Simon n Mohammed , I really love yours comments. Ayte Truly might have developed cult towards Ato Ande, unless he has sight problem, he can proif read Ande’s title , or he is totally out of touch of realties. I donot blame him, he didnot get good ecation back home which has been a wide spread disease in the nation for 23 years.
Wey Gud
I am really am amazed by Eritreans.
Andebrhan belongs to carsheli, I am going to leave the many evil deeds he has done to our peaple jadge.
What I am concern about is that he will deinatly take you on the wtong road because that is what he knows.
He is no.of Eritrean enemy not Isayas Afewerki.
Amanuel Eyasu
He is like Camilia(nefahito). He is awrajawi in a very naieve way.
He uses our victims for his finsncial gains.
By the way us he a jernslidts or poletician?
wedi meret,
what are you doing on Assenna if you think Amanuel Eyasu used ‘our victims’ for financial gains? i am having trouble reading you are writing. so kindly tell me if you mean journalist by jernslidts or is it in Norwegian? what business is that of yours whether he is a journalist or a politician? you also accuse Amanuel Eyasu of awrajawnet. what proof do you have of that? Bekita bealti betu neti harbegna Suwue Wedi Ali hatnue dya? ajewjew aytbel hataf. seb ketedenagr entedelika kalie fetn mber Amanuel Eyasu b awrajawnet kitkeso hifer. aynina ketenkurena.
be careful what you say, you are not moving in DIAs world – this is a world with constitution, with rights and duties. If you spread damaging lies, you can be charged for that!
It wouldn’t be the first time peace activist would use his/her rights in such a case…
P.S. It easy to find ou who you are – espcially for a webmaster
I am afraid that some negative comments on people like Andebrhan & others are coming from Higdefite people or Some shortsigted & emonitional oppostion guys.Lets us fix our objectives:i.e to overthrow the dictatorial one man led Higdef. Of course there IS a very small group of “YES MEN” who should accompany ISAYAS.Once achieved this objective , a democratic and constitutional system should be istabilished. In this process the Eritrean people will have what to say and decide by whom to be governed and how.A premise , everybody has the right to express his opinion on all matters.Butwith moderation, responsible and resonable manner.Let us separate criticism from insult and defamation.Thoes who think that they know everything and evryone are of no use to our struggle.Therefore Please,Please and Please have a little bit of humility and doubt to say a lot of nonesense things about others.
Wedi meret , if I understand your English correctly you said andebrhan is awrajawi with a naive way….but I didn’t get your point. If you don’t mind Can you explain to me who is he? To which awraja does he belongs? What it he makes him awrajawi? What does he did to his awraja? Pls if you are a real eritrean and concerned about your people of eritrea don’t post a garbage comments in public, you can talk with a short minded like you in your private room if it’s worth it. I know it doesn’t take you to the right direction believe me and that is the reason the dictator is relaxing. You need to see the world with a big mirror. So I will wait you to answer for my questions. Thanks.
Why do we care about ex hgdef, please let’s not waste out time to listen to them. Who knows if they are not working to divide the opposition camp? It’s good that atleast they said the abandon the dictator but let’s not trust them too much even if they are truly abandon the hgdef but still we don’t need them in the new government that we are trying to build because I believe the only reason why they are coming to us is to get the opportunity in the future leadership and it will not going to happen
Mesinas, you killed your own argument even with out starting.You are saying lets forgive Andebrehan but lets not forgive Mesfen Hagos why, is that our cultural? Well if we have any left anyway.
why do you want to know which awraja Andebrhan belongs to? he is evil no need to talk about him, period. no one knows Andebrhan better than me and a couple friends of mine.
here is the sad story
We Eritreans do not look for justice and fairness of every citizen, rich poor blind deaf or dumb.
we just follow rumors or people who comes with a lot of pack of lies.
Amanuel is advertising for Andebrhan, why do you think that is?
I could say a lot about him but I don’t want the enemy to dictate it, so I have chosen to abstain about Amanuel for now.
but you are an innocent person, you may know how to insult people but that is just a music to a lot of ears.
insult, oh everybody knows how to do it. but to read peoples mind! oh no you are going to need a lot of Savy over your neck. did you get it? hope so,
please wedi meret,
please do tell us why Amanuel Eyasu is advertising for Andebrhan. is andebrhan Amanuel’s uncle? is he his brother? are they from the same awraja? is that what you want to tell us? wedi meret you are just like semhar=semira, b awrajawi himam zawerkum denakur. stop playing with fire. hizbi kitbetatnu dkas aytsanu. nay pfdj weytotat kelekum tekawemti mesilkum seb ketedanagru aytfetnu. wedi meret mind reader! entay gedeseka hangol tenibib? zitexahfe zeyenbebkas hangol kea ketenbib? mskinay hashaka yblu deki hamasen ahwatna. hashaka. bdkuska wihij hizuka kikeyd yu. nsemhar enteadhinkaya kinrie ina. mihiteno!
why do you want to know which awraja Andebrhan belongs to? he is evil no need to talk about him, period. no one knows Andebrhan better than me and a couple friends of mine.
here is the sad story
We Eritreans do not look for justice and fairness of every citizen, rich poor blind deaf or dumb.
we just follow rumors or people who comes with a lot of pack of lies.
Amanuel is advertising for Andebrhan, why do you think that is?
I could say a lot about him but I don’t want the enemy to dictate it, so I have chosen to abstain about Amanuel for now.
but you are an innocent person, you may know how to insult people but that is just a music to a lot of ears.
insult, oh everybody knows how to do it. but to read peoples mind! oh no you are going to need a lot of Savy over your neck. did you get it? hope so,
Long live Ali Saeid and death to wedi afomay, OOPs both of them need to die. well one of them is dead and the other one need to follow!!!!
wedi meret,
what are you doing on Assenna if you think Amanuel Eyasu used ‘our victims’ for financial gains? i am having trouble reading you are writing. so kindly tell me if you mean journalist by jernslidts or is it in Norwegian? what business is that of yours whether he is a journalist or a politician? you also accuse Amanuel Eyasu of awrajawnet. what proof do you have of that? Bekita bealti betu neti harbegna Suwue Wedi Ali hatnue dya? ajewjew aytbel hataf. seb ketedenagr entedelika kalie fetn mber Amanuel Eyasu b awrajawnet kitkeso hifer. aynina ketenkurena.
weygud June 11, 2014
Simon n Mohammed , I really love yours comments. Ayte Truly might have developed cult towards Ato Ande, unless he has sight problem, he can proif read Ande’s title , or he is totally out of touch of realties. I donot blame him, he didnot get good ecation back home which has been a wide spread disease in the nation for 23 years.
Mesinas June 11, 2014
ክቡራት ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን በጃኻትኩም ኢለኩም በቲ ውርዙይን ክቡርን ባህልና ስእለተይ (ምሕጽንታይ)ከቕርበልኩም ፍቐዱለይ? ባህልናን ልምድናን ንዚኾነ ብሕሉፍ ጌጋኡን ጉድለቱን ተጣዒሱ ‘ንህዝበይ ኪኽሕስ’የ’ ንዚበለ ሰብ ‘ኣይፋል! ኣይንቕበለካን ኢና!’ ኣይብልን’ዩ። ስለዚ ንሕናውን ካብዚ ስልጡን ባህልን ልምድን’ዚ ተበጊስና ንከም ኣምበሳደር ዓንደብርሃን ዝኣመሰሉ ልባዊ ጣዕሳ ዘርኣዩ ዜጋታት ይቕሬታ ክንህብ፣ ንከም ብዓል መስፍን ሓጐስ ዝኣመሰሉ ምስሉያት ድማ ኣይፋል ብልቢ ተጣዒስካ ንካሕሳ ክሳዕ ትብገስ ኣይንቕበለካን ብምባል ፈላሊና ክንርእዮም ይግባእ። ንኹሉ ብሓንቲ ላማ ኣይንላጺ! በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ንሓርበኛን ህቡብ ጋዜጠኛን ሓው ኣማኑኤል እያሱ ነቲ ኣቐዲምና ዝገለጽናዮ ውርዝና ባህልና ኣብ ግብሪ ስለ ዝተርጐመ ብልቢ አመስግኖ። የቐንየለይ።
Sina June 12, 2014
kemti gelixkayo zelokha ባህልናን ልምድናን ንዚኾነ ብሕሉፍ ጌጋኡን ጉድለቱን ተጣዒሱ ‘ንህዝበይ ኪኽሕስ’የ’ ንዚበለ ሰብ ‘ኣይፋል! ኣይንቕበለካን ኢና!’ ኣይብልን’ዩ። entekhone
Dr. Andebrhan meas eyu teTaise ilu? dos teTaise keybele kelo teTaise kemzibele Hasibna nebsina aeshina kinsemo ikha timekhrena zelokha. Dr. Andebrhan hiji zeykone giena tegadelti etiw misbelu ab Asmara University presiden kelo kulu ekey megabrun zerebuun sile enfelTo kiTeas aykonen kiHsbo kemzeykiel axebiQna nifelTo ina. Haqi entelewo khea hiji’wn Hadagat mikhuna kenereyo baelu biQalu tegagye ilu ynasaH. bdHriu nabti zibelkayo Hidget nimexe.
Wedi meret June 12, 2014
Wey Gud
I am really am amazed by Eritreans.
Andebrhan belongs to carsheli, I am going to leave the many evil deeds he has done to our peaple jadge.
What I am concern about is that he will deinatly take you on the wtong road because that is what he knows.
He is no.of Eritrean enemy not Isayas Afewerki.
Amanuel Eyasu
He is like Camilia(nefahito). He is awrajawi in a very naieve way.
He uses our victims for his finsncial gains.
By the way us he a jernslidts or poletician?
rahwa June 12, 2014
wedi meret,
what are you doing on Assenna if you think Amanuel Eyasu used ‘our victims’ for financial gains? i am having trouble reading you are writing. so kindly tell me if you mean journalist by jernslidts or is it in Norwegian? what business is that of yours whether he is a journalist or a politician? you also accuse Amanuel Eyasu of awrajawnet. what proof do you have of that? Bekita bealti betu neti harbegna Suwue Wedi Ali hatnue dya? ajewjew aytbel hataf. seb ketedenagr entedelika kalie fetn mber Amanuel Eyasu b awrajawnet kitkeso hifer. aynina ketenkurena.
selamawit2 June 12, 2014
Wedi meret,
be careful what you say, you are not moving in DIAs world – this is a world with constitution, with rights and duties. If you spread damaging lies, you can be charged for that!
It wouldn’t be the first time peace activist would use his/her rights in such a case…
P.S. It easy to find ou who you are – espcially for a webmaster
Hadnet Hailu June 12, 2014
I am afraid that some negative comments on people like Andebrhan & others are coming from Higdefite people or Some shortsigted & emonitional oppostion guys.Lets us fix our objectives:i.e to overthrow the dictatorial one man led Higdef. Of course there IS a very small group of “YES MEN” who should accompany ISAYAS.Once achieved this objective , a democratic and constitutional system should be istabilished. In this process the Eritrean people will have what to say and decide by whom to be governed and how.A premise , everybody has the right to express his opinion on all matters.Butwith moderation, responsible and resonable manner.Let us separate criticism from insult and defamation.Thoes who think that they know everything and evryone are of no use to our struggle.Therefore Please,Please and Please have a little bit of humility and doubt to say a lot of nonesense things about others.
hadnet June 12, 2014
Wedi meret , if I understand your English correctly you said andebrhan is awrajawi with a naive way….but I didn’t get your point. If you don’t mind Can you explain to me who is he? To which awraja does he belongs? What it he makes him awrajawi? What does he did to his awraja? Pls if you are a real eritrean and concerned about your people of eritrea don’t post a garbage comments in public, you can talk with a short minded like you in your private room if it’s worth it. I know it doesn’t take you to the right direction believe me and that is the reason the dictator is relaxing. You need to see the world with a big mirror. So I will wait you to answer for my questions. Thanks.
MID June 12, 2014
ABONA ‘Dr.’ TEWOLDE TESFAMARIAM (Wedi Vacaro)dHri hlqit nay Lampadusa agaTami bmTqam gele entetemeselely kiftn bimalet ab Eritrea zelo mengsti agamaTuluni kible felema nab America, deHar dima ab Europe hasusat kiakhakhibn dHri mixnaHn kisab nPresident Isaias keyqedemeni metan kiQdimo bMafia keQtlo eye ab mibal dHri mibxHu abzia atewe keybelnayo hiTamu aTfiu halewatu seeina sile zelona zireaye kab zelewo nay firHi wey Hifret bota amxiú ab meqobi aregawyan ketema BOLOGNA, ITALY nielet 4 July 2014 ab zikhifet mebel 40 amet zikhri Festival Eritrea keterekibuna nimHxen.
mimiHdar adi Gebray, Seraye
Smerrrrrrrr June 12, 2014
Why do we care about ex hgdef, please let’s not waste out time to listen to them. Who knows if they are not working to divide the opposition camp? It’s good that atleast they said the abandon the dictator but let’s not trust them too much even if they are truly abandon the hgdef but still we don’t need them in the new government that we are trying to build because I believe the only reason why they are coming to us is to get the opportunity in the future leadership and it will not going to happen
Banna June 12, 2014
Mesinas, you killed your own argument even with out starting.You are saying lets forgive Andebrehan but lets not forgive Mesfen Hagos why, is that our cultural? Well if we have any left anyway.
wedimeret June 12, 2014
why do you want to know which awraja Andebrhan belongs to? he is evil no need to talk about him, period. no one knows Andebrhan better than me and a couple friends of mine.
here is the sad story
We Eritreans do not look for justice and fairness of every citizen, rich poor blind deaf or dumb.
we just follow rumors or people who comes with a lot of pack of lies.
Amanuel is advertising for Andebrhan, why do you think that is?
I could say a lot about him but I don’t want the enemy to dictate it, so I have chosen to abstain about Amanuel for now.
but you are an innocent person, you may know how to insult people but that is just a music to a lot of ears.
insult, oh everybody knows how to do it. but to read peoples mind! oh no you are going to need a lot of Savy over your neck. did you get it? hope so,
rahwa June 12, 2014
please wedi meret,
please do tell us why Amanuel Eyasu is advertising for Andebrhan. is andebrhan Amanuel’s uncle? is he his brother? are they from the same awraja? is that what you want to tell us? wedi meret you are just like semhar=semira, b awrajawi himam zawerkum denakur. stop playing with fire. hizbi kitbetatnu dkas aytsanu. nay pfdj weytotat kelekum tekawemti mesilkum seb ketedanagru aytfetnu. wedi meret mind reader! entay gedeseka hangol tenibib? zitexahfe zeyenbebkas hangol kea ketenbib? mskinay hashaka yblu deki hamasen ahwatna. hashaka. bdkuska wihij hizuka kikeyd yu. nsemhar enteadhinkaya kinrie ina. mihiteno!
wedimeret June 12, 2014
why do you want to know which awraja Andebrhan belongs to? he is evil no need to talk about him, period. no one knows Andebrhan better than me and a couple friends of mine.
here is the sad story
We Eritreans do not look for justice and fairness of every citizen, rich poor blind deaf or dumb.
we just follow rumors or people who comes with a lot of pack of lies.
Amanuel is advertising for Andebrhan, why do you think that is?
I could say a lot about him but I don’t want the enemy to dictate it, so I have chosen to abstain about Amanuel for now.
but you are an innocent person, you may know how to insult people but that is just a music to a lot of ears.
insult, oh everybody knows how to do it. but to read peoples mind! oh no you are going to need a lot of Savy over your neck. did you get it? hope so,
Long live Ali Saeid and death to wedi afomay, OOPs both of them need to die. well one of them is dead and the other one need to follow!!!!
rahwa June 12, 2014
wedi meret,
what are you doing on Assenna if you think Amanuel Eyasu used ‘our victims’ for financial gains? i am having trouble reading you are writing. so kindly tell me if you mean journalist by jernslidts or is it in Norwegian? what business is that of yours whether he is a journalist or a politician? you also accuse Amanuel Eyasu of awrajawnet. what proof do you have of that? Bekita bealti betu neti harbegna Suwue Wedi Ali hatnue dya? ajewjew aytbel hataf. seb ketedenagr entedelika kalie fetn mber Amanuel Eyasu b awrajawnet kitkeso hifer. aynina ketenkurena.