Professor Lionel Cliffe staunch supporter of Eritrean struggle had died
Professor Lionel Cliffe staunch supporter of Eritrean struggle had died: By Petros Tesfagioragis During the long years of struggle Eritrea was blessed with internationalist support, political parties, film makers, researchers, academicians, trade and student unions, anti-colonial and

Professor Lionel Cliffe staunch supporter of Eritrean struggle had died:
By Petros Tesfagioragis
During the long years of struggle Eritrea was blessed with internationalist support, political parties, film makers, researchers, academicians, trade and student unions, anti-colonial and human rights activists etc. One of the many supporters was Professor Lionel Cliffe.
Lionel Cliffe’s contribution to Eritrean was outstanding. For several years he made several visits to the liberated area of Eritrea studying emergency aid and development needs/projects. Such assessments were essential for funding from International NGOs. It has to be remembered that Eritrean Relief Association had the reputation of being the darling of humanitarian organisation for its extensive network all over the world and its efficiency as the donor agencies see the aids are implemented to the full.
Lionel Cliffe and Basil Davidson edited a book “The long struggle of Eritrea for independence and constructive peace” published in 1988. I quote from the back cover of the book. “This book looks at the history of the Eritrean struggle, placing it in the wider history of north-eastern Africa. It scrutinizes the legal standing of Eritrea’s claim for independence; it analyses the character of the liberation movement, looks at the tasks it has set itself and evaluates its achievements.”
Lionel Cliffe together with his ex-wife Doris was also founding members of the “Review of African Political Economy” a review which highlights and debates issues on African including that of Eritrea. It is in this review that Lionel wrote an obituary a tribute of Basil Davidson a fellow activist on Africa and a close friend, on his death. A section of the tribute is titled “Basil and Eritrea”. It described Basil’s engagement with Eritrea. I quote “Basil did eventually made the arduous trip into what the Eritreans called the “Field” in 1988 and was able to witness the decisive battle of the liberation of Afabet, where the EPLF forces broke out of their 10 years of encirclement. He even broadcasted from the battlefield just after the victory direct to British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Service in London on a line the EPLF had managed to set up, announcing ‘the most significant conventional battle in the Third World since the Vietnamese liberation forces defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu”.
Lionel in his Sheffield home and at Leads University used to host some EPLF visitors. One of them was Alemseged Tesfai, the author of Tigrinya book “Aynefelale” and 2 weeks in a trench –. Alemseged is also a play writer. The beauty of his play writing was transpired in the popular drama “The other war”. Lionel invited Alemseged, a fellow writer, to promote his works and share the wealth of knowledge and documents in his possession.
Lionel was fond of Ermias Debesai (Papaya) member of the Central Committee of EPLF and head of European Desk for his amazing sense of humour and humility. I have enjoyed such revolutionary love and laughter in his house in the present of Doris and his step daughters of course the invitation was in honour of Papaya. Unfortunately Papaya is languishing in PFDJ prisons symbolizing a profound moving sad story of most of EPLF leaders’ the G-15 ended in jail representing an inhuman dividend for serving all their life to liberate Eritrea. The only crime they did was to ask the implementation of the constitution and election to take place which the people of Eritrea were waiting for.
Sadly after 1991 independence EPLF has suffered from many significant failings. One of the failing is to ignore those internationalists who carried out their own brand of struggle as international obligation and contributed a lot to win diplomatic, political and substantial financial and material support for Eritrea. Those are Eritrean treasures which the people of Eritrea have to know about and appreciate.
He also served and participated in LUCAS (Leads University Centre for African Studies)
By now it has become crystal clear that it is essential to compile a data-base of all the names of friends of Eritrea because they are part of the history of the revolution.
Lionel Cliffe will be remembered as a treasure in the long years of the struggle for the right of self-determination of the people of Eritrea.
My condolence to his partner Margerita his family and his colleague at LUCAS.
Dan Connell October 31, 2013
Lionel Cliffe was a remarkable man whose understated but unrelenting passion for justice drove his life and inspired all those who came in contact with him.
I was always struck afresh by the telling insights he brought to events in Africa, especially but not only Eritrea, from his early focus on the complexities of the Eritrean economy and the liberation movement’s pre-independence social initiatives to his awareness of contradictions in the post-war phase of state construction from Day One, at a time when I was loathe to acknowledge them.
It was Lionel who sat for hours with his close friend and colleague Basil Davidson in Basil’s declining years to reflect on the import and implications of the 2001 crackdown on dissent in Eritrea and together constructed the brief critique—to the best of my knowledge, the last thing Basil published—that prefaced my two-volume collected articles on the Eritrean Revolution in 2003 (“Taking on the Superpowers” and “Building a New Nation”), which also carried my first essay on those events, “Enough! A critique of Eritrea’s post-liberation politics” and marked my rupture with the EPLF.
This was as bold a move on Lionel’s part as it was excruciatingly difficult but utterly typical of his principled commitment to tell the truth, however painful. We will miss him. I mourn his passing.
W.AAron October 31, 2013
We miss you realy.
asghedom October 31, 2013
is the professor said some thing about Eritrea after the independence, thanks for your help and the result
asghedom October 31, 2013
is the professor said some thing about Eritrea after the independence, thanks for your help and the result’ I am sure he is very happy of the Eritrean independence , and the exoduses young Eritrean and their death.
rti October 31, 2013
May he rest in peace. Thank you for all he did.
K. A October 31, 2013
My God take your soul to heavens in to paradise. We miss you. It sad that you died with out witness the true freedom of the Eritrean People.
Isaias the Devil squander the freedom of all those who died for it during the struggle.
Soon that freedom which was squandered by Isaias will be celebrated in Asmara by all freedom lovers and Isaias along with his criminals will be brought to justice by the Eritrean people.
Sad we are going to miss you on this very important day that you fought for.
We love you
Haile G. Tensae October 31, 2013
he Good Professor had a wonderfull hear during the time of darkness. He and his friends contritribution is endless. It was very sad the Devil Issayas tell to the Eritrean fighters that with out any help we got the independence of Eritrea. It was a lie and deceptions to those who helped us to the end.
May rest in peace the good professor Lionel Cliff.nd thank you for your help Eritrea.
my condelonce to the family.
Haile G. Tensae October 31, 2013
The Good Professor had a wonderfull heart during the time of darkness Eritrea. He and his friends contribution is endless. It was very sad the Devil Issayas tell to the Eritrean fighters; that with out any help, we got the independence of Eritrea. It was a lie and deceptions to those who helped us to the end.
May rest in peace the good professor Lionel Cliff.And thank you for your help Eritrea.
my condelonce to the family.
Zeremariam Fre November 2, 2013
I heard with deepest of sorrows the passing away of Professor Lionell Cliffe, a great friend of the Eritrean struggle when the going was so tough for Eritrea during the independence struggle till 1991.I think Petros Tesfaghergis in his obituary summed up Lionell’s incredible support for the people of Eritrea and for their long struggle for justice and good governance to date.
Lionell was also a great Africanist, committed to so many struggles throughout the African continent but for Eritrea he did that bit of extra by researching and writing extensively about Eritrea, supporting Eritrean academics and planners in so many ways , lobbying the UK government not to abandon Eritrea are some of his great achievements..He also has many Horn friends and never promoted hatred or bitterness among our Horn people in fact he was so deeply hurt by Ethio-Eritrean border conflict(1988-2000) because the two countries going to war again was beyond his belief .His aspirations for the two peoples and countries was progress and not another conflict.
For me personally, he was a great friend and a good role model in my field of academy in the mid-eighties. When I finished my PhD thesis on: Pastoral/nomadic Development in Eritrea and Eastern Sudan at Reading University- UK in 1989, Lionell was one of my external examiners for my viva and his personal comment after the successful viva was ’’zeremariam you defended the cause of African nomads academically at PhD level and you should put your words where your mouth is.. and it is not going to be easy but you guys do not give up’’. His words were so inspiring now and then and I never gave up on the fight for the cause of pastoralist people in Horn Region including those in Eritrea (see
Lionell may you rest in peace and eternal life. Your life in service of others has been exemplary, your knowledge legacy and friendship will never fade from our hearts and minds.
May the Almighty bless your soul and my deepest condolence to those families who are closest to you and all the friends who are shedding great tears for you.
Zeremariam Fre PhD,
University College London UK
abraham November 2, 2013
Thanks petros for your publishing professor cliff and his contribution to armed struggle and , indeed he was contributed a lot to Eritrean people for our freedom. my God bless his soul and I pass my condolence to his family.
I hope the Eritrean population understand that we do have friends who care for us.