Pope Francis gives his full support for Dawit
VATICAN CITY. Pope Francis gives his full support to the international campaign for the release of Dawit Isaak, the Swedish-Eritrean journalist who is imprisoned without trial in Eritrea since 2001. ”I send my blessings and greetings

VATICAN CITY. Pope Francis gives his full support to the international campaign for the release of Dawit Isaak, the Swedish-Eritrean journalist who is imprisoned without trial in Eritrea since 2001.
”I send my blessings and greetings to him and his family,” the Pope said in an exclusive interview with Expressen.
Dawit Isaak is a Swedish-Eritrean journalist and writer held in Eritrean prison since 2001 without trial. The Eritrean regime calls him a traitor, while Amnesty International considers him a prisoner of conscience and has called for his immediate and unconditional release.
Expressen and other leading Swedish media have repeatedly called upon the Eritrean authorities to free Dawit Isaak and devote considerable space to his case.
“I hope with all my heart that the Dawit case will get a solution. I send my blessings and greetings to him and his family,” Pope Francis told Expressen on Monday.
“I hope that all will be clarified”
The Pontiff is the most recent of numerous international statesmen and celebrities who have expressed their support for the imprisoned journalist.
“I hope that all will be clarified. This is a person who is suffering very much in this situation,” the Pope said.
Thomas Mattson, editor-in-chief of Expressen, expresses his appreciation of the Pope’s remarks in a column. He stresses the importance of the fact that Dawit Isaak’s plight now has got the attention of the Pope as well as of other senior figures on the world scene.
“Recently four Catholic bishops in Eritrea wrote an open letter criticizing conditions in the dictatorship. And now the Pope gives support to Dawit Isaak in an exclusive interview with Expressen. Maybe, maybe the military junta is somewhat easing its control over the long-suffering citizens of Eritrea?” Thomas Mattsson writes in a column.
Other celebrities supports the campaign
The Expressen editor-in-chief points out that Bruce Springsteen, Madonna and many other celebrities support Expressen’s campaign for the release of Dawit Isaak.
“The EU demands his release, the African Union has raised the issue … There are more of us than the Pope who pray for Dawit Isaak to be reunified with his wife Sofia, his three children and his relatives in Goteborg,” Thomas Mattsson writes.
Dawit Isaak came to Sweden in 1987 and became a Swedish citizen in 1992. When Eritrea gained independence he returned to his native country and started working for the country’s first independent newspaper.
Isaak arrested in 2001
On 23 September 2001 Isaak was arrested in his home in Asmara in Eritrea. Another 21 prominent journalists and politicians were arrested at the same time – for demanding democratic reforms in Eritrea.
There have been reports that Isaak was subject to torture. The Eritrean government has not allowed anyone to visit him.
Dawit Isaak has been awarded several international prizes, among them The Golden Pen of Freedom Award of the World Association of Newspapers in 2011.
Source: Expressen
Dala ksha July 9, 2014
Father pope Francis
please don’t forget to pray 1 Petros Solomon2Mahamud Sherifo3Beraki Ghebresilse4okbe Abrha5brhane g/zgher6fisahe Geswa7Wedi Ali gigna8omer Tewil 9 Mehamed Hagos 10Aba are 11 Aster Yohanes 12 Btwede Abrha 13Miriam 14 Senait sorry I don’t have enough space to write all the of my hero brothers and sisters languishing in araero underground
johnny July 9, 2014
about time the pope made this comment why not the us president knows very well what is going on in Eritrea.
B. Michael July 9, 2014
Dawit Meconen
Your treatment of history and tradition is respectable, including the quote of Xenophanes. Minus the “little woyane” ne the MidribaHri supposed name. I am fond of history of Eritrea and ancient philosophy.
I would be careful to use the term Habesha, simply because people attach too many arbitrary meaning to it. For some is a source of pride for other a source of contempt. The Oromos, Somalis would use it as insult without knowing what it means and whether it is relevant to them or not. They would come up with some not quite amusing contradiction of historical nature.
We can say that Bahrenegasi and Kantiba are titles common in Eritrea. Derue / Dori and Ishaq were called “Bahrinegasi of Debarwa”. The Portuguese transposed to the land they supposed to govern, that’s Mereb Mellash or rather part of it. They twisted into “Barnagasso”. However the people who owned the land and knew itself, did not call itself by that name.
Midribahri is another name or naming of Amhara origin. Perhaps it is correct to reconnect it to the invasion of pretentious hatseyat Ishaq, Zara-Yaqob. Therefore, it is not genuinely our invention as name of our land. It reminds, instead, vicious tradition of plunder and barbaric and futile design and attempt to control our sea lanes.
The Amhara kings who were war lords of the worst kind could not swim since they did not control a land by the Sea, Our Red Sea. They were so far from it and by their idle philosophy of life they disdained to till the land. In other words they were not fishermen, nor farmers, nor legislators perhaps they were void / abstract meselti.
Dawit Meconen, you are inspirational in how you deal with our past and in how you insert it in our discussion of our current affairs, but I think, it should be done with moderation. We need to concentrate with our burning issues.
B. Michael July 9, 2014
Please correct me while reading. There are clear mistakes in the text.
Pawlos July 9, 2014
Do not stop praying, the day is unknown, but all dictators have the same fate, ending up in hell. Then our dream will be a reality of peace, justice, rule of law and prosperity. The writing is already on the wall it is the beginning of an end for hifdefawian mendefawian.
Pawlos July 9, 2014
Please read higdefawian rather than hifdefawian. Sorry and thank you.
silent July 10, 2014
Who is this person? Is he Louis IX the reincarnated leader of the Crusade?
Why is he carrying a cross instead of a sword?
Mahh…What a perverted world!
Tamrat Tamrat July 10, 2014
The Norwegian government announced that half of the refugees comming to Norway are Eritreans and Syrians and Norway is leading syrians. The immigraion officer has said there is no plan in returning eritreans to Eritrea but there is a consquence who abused their status that is after they got protection who fly to Asmara immidiatley.
So pfdjs would be stopped from abusing the asyl system of Norway. It is not picknick to leave mother lang, Ok, pfdj. For pfdj the asyl system of the world is like their economical master plan. Shamefull low life scambags. You dont know hos shamefull was the Bolonga drama. Hundred thousands run for their life from Eritrea regime and the same nation People cellebrate the very regime which terrorize its own People.
Tamrat Tamrat July 10, 2014
Norway is leading syrians should be read eritreans leading syrians.
Windshield July 10, 2014
If true…….Since when does religion interfere into politics? Let him support the multitudes of young children who are raped and abused by pedophile Catholic priests around the world.
Mesinas July 12, 2014
ዝኸበርኩም ኤርትራውያን ሰላም። ሎሚ ንግሆ ኣብ ድምጺ መድረኽ ዝሰማዕኩዎ ዜና ስለ ዘሰከፈኒ ብዛዕባኡ ገለ ክብል ተገዲደ! ንኽቡር ኣቦ ፖፕ ፍራንስስ (Pope Francis) “ፖፕ ፍራንስስ ጋዜጠኛ ዳዊት ይስሓቅ ንምፍታሕ ዘሎዎ ደገፍ ኣፍሊጡ!” ብምባል፡ ኣታ ኢሎም ክጽውዕዎም ሰሚዐ። ኣታን ኣንቱምን ሓዋዊሶም ኣቕሪቦሞ። ኣብ ባህልና ይዕበ ይንኣስ ንመራሒ ሃይማኖት፡ ኣንቱም እምበር ኣታ ኣይብሃልን’ዩ! እዚ ባህሊ’ዚ እቶም ኣብ ቻይና ብስርዓት ማኦ እምነቶም ዘጥፍኡ መራሕቲ ህግደፍ ካብ በረኻታት ኤርትራ ናብ ዓዲታት ኤርትራ ሒዞሞ ዝኣተዉ ሕሱርን ፍንፉንን ባህሊ’ዩ። ደጋጊምና ከም እንገልጾ እቲ ሎሚ ዝያዳ ከሰክፈና ዘለዎ እቲ እዚ ርጉም ስርዓት ግብኣተ መሬቱ ምስ ኣተወ ምሳኡ ዝቕበር ግህሰት ሕግን ሰብኣዊ መሰልን ዘይኮነስ እቲ ብድሕሪኡዉን ናብ ንቡር ንምምላሱ ነዊሕ ግዜን ሓያል ጻዕርን ክሓተልና ዚኽእል እቲ ንሱ ኣባላሽዩዎ ዘሎ ክቡር ባህልን ጽፉፍ ልምድን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሙዃኑ ተገንዚብና፡ ካብ ሕጂ ጀሚርና ብዕቱብ ክንሰርሓሉ ከም ዝግባእ ምግንዛብ ከድልየና’ዩ። በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ጋዜጠኛ ይኹን ስነ ጥበበኛ ብዕቱብ ከስተውዕለሎም ዘሎዎ ኣጋባባት ኣጠቓቕማ ቋንቋ ካብቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ግዜ ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኣሰና ወጺኡ ዝነበረ “እሩም ቋንቋ” ዘርእስቱ ጽሑፍ ደጊመ ንእግረ መገደይ ወስ ከብለልኩም ፍቐዱለይ?
ፍቑራት ኣሕዋተይን ኣሓተይን፡ ኣብ ናይ ሎሚ “ጣዕሞት እሩም ቋንቋ” ጽሑፈይ፡ ነዘን ቅድሚ ሕጂውን ገሊጸየን ዝነበርኩ’ሞ ገና ብተደጋጋሚ ዳርጋ ብኹሎም ጋዜጠኛታት ማለት፡ ናይ ህግደፍን ናይ ተቓወምቲ ሓይልታትን ዝፍጸማ ዘለዋ ንኣሽቱ ጌጋታት ግን ከኣ ዓቢ ሳዕብየን ዘሎወን ጉድለታት’የ ደጊመ ከነጽረን ክፍትን’ሞ ሓደራ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ተዛራቢ’ዚ ቋንቋ የስተውዕለለን ብምባል ድማ እምሕጸን።
ንስኹም፡ ንስኽን፣ ንኣኹም፡ ንኣኽን፣ ምሳኹም፡ ምሳኽን፣ ብኣኽን፡ ብኣኹም፣ ናትኩም፡ ናትክን፣ በጃኽን፡ በጃኹም፣ ናባኽን፡ ናባኹም፣ ክንዳኽን፡ ክንዳኹም፣ ካባኽን፡ ካባኹም፣ ባዕልኹም፡ ባዕልኽን፣ ሳላኽን፡ ሳላኹም፣ ወዘተ. ንሓደ ወይ ንሓንቲ ሰብ ጥራይ ኢና ንጥቀመሎም፤ ንጽል’ዮም። ንናይ ክብሪ ማለት፡ ንናይ ሰብ ዕድመ ጸጋን ንኣርካናትን ኢና መጸውዒ ንጥቀመሎም።
ንስኻትኩም፡ ንስኻትክን፣ ንኣኻትኩም፡ ንኣኻትክን፣ ምሳኻትኩም፡ ምሳኻትክን፣ ብኣኻትክን፡ ብኣኻትኩም፣ ናታትኩም፡ ናታትክን፣ በጃኻትክን፡ በጃኻትኩም፣ ናባኻትክን፡ ናባኻትኩም፣ ክንዳኻትክን፡ ክንዳኻትኩም፣ ካባኻትክን፡ ካባኻትኩም፣ ባዕልኻትኩም፡ ባዕልኻትክን፣ ሳላኻትክን፡ ሳላኻትኩም፣ ወዘተ. ምባል ንብዙሓት ማለት ንካብ ክልተ ንላዕሊ ዝኾኑ ሰባት ከም ንጥቀመሉ ክሕብር እፈቱ። ንቃላትና በቲ ግቡእ ትርጉሙ እናተጠቐምና፡ ሰማዒና ከነርውን ክንምህርን ንፈትን ሓደራ እብል። ካልእ፥ ምንጻር ዘድልየን ኣዝየን ኣገደስቲ፡ ምስዚ ልዕል ኢልና ዝጠቐስናዮ ዝሰማምዓ ክልተ ተውላጠ-ስም እውን ኣሎዋ።
ኣብ መንጐ ኣንቱምን/ኣቱምን፣ ኣትንን/ኣንትንን ዘሎ ፍልልይ ብግቡእ ምግንዛብ ከድሊ’ዩ። ኣንቱም፡ ናይ ሓደ ኤቤር (ሽማግለ) ናይ ክብሪ መጸውዒ ተውላጠ-ስም እዩ። ኣንትን እውን ከምኡ ናይ ሓንቲ እቤርት (ሽማግለ ኣደ) ናይ ክብሪ መጸውዒ ተውላጠ-ስም እዩ፤ ኣቱም ማለት ግን ንብዙሓት ሰባት ማለት ንካብ ክልተ ንላዕሊ ዝኾኑ ሰባት እንጽውዓሉ ተውላጠ-ስም እዩ። ኣትን እውን ከምኡ፡ ንካብ ክልተ ንላዕሊ ዝኾና ደቂ ኣነስትዮ ንምጽዋዕ እንጥቀመሉ ተውላጠ-ስም እዩ። ስለዚ፡ ሓደራ ንክልቲኡ ኣብ በቦታኡ’ምበር እናሓዋወስና ኣይንጠቐመሉ። የቐንየለይ።
ብሽንሆት ንኽንነብር፡ ዕምሪ ምልኪ ነሕጽር!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 12/07/2014