PFDJ has forfeited its right to be respected: it must surrender power to the rightful owners.
PFDJ has forfeited its right to be respected: it must surrender power to the rightful owners. A couple weeks ago I wrote an essay entitled, to the unknown soul. It was an attempt to share my

PFDJ has forfeited its right to be respected: it must surrender power to the rightful owners.
A couple weeks ago I wrote an essay entitled, to the unknown soul. It was an attempt to share my shock and grief upon the peril of hundreds of young people. I had the opportunity to enter Asmara on May, 24, 1991. On that day, despite battle exhaustion, we were at the height of our energy and optimism. Asmara had just erupted in euphoria, the suburbs where Ethiopian army had vacated were burning. Apart of sporadic gun shots, there was no organized enemy, there was no position to attack. Kidane, a veteran fighter, had thrown his cigarette’s butt away and said, “This, I hope, is the last bullet I fire” and let two shots out to the air, stating they were celebratory shots. He took out his two-years-old daughter’s picture muttering he had completed his commitment to free Eritrea.
Recently, I heard his daughter survived the perilous journey out of Eritrea. Most of Lampadusa victims would have been Kidane daughter’s age. The tragedy has affected many people around the world. The response of the government was shamefully inadequate. As usual, the government would want to wait it out. The bodies and their horror stories, though, shocked the world. Although too late and somewhat clumsy, the government scrambled to damage control mode. Sadly, this is the future Kidane did not anticipated. For those of us who spent our prime time in making Eritrea a country, this is not an exciting time. What makes this predicament so shocking is the fact that it is our own creation; I will come to it.
This should not be the fate of a country like ours. This was a country of difficult delivery with a bright prospect of growing fast. Yes, the delivery was complicated and strenuous, surrounded by stories of dedication and selflessness. Many heroes and heroines did not live to see her birth. They did not experience the euphoric atmosphere that engulfed her birth; they did not see the sheer determination and optimism her stewards felt. She was expected to make up lost opportunities with her caretakers, ready to chaperon her along the path of the winners, not the losers. The future was bright. She did have time-tested custodians who were keen to see her success, ambitious to spread their confidence to their continent, proud to tell their children stories of their sacrifices, and how they achieved the improbable one, the birth of Eritrea. Twenty two years later, for these men and women of courage and doggedness, it should have been time of reflection and satisfaction. It should have been time they felt confident they had made the right decision in passing the torch to the next generation, for every generation has limited time to accomplish so much.
Thanks to the leaders of PFDJ, of course, all that’s been squandered. They have made Eritrea an example of everything bad. The number of Eritreans fleeing independent Eritrea may, by some estimates, exceed the number of Eritreans joined the resistance for its liberation. This is in contrast to our anticipations. We were people of great expectations; they were not unrealistic ones. Eritrea had all the ingredients of becoming an example of rapid post war recovery. But we made a costly mistake. We kept trusting our leaders. Eritreans believed those leaders would take us to a better future and greatness; we believed our leaders would herald a new era that had eluded Africa for half a century. We believed in them, that was it. We surrendered our liberty to the whims of men with no mechanism in place to check if we were served decently, no rubric of grading them, none whatsoever other than trusting them. What we should have known is the fact that very few revolutionaries turned out to be democrats. Very few of them, actually, make good statesmen.
In 1994, the dust of war had barely settled when the popular front (EPLF), transformed itself to an instrument of suppressing popular demands. We kept quiet. Unwanted and avoidable wars ensued. We danced, and within days behaved as if we were the generals conducting the war, updating our imaginary maps at every coffee session. After that disastrous war, constitutional and democratic demands were crushed; their proponents, politicians and journalists alike, were purged. We acquiesced, moreover, argued that our leaders must have been justifiable, although no credible justification was presented. Years of additional callous adventures followed earning us an embargo which has sent things spiraling down. Again, this latter was also avoidable.
Eritreans have been so generous to PFDJ leaders (if they are to be called leaders.) PFDJ has been defended for its failures, forgiven for its blunders; practically, allowed to redo Pol Pot’s failed experiments for so long. The time of rationalization has long passed. The time for validation and waiting for wishful twist has certainly evaporated. Particularly, for those of us who invested so much trust in it, PFDJ’s devastating policies have caused us so much trauma; our conscience is in turmoil. How long is enough? The pleas of our sons and daughters are pounding our hearts. The plight of our people has become so loud and desperate that it has challenged our notion of what it should mean to be patriotic. Something is raging deep inside our hearts and the conflict and tension down there should resolve; that begins with a bitter acknowledgement: We created PFDJ, it’s become unfit to rule us; we decide it should be dismantled.
PFDJ’s policies, if continued, will have only one certain result: the unmaking of Eritrea. Twenty two years is a long time. In human terms, a child would have been raised and able to chart his/her own life. In twenty two years, nations undergo major changes, in some cases, to the extent their present image contradicts their past one. To the contrary, Eritrea, has been in a steady decline. Recently, that retroceding has been gathering speed. After twenty two years, becoming tiers with Somalia and the DRC should have been a position we should not have found ourselves in. How could we settle for this outcome? How could a generation that has endured so much for the making of Eritrea becomes an idle observer to its unmaking? This is a question social scientists should find interesting.
Eritrea is ravaged by years of Khmer rouge style policies. Nothing of a miracle will reverse its astounding back fall except the realization of the bitter fact that we created PFDJ; admitting that it has failed us, therefore, demand it surrenders power to the people. It’s more than likely the situation will get worse unless PFDJ’s unruly behavior is not checked. However, with its present arrogant attitude, there appears no room where PFDJ leaders would brave the admission: “Sorry, we messed things up. We tried to the best of our ability to stay in power, but you know, even staying in power could sometimes become numbing, particularly, when your fans number gets drying up. Can you help us locate the constitution? “This choice would be desirable for the country. It would be similar to Nyerere of Tanzania’s exit strategy. Some may go for reform. Nonetheless, hoping PFDJ to refurbish itself, at this point, would be akin to an exhausted lioness switching turn with the lion in attending to the cabs so the lion could keep killing the poor antelopes.
Many concerned Eritreans have been sounding the alarm for many years. Many thanks to these patriots who endured years of name calling and abuse. At this juncture, it all boils down to whether the calls of our conscience breaks us free from the shackles of fear; whether pleas of our youth will shudder our deep-rooted loyalties and affinities to certain historical organizations there by finding a common ground. Here, there is no more formidable common ground than the prospect of the unmaking of Eritrea in front of our eyes. It’s true our liberation experience conditioned us to get apprehensive about change; therefore, many calls for change have gone by unheeded. Seized by unjustified fear that we may jeopardize hard-earned independence, we refused to question obvious transgression on human rights, outdated economic ventures, foreign policy blunders, and the robbing of our political destiny. We may disagree on approaches, but the airport is the same. Listen to your inner thoughts. If deep in your heart believe we could and must do better than PFDJ, then as a good citizen, it’s your responsibility to dissent. It’s your right to demand for change; if deemed unattainable, then trash your organizational loyalty. No organization is bigger than the country.
Mahmud S Hamed
Ps: By “we” I mean anyone who has some connection with/contribution to the creation of PFDJ; anyone who has been exercising restraint in criticizing the government for various reasons.
johnny October 23, 2013
excellent writing my brother mahmud there is nothing to add on.
Wedi Asmara October 23, 2013
Wow, brilliant piece. Great insight Mahmud!
COW FACE October 23, 2013
ኣደይ ህግደፍ ተወንዚፈን ወጋሕ ትበል ለይቲ ጓይላ ስለ ዝኾነ ኣይኮነን እቲ ጸገም፣እቲ ጸገም ንሰን ስለ ዘይቀየራ እዩ ሽግርና ዘይፍታሕ ዝብል ኣተሓሳስባ በዚሓ እዩ
ክቡራት ኤርትራውያን ደቀይን ኣሕዋተይን ፣
ከምቲ ኩሉኹም ትፈልጥዎ እቲ ጥበበይ ድኣ እዩ ደረት ዘይብሉ እምበር ትምህርቲስ ካብ ትኣምረ ማርያም ናይ እንዳሽወደን ምድጋም ኣይሰጎመን።ከምቲ ንኣና፣ ንህዝበ ትግርኛ ናይ ወለዶ ደቅና ዝኾኑ ኣምሓሩ ደልዎ ¨ቅን ሲታጣ፣ይመለመላል ጎባጣ¨ ይብሉ__ትርጉሙ_(ሰብ ሕቆ ክስኣኑስ፣ሓጓባትን ጎባጣትን ውት ህድርና ይቑጸሩ)ማለት እዩ።እቶም እንቅዓ ትምህርቲ ዘለዎም ምሁራት ነቲ ጉዳይ ኣታሓሒዞም፣ ነዚ ሓድሽ ትውልዲ ክምህርዎ ካብ ዘይክኣሉ ከምዚ ከማይ ደለ ብትምህርቲ ዘይሰጎመ፣ ክምህር ይግደድ።ግን ኣጆኹም ደቀይ፣ካብቲ ምሕንጣጥ ትምህርቲ ዝጎደለኒ ናይ መጽሓፍ ፍልጠት፣ናይ ጠቕላል ሚኒስተር ኢትዮጵያ ነበር _ኣቶ መለስ ዘናዊን፣ናይ ፕረሲደንት ሃገረ ኣሜሪካ ነበር _ኣቶ ቢል ክሊንቶንን ተደሚሩ ዝኣክል ጥበብ ስለ ዘለኒ ኣይት ሰከፉ።ኣንብብዎ እሞ ባዕልኹም ፍረድዎ።
ኣብ ዩ ትዩብ ይኹን ኣብ ራድዮ ኣሰና፣ብዙሕ ሰብ በዘን ኣዴታት ተባሂለን __ቆለውዕ ኤርትራ እናሞቱ እንከለዉ ተወንዚፈን ጓይላ ህግደፍ ዝኸዳ ኣዴታት ዘወግዝ ተቓውሞታት ካብ ንሰምዕ ዓመታት ሓሊፉ ። ኣነ ፣እቲ ኤርትራውነት ማለት ፣ጽልእን ፣ህልኽን፣ ምውግጋዝን ምዃኑ ካብ ዝበርሃለይ ዓመታቱ ቆጺሩ ስለ ዝኾነ ኣይገርመንን።እቶም ዝቃወሙ እውን ፣በዛሓኦም፣ ጽልኢ ኢሳያስ ዝገብሮ ዘሎ እምበር ፣ፍቕሪ ህዝቢ ከም እንኮ መምርሒ ጌሮም ኣይኮኑን ዝጕዓዙ ።ንህዝቢ ኣይሓልዮን እዩም ወይ ድንጋጸ ኣይትንክፎምን እዩ ማለተይ ኣይኮነን።እቲ ጸገም ግን፣ እቲ መምርሕ ዕላማኦም፣ጽቡቕ ንኽህነጽ ክንዲ ዝኸውንሲ___ክፉእ ንኽወድቕ ጥራይ ይኸውን።ክፉእ ከተዕኑ ምሕሳብ ፍርቂ ናይቲ ዕማም እዩ ።እቲ ኣቲትዩድ ግን ጽቡቕ ንምህናጽን ፣ፍቕሪ ህዝቢ ዝተመርኮሰን ክኸውን እንከሎ ክፉእ ከይተቓለስካዮ ባዕሉ ፈርከሽከሽ ኢሉ ይወድቕ፣ምኽንያቱ ወድ ሰብ ብተፈጥሮኡ ጽቡቕ ንኽደልን ንሰናይ ክኽተልን ኣምላኽ ንጹህ ልቢ ተኺሉሉ እዩ። ነቶም ተኸተልቲ ሃይማኖት ክርስትና ዝኾንኩም__የሱስ ክርስቶስ ነቶም ፈሪሳውያን ብካራተን ጁዶን ሳላጣ ጌሩ ኣይኮነን ተበጅዩና፣ብፍቕሩ እዩ ዓዲጉና ።በቲ የሱስ ክርስቶስ ብፍቕሩ ዝዓደገና ሂወት ቃል እግዚኣብሄር ብመጽሓፍ ቅዱስ ክንበብ ከሎ ማንም ከየገደደና ፣ባርኔጣታትና ነውርድ__ትሕትና ዝመልኦ ገጽን መንፈስን ንዕድግ።ብፍርቂ ቴስታ ነውድቖም ኣቦይ ቀሺ ድማ __ክግስጹናን፣ስግደትን ጾምን ክእዝዙና ከለዉ፣ከምዛ ክርስቶስ ባዕሉ ወሪዱ ዝኣዘዘና ንፍጽማ።
እዚ ኩሉ ኢለ እንታይ ክምህረኩም ደልየ እየ ፧ ኣደይ ዓባይ ዕቡድ ስዒሙወን ይኹና ፣ወይ ኣብ ማይተመናይ ዘስርሕኦ ገዛ ህግደፍ መታን ከይህግሮ ኢለን ሸኾርተት ምባለን ናይቲ ሽግርና ሓደ ዕሽሪቱ እውን ኣይከውንን።ንምንታይ ከምኡ ንገብር ይመስለኩም ፧ እቲ ዕላማና ፣ንነብስና፣ካብዘን ወራዳ ኣደይ ዓባይ ከም ንሓይሽ ከነፍልጣ ስለ ዝደለና እዩ። ነቲ ሓላፍነትና ናብ ኣደይ ዓባይ ነሳጋግሮ ኣለና።
ግን ብሓቂ ብሓቂ ይብለኩም ኣለኹ ፣እቲ ሽግር ፣ንሕና፣ ነቲ ናይ ኤርትራውያን ምዕማጽ ጉዳይ ንምዕራይ ኣበየናይ ዓውዲ ኡይ ኢልናሉ ፧
ደቀይን ኣሕዋተይን ኣነ ክልተ ምዓልቲ ተሲኤ፣ብሕማመይ ምኽንያት ሳልስቲ ዓራት ዝድቅስ ሰብ እየ።በታ ዘላትኒ ክእለት ድማ ነቲ ቴማ ናብ ኤርትራውያን ድንግልና ምግሃስ ክጠውዮ እንተበልኩ መብዛሕትኹም ንኢሳያስን ህግደፍን ክትጻረፉ ጽሓይ ይዓርበኩም ኣሎ ።ናትና፣ ኣብ ዘይረብሕን ካልኣውን ዝኾነ ቴማታት ኮለል ምባል እዩ ነቶም ኣብ ድፋዓትን፣ኣብ ሲናይን ዝዕመጹ ዘለዉ መፍትሕን ድሕነትን ዘየምጽኣሎም ዘሎ።
ደቀንስትዮ ደቂሰን እንዳሓደራ ፣ ኣማኑኤል እያሱ፣ወዲ ተባዕታይ፣ እናተቐንዘወን ፣ብኽያት እናስዓሮን ግፍዒታት ሲናይ ከስምዓና ፧ንኤርትራውያን ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ትዕምጽን ተዔምጽን ኤርትራ ክንዮ ሓጹር ፣መጀመርያ ሂወትን ክብረትን ደቅናን ኣሓትናን ክንዲ ምባል ንኢስያስን የማነ ማንኪን ክትጻረፍ ምውዓል፣ነዘን ወረዳ ኣደይ ዓባይ ዶ እምበር ኣደ እየን ኢልካ ክትዋራዘ ምውዓል __ብቀዳምነት ደቀንስትዮ ኤርትራ እንድየን ክቕንዘዋሉ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ከእውያሉን ዓ ለም ከስምዓሉን ዝግባእ፣እተን ካብቲ ለባም መሬት ዝተፈጥራ ሜሮን እስቲፋኖስን ፡ኤልሳ ጭሩምን __ሕጂ ድማ ዶክተር ኣልጋነሽ ጥራይ ድየን ደቀንስትዮ ፧ ብሕልፊ እተን ተጋደልቲ ጀብሃ ዝነበርክን__ምኽንያቱ ኣብ ሻዕብያ ምዕማጽ ደቀንስትዮ__ብእሞ እንታይ ኣለዎ ዝዓይነቱ ባህሊ ክርኤ ይኽእል እዩ።
ናተይ መልእኽቲ፣ሓላፍነት እንተዘይወሲድና ሽግርና ኣይፍታሕን እዩ ።በዛ ሓሳዊት ሃገር ነብስና ኣታሊልና ንህዝብናን ሓድሽ ወለዶን ግህነም እሳት ዝገዛእናሉ ንሕና ኢና።ሃገረሰብ ዘሎ ህዝብና ብደቂ በረኻ ደቁን ምግቡን ክዝረፍ እንከሎ ሱቕ ኢልና ርኢና ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ነቲ ውምብድና ገድሊ እዩ ኢልና ህዝብና ኣቕቲልና ።
ኣደይ ዓባይ ፣ኣብ ፓራዲዞ መስኮት ዘይብሉ ገዛ ስለ ዘስርሓ ግደፍወን ሸኾርተት ይበላ ገዝኤን ህግደፍ ከይህግሮ፣ሓንጎለን ኦልሬዲ ሃጊርዎ ኣሎ።፣ ።ምሕናኸን እውን ኣይጽላእን።ግን ነቲ ሽግርና ፈታሕቱ ንሕና እንተዘይኴንና ጠፋእቲ ኢና።ኣነ ኤርትራ ውሕጅ ይወስዳ ኣሎ እንተዝብሉኒ፣ጥፍጣፈይ ምወሰኽኩሉ መታን ቀልጢፋ ክትጥሕል፣ግን ህዝበይ ለኪማ ስለ ትጠፍእ ምእንቲ ህዝበይ ክትብል ትንበር ።
The fountain of wisdom
Kalighe October 24, 2013
“ናተይ መልእኽቲ፣ሓላፍነት እንተዘይወሲድና ሽግርና ኣይፍታሕን እዩ ።በዛ ሓሳዊት ሃገር ነብስና ኣታሊልና ንህዝብናን ሓድሽ ወለዶን ግህነም እሳት ዝገዛእናሉ ንሕና ኢና።ሃገረሰብ ዘሎ ህዝብና ብደቂ በረኻ ደቁን ምግቡን ክዝረፍ እንከሎ ሱቕ ኢልና ርኢና ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ነቲ ውምብድና ገድሊ እዩ ኢልና ህዝብና ኣቕቲልና ።”
በዛ ሓሳዊት ሃገር ነብስና ኣታሊልና. Are you suffering from identity crisis ?
MightyEmbasoyra October 23, 2013
Well presented, accurate and about time for every PFDJ member to at least realize that they were misguided and denounce their membership. Kudos to you!
MightyEmbasoyra October 23, 2013
You know how much I like your creativity. You have a gift of Tigrigna literature.
The one and only one I don’t agree with you is when you doubt Eritrean independence. In that case your are very wrong. Other than that, your humor is very educational.
Hailom N. October 23, 2013
Kombishtato October 23, 2013
One African Tv commentary on the Eritrea Lampedusa Tragedy (ELT). Here is Adeola,
belay nega October 24, 2013
” it must surrender power to the rightful owners.”
ኤርትራ ካብ እትፍጠር ጀሚሩ ስልጣን ብዘይ ሊብሬቶ እይ ክመሓላለፍ ክሪሙ
እሞ እዞም ዋናታት ዝበሃሉ ዘለው ደአ በየናይ ሊብሬቶ ኢዮም ዋንነቶም ክረጋግጹ?
just for curiosity.
Kalighe October 24, 2013
“we refused to question obvious transgression on human rights, outdated economic ventures, foreign policy blunders, and the robbing of our political destiny.”
Mahmud S Hamed
An ancient Egyptian wisdom says: “Al-shaab saaniu firawnihim” (the people are makers of their own Pharaoh). It’s true that DIA was created by people or rather by their despotic culture.
There is no easy way to get rid of dictators (He may not be the last), as long as all the elements they need to consolidate their power is embedded in our culture.
To get our freedom back, first we need to acknowledge the fact that we too had a role in creating a tyrant. Such “mia culpa” is a necessary exercise to free our selves from his ideology and personality cult. The day we feel we are at last free, he will not be there.
Comment October 24, 2013
tesfaldet October 24, 2013
you dont have to tell us what happen in 1991 you DAMASS
Genet October 26, 2013
tesfaless zombie
What are the DEMHIT doing in our country? You a are a seal out.