Norway alone in sending Eritrean refugees home
Norway's right-wing government is negotiating a deal with Eritrea's repressive regime which would see asylum seekers from the country forcibly returned, even though a UN report maintains that they could face torture. Jøran Kallmyr, state secretary
Norway’s right-wing government is negotiating a deal with Eritrea’s repressive regime which would see asylum seekers from the country forcibly returned, even though a UN report maintains that they could face torture.
Jøran Kallmyr, state secretary at the Ministry of Justice, plans to soon travel to Eritrea to seek pledges from the Eritrean government that it respect the human rights of returnees.
”If they have been refused a residence permit, it is likely that we can send them back before the end of 2015 if we reach a return agreement,” Kallmyr told Norwegian broadcaster TV2. ”We hope for two good days in Eritrea with great conversations. We expect that the Eritreans will increasingly comply with human rights.”
The UN has recently expressed grave concern regarding the human rights situation in Eritrea, and does not expect it to improve.
A recent UN-mandated inquiry found that there was a clear pattern of human rights abuse in the country.
”Detention is an ordinary fact of life, experienced by an inordinate number of individuals – men and women, old and young, including children,” Mike Smith, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea said at a press conference in March.
“Detention centres range from official to the unofficial, located above ground or underground. Some have metal containers where prisoners are kept in extreme heat. Once in one of them, there is a likelihood that you will be subject to torture to extract a confession or to simply punish behaviours.”
Most Eritrean asylum seekers in Norway have left the country to avoid its brutal national service regime, which can last a lifetime and includes forced labour.
Karin de Gruijl told the BBC that most Eritrean asylum seekers arriving in Europe are between 18 and 24 years of age.
“This intensification of recruitment has sparked fear among young people in this age group who don’t want to have this perspective of not knowing how long they will have to serve,” she told the news channel.
Officially, the Eritrean conscription lasts for 18 months, however reports from the country show signs that forced national service is increasing.
ERITRAWIT May 28, 2015
Norway, you should send people who they took your paper and they went back to lick the mad dog…, dancing in their brother and sister grave they forgot all the journey they share with them, not the other way round. You are sending them to be beaten and to die in the Container ship and underground you can check what really happened for Eritrean youth they return from Sudan, Saudi Arbia, Malta…!!!!!!
Stefanos Temolso May 28, 2015
መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ዕቝባ ምስ ተዋህቦም ኣብ ሳልስቱ ናብ ጓይላ ህግደፍ ዘምርሑ እንተኾይኖም፡ ብሱዳን ኣቢሎም ኤርትራ በጺሖም ዝምለሱ እንተኾይኖም፡ ነቲ ኣሲሩናን ገፊዑናን ዝብሉዎ ጭፍራ ተመሊሶም 2% ናይ እቶቶም ዝኸፍሉዎ እንተኾይኖም፡ ኣንጻር ህግደፍ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣብ ዝግበረሉ ግዜ ዘይሳተፉ እንተኾይኖም፡ እቲ መንግስቲ ኣዒንትን እዝንን ኣለዎ። እዞም መንእሰያት እዚኦም ምስ ህግደፍ ጸገም የብሎምን ጸገሞም ናይ ቍጠባ እዩ ኢሉ ክሓስብ ክግደድ እዩ። ስለዚ፡ ኣብ ኖርወይ እንነብር ኤርትራውያን ኣንጻር ኣዚ ዝሕሰብ ዘሎ ንመንእሰያት ኤርትራ ኣገዲድካ ናብ ኤርትራ ናይ ምምላስ ስጕምቲ ዝቐንዐ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ፡ ኣብ ዝጥዕም ዕለት ክነካይድ ክንክእል ኣለና። ከምዚ ክንገብር ዘይንኽእል እንተዄንና ጭፍራ ህግደፍ ሓደ ቅኑዕ ስርዓት’ዩ፡ ነቶም ዝምለሱውን ሓንቲ ኣይገብሮምን’ዩ ንብል ከም ዘሎና እዩ ዘስምዕ። ሽዑ ኣብዚ ሰላማዊ’ዚ ዘይተሳተፈ መንእሰይ ንዓዱ እንተ ተመልሰ ናቱ ሓላፍነት ይኸውን። ካብዚ ወጻኢ ዝብሃል የሎን።
Efrem wed Segen XaEda May 28, 2015
Correct !!!! YKidu !!!! 2% kefilom yom
Mesinas May 29, 2015
ኣቱም ብ 2% በዳሊኹም ክሒስኩም ህዝብኹም ዝበደልኩም ሰባት፡ ከሓድን በደለኛን ከይተቐጽዐ ከምዘይተርፍ ህያው ምስክር ኴንኩም ኣለኹም!
ሕድሪ ስውኣትና ንኹሉ ጠሊሞም
ሃገር ኣጸልሚቶም እናራኣኹሞም
ህዝቦም ክርሽኑ እናሰማዕኩሞም
ክንዲ ትቃለሱ ከብቅዕ ሕሰሞም
ንገፋዕቲ ህዝቢ ካሕሳ ከፊልኩሞም
ንወለዲ ጀጋኑ እምብዛ ኣጉሂኹሞም!
ከም ዲበላ ዲኹም ኣታ ትዕውኑ
ተዂላ ምሒሉ ኢልኩም ብልቢ ትኣምኑ
መሬት ጸቢባቶ መውጽኢ ስኢኑ
ሓዳግ ተመሰለ እናሓርቀመ ኣስናኑ
ብኽልተ ካብ ሚእቲ ምሕረት ክትልምኑ
ህዝብኹም ሰንቢዱ ብሓቂ ሓዚኑ!
ኣታ ከመይ ጌርኩም ህሉው ትርስዑ
ህዝቢ እናጸነተ ዝርንዛሕ ነቢዑ
ምስቶም ሓረድትኹም መኣዲ ክትበልዑ
ዘይትግበር መብጽዓ ንሓሶት ክትሰምዑ
ኣእዳውኩም ስሒልኩም ንኸተጣቕዑ
ናብ ጓይላ ጎይኹም ብላሽ ክትስዕስዑ!
ህልቂት ህዝበይ እንታይ ገዲሱኒ
ጥፍኣት’ዛ ሃገርስ እንታይ ፋዕራ ኣሎኒ
ነዛ ውልቀይ ጥራይ ይጽገብ ይጥዓመኒ
ኢልኩም ክትዕንድሩ ፍጹም ገሪሙኒ
ካበይከ ይመጸልኩም ናይ ዳንኬራ ወኒ!?
ንሓርነት ህዝቢ ክንዲ ትቃለሱ
ንዓማጺ ስርዓት ዳግም ክትውድሱ
ይቕሬታ ሓቲትኩም ናብኡ ክትምለሱ
ኮር ተገምጠል ኮይኑ በዳሊ ክትክሕሱ
ኣታ ኣይትሓፍሩንዶ ትፋእኩም ክትልሕሱ!?
ኤርትራና ክሓልፈላ፡ ስርዓት ምልኪ ንእለየላ!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 29-05-2015
Mesinas May 29, 2015
ዝኸበርካ ሓው እስቲፋኖስ፡ ሰላም። ብዛዕባ’ዚ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ዝበልካዮ ሓንቲ ሕቶ ክሓተካ ምደለኹ። መንግስቲ ነርወይ፡ ነዞም ጠንቂ መሰደዲኦም ዘይፈልጡ፣ ሕሰምን መከራን እቲ ኣብ ዓዲ ገዲፎሞ ዝመጹ ህዝቦም ዘይዓጦም፣ ብውልቅን ብስድራቤትን ጥራይ ዝሓስቡ፣ ዕላማኦም፡ ነቲ ኣብ ሃገር ዘሎ፡ ከምቲ ናታቶም ዕድል ዘይረኸበ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ፡ ‘ኣነ ካብ ወጻኢ ስለ ዝመጻእኩ ብ2% ናጽነተይ ዝኣወጅኩ ቅሱን ዜጋ’የ! ዚትንክፈኒ የለን!’ ብምባል፡ ኣብ ቅድሚ ጥሙይን ዕሩቕን ሓዎም ጸብለል ኢሎም ክረኣዩ ዝደልዩ፣ ጓይላ ምልኪ ዘድምቑ፣ ልቦም ኣብ መንኩቦም ዝኾነ ሳዕሳዕቲ ከይስጎጉ ኢልና፡ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ንገብረሉ ምኽንያት ብወገነይ ኣይረኣየንን! ብኣንጻሩ፡ እዚ ስጉምቲ’ዚ ንቓልሲ ሓርነት ደራኺ’ዩ፤ እየ ዝብል። ጸሊም ካብ ጻዕዳ፣ ምስሉይ ካብ ቅኑዕ፣ ሃዚል (ዓሻ) ካብ ፋህም (ለባም) ዚፈሊ ወፍሪ ስለ ዝኾነ።
ኣብ መወዳእታ ነዞም ከፈልቲ 2% (ከሓስቲ በዳሊ) ከምዚ ክብሎም ፍቐደለይ?
ሕድሪ ስውኣትና ንኹሉ ጠሊሞም
ሃገር ኣጸልሚቶም እናራኣኹሞም
ህዝቦም ክርሽኑ እናሰማዕኩሞም
ክንዲ ትቃለሱ ከብቅዕ ሕሰሞም
ንገፋዕቲ ህዝቢ ካሕሳ ከፊልኩሞም
ንወለዲ ጀጋኑ እምብዛ ኣጉሂኹሞም!
ከም ዲበላ ዲኹም ኣታ ትዕውኑ
ተዂላ ምሒሉ ኢልኩም ብልቢ ትኣምኑ
መሬት ጸቢባቶ መውጽኢ ስኢኑ
ሓዳግ ተመሰለ እናሓርቀመ ኣስናኑ
ብኽልተ ካብ ሚእቲ ምሕረት ክትልምኑ
ህዝብኹም ሰንቢዱ ብሓቂ ሓዚኑ!
ኣታ ከመይ ጌርኩም ህሉው ትርስዑ
ህዝቢ እናጸነተ ዝርንዛሕ ነቢዑ
ምስቶም ሓረድትኹም መኣዲ ክትበልዑ
ዘይትግበር መብጽዓ ንሓሶት ክትሰምዑ
ኣእዳውኩም ስሒልኩም ንኸተጣቕዑ
ናብ ጓይላ ጎይኹም ብላሽ ክትስዕስዑ!
ህልቂት ህዝበይ እንታይ ገዲሱኒ
ጥፍኣት’ዛ ሃገርስ እንታይ ፋዕራ ኣሎኒ
ነዛ ውልቀይ ጥራይ ይጽገብ ይጥዓመኒ
ኢልኩም ክትዕንድሩ ፍጹም ገሪሙኒ
ካበይከ ይመጸልኩም ናይ ዳንኬራ ወኒ!?
ኤርትራና ክሓልፈላ፡ ስርዓት ምልኪ ንእለየላ!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 29-05-2015
Awet May 28, 2015
I am sorry to say this but the truth hurts. if the youth population do not understand why they left their beloved country , if they jumped to dance in the PFDJ festival before looking for jobs in the host country, if they filled up a letter of apology to Pfdj and pay 2% tax in order to go back to Asmara and brag about the few welfare dollars they saved in the local hotels and bars, if they refused to join the protest against the most brutal and repressive regime in black africa, if they danced on their brothers graves and ignore around 900 innocent dead people still in the bottom of the killer sea …if..if etc…., then these people are not by any means genuine refugees and therefore, the host country should send its police force, round up and deport them in handcuffs Into their beloved father Isaias Afeworki. They don’t need protection!! From whom? ? He is their leader, their party and their government. These people are economic refugees period. The above comments does not apply to the genuine refugees who are battling and confronting Pfdj ‘s thugs.
the noble teacher May 28, 2015
I think young Eritreans are leaving their country because it is a living hell..They have no political interest ,they know ,when it comes to Eritrea the cure /opposition is worse than the illness/pFDJ..they just want to have fun ,if the Eritrean govt, does accept them as Diaspora to have fun in their own country that is what they are looking for…the older Eritreans f**ked up and want the youngsters to fall a useless gedli as they had..It is not going to happen::there are that worship Isaias and those that him…What interest do the young people have ???
Tes May 28, 2015
I don’t blame the Norwegian gov if they throw them ( those idiots) back to the hell in earth, it is simple the deserve it. Those are the youth who court willingly with their tormenter. Those who forget the suffering they endure in no time and danced on the bodies of their fallen brothers and sisters. Any human feel sorry to the tragedy suffered by eritreans but those idiots who choose to dance with HGDEF they lost their soul. They need harsher punishment in Earth. But we need to be careful the majority of the youth are trying their best to resist this evil junta. If the norwegian gov carry out what is proposed they need to screen them. They can get a list from HGDEF or they can see them in HGDEF festivals or meeting on websites. Or the justice seeker have to co-operate with the officials to inform them who do what. Who are truly in danger or who is not. Period
home May 28, 2015
those 2% let them go and dance in Adebabay with HGDF.
Bilenay May 28, 2015
እንቛዕ ሓሳብ ልቦም ሰመረሎም።
ኣብተን ካልኦት ሃገራት ዘሎዉ ሳዕሳዕትን ፣ ኣዳከርትን’ውን መዓልቲ ይነውሕ’ምበር፡ ከቶ ናይ’ዚ ዕጫ’ዚ ተካፈልቲ ካብ ምዃን ዓዲ ኣይክውዕሉን ኢዮም።
Keren May 28, 2015
All European nations, USA, Canada and Australia … should revoke the residency papers and citizenship of any Eritrean who claimed asylum using the real and documented and world wide known human rights abuses inside Eritrea but also visits the repressive Eritrean regime, Higdef Embassy and pays 2% illegal taxes to Eritrea.
All Eritreans activists need to send the copy of this news to the U.S. State Department and the foreign ministries of Australia, Italy, Britain, Germany, Canada, Israel, Netherlands, France, Greece, Sweden, Denmark … and many others.
abrham May 30, 2015
atum sebat kab eritrawis kelbi yihayish mesleni.eske nk ulkulkum anbebti assenna hanti eiyo geza kihbekum emo an smiet keyatekum regiekum astebhlula.abzkone zkerebe tshuf eta kedameyti rito emo reayuwa kulen eaten dhria zmetsa ritotat kea kabae zeyfleya.NEA zeydgfa entekoynen kea weyane eka hgdef eka zbla tserftat.abzen nay hiji ritotatkum kimles kulkym kisgogu alewom tblu alekum herayske etom 2% zkefelus ysegogu tsibuk etom deleyti fithin antsar eti sratinke eti mengsti bikemey yifletom?weys Wedi dimu kemkedemu nsom nab shila Eton asharewti nab guayla yimelesu ena noble zelena?.slezi eti ab Norway zinebr delay fithi Natu blhat kibalhat alewo neabnet nenhidhidu bimlilay men antsar eti Surat kifalet alewo.kemzi abzegatimelu gizie kea asmat deleyti fithi bimhaz nabti mengsti nihna tekawemti mengsti ena elu tsebtsabu kekirib yikil.eritrawi hisur gigninetu an melhasu koynu terifumber kemtihakis tekawami abfit tselaiu koymu eyu kikawem zelewo.simitawyan kalat mihwasey gin yikreta
Woldu May 30, 2015
I agree to return Eritreans back home,if they go to “their govenments representatives”, after they have been granted asylum (aha’s ms haradi’en may yisetya). For, if they sponsor their government, there is no reason for asylum in Norway. I oppose to return Eritreans back home, if they abide by their protectors (Norwegian Government)law, and are happy to have arrived in a savehaven.