Political Conflicts & Conflict Resolution
Conflict can be defined as the existence of non-compatibility or disagreements between two actors (Individuals, groups, organisations or nations) in their interaction over the issues of interests, values, beliefs, emotions, goals, space, positions, scarce resources

Conflict can be defined as the existence of non-compatibility or disagreements between two actors (Individuals, groups, organisations or nations) in their interaction over the issues of interests, values, beliefs, emotions, goals, space, positions, scarce resources etc.
This broad conception of conflict and of conflict resolution through analytical problem solving implies that a wide range of current social problems are resolvable. Deviant behavior of all kinds, drug addictions and their related problems, street violence, spouse abuse, terrorism, and arms control are all problems which can be thoroughly dealt with by conflict resolution.
Recently a bunch of Eritrean concerned groups frustrated by the ENCDC incidents of firing individual members and member organization and the dilemma of how to solve the general failure of our political and civic orientation. Several initiatives are forming gatherings all over the world corners. Maintaining those initiatives are not easy, however those who are trying other possiblities or alternatives are to be encouraged to find a better way of going forward in solving the precarious difficulties of our people and the Country in general.
Problem-solving conflict analysis and resolution is a system which allows members of a society to interact in harmony by constantly and continuously dealing with the totality of the relationships in the total environment, and adapting in whatever ways are appropriate.
It is in this sense that conflict analysis and resolution represents a political philosophy; its processes reach down to the motivations and values of those in dispute. Its processes spawn consensus-building and conflict prevention within the society.
Because conflict analysis and resolution may be a component of any system, and at the same time a means of change, it has the potential of bringing otherwise competing systems into harmony. It has the potential to link person to person, group to group, and system to system.
At times we have to do some soul searching tasks and try to put our historical mistakes as bases for correctiing and setting the resolutions in our conflics. We should avoid blaming each other and sit at a round table to set mechanisms for resolving the mini-conflicts of individual leaders of those multi political organizations in the Diasphora.
Imagine these multi-party Diasphora groups were in the field during the 30 years of our armed struggle! Many of them shouldn’t have survived the harish reality of those era, due to the uncompromising nature of the Struggle for accomodation of the different opinions.The nature of Ghedli as we all understand at this moment was short of conflict management in a civilized manner. Unfortunatly, even at a civic level we have not used the Conflict resultion or management ever for any recorded time. Those situations are still reflecting in our way of organizational and social interaction among many Eritrean groups. How do we break the egg shell nut covered by antagonism and mistrust?
Who can take the initiative of our task of Civc conflict management?
Conflicts and wars and the processes of their management and resolution are … It examines the concept of civil society, which is being associated with … There is a general assumption that the civil society is only relevant within the context.
Civil Society and Conflict management:What are the kinds of civil society groups that can be part of the conflict management process and what roles can they play in it?
There are various strands of the Civil Societies that can be part of peace building and sustenance in Eritrean Society.These include Human Rights’ groups(individual activists),womens organizations or associations,media and wesites and NGO’s, local and International.The first challengeof conflict situation, especially during the post-Isayas is one of the basic human needs and displaced persons, (This year we have to expect Hunger, human displacement and epidemic diseases, due to short fall of rain in Eritrean agrarian and pasturalis areas). Some Civil Society groups in Africa, in collaboration with their international partners can organize relief for those groups of people. Have the Diasphora Civil Society groups such capacity to invite NGO’s and International partners to make the ends meet in Eritrea?
Rol of Acadamics in Conflict Resolution:
According to Fink, conflict is defined as any “situation or process in which two or more social entities are linked by at least one form of antagonistic psychological relation or at least one form of antagonistic interaction”.
Academics, Educationists, freelancers and kind-hearted souls have a seminal role to play in the conflict prone era of our time. Conflicts are manifold, cumbersome and chronic. As ‘think-tanks’ and ‘knowledge-reservoirs’, academics could intervene to resolve issues ancient or recent. Our contemporary world faces value crisis, character crisis, moral crisis and ethical crisis. The role of the Eritrean academics in the field of conflict resolution may be classified in two kinds of bases of conflicts.
1. Revolutionary and fundamentalist struggles, involving efforts by ideologically motivated movements (including religious fundamentalists) to impose a particular type of social system on a country through the use of force.
2. Predemocracy and anti-PFDJ struggles, entailing efforts by unrepresentative or marginalized peoples to achieve freedom and democracy. A related phenomenon is the struggle of indigenous peoples to gain greatest rights and autonomy.”
Procedural Resolution of Conflict:
If parties can neither conquer nor avoid each other, some form of procedural resolution of conflict is likely. In the procedural way of dealing conflict, the parties have to stay together and cooperate with each other directly or indirectly to find a solution. Some of the major approaches in the procedural methods are:
- Negotiation and bargaining or involving the parties in a process of discussion, which seeks to bring them into voluntary agreement.
- Adjudication or using the power of the state and its legal system to provide an authoritative conclusion.
- Mediation or using a third party to help the conflicting parties come to a mutually satisfactory agreement.
In general, Compromise is the position in which the conflicting parties do not alter their value system, however, they mutually agree to find more pragmatic and less idealistic solution rather than continue the conflict. Compromise is arrived mostly through bargaining in which parties are willing to give up some of their demands in favour of arriving at a solution.
If conflict is not properly handled, it may even lead to low intensity to high intensity and lead to dramatic situation, threatening the very existence of the Eritrea’s survival. At times, the cooperative behaviour of a particular society or community may affect the peaceful life of others in the society.
God Save Eritrea from disintegration!
As always optimistic
Tesfazghi Yitbarek
S.Adejumobi; The Civil Society in Conflict Management and Peace Building.
M. William Bhaskaran; Rol of Acadamics in Conflict Resolution
CF Fink – Journal of conflict resolution, 1968 – JSTOR
NEW HOPE ERITREA September 10, 2013
ዝኸበርካ ተስፋዝጊ ይትባርኽ ፣
እቲ ኣፋታትሓ ግርጭትን ምስምማዕን__ሳይንሳዊን ምንም ዘይወትጾን እዩ።ሽግሩ ሓንቲ ንእሽተይ ሽግር ኣላ።እታ ኤርትራ ትብሃል ቀበሌ ጽልእን ሓሳዊ ታሪኽን እያ__ስለዚ ኣብ ማይ ከም ብእኣ ምክታዕ ኣብ ማይ ክትጽሕፍ ምፍታን እዩ። እቲ ህሉዊ ኩነታት ዘይግንዘብ ሳኽራም ከተረድእ ምፍታን ዋጋ የብሉን።ዘየላ በጊዕ ኣበይ እያ ትእሰርን መንዩ ዝሓርዳን ኢልካ ምክታዕፋይዳ የብሉን።መጀመርያ እታ በጊዕዝመሰለትና ኣባ ጨጎራ ምዃና ኣሚንና ካብኡ ንንየው ክንራዳዳእ ንፍትን።
ሓቂን ውድዓውን ኩነታት ከይሓዘ ብፋንታሲ ዝካታዕ እዚ ኣይረትዕ እቲ ኣይረትዕ ። እቲ ምኽርኻ ብዛዕባ (ቀዶ ጥገና)ሰርጀሪ ክኸውን እንከሎ እቲ ነገር ግን ታኒካ እምበር ሰብ ኣይኮነን።ግን ቅርጺ ሰብ ዘለዎ ታኒካ እዩ።
NEW HOPE ERITREA September 10, 2013
I think there is a country south to us….and they are called habesha..and get this..their new year is today…Meskermem, or something like that..and they are in to 2006. Interesting ,I wonder what language they speak ???
t.g September 11, 2013
keep it up: the topic is interesting as we Eritrean people have ravaged psychologically, socially, economically and —– from successive colonisers from which the current is internal colonisers which is much more brutal and mass killer and divisive.
NEW HOPE ERITREA September 11, 2013
¨ሙታንታ ጣልያንየ ካልሲ ግብጺ
ሲንጋፖር ቀይረ ዝሓሸ ኣማራጺ ¨ !!!!
ን UN ውሰዱኒ ንኤርትራዊት ኣደ ክኸሳ
ግደፊ እንዳልኩዋስ___ መልሻ ጠንሻ
ደቃ ንሽፍትነት፣ወዲ ይኹን ጓል ሓርሻ
30 ዓመት ከይኣክል ዝጠፍኡ ኣብ ናይ ከንቱ ጣሻ
ዳሕራያ ገዲዱ ትወልድ ኣላ መመልሻ !!!!!!!!
ወይ ኣእምሮ ዘለዎም______ ለባማት ውለዲ
ሓንጎል ደቂ ባንዳ ዘይብሎም፣ዘይጉምቡሑ ንባዕዲ
መንነቶም ዝፈልጡ_______ናይ ሓበሻ ዘውዲ
ካብኡ ሰረረ ኣይትድከሚ__እንዳጠነስኪ *ኣውርዲ (abort it !!!)*
ሙማቱ ኣይተርፎንዩ____ኣብ ናይ ከንቱነት ዕርዲ
Crimes against humanity ከይመጸኪ ፍርዲ
ኤርትራውያን ክቐብር________ደኺሙኒ መገዲ !!!!!!
ድያስፖራ ዘለዉ __________ ከርስኺ ዘፍረዮም
ካብ ምድፋእ ኣእዱግ _ _____ምስ ታክሲ ተላልዮም
ቆለውዕ ሰብ፣ባድመ ዝሰዱ፣ ሳንቲም ሰኸርም ኣራርዮም
ሎምስ ተቓወምቲ ኮይኖም___ ምስ እሰያስ ተዃርዮም
ንኩናማን ዓፋርን ቀቲሉ፣ንህዝበ ትግርኛ ክንዲ ዝረርዮም
ወዲ ኣፎም ፣ከበሳ ሰጊሩ __ ኣዝማዶም ስለ ዝ ኣረዮም
መላኺ ኢሎሞ ድሕሪ ሓምሳ ዓመትዶ፣ሕልና ኣጥርዮም ?????
ሓወይ፣ቆልዓ ወሊዱ __ ቅዱስ ምንክኤል ስለ ዝዓንገሎ
ኣስመራ፣ንእሰያስ ደዊለሉ___ እንቋዕ ሓጎሰካ ክብሎ
ድሕሪ ዓሰርተ ኣርባዕተ ዓመት፣ኣብ ድፋዕ ስለ ዝተኽሎ
ኣጀንዳ ምዳዳ_ሻዕብያ________ኣቢስያናዊ ንቕሎ
´ደይ ንሕና ኮንዶም ኢና_______ባንዳውያን ሸቃሎ
ኣብ ሽፍትነትን፣ውግእ ዶብን __ ከም እንጣጢዕ ንቑሎ
ክብረት ማማ ኢትዮጵያ ኣለርጂ ____ ልዕቅብ ዘበሎ
ኤርትራ ይስሓና፣በደዊን ብዕንጨይቲ ምዓኮሩ የንኩሎ
መሳኪን መንእሰያት፣ተረፍ ጣልያን፣ ወምበዴ ብዘብቆሎ
ንሳቶም ወጻኢ _____ ንሱ ኣብ ድፋዕ ይኣርግ ኣሎ
ግን፣ጠጠንሻ ንሰልፊ ናጽነት ህግደፍ _ ስለ ተቐብሎ
ኤርትራዊት ኣደ እያ _____ ነቲ ኩሉ ዕዳ ትኸፍሎ !!!!!
ኣእምሮ ጸላኢና፣ስምዒት (emotion) ፈታዊና !!!!!
ካብ ጌጋና ከይንምሃር ቆሪጽና ካብ ንትስእ ሓምሳ ዓመትና፣ክንቅጽሎ ኢና !!!!!
ዓወት ንዘይንፈልጦ መምርሒና ፣ ሓሻካ !!!!
Suleiman Salim September 11, 2013
Tesfazghi Yitbarek,
Our own culture is much more advanced than that of the white man when it comes to conflict resolution and democratic practices. We do not need lectures about things which we already know.
Richard Hudak November 30, 2015
I think you have plagiarized form James A. Schellenberg’s book “Conflict Resolution” (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1006)