A personal perspective By Dr Berhane Woldemichael (19/06/2018) Dr Abiy Ahmed is a man in a rush to solve Ethiopia’s many problems. He is to be admired for his incredible energy and intellectual capacity; in just over

A personal perspective
By Dr Berhane Woldemichael (19/06/2018)
Dr Abiy Ahmed is a man in a rush to solve Ethiopia’s many problems. He is to be admired for his incredible energy and intellectual capacity; in just over two months since he came to power, he has taken some bold and radical steps to transform the political landscape in Ethiopia. He has freed journalists and all political prisoners and allowed them to conduct their activities freely and within the parameters of the law; he has tackled head on some serious ethnic grievances that had threatened the very unity of Ethiopia and his diplomatic skills were there for all to see when he visited Ethiopia’s neighbouring countries (Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia and Egypt) and promoted the idea of peaceful coexistence for the mutual benefit of their peoples.
Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s whirlwind has also reached to the disputed border with Eritrea. In a stunning announcement, Dr Abiy has fully accepted the Border Commission’s ruling and has expressed his willingness to implement it unreservedly and called upon Eritrea to respond positively. Herein lies the problem though; Ahmed wants a dialogue with the illegitimate regime in Eritrea that has no mandate to represent the Eritrean people.
Referring to the regime in Eritrea as illegitimate is not a mere assertion. Eritrea has a constitution that the Eritrean people enthusiastically participated in making. It was supposed to have come into force in 1997 but the regime has contemptuously refused to implement it. The heavy toll Eritrea paid to achieve its independence was never aimed at putting in place a dictatorial regime in perpetuity but at bringing about a free and democratic nation where the rule of law would reign supreme.
This writer has played a tiny role in the Eritrean Liberation Struggle and the dream he had for post independent Eritrea was expressed in the attached paper that he wrote with the intention of presenting it in the first international conference held in Asmara in July 1991. The paper was intentionally written in Tigrigna, hoping for wider readership, but for reasons that were not clear to the writer at the time, the organisers decided not to have it presented. The euphoria of independence was still alive at the time but it was the first sign to this writer that all might not continue to be as rosy as hoped for Eritrea. You, the reader, are invited to read the said paper and draw your own conclusions.
In the last few days, it has been disturbing to witness some Eritrean intellectuals and some of the so-called Eritrean opposition parties succumbing to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s political charm. Of course Dr Ahmed is a nationalist and he would have carefully figured out the outcome or benefit he would expect from settling the border issue with Eritrea at this point in time. But how about from a nationalist Eritrean perspective? What would Eritrea benefit by implementing the Border Commission’s ruling under the current illegitimate Government?
Yes, we have heard the naive justifications some compatriots have been making. They say the dictatorial Regime will have no excuse to continue with the national service programme after demarcation of the border. In other words, many of the young under its yoke will be freed. Really? Have we not learned our lesson? How plausible is it to think that the downtrodden Eritrean people will get a lasting respite whilst the current regime remains in place? Are we forgetting that the regime needlessly started the border war and cost Eritrea tens of thousands of its young? Haven’t we lost thousands more in the wars with Yemen, Djibouti and even in Congo? War is a mechanism for its own survival that the regime uses and it would be naïve to think otherwise.
Coming to the crunch of the matter, let us say that international pressure may bear on the illegitimate regime in Eritrea and it may accept Ahmed’s call for the demarcation of the border in accordance to the ruling of the Border Commission. But we know that demarcation will cause havoc as many Eritreans in the border areas will come to be living in Ethiopia. Of course, the illegitimate Government in Eritrea does not care and it has made it clear all along that demarcation should strictly adhere to the Border Commission’s ruling. In that case, it will be a miscarriage of justice against those Eritreans affected by it. So what is Eritrea’s interest with regards to the border demarcation – its people or some pieces of land? Should we not stand for our people and negotiate for the adjustment of the border? The physical land mass will not go anywhere and the Eritrean people will be in a better position to resolve the border issue with Ethiopia when a legitimate Government is put in place – hopefully before long.
How naïve and absurd it is though for the so called Eritrean opposition parties to have come out with such blazing bravado in support of Dr Abiy Ahmed’s proposal, demanding that Ethiopia withdraw its military presence from the occupied Eritrean lands immediately and unconditionally and, at the same time, calling upon the illegitimate regime in Eritrea to positively respond to Ethiopia’s supposed olive branch.
Opposition parties? What kind of opposition? Has any opposition group tried to advise Dr Abiy Ahmed not to have any dealings with the illegitimate Government in Eritrea? Dr Abiy Ahmed will be aware of the gamble he is taking as he knows that Eritrea does not have a stable, reliable nor a trustworthy regime and any agreement made with it may not hold. Opposition groups could have seized the opportunity to persuade Dr Abiy against the rapprochement he is hoping to build with the current illegitimate regime. Peaceful neighbourly coexistence is not a language that the current illegitimate regime understands so demarcation now will only give a false hope to the Eritrean and Ethiopian people.
Eritrean opposition parties have lost a golden opportunity to stand up for Eritrea. Instead, some opposition parties have given legitimacy to the illegitimate Government in Eritrea by their actions. What we do not know, however, is whether they have done this unwittingly or purposely, indicating that they do in fact recognise the illegitimate and dictatorial regime in Eritrea. It therefore behoves them now to make their position clear to the Eritrean people.
AlTs June 20, 2018
You are wrong!!!!
Eritrean people are fed of war and even worse, the “no war, no peace” state. Now when the regime has accepted the peace call from Ethiopia we shall take that chance even headed by illegitimate regime.
Accepting the peace call shows us that the regime is showing some weakness. W shall then use the weakness and benefit from it and struggle for for reforms, release of political prisoners, abolish the no-end military service and eventually declare freedom of speech and political parties.
Michael Tesfamariam June 21, 2018
I don’t believe this man in Gabi is Eritrean. He is probably Endargachew Tsige of Amhara.
Andargachew Yidneqachew June 22, 2018
Why do you always question someone’s identity when you don’t agree with his/her opinion? Can a fellow Eritrean have a different opinion from yours or other Eritreans?
Michael Tesfamariam June 22, 2018
Little Andargachew, I did not say anything in response to the man’s opinion, in fact I don’t disagree with his opinion entirely, because he has outlined some sensible points which I strongly agree.with. But I am still entitled to question his identity as independent minded reader, and I believe he is Andargachew Tsige from Amhara, if you insist he is not so bet. I did not mean to defile this man but I just want to know who is this he so I can fairly read and drop my own comments about what he has to say in his article. It is always possible to draw wrong and inaccurate conclusion unless you dig out a bit to understand about whether a writer is free from any regional, religious, or other social and political bias that make him write or say, is he motivated to write to reflect the views of majority of Eritreans or just he is simply wrangling to satisfy the ego of some folks from his own region.
Amanuel June 20, 2018
Hizbi ertra mis hgdf hizbi tigray mis weyane Hasab niweraredelu gizie zikerebe yimesil.
Hidat June 20, 2018
“””ዶብ ክሕንጸጽ ዝደልዩ እቶም ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዝቅመጡ ዘይኮኑስ እቶም ኣብ ዶብ ዘለዉ ኣህዛብ እዮም””……….Dr.ኣቢይ
ኣብ ፓርላማ ካብ ዝበሎ.
Amanuel June 21, 2018
That is genuine statement from honest dynamic person unlike fake weyane thugs who are the other face of hgdf.
Gee June 21, 2018
he is liar. We need lasting peace only, no demarcation.
rezen June 20, 2018
Commentary (II), 20 June 2018
Quote: “DIA is devil incarnate” Unquote Wedi Hagher June 20, 2018
Indeed! Issayas Afewerki Abraha is a most diabolical dictator, parallel to all notorious dictatorial devils in Nature. They can’t help it. It is in their Nature. And they die by it. As the Tigrigna insightful saying goes: ለኻኺሞም ይጠፍኡ ። :
Let us concentrate on our own Devilish Issayas. For sure, he will make Eritrea a barren of land before he is through with it. For Issaya, it is a personal vendetta, revenge — a cause that goes in line with his Nature. AND HE WILL BE CONSUMED BY IT – not by the reaction of the Eritrean people. .As far as Dictator issayas is concerned the people of Eritrea are just a simple MASS of idiots [in his view] mail-able by petty daily ‘satisfaction’ for their individual welfare. Like any Dictator, Issayas knows the character of his servants inside out. He has the minimal respet for the Eritrean people of all strata from the lowest level to the very top in Life.. As time goes by, his disrespect for his subjects actually turns into hatred.
Let us take a glaring example of Dictator Issyas. demeaning attitude towards his five million servants. In a single night — seventeen (17) years ago — , precisely at 0300 hours, he ordered the SIMULTANEOUS rounding-up of his highest echelon of comradeship in 30-year Liberation History. to be taken to prison — NEVER to be seen again. THERE WASN’T A BLIP of reaction from the entire five or so million population of Eritrea. NOTHING!!! Issayas KNEW it. He knows Eritrean back and forth, inside out; hence, he was sure that NOTHING would happen. Indeed NOTHING happened to this day.. Issayas knows the history of his obedient servants of five million inside out. No other example could ever be more adequate to describe the true character of the Eritrean mixture of Societies from sociological prism. Issayas knew it; and used it effectively.
As human beings, do Eritreans deserve the cruelty of a mad man. NO, NO, NO, but they are accountable for being part and parcel leading to the CRIME. In particular, the so-called “EDUCATED” Scholars of the highest order, armed with deep knowledge of Humanity, Sociology, Law, History, International Relation, etc , should have been the solid vanguard of the society to prevent the crime perpetrated by an ambitious mad loaded with hatred. On the contrary, a prominent few of them are actually, visibly, supporter of the Dictator
This blind obedience to the REALITY of Eritrea is not a new phenomenon in human history.We see it everyday – especially in our dear ‘Dark” Continent of Africa. In the entire continent of Africa, the phenomenon of Dictatorship is so rampant that one is hard pressed to find more than a maximum of three (being very generous) liberal democratic leader in the entire Continent of Africa. As the President of the Good Old USA put it, Africa is a “shithole” and the University Educated Dictator President for Life of one African State fully agrees with the label.
Back to Eritrea. Where do we go from here? To be honest, I have no clue!!! But, in any case, I am convinced that issayas’ late response to the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s initiative is NOT to solve the problem of the two States, but only to prolong the animosity between the two people for his own diabolical scheme, >>>which has NOTHING to do with the goodwill, peace and development of Eritrea. Eritrea should not be deceived twice in OUR Life Time. At the risk of elongating my argument, Issyas, as he openly implied in a ‘relaxed atmosphere’, Eritrea will be, in the Tigrigna expression, ኣይትብላዕ ፤ ኣይትስተ ። THE END
Gesam June 20, 2018
We are so close to liberate Eritrea from the tyrant, and Dr. Abi comes along and disrupts our plan!!! Really? what wacky article.
meretse June 21, 2018
Brother rezen,
Quote from your last paragraph — Back to Eritrea. Where do we go from here? To be honest, I have no clue!!! But, in any case, I am convinced that issayas’ late response to the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s initiative is NOT to solve the problem of the two States, but only to prolong the animosity between the two people for his own diabolical scheme, >>>which has NOTHING to do with the goodwill, peace and development of Eritrea. Eritrea should not be deceived twice in OUR Life Time. At the risk of elongating my argument
This is hard to swallow, but it is what it is. Even after demarcation Isseyas might come victorious simply by repeating words such as: “finally we have beaten the servants”. And, his followers might even come to pledge publicly LONG LIVE ISSEYAS or ISSAYAS FOREVER. There is no guarantee waht is going to happen tomorrow with a such abundant blind followers. So far, inside or outside the country people are good enough to repeat only one word after him “awet Nhafash. For them Awet Nhafash is their freedom, their constitution, their free press, or their best democracy. If they choose to hug the status quo forever there is nothing we can do except to continue feeling SHAME for them.
rezen June 21, 2018
Brother indeed, meretse,
You raised the eternally meaningful slogan “ዓወት ንሖፋሽ“ Indeed, GLORY to the PEOPLE of ERITREA regardless of the heart-breaking outcome through indigenous deception and maneuvering. “ዓወት ንሖፋሽ“ will remain for ever in history books as a pillar of achievement by the Eritrean people for what they deeply believed. Thank you again, meretse, for that reminder in an atmosphere of open betrayal and consequential dejection. therefrom rezen
Shalom June 21, 2018
ሰላም ዶክተር ብርሃነን ኩሉኹም ኣሕዋትን ኣሓትን
ነዚ ሓድሽ ዶብ ንኽሕጸጽ ዘተባብዕ ኩነታት ምስተፈጥረ፡ እቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ስርዓት ሓልዮት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ስለዘይብሉን ስለ ዘይውክሎን፡ ዝኾነ ዝወስዶ ውሳነ ድማ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝጠቅም ክኸውን ኣይኽእልን ካብ ዝብል ስክፍታ ዝነቐለ ይመስለኒ ናይ ዶ/ር ብርሃነ ርእይቶ።
ብመጀመርያ ክንግንዘቦ ዘሎና ነገር እንተልዩ ነቲ ናይ ኮሚሽን ዶብ ውሳነ ዶ/ር ኣቢይ ኢትዮጵያ ብዘይ ቅድመ ኩነት ክትቅበሎን ከተተግብሮን ድላይ ከምዘለዋ ዝብል ለባምን ተባዕን ስጉምቲ ብዙሓት ተቓወምቲ (ደለይቲ ፍትሒ) ደገፎም ምግላጾም፥
=> ነቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ስርዓት ከም ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝውክል መንግስቲ ተቐቢሎሞ ማለት ኣየስምዕን፡
=> እቲ ብይን ዶብ፡ ኣብ ሞንጎ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ብእንካን ሃባን ዝተገብረ ውሳነ ዘይኮነ፡ ብኮምሽን ዶብ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ዝተዋህበ ብይን እዩ። ዋላ’ውን ምሉእ ብምሉእ ዘዕግብን ፍትሓዊ ውሳነ ክኸውን እንተዘይከኣለ የግዳስ ናብ ላዕለዋይ ቤትፍርዲ ኬድካ ዝወሃበካ ውሳነ ዋላ ኣይማእምካ ክትቕበል ግድነት ኣሎካ፡
=> ኣብ 1998 ነቲ ናይ ዶብ ምስሕሓብ ክልቲኦም ብሰላማዊ ዝርርብ ክፈትሕዎ ዓቕሚን፡ ድላይን፡ ፖለቲካዊ ቅርቡነትን ነይርዎምም እንተዝኸውን ናብዚ ኹሉ ደረጃ ደረት ኣልቦ ዕንወት ኣይምበጻሕናን፡ ሕጂ ከድኣ ብኸመይ ተዘራሪቦም ክፈትሕዎ ንጽበ?
=> ብሃገር ደረጃ ክንሓስብ ከለና፡ ገለ ቦታትት ከሲርካ ሰላም ዶ ይሓይሽ፡ ዋላ እዚ ናይ ዶብ ኩነታት ሰንፈላል ኮይኑ፡ ኣይ-ሰላም-ኣይ-ውግእ ሃዋህው ክቕጽል? ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ 20 ዓመታት ዝተኸስረ ሕይወት፡ ንብረት፡ ምብትታን ስድራቤት፡ ናይ ምዕባለ ዕድላት >>>
=> ዶብ ይትሓንጸጽ ኣይትሓንጸጽ ብዘየገድስ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ስርዓት ምእላይ ሕጂ’ውን ሓላፍነት ናትና ናይ ኤርትራውያን እዩ። ብኸመይ ንተግብሮ፡ ናትና ሓላፍነት ይኸውን፡ ዶብ ተሓንጺጹ ክንድቕስ ማለት ኣይኮነን። ልዕልና ሕግን ፍትሕን ክሳብ ዝጎደለ፡ ሰላም ክህሉ፡ ህዝቢ ክቐስን ኣይክእልን።
Barazio June 21, 2018
TToo little too late. Woyane time is over. You can bark as much as you want. Let Eritreans worry about Eritrean regime. Assab is not in the table, sorry for your crushed dream. You can not stop Abiy, the only way is to do the imaginable, and it will cost the lives of Tigaru south of Mekelle
meretse June 21, 2018
ንክምስታ፡ ክቡራት ኣሕዋት — መቸስ እዛ “ዓወት ንሓፋሽ” ክሳብ ኣስመራ በይና’ያ ኣትያ። ካልኣ ዝኮነ ቃል ዝወዳደራ ከይረከብት ኢያ ኣስመራ ኣትያ። ኣስመራ ምስ ተኣትወ ግን በዚ መጸት ዘይተባህለት ሃንቲ ቃል መዋዳድርቲ ረኪባ። እታ ቃል ከኣ “ዮሃና” ኢያ ትብል። እዘን ክልተ ቃላት እዚኣተን ካብቶም ዓለማውያን ሓሊፈን ናብቶም መነኮሰውያን ከይተረፈ ኣትየን። ካብኡ ሓሊፈን ኣብ ባህላዊ ደርፍን መዛሙሩን ተቃላቂለን። ይግረምኩም ሓደ ግዜ ኣብ ሓደ ሓውሲ ከተም ዝኮነ እቶም መንእሰያትን ዓበይትን ከም’ዚ ኢሎም ክደርፉ ሰሚዔ፡
ዮሃናየ እንቛዕ ኣሐጎሰናየ እዚ ማለት ከኣ ሓንቲ ሰበይቲ ንሰብኣያ ናይ ፍቅራ መርኣያ ንክትገልጽ “honey mearey” == መዓረይ መዓረይ ከም ማለት ኢዩ። ኣብ’ዚ ሎሚ ግዜ ሓራስን እኖቢተይን ዝፈላልዩ ብዙሓት ኣሎዉ። እግዝኣብሔር ይስተር
Amanuel June 22, 2018
Peace should be delayed.
Dr. Why? Until when? Peace is not for hgdf or opposition party. It is for the people. The opposition will never organize. So should we wait for ever? I can not believe such idea coming from a doctor.