Not Only Does He Despise Us, But Also Hates Us A Regionder to Mr. Semere Habtemariam
Not Only Does He Despise Us, But Also Hates Us A Regionder to Mr. Semere Habtemariam Dear Semere, I came across your superbly written discourse about the Eritrean Termidor at under the title, “He Doesn’t Hate you;

Not Only Does He Despise Us, But Also Hates Us
A Regionder to Mr. Semere Habtemariam
Dear Semere,
I came across your superbly written discourse about the Eritrean Termidor at under the title, “He Doesn’t Hate you; He despises You.” What prompted me to pen down a bit of my take is, your portrayal of him [Isaias] as the one who despises but doesn’t hate Eritreans; and as the one who ‘loved Eritrea.‘ Had it not been for this blemish, I tell you, I wouldn’t eavesdrop on your article. But I beg to disagree. Not only does he despise us; but also hates us. Neither does he love Eritrea nor Eritreaness.
If only we could listen to one another, we would have had a consensus as to how to confront the dictator, as his story, from alpha to omega [approaching], ran a gamut of misdeeds. Sadly, we are devoid of any consensus and consequently unable to fight him.
What has made this possible is our understanding of him: his zombies and foot soldiers portray him as a ‘hero,’ who, with his divine powers, singlehandedly saved us from annihilation by the Ethiopians; therefore, equating him with God. There was a story once heralded by his devotees that Isaias, the Gladiator, fired the whole magazine of his AK 47 on a wall with the intended purpose of showing his creative powers; and what was the poked marks on the wall reveal? His name. Do these people have innate abilities of reason an sanity? These people believed in this kind of absurd narrative that It is impossible to reason with them.
Some still rationalize his misdeeds as unfortunate episode but doesn’t erase the fact that he was a hero; therefore, an attempt to offset his misdeeds with his pseudo heroism and absolve him of any responsibility.
Whats more, there are those commoners or tegadeltys’ alike, though giants, to use your own adjectives, were nonetheless dwarfed by the dictator, who are eagerly awaiting for the genuine Eritrean history to be told.
Such is the enigma surrounding him that we couldn’t even agree about his legacy when in fact he has been implementing his decades old hidden agenda of destroying Eritrea and its people; if only we could open our eyes and listen to one another.
Mr. Semere,
I am a bit surprised at your description of him and you should have known more than anybody else that the dictator was neither a hero nor he loved Eritrea. Despite what his herd would like to describe him, he never fired a single shot and according to Mesfin Hagos, he never commanded an army. He is a coward bully who relied, like a street boy, on violence and settled scores through the barrel of a gun. He is the destroyer of the Eritrean nation and the hater of Eritreans. He is in our midst to annihilate us unless we wake up; and wake up soon. Since his early days, he was bent on destroying the Eritrean national interest when he, for example, had made an unholy alliance with the woyanes in his odyssey to annihilate the ELF in the early 80s. This could hardly been described as a love for Eritrea.
Even now, look at how the well planned work-in-progress of slowly de-populating Eritrea. According to the UNHCR, Eritrea is hemorrhaging of its youth at alarming rate of 1500 per month. At this rate, what is going to happen in two or three years time? Who is the dictator preparing an empty Eritrea for? This is what an enemy does. It is so appalling that we don’t even have a plan to reverse this dangerous trend.
What was, for example, the reaction to the Lampedusa victims? It is incredible but true that while the whole world united in grief, their own government described them as, ‘African migrants‘ with complete apathy to their suffering.
A true Eritrean, for example would have invested in human resources. What poor Eritrea is subjected to is the brain drain of the work force and the educated. This is the deadly enemy we are facing, not the person who ‘loved Eritrea.’ Achievers and true leaders don’t do this to their people; enemies and invaders do.
I could have described more and more of what, every decent Eritrean, know about this dictator. Despite your portrayal of him, I don’t hesitate for a moment you fail to understand the misery and predicament of our people.
Dear Semere,
More than forty years since the dictator towered above us, we still couldn’t solve the enigma surrounding him: we still debate whether he loved Eritrea or not, we still wrangle about his importance or lack thereof, in the Eritrean Independence struggle. Worse yet, to the consternation of many Eritreans, he is portrayed as the embodiment of Eritrea and its independence; so much so that to some loud mouthed loyalists, Eritrean Independence wouldn’t have materialized without him. Remember that this person, as the proverbial connotation implies – success has a thousand fathers, while failure is an orphan – has spent his entire life in aggrandizing himself in every achievement our compatriots had and belittling others for every setbacks they suffered. Once, we were told, women were hysterically ululating the tunes of, “wedi afom birye nska anbesa asakirka nebriye.” What better way of creating a herd mentality than this? Not only does he despise us, but also hate us. It is time to wake up!
Tesfamichael Kidane
Selam February 28, 2014
Great job and realistic analysis. Thanks
ahmed saleh February 28, 2014
Tesfamicael Kidane
I believe Awate is public forum and if you have arguments in response of the written article , I think it is better to submit for the participants of
that forum to discuss the topic .
Tesfamichael Kidane March 1, 2014
Dear Ahmed Saleh, just for your info., this is a legitimate response which requires a legitimate discussion and not argument. As for posting the article at, keep in mind that this topic is not the exclusive right of I would like to post it at every Eritrean website, let alone at and I appreciate if you give me the info to post it.
ahmed saleh March 1, 2014
Brother Tesfamichael
Due my respect the article is in response of Semere article and I am not that familiar with the writers of that forum .
And any critics should submit to which forum it belongs . Aren’t we call ourselves opposition , so why do not face each
other courageously to straighten up any wrong we encounter . It is not my nature to jump on one sided conclusion without
reasonable doubt regardless political affiliations . Any article written in ASSENNA forum I may engage on discussion but
on outside sources with with little idea on the subject I resist not to get involved , simple as that .
Tesfamichael Kidane March 1, 2014
Ahmed Saleh, good point on your part; yes, you shouldn’t jump into conclusion without weighing in on the points. As for posting the article at, I sent an article before, but I don’t know why, they didn’t post it. I tried this time as well. Then you can see and judge for yourself. Thanks!
Wedi Zere February 28, 2014
Dear Tesfamichael,
What a compelling argument you made and I couldn’t agree more.Although its the people who should stand up to a dictator that is determined to destroy the nation and its people that thousands of selfless heroes and heroin perished their lives for and who is doing just that right before their eyes,it should have been the duty of those who have the privilege to know to act and to lead the very oppressed people in the fight.Unfortunately and sadly our intellectuals who are without conscience are ready to be sold and bought like just any other commodities in the market to the highest bidder.The “Semeres” are one of them.These two Semeres have been trying all they could to humanize the very criminal who is bent to bleed Eritrea and its people and sadly at times defending him for the atrocious crimes he committed over the years.
A leader who systematically denies the rights to education and forcing its youth one generation to squander their productive years in a fox holes where there is no enemy insight or hauling rocks from somewhere to nowhere in a bid to keep them preoccupied at minimum and break their sprite at maximum.A leader who doesn’t blink his eyes to shut down the only university we had,if these are not a betrayal and blatant hatred towards Eritrea and its people,I don’t know what it is?
Dear Semeres
No matter how much you try to humanize,hide,cover up and exonerate him of his crimes,they are written all over the wall for everyone to look at.
Michael February 28, 2014
Great response.
Kombishtato February 28, 2014
Thank you Tesfamichael for your rebuttal, I urge anyone, Eritreans or non-Eritreans, to discuss any subject or article pertaining Eritreans and the region in this esteemed, and most open Eritrean forum — Assenna. com.
In my view, I don’t think Issaias cares neither of love nor about hate. Issaias only cares about the survival of his own power.
Does Issaias respect any one? I don’t think he cares to know. If there is one, the only thing Issais respects is the way he rules and the way he obeys to — Might! Hit him hard, he will kneel down. Remember, how he reacted the last time Meles sent his commando forces 20 kilometers inside Eritrea. QurTm! ቁርጥም ! was his reaction
On the issue of the expulsion of Jebha, you wrote, ” … for example, had made an unholy alliance with the woyanes in his odyssey to annihilate the ELF in the early 80s. This could hardly been described as a love for Eritrea.”
There was no “holly” in Jebha nor shaebia. They were both bent to destroy each other. It was Jebha that had liquidated Haraka or Mahber Shewate at inception, and it was Jebha that tried to finish Shaebia but the Jebha that was decayed to the core was no match to Issaias or the peasant army of the TPLF.
ahmed saleh March 1, 2014
At least they hand you what they promise at the end .
ahmed saleh March 1, 2014
Sorry my response is to the parrots who repeat singing the word JEBHA – SHAEBIA for more than 20 years .
Tesfamichael Kidane March 1, 2014
Hello Kombishtato, you are absolutely right; they were bent on destroying each other. But the dictator invited the woyanes to destroy an Eritrean force. This should have been an alarm to Eritreans and an early omen for whats to come.
ahmed saleh March 4, 2014
Oh Combishtato , you called Weyane intervention out of love for Eritrea . Issayas despise you and you guys despise Ghedli . Wecho inte ghelbetkaya wocho uko
khoynuna iti negheratu . You watched silently when Issayas destroyed the nation
while the same events take place at present . Your kinds were obstacles for resistance
at the past and would stay that way by creating commotions instead workable solution .
Bloko February 28, 2014
Aman Hawey,
Could you please remove that annoying “assenna poll” pop-up? It does it like 100 times and it is incovienent specially with smart phones. Thanks.
tom March 1, 2014
aman hawey your smart phone is no smart pls change it to smarter one.
woldu tekle March 1, 2014
TK. Excellent. It is a great article and I hope the NHNA NSU,NSU NHNA will read it and swallow it with water. Again excellent article. keep it up.
Think March 1, 2014
“I was, however, equally unfortunate to be cut-off, at such an early age, from this Utopian-like communal life of interdependence.” utopia that lets you die or get starved because your father ” the bread winner” is dead. Utopia that manages its citizens with the wisdom of an old man. May be it is time you go back to your beloved village and I really think there are some “utopia” still that cuts the hands of thife och stone to death a cheater or a rape victim. If you are ready I will buy the airfair to you village sorry utopia.
Tes March 1, 2014
Dear Tesfamichael,
Excellent article which is very objective and to the point. I think Semere has some sort of hidden agenda whether it is innocent action presumably from lack of knowledge of Eritrea or deliberately to derail the movements from achieved their goal. By his admission in his previous articles he left Eritrea when he was a child and grew in Sudan and then moved to States. I have a cousin with similar background who is staunch supporter of the dictator. To those our youths who flee from their country he blame them for their action.He believes Eritrea independence single-handley was a result of Eseyas dedication and selflessness. What ever mistake and whatever happen in Eritrea is nothing to do with Eseyas. There are many of those kind in Eritrean diaspora.
The majority of Eritrean knew the true nature of Eseyas, who was bully and who don’t hesitate to take credit for the work of others. He carefully crafted the dark art of and put a lot of effort to get to where he is now. This man he didn’t even fire a single bullet against the enemies or participated in any of the remarkable operations but made himself a courageous fearless individual by the work of selfless fighters. In fact he was a liability and main reason the struggle to liberate Eritrea took 30 years and many many fighters and resources. Those who think he was the center of every achievement are not only wrong but selfish individuals who don’t careless about the state of Eritrea.