REMEMBER: November 3rd Was Declared Day of Mourning for Victims of Lampedusa Tragedy by African Heads of State and Government. Is the PFDJ Regime, as the Owner of the Tragedy, Going to Respect it or Ignore it?
November 3rd Declared Day of Mourning for Victims of Lampedusa Tragedy by African Heads of State and Government November 3rd Declared Day of Mourning for Victims of Lampedusa Tragedy by African Heads of State and Government Addis

November 3rd Declared Day of Mourning for Victims of Lampedusa Tragedy by African Heads of State and Government
November 3rd Declared Day of Mourning for Victims of Lampedusa Tragedy by African Heads of State and Government
Addis Ababa, 21 October 2013 – November 3 has been declared a continental day of mourning to be observed by all members states of the African Union, in memory of the African victims who drowned off Coast of Lampedusa Island in Italy on the 3rd of October. African Heads of State and Government made the decision to declare the continental day of mourning at their extra ordinary summit held at the African Union Headquarters, on 12 October.
The commemoration by all African countries of the day of mourning constitutes an opportunity to express solidarity with the families of the victims and reiterate Africa’s grave concern regarding the recurrence of this kind of tragedies that hurt human rights and human dignity and threaten peace, security and stability.
The continental day of mourning will serve as well as a call for all Africans including the youth to reflect on appropriate actions to be taken with a view of finding a lasting solution to this persistent problem that leads to the loss of African young people without whom the continent cannot build a prosperous and peaceful future.
Source: AU website
Rahwa October 30, 2013
It will be a sad day for all of us.
Is there a day to mourn for all the victims that were purished at the sinai dessert???? Or a day for those who were shot to death by Israels Authorities at the boarder,or is there a day to remember for our Refugees in Ethiopian which were shot to death, or is there a day to remember for those who are still in Lybia and torchered,Is there really a a specific day? Every day is a day to remember.
Suleiman Salim October 31, 2013
as the Owner of the Tragedy??????? kemzi aybehaln ‘yu:: newri ‘yu:: seb ‘kwa key semAkum:: semaEti ” Ertrawyan Ubuyat iyom ” kbluna diKum tdelyu zeleKum? aHwatna nab zHashena zblwo bota ‘nda tegwa’Azi ‘nkelewu Hadega agwanifwom …mengsti Ertra abzi guday ‘zi wala Hanti giega yeblun:: sdet lomi k’hlu ‘yu SbaH ‘wn k’hlu ‘yu:: ab hagerna ‘zi zelo mengsti te’alyu kal’ot ab Meqele zelewu awrajawyann, etnikawyann, bhaymanot zshqTu sebat ab bot’u ‘nte zmeSu kulu seb ab Adu kof msbele zbl are’a’ya nay Ebdan ‘yu::
nay ItyoPya average IQ 68 mKwanu tfelTu do? nsKatkum kme’om keytKonu zesg’ ‘yu!!!
Dehai-Eritrea November 1, 2013
@Suleman Salim. Entay koynu eyu zeybehal? Hangolka asrehayo…entay koynom diyom ab bahri Tihilom yehwatna? Wulqemelaki Isseyas Afeworki ab zeywudaa shigir sile zishemema hager do aykonen. Minalbash nesika wedi halefty HGDEF tekewun…men yifelt. Nisika si newurin zeynewurin dima felitka…neaaka mehasheka. Ab kebdi tsugub yelen tuumuy belet amoy Shashu. Neaakan wedi kemakan waza eyu …moy Eritrawian meneseyat…gizikum gin Hatsiri eyu…
Dehai-Eritrea November 1, 2013
Thanks Africa for the respect you showed up for our dead brothers and sisters. The dead did not get respect when alive and when at home. God Bless Africa.
ahferom goitom January 12, 2015
mengste semay yewrsukum ahawetey
ahferom goitom January 12, 2015
weledi kea tsnat yehabkum