa!!!
      We have HIDAREB and so on nearby border, they will join this movement i know for sure, they were brave and are brave. It is all about assurance!
      Beside that there are good Sudanese. Problem is the poverty and their lazyness.
      I dont doubt that there are enough Sudanese who hate those Rashaidas to death and would assist against “exchange”.
      It is all about the matter whom you know and how much you pay!

  • hade March 3, 2013