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  • Truly Truly i say to you July 4, 2015

    Dear Assenna please correct the caused error. Ato Okbay G/ Medhn´s article, i think by mistake is under the title, “Meley – An Eritrean Poem by Ermi Tekeste” seen on display. Thank you.

  • Truly Truly i say to you July 4, 2015

    Thank you very much honourable Ato Okbay G/ Medhin for exposing the tyrant Isayas´s hidden mission.
    Let me share one point if in case someone wants how Isayas is destructing our economy deliberately to know. That to know the following simple question will verify you all. Please why Is the Isyas regime instead for market and industrial policy, pretending as if regarding more for agricultural development policy daily propageting? Many meek ignorant blind supporters may will think this idea comes from good intention.Ok let´s agree it is because Isayas has good intention, but what positive result has achieved even in this sector? Would the so called constructed dam we daily hearing from TV-Eri, let alone for 2% population, could it be provided for 100 camels enough water?

    • Semhar July 11, 2015

      Can’t you see his tractors demolishing peoples houses instead of using it for farming.

  • Truly Truly i say to you July 4, 2015

    If Isayas has been sincere heart and good intention for our nation economy, Eritrea as tiny nation with very limited agricultural resources, but as rich in mine, Sea and Sea resources, including tourism, most importantly out of very small population a lot of citizens as living in wealthy nation in diaspora, using this potential our economy policy normally supposed to be more orienteered on market and business economy, not on agricultural. This policy we didn´t see when privileged even the huge Russia.When i say this i do not mean to focus and give regard for agriculture sector is wrong, I even believe until for 50/ million population enough food and water we have supposed to be worked, at least according the propaganda from we hearing.But in reality 2/3 out of our three million population we know as living under extreme poverty without, enough food, water and electricity.

  • Truly Truly i say to you July 4, 2015

    The ameasing scenario from my observation even the large Ethiopia, with 85% population with rich agricultural resource while the regime more focusing and encouraging its citizen so that they participate, in market, business investment, industrial development sector;In Eritrea contrary we hear much talking for agricultural policy. Now are you dare telling me such policy is come out from good intention, when the country resource capacity tells different?At the result of Isyas´s wrong policy, today in Eritrea for one kilo of white grain may cost 50 Nakfa, while in wealthy European nation you could buy it in 30- 40 cents in cheep market. That means in Eritrea is double expensive as that of in Europe or US. This is Isayas´s achievement proudly much talking about. ብሃጺሩ ኢሳያስ ኮነ ኢሉ ዝኽተሎ ናይ ቁጠባ ፖሊሲ፣ ን ኣሳ ብምድሪ ክነብር ኣለዎ፣ ኤርትራዊ ሰብ ብባሕሪ ( ዘክሩ ላምፔዱዛን ሜድትራንያን ግዳያት፣) ንንስሪ ከም ተመን መሬት እንፋሕፈኸ ክነብር ንጠል ድማ ብሰማይ ክነፍር ኣሎዎ ንደናቁር ኣማሓደርቲ ንሙሑር ሸቃላይ፣ ንነጋዴ ሃረስታይ ንሃረስታይ ሸቃላይ ብዝኣይነቱ ኣሰራርሓ ፖሊሲ እዩ ዝጥቀም ዘሎ። ዕላምኡ ድማ ኣይንስሕቶን።

  • Are July 5, 2015

    Interesting compilation Mr. Okubai!

  • g michael July 5, 2015

    A primer for our youth on the birth of our nation while exposing the extent of complicity as a mouth piece of hgdef.

  • k.tewolde July 6, 2015

    yes my dear brother okbai, keep teaching, keep empowering the eritrean youth who for so many decades was deprived of sound and truthful is a shame it took so long, and so many precious innocent lives to figure out these disgraceful bastards.