A personal perspective By Dr Berhane Woldemichael (19/06/2018) Dr Abiy Ahmed is a man in a rush to solve Ethiopia’s many problems. He is to be admired for his incredible energy and intellectual capacity; in just over

A personal perspective
By Dr Berhane Woldemichael (19/06/2018)
Dr Abiy Ahmed is a man in a rush to solve Ethiopia’s many problems. He is to be admired for his incredible energy and intellectual capacity; in just over two months since he came to power, he has taken some bold and radical steps to transform the political landscape in Ethiopia. He has freed journalists and all political prisoners and allowed them to conduct their activities freely and within the parameters of the law; he has tackled head on some serious ethnic grievances that had threatened the very unity of Ethiopia and his diplomatic skills were there for all to see when he visited Ethiopia’s neighbouring countries (Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia and Egypt) and promoted the idea of peaceful coexistence for the mutual benefit of their peoples.
Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s whirlwind has also reached to the disputed border with Eritrea. In a stunning announcement, Dr Abiy has fully accepted the Border Commission’s ruling and has expressed his willingness to implement it unreservedly and called upon Eritrea to respond positively. Herein lies the problem though; Ahmed wants a dialogue with the illegitimate regime in Eritrea that has no mandate to represent the Eritrean people.
Referring to the regime in Eritrea as illegitimate is not a mere assertion. Eritrea has a constitution that the Eritrean people enthusiastically participated in making. It was supposed to have come into force in 1997 but the regime has contemptuously refused to implement it. The heavy toll Eritrea paid to achieve its independence was never aimed at putting in place a dictatorial regime in perpetuity but at bringing about a free and democratic nation where the rule of law would reign supreme.
This writer has played a tiny role in the Eritrean Liberation Struggle and the dream he had for post independent Eritrea was expressed in the attached paper that he wrote with the intention of presenting it in the first international conference held in Asmara in July 1991. The paper was intentionally written in Tigrigna, hoping for wider readership, but for reasons that were not clear to the writer at the time, the organisers decided not to have it presented. The euphoria of independence was still alive at the time but it was the first sign to this writer that all might not continue to be as rosy as hoped for Eritrea. You, the reader, are invited to read the said paper and draw your own conclusions.
In the last few days, it has been disturbing to witness some Eritrean intellectuals and some of the so-called Eritrean opposition parties succumbing to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s political charm. Of course Dr Ahmed is a nationalist and he would have carefully figured out the outcome or benefit he would expect from settling the border issue with Eritrea at this point in time. But how about from a nationalist Eritrean perspective? What would Eritrea benefit by implementing the Border Commission’s ruling under the current illegitimate Government?
Yes, we have heard the naive justifications some compatriots have been making. They say the dictatorial Regime will have no excuse to continue with the national service programme after demarcation of the border. In other words, many of the young under its yoke will be freed. Really? Have we not learned our lesson? How plausible is it to think that the downtrodden Eritrean people will get a lasting respite whilst the current regime remains in place? Are we forgetting that the regime needlessly started the border war and cost Eritrea tens of thousands of its young? Haven’t we lost thousands more in the wars with Yemen, Djibouti and even in Congo? War is a mechanism for its own survival that the regime uses and it would be naïve to think otherwise.
Coming to the crunch of the matter, let us say that international pressure may bear on the illegitimate regime in Eritrea and it may accept Ahmed’s call for the demarcation of the border in accordance to the ruling of the Border Commission. But we know that demarcation will cause havoc as many Eritreans in the border areas will come to be living in Ethiopia. Of course, the illegitimate Government in Eritrea does not care and it has made it clear all along that demarcation should strictly adhere to the Border Commission’s ruling. In that case, it will be a miscarriage of justice against those Eritreans affected by it. So what is Eritrea’s interest with regards to the border demarcation – its people or some pieces of land? Should we not stand for our people and negotiate for the adjustment of the border? The physical land mass will not go anywhere and the Eritrean people will be in a better position to resolve the border issue with Ethiopia when a legitimate Government is put in place – hopefully before long.
How naïve and absurd it is though for the so called Eritrean opposition parties to have come out with such blazing bravado in support of Dr Abiy Ahmed’s proposal, demanding that Ethiopia withdraw its military presence from the occupied Eritrean lands immediately and unconditionally and, at the same time, calling upon the illegitimate regime in Eritrea to positively respond to Ethiopia’s supposed olive branch.
Opposition parties? What kind of opposition? Has any opposition group tried to advise Dr Abiy Ahmed not to have any dealings with the illegitimate Government in Eritrea? Dr Abiy Ahmed will be aware of the gamble he is taking as he knows that Eritrea does not have a stable, reliable nor a trustworthy regime and any agreement made with it may not hold. Opposition groups could have seized the opportunity to persuade Dr Abiy against the rapprochement he is hoping to build with the current illegitimate regime. Peaceful neighbourly coexistence is not a language that the current illegitimate regime understands so demarcation now will only give a false hope to the Eritrean and Ethiopian people.
Eritrean opposition parties have lost a golden opportunity to stand up for Eritrea. Instead, some opposition parties have given legitimacy to the illegitimate Government in Eritrea by their actions. What we do not know, however, is whether they have done this unwittingly or purposely, indicating that they do in fact recognise the illegitimate and dictatorial regime in Eritrea. It therefore behoves them now to make their position clear to the Eritrean people.
zeregabir Teaghes June 19, 2018
Are you Doctor of Chemistry away from political analysis? Do you understand what brotherhood and mutuality is?
Dictatorship doesn’t qualify for border issue. The Dictator may be eliminated after the border mitigation. Secondly write in Amharic or Tigrigna to Adrress the Pepole.
Mr. Academician bye.
Ananymous June 19, 2018
Assenna, why did you allow this “article” to be published. It is because of such idiots we have been in war since the beginning of time.
Danilo June 19, 2018
I respect the personal opinion of the writer considering dictatorship that really exist in Eritrea who cause total destruction human resource and economic upheavals. I don’t also see nationalistic deed like Dr Abi Ahmed has. but I think legitimate because some Eritreans admire and even pray for him. nevertheless, I do believe this is internal problem not necessarily call it illegitimate. If we believe the eritrean cause is legitimate then the border issue is legitimate too. What i don’t understand from the writer is why didn’t mention anything about Ethiopias illegal occupation Eritrea and cancerous for the honest people? Every eritrean opposition or even individual has legitimate right to call Ethiopia withdraw . This is the the legitimacy.
keshi mars June 19, 2018
Hello Assenna,
Yes the regime in Eritrea does not qualify to be a legitimate government because it does not have the peoples’ support and approval. Neither the regime demands it. The regime always sees the people as its subjects.
The question is, what are the intentions of the PM? He clearly expressed to his parliament that he is not interested in demarcation only but to move forward to normalize and integrate the Eastern Africa one step at a time. ቁዱስ ሓሳብ`ዩ።
So what is the role of an Eritrean in this situation? Forget the illegitimate regime but there are people within that regime who are holding their breathe for this occasion to happen and ready to move on. The change comes from within not from the outside opposition. The act of ጀግና ስዉእ ኣቦና ሓጂ ሙሳ accomplishes more harm to the regime than anything opposition from the outside.
Dr. Abiy’s position at least provides a hope to see the country beyond the survival mode it’s in. And that creates a sense of awakening to organize and start to act by these insiders.
k.tewolde June 19, 2018
‘Opposition groups could have seized the opportunity to persuade Dr Abiy against the rapprochement he is hoping to build with the current illegitimate regime’………writes Dr. Berhane,yes indeed,that is why in my previous post I stated some prominent ‘opposition parties’ are blowing long distance kisses to the Asmara regime which they are reciprocating through their affiliate media outlets instead of taking a stand and grabbing the opportunity to lead in freeing their oppressed people from the yoke of tyranny which is the reason why they formed an “opposition party” in the first place,unless there is another one otherwise.Could this be one of the reason why the tyrant takes 9+ hours of uninterrupted siesta at his resort?
k.tewolde June 19, 2018
Love that letter and the authenticity of the language(original Tgrigna) it was written, in retrospect I can see why it was not read at the conference.
A Iyasu June 19, 2018
I don’t understand how the status quo or waiting for regime change in Eritrea could be the preferred option.
I think we should encourage PM Dr Abiy Ahmed….
I pray that fraternity, peace and reconciliation prevailes
Hagos June 19, 2018
ዝኸበርካ ብርሃነ፣
ዘገርም እዩ ፤ ገና ብዓንተብኡ ኣብ እዋን ወርሓት ምእላይ ደርጊ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ : ንመጻኢ ዝእምት ውርጹጽ ጽሑፍ ዝነጸጉ ሸፋቱ ደኣ ንዕስራን-ሸውዓተን ዓመት ከመይ ጌሮም ሕርሕራይ ከምዝደከሩናን ባሮት ናቶምን ናይ ሀገራት ዓረብ ዝሸጡናን ሎሚ ሎሚ ተፈሊጡና።
እንተንስኻ ግና ሽዑ ንሽዑ ፈሊጥካዮም እልይ ዝበልካ ዕድለኛ ኢኻ ትመስል። እዞም ሸፋቱ ናይ ትማልን ናይ ሎምን ምስ ኢትዮጵያ ትኹን ምስ ኣውሮጳ ወይ ኣመሪካ ሰላም ጌሮም ናብ ኤርትራን ናብ ኤርትራውያንን ዘምጽእዎ ሓንቲ እውን ሰናይ ለውጢ የልቦን። ከምዚ ከማኻ ለባም ኣቶ ዮሴፍ ገብረሂወት ዝበሃል ጽቡቕ ጌሩ ሎሚ ቕነ ውን ገሊጽዎም ኣሎ ፤ ንሱ ይብል፥ “ኢሳያስን ስርዓት ህግደፍን ዘገድሶም ህላዌኦም ጥራይ እዩ ። ናይ ኤርትራ ወይ ናይ ኤርትራውያን ረብሓ ኣይዓጦምን እዩ። ኢሳያስ ንህላዌኡ ክብል ኩሉ ዝኾነ ጉድጓድ ክፍሕር ድሉው እዩ።”
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዕስራ ዓመታት ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝተማጎተሉ ኤርትራዊ ስደተኛ ፣ ኣብ ባርነት ወይ ዓቢድነት ናይ ዓረበ ራሻይዳ በድዊን ወይ ቤጃ የልቦን። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝሓዘነሉ ኣብ ባሕሪ ዝሓለቐ ፤ ኣብ ምድረበዳ ዓረብ ዝሞተ ፤ ብሴፍን ካራን እስላማዊ-መንግስቲ-ዳዕሽ እተሓርደን እተዓመጸተን ንዓቢድነት እተሸጠት ኤርትራዊት ፈጺሙ የልቦን።
እዚ ዘርኢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ትሕቲ እዞም ጎሓላሉ ሸፋቱ ንጣብ ትኹን ተስፋ የብላን።
Amanuel June 20, 2018
Yes we know that he and his regime is illegitimate. Yes we know that the tplf and hgdf, two dictators and terrorists, used the border dispute to stay in power. Yes we know that putting the interest of the people affected first could have brought better solution. But delaying it b/s iseyas is illegitimate leader is a bit iffy. Why? B/d we have opposition that is very disorganized and useless as useless as hgdf to say the least.
Next question is will the old, incompetent, illegitimate and malicious iseyas free our heros/ or monsters like him and the.thousands good innocent citizens who are suffering in his dangeon? Will he stop enslaving the young? Will he implement our constitution? Will he allow all opposition to open offices in their country?
Answer is clear. A big No. But certainly the peace unless he details it (I doubt looking at determination of Dr abiy though) will shorten his life, power and exposes him greatly even in the eyes of his blind supporters.
By the way he is sending a delicate to Addis and let’s hope a nonexistent hope that the delicate is competent after pushing every eritrean brain out of country.
Amanuel June 20, 2018
P/s read delicate as delegate and details as derails.
meretse June 20, 2018
Re: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia should be stopped from engaging with the illigitmate regime in Eritrea. The good Dr. has stated his reasons clearly why Prime Minister Abiy should be stopped from engaging the DIA. His main justification is – simply Eritrea has no constitution is governed by a lawless bushman. Sir, nobody disputes your argument but this has nothing to do with Ethiopia or Dr Abiy. If you have to blame, blame us. We the people of Eritrea gave DIA not only one but several chances to run Eritrea as it is. So, what options does the PM Abiy have? Your idea is great but it does not have a ground to land on. In my opinion, I think the PM Abiy, should move on with his good gesture until the international communities breaks their silence. Other than that, it is also natural to feel hot or cold whenever a new beginning takes place. Since new beiginnings are accessible to everyone, very much, everyone has trouble with them. Even in Ethiopia people some people are worried and are expressing their version of annexieties and confusions. The bottom line is, all confusions arise from the fear that the real change will destroy the old ways in which they established their security. Hence– what is FEAR?
Dear Dr Berhane Woldemichael, I read the Tigryna version—it is simply a superb. Before I go I also would like to appreciate your honesty. You explained yourself as a third person and says: “The writer has a tiny role in the Eritrean Libration Stuggle…” Not a lot of people have the courage like what you have telling the public that their role was tiny. May be your role was gigantic but, I think, you are trying to teach us how how to be humble. Otherwise, the time that you spent to write such a worthy article in the nineties by itself is enough evidence that your role was not a tiny.
I am looking forward to read your next articles.
Simon G. June 20, 2018
Dr Berhane Woldemichael:
Let me directly jump to the article you have written 27 yrs ago.
ዝድርበ ኳዩ ዘይብላ!
ቅንዕና ስለዘይነበሮም ‘ዩ ‘ምበር: ድንቁርና ጥራይ ኔሩ ተዝኸውን ጸገሞም: ነዚኣ ጽሕፍቲ ጥራይ ምስ ኣንበብዋ ከማን ብዙሕ ምዕባለታት መርኣዩ። ግን: ድሌቶም ምዕብልትን ሰላምን ኤርትራ ኣይነበረን።
meretse June 20, 2018
ዝከበርኩም በጻሕቲ ኣሰና፡ ኣቦታትና ክምስሉ እንከሎዉ “ ካብ ኣጣል ዝወዓሎኦስ ኣጣል ዝገደፍኦ” ይብሉ። ከም ተረድኦይ ጠል ንኩሉ ቆጽሊ ክትጥዕሞ ስለ እትደሊ ነታ ሙሉእ ጠጠም ዘሎዋ ኦም ገዲፋ ካብ ሓደ ናብ ሓደ ክትናጠር ስለ እትውዕል ይመስለኒ። ዝኮነ ኮይኑ፡ ቀጺለ ዘቅርቦ ሓሳብ ነቲ ክቡር ዶክተር ብርሃነ ናብ ህዝቢ ክቀርብ ዝሓተቶ ጽሑፍ ግን ድጋፍ ዘይረከበ ብካልኦት (by others) ከ እንታይ ነበረ ንምምልካት ኢዩ።
ለካቲት 16/1992
4ይቲ ዓንቀጽ (ጽሕፍቲ)
ኣርእስቲ “ኦም ምርቃ” Blessed Nation
መእተዊ፡—-ብሓደ ሓደ ኣፍቀርቲ ግጥሚ ፡ ንኩነታት ሃገርና ብመልክዕ ግጥሚ ንከቅርበሎም ንዝገበርዎ ሰናይ ሓተታ ተቀቢለ ፡ ነዛ እትስዕብ ግጥሚ እነሆ የቅርብ፡-
ካብ ልቃሕ ጸባ ልካይ ይኩን ጠስሚ
ንፍታሕ ጾመልጓም ብእንጣጢዕ ከም ዓሚ
ኣይከጽግበናን’ዩ ልቃሕ ናይ ቦሰሮ …..World Bank
መጸልመት ሓረስታይ መፍታት ንዓቓሮ
እልፊ ወሲዶም ትዃቦ ሓሙሳ ……ዓለም ባንክ
ልግሲ እንተ ሓዊሶም ዕንባባ ንሬሳ
ጸባካ ወሲዶም ዝከልኡ ማይ ጸባ
ይቀመጥ ሓሪሮም ንከደን ዓለባ continue >>>>