Putting the spotlight on defending the sovereignty of Eritrea
Putting the spotlight on defending the sovereignty of Eritrea By PetrosTesfagiorgis First let me congratulate the brotherly/sisterly people of Tigray and their vanguard TPLF for celebrating the 45 years anniversary of the beginning of their armed
Putting the spotlight on defending the sovereignty of Eritrea
By PetrosTesfagiorgis
First let me congratulate the brotherly/sisterly people of Tigray and their vanguard TPLF for celebrating the 45 years anniversary of the beginning of their armed struggle. The TPLF defeated the military Junta (the Dergue) led by of Colonel Mengustu Hailemariam and brought to an ended the Ethiopian feudal Empire that was built on the total power of the Amhara ruling class over other nationalities. This victory heralded a new era of self-rule and equality to the oppressed nationalities in Ethiopia. Although other liberation movements such as EPRP, OLF, Sidama Liberation Front, the Ogaden National Liberation Front, Hailu Fida’s MEISON and the Eritrean Liberation Front contributed a lot to the downfall of the Dergue, it was the combined military offensive of EPLF and TPLF that finally defeated the heavily armed regime in Ethiopia.
As I started to write my article I listened to interviews by Haregu Keleta of ERENA with some Eritreans regarding the speech Dr Debrezion gave during the celebration of their 45 years anniversary. Dr Debrezion expressed, not for the first time, his unreserved welcome to the Eritrean refugees in Tigray. This time he mentioned the Eritrean army saying “this is your home.” One commentator said this statement is a call to the Eritrean army to surrender. He expressed that the TPLF has an evil design on Eritrea. His narrative can be taken that Tigray is no friend of the people of Eritrea. All these nonsense talk is out of context. The reality on the ground is different. We should not cheat ourselves; members of the Eritreans army do cross the border to Ethiopia and the Sudan as refugees. And to this day they continue to do so. They don’t need Dr Debresion to tell them to come to Ethiopia. It is an insult to their intelligence. They are just running away from a brutal regime.
We have some Eritreans suffering from a sense of loss and fail to acknowledge the help the Tigreans are rendering to the Eritrean refugees. In their time of darkness they treat them with kindness. But the show is polluted by bad language against TPLF/Tigray. This remark is unnecessary and is offending Eritreans living in the border areas with Tigray. The world has watched when both Eritreans and Tigreans expressed their joy and happiness as they warmly greet each other when the border was opened after 20 years. Although it was for a short time only, Eritreans have benefitted from buying commodities at a much cheaper price to that in Eritrea. Witnessing this rendezvous the Just seekers in Diaspora who are talking from their comfort zone should realize that the Eritreans living in the border area have much greater stake in peace more than the rest of us. And they will oppose such anti-peace statements. A group of people from Senafe area did that on the social media. In addition peace and friendship between the two neighborly people could be a bridge for peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia in total. In building peace it is the language of peace that must prevail.
On the other hand in the interview there were rational voices such as that of Elen Tesfagiorgis from Yiakle Washington and Temesgen Kahsai – who took the words of Dr Debretzion as genuine. Temesgen Kahsai is a mature nationalist journalist by any standard and has shown competence in assessing the present situation. On the other hand, it is an advantage for Tigray to be friends with Eritrea. They don’t want to be encircled by PFDJ. People speculate that the recent visit of Dr Abiy and the Minister of Defense Lemma Megersa to Asmara was about Tigray. TPLF has become an obstacle to replace the Federal system by Prosperity party the brain child of Dr Abiy Ahmed. It is therefore a question of mutual survival.
Genuine cordial relationship between Sovereign Eritrea and Tigray region of Ethiopia would contribute to the stability of Ethiopia. It is a bridge to reach to the rest of Ethiopia. (More on part 2).
In this moment in time putting the spotlight on defending the sovereignty of Eritrea is the priority.
As the geopolitics of the horn changes, we Eritreans must move with it harnessing our energies and ways of thinking to ensure the sovereignty of Eritrea. Isaias is working in slow motion to give away Eritrea to Dr Abiy Ahmed’s Ethiopia. The people of Eritrea did not get peace divided. Eritrean prisoners of conscience are not released, indefinite national service, slave labor and other forms of human rights violations continue unabated. On the contrary Isaias and Abiy have become allies in the unholy mission to kill the Eritrean sovereignty and to crash the TPLF. The TPLF is spearheading the fight to defend the federal system. In his address to the people of Eritrea on 7/02/20 Isaias declared he will support Dr Abiy in his bid to abolish the federal system? This is a betrayal of the revolution in Ethiopia championed by the Haile Sellasie University progressive students union in Addis Ababa in the end of 60th and early 70th. The revolution was anti-imperialism, anti colonialism and anti-feudalism. Feudalism is the system that perpetuates oppression of nationalities in Ethiopia. This gave rise to the right of self-determination including secession. That is why Oromo professionals mostly doctors sent strongly worded letter condemning Isaias talk against the Federal System. Many Ethiopian social media have spoken out against Isaias and also have broken their silence of the gross human rights violations in Eritrea. The outspoken politician Ledetu Ayalew and Jewar Mohammed – who runs the powerful Oromia Media Network (OMN) that played a leading role in the Oromo youth (Kero) uprising were among many political analysts who condemned Isaias and reminded him to take his hands off TPLF. Ledetu said unequivocally the case of TPLF is an Ethiopian case and not Eritrea. Isaias is reckless who can go to war easily. For him the life of the people of Eritrea does not matter.
We Eritreans need peace more than any others because it is the lack of peace or the excuse of it that is ruining our country and destroying the fabric of the Eritrean society. Peace does not come by itself we have to build brick by brick. We should not live in the past. Peace is about forgiveness and reconciliation. However we have to express our kind of peace that honors our sovereignty and protects the wellbeing of the people of Eritrea. We are becoming too reactive to what has been said about Eritrea by Ethiopians. We have to be pro-active and put on the table our terms of peace clearly. One of the terms is to honor the sovereignty of Eritrea. This is the responsibility of organized bodies representing the justice seekers. In this case professional people or Think Tank bodies can be assigned to package the terms in a professional way.
In this extremely challenging period we need an ally and it is the TPLF. In spite of the avoidable Ethio-Eritrean destructive war of 1998 and the deportation of thousands of Eritreans from Ethiopia, the TPLF has never doubted the sovereignty of Eritrea. And we know if Abiy and Isaias managed to defeat the TPLF then the Eritrean sovereignty will be at risk. Tamrat Negara said “we have to thank Isaias for making Eritrea weak” It is easy to invade Eritrea today; you can do it as you brush your teeth”. General Tzadkan said “it is a matter of time before the Port of Assab is owned by Ethiopia”. This is not a mere wishful thinking, many Ethiopians wanted it badly. However, we have to differentiate between independent individuals and Government spokespeople.
In conclusion let me express my Congratulations to the Eritrean Women in London celebrating the international women day. It brings back the fighting spirit of women during the long years of armed struggle. It is profoundly inspirational and successful. Women are ethically sensitive less likely to be corrupt. Once they rise up they could do wonders they are the nucleus of the Eritrean society.
The End: Laluta continua.
k.tewolde March 21, 2020
. ‘My friend our county is empty of its people with no capacity to defed itself.’>>>>for real Tesfai, and you are calling woyane to the rescue,where were they the last 3 decades when their cousin has his fangs literally planted on the jugular of the Eritrean people? what role are you playing today to save our vulnerable people besides attacking a mere commentator on this medium and a liberation organization which started it all,watch out hizbey, THE ARSONISTS ARE POSING LIKE FIREFIGHTERS,you can fool the SAWA grads,not this seasoned veteran who has been through it all.
Mike March 21, 2020
Nicely put article-
Very interesting point of view from Petros Tesfagiorgis. Worth chewing at these points. Remembering the past would help strengthen anyone’s future for sure in any process. Ignoring it (the past) would cause, however, unforgivable harm.
Diagressing briefly- Ignore the rest of us who have become nothing but useless “screen junkies”. Really screen junkies. Many of us still are “screen junkies” and living in the past. in fact, I really do not have to meet an Eritrea these days to understand where a that person stands. I would just need to request a short sentence about an event from an Eritrean and it does reveal, almost always, where Eritreans dwell and not dwell for the most part. Almost all of us that is. Very few exceptional out there. Or just attend Eritrean gatherings and if you have patience just sit back and listen to old age and repetitive point of views. To mention a few – hateful words and lines (sectarian or to be blunt racist), empty pride, name calling….etc. I am sure many of these people are living abroad and are found to be complaining of their very existence and conditions of their current system they are living in. So Mr PetrosTesfagiorgis this is a well written article gain.
Peace to all
petros Tesfagherghis March 21, 2020
Thank you Mike for your kind words. . I write because I felt it is the right thing to do. At least we have to put the pains and suffering of the Eritrean people at the center of the just seekers activities.
Tesfai March 21, 2020
“you can fool the SAWA grads,not this seasoned veteran who has been through it all.”
Wow this what I thought of you. You are clueless of the matter at hand. How could you expect vetetans at average age of 70 expect to defen a country. A county gave its back to all its able citizen. I gave up on you mate and feel ashamed to call you my country man.I am just westing my time.
Danilo March 21, 2020
Hi brother tesfay, I am not responding on behave of T.Tewolde to bear in mind. But if you please understand a struggle no confinance of age. Me too age 70th seeking your help how to refresh my gut no matter am old. La lotta continua!
Negash March 21, 2020
Dear Tesfay,
How could you tell or be sure of this mischievous guy being
an Eritrean or being your country man? His ridiculous comments make you suspect!
Danilo March 21, 2020
Ya nejis, leave the matter to him concerned.
Woldegabriel March 21, 2020
Hi Negash,
You are more of a suspect than him. K. Tewelde has a clean slate.
Tesfai March 21, 2020
Dear Danilo,
When I said average age over 70 I don’t mean they should not play any roll on the nations afair. What I ment is that they can’t fight like a young man for obvious reason.
We are all live in relative peace far away from our country. I always wonder why people speard hate and seek destruction and war. We all know the end result of a war very very well. The very people sent us to war yeterday , told us today the war was not for a reason. To make matter worse thant alread is, they add extra narrative that you didn’t loss anything because of the war. After that you make to think twice before cointemperate another war. If forced to enter in a war you seek alliance to minimize the damage. That make you smart not weak like some thinks.
hagos netsanet March 24, 2020
DANILO, ASMERA ERITREA, WEDI HAGHER ,CALIGHE,,,etc one & the same person !!!
k.tewolde March 22, 2020
‘What I ment is that they can’t fight like a young man for obvious reason’…..I just took care of a veteran navy seal who turned 82 two days ago a recipient of medal of valor surrounded by his proud family at bedside,I paused for a moment marveling at the beautiful sight and thought where are mine,People are not born old, they grow old Tesfai,we did our fighting already,if you are a young stud and swinging, 28 years and counting, the senior citizen in adi halo never looked so comfortable and you blaming me for spreading hate and declaring war,on the contrary I preach peace,serenity,harmony,democracy,rule of law and for God’s sake a nation which honors dignifies and works for its citizens not regurgitates them like putrefied stomach contents. In order to achieve these goodies there is a price tag and that is not by taking a cheap shot at me.Let me make myself clear, I don’t hate the people of Tigray plenty of relatives and friends there,however Tigray is Ethiopia not Eritrea, whatever is going there and how they resolve it is their own business,lets take care of ours, if we come to terms and decide to change the course of our current situation for good,we don’t need anybody,we just have to believe like H.I.A. did on that September day with few good men and out dated single shot rifles and said,’if there is any of you here today for religion,region or for revenge put your rifles down and leave,this is about liberating our nation..’ how authentically Eritrean is that!!! comparing to..’MAI DELIKUM NABTI MAI ZELEWO KIDU.’ OR ‘SEMUN SEMUN BEGGI’E KINHARDELKUM DELIKUM’ to the poor veterans of war when they asked for a meagre salary raise. Tesfai,I know the psychological,economical and social devastation of war first hand, I am a living testimony and I don’t wish my people to relive that,however the last 28 years has been nothing but that under this brutal HGDEF regime. .
k.tewolde March 22, 2020
To wrap it up, sometimes you have to declare war to stop war and bring a lasting peace by utilizing the young men who can fight like you said Tesfai.
Wedi Hagher March 22, 2020
When you peope were swallowing humberger and having beer, of course beside giving standing ovations to Iseyas, Dr. K. Tewelde and many proud nationalists like him were in front lines, in Dankalia desert fight the enemy, in a temperature close to 50c.
Now, little men like you want teach him about Eritrea, isn’t that preposterous? “ልጅ ለእናቷ ምጥ ኣስተማረች” .
Please have a bit of decency if you are left with some.
Tesfai March 22, 2020
wedi hager
You don’t deserve response. Wait until you get you equal low life who thinks fighting in desert rendered unnecessary war as great act of heroism. Grow up!
Dear t.tewolde
Thank you for arguing in more decent and civilised way. I never debt you good intention from very beginning. Also it was not my intention to belittle your contribution to your country as I don’t have personal knowledge of you. But from what i read of you commens you are matured and knowledgeable person. I can give you that 100%.
Having said that it is natural to have difference in our approach to solve same problem or issues. If we develop listen to each other may be we can get to understanding and a solution to our common big problem. In addition it help us to build a trusted relationship than suspicion of intention. I call to leave our personal ego aside and work togethet for our common interests and good. Lets leave the attitude of know all and better than others and learn to compromise and listen to each other as brothers. No one of us has a monopoly to a solution to an issue. It is all relative. I believe we can learn from each other and together we will be more stronger. I appreciate you last two comments. Cheers bro!
k.tewolde March 22, 2020
Fair enough,let us not take things personal and insult one another,it just makes the murky situation worse,with utmost respect to you all.
Wedi Hagher March 22, 2020
“You don’t deserve response. Wait until you get you equal low life who thinks fighting in desert rendered unnecessary war as great act of heroism. Grow up!”
You call a liberation war “unnecessary”.
This says a lot about you.
Fetsum Abraham March 22, 2020
we cannot be emotional and resentful about the past but only careful and wiser. I don’t think the history of TPLF and EPLF can spoil the natural relationship of the Eritreans and the Tigreans.
Too many wrong things were done in between through the years even before EPLF and TPLF but no one can deny that we are natural allies that must move on learning from our histories and correcting our mistakes. Education is the key for this and we must teach our people to overcome the trap of ignorance in this regard..what we feel immaterial, peaceful coexistence is the common denominator that we must secure together. this means there won’t be regional peace without peace in Eritrea and Tigrai.and both of us must reconcile at grassroots level of the fabric to succeed. we have to take this opportunity for freedom from the chain of vengeance and hatred. let us give the young generation a break for heaven sake; and leave a better region for them to enjoy without obstructing each other. None of the beautiful Eritreans and Tigreans should suffer any longer because of lack of leadership and wisdom.
Once again, I thank the Tigrean people for accommodating our refugees and I hope they will continue doing so despite the pressure from the central government. I hope they will continue their drive for peace without paying attention to the poisonous expired mentality. Things will change and everything will be history but the conclusion can only guarantee ever lasting peace if we care for and respect one another.
rezen March 23, 2020
Subject: “Putting the spotlight on defending the sovereignty of Eritrea” By Petros Tesfagiorgis, MARCH 20, 2020
Commentary, 22 March 2020
I like, better still, I LOVE, the summation of k. Tewolde and Tesfy. That is what I love to see among Eritreans >>>> discuss with vigour, honesty, truthfulness, dedication to the cause of ERITREA for the benefit of Eritreans and worthy to be a proud member of World Unity. >>> and, at the end, arrive at a common conclusion for the benefit of Eritreans.
Indeed, you guys >>> ’tewolde & testy’ <<< are inherent reflection of the ‘birth’ with ‘hope’ for our Eritrea to be a shrine for freedom, liberty and equality for Eritreans and also be humble-proud member in the Union of Nations, to defend humanity, democracy, equal relationship among world members. This may sound like a bag of sound; but, if we ask ourselves the “raison d’ être “ of Life what will it be?
If a State of ERITREA is to have a MEANING, WE ERITREANS must honestly dedicate ourselves to
define our immediate common problem and concentrate, in ONE mind-set, to solve it without wasting another 29 years [I.e. 1991 – 2020].
Failure to accomplish that task is tantamount in admitting and declaring that Eritrea was never meant to be a nation.!!!!! That is a A CLASSICAL TRAGEDY in which Eritrea ‘knows its weakness’ (i.e.problem) but ‘it cannot help it’. THE END
Post Script
Dear “DR” K.Tewolde, I didn’t know you have a “DR” Degree. I assume it is Medical Doctorate. Honestly, why don’t you indicated it along with your name — after all, you worked for it.?
k.tewolde March 23, 2020
Dear rezen, I prefer the prefix Tegadalay,the largest piece of me still roams in the beautiful dusk of gash barka,the panoramic escarpment of the highlands…..and the terrestrial inferno of the denakil depressions along with those who graced me with their precious company, in my memory they remain forever young.That is who I am,and that is the credential I cherish most.
Wedi Hagher March 23, 2020
Dear Tigrayan brothers/sisters/neighbors,
Allow me to state the obvious: Eritrea and Ethiopia and in particular Eritrea and Tigray are destined to live side by side, this is geography nobody can change.
Despite frequent setbacks due to dictatorship, Eritrea will survive the terrible situation it’s going through, and will be, hopefully soon, ready to live in peace with all its neighbors. I also hope Tigray to find a way to settle its problems with central government peacefully.
We all need peace so that we can make meaningful economic progress in our countries.
It’s not a secret anymore that TPLF is organizing ethnic supremacists to create havoc in Eritrea. The so-called Agazian and other fascist groups are financed by Weyane to instigate civil war in Eritrea.
Eritreans have gone through enough troubles and learned the hard way that national unity is their priority one in everything they do.
It’s in the interest of Tigray and Eritrea to work for peace and respect each other’s territorial integrity, so that future generations can enjoy the economic progress that comes with it.
You need to accept the fact that Eritrea is not only Tigrigna, it’s a rainbow nation where its mosaic society has created a unique blend of cultures.
Please set aside ethnic and sectarian politics and chose peace. Peace is more than absence of war.
k.tewolde March 23, 2020
‘You need to accept the fact that Eritrea is not only Tigrigna, it’s a rainbow nation where its mosaic society has created a unique blend of cultures.’ >>that is the meat on the bone,it is more than injera, berbere and zurya,well said Wedi Hager.