Maximize focus during the upcoming Independence Day Festivals internationally
Maximize focus during the upcoming Independence Day Festivals internationally by Fetsum Abraham Stadium for guaila: As usual, the soccer stadium in Asmara will be colorful during the Independence Day with the expired Communistic style uniformed kids dancing on

Maximize focus during the upcoming Independence Day Festivals internationally
by Fetsum Abraham
Stadium for guaila: As usual, the soccer stadium in Asmara will be colorful during the Independence Day with the expired Communistic style uniformed kids dancing on guaila and the president and his slaves watching from the podium. The stadium that once produced few of the best African soccer players had been deserted by three consecutive national soccer team defections in favor of dancing teenagers indoctrinated to warship Afwerki. With so many challenges and problems on the ground, Afwerki will deliver his monotonous speech of denial that has not change in substance since the Badme war. The poor uneducated kids will then be herded to SAWA in rout to their refugee life leaving behind a broken society with irreparable family destruction.
The current situation of our people inside Eritrea is not only sad but also dangerous for generations to come. We will need a cultural revolution to revive the society’s disparaged moral integrity in the last 20 years by the regime. Our urban population comprising the old, fathers and mothers, and children is economically and psychologically hurt. This hard beaten member of the society cannot fight back even with a gun at hand; it cannot do anything against the regime in its current situation.
The Warsai generation has been a victim of IGNORANCE and EXODUS. It is not educated and is also a victim of double dislodgment. SAWA serves as the first step of its dislodgment from the towns and cities and then follows the eventual refugee life by deliberate government policy. In other words, it was first disconnected from its family and then conditioned to run away and disappear. This group is intentionally driven out of the country after rendered ignorant and yet being used as source of income through illegal smugglers stationed in Eritrea and beyond. Take maximum advantage of this youth in the process of pushing it away forever (squeezing their families abroad as much as possible) and then condition it to indefinitely pay 2% tax from outside and support its loved ones at home in foreign currency that will end in the hands of the regime. This is intentionally making the society and the country dependent on the Diaspora forever. The peasant then fills the void and the regime stays without any challenge inside Eritrea; says the country’s demonic national policy. Eritrea has become a prison to its citizens in the country and impossible for the Diaspora to return and settle.
The government has indeed succeeded in all this but could not help peripherally suffering the consequence of its actions. Here are cases in point.
The Eritrean government is stretched to the limit with challenges all over the place. The excuses to stay in power are vanishing faster than the regime’s capacity to fabricate another fake excuse for survival, leaving it confused about what to do next. The best excuses of deception (Weyane and US) have at least been disqualified in the recent development of the region.
Everybody knows that there is no more Weyane in the political picture of the region. The Weyanes have nothing to do with the recent Ethiopian proposed dialogue that the regime must respond one way or another and better the sooner. “Addis Ababa — The Ethiopian government on Monday has reiterated its readiness to hold peace talks with Eritrea to resolve their decades-long border dispute. Ethiopian Minister of foreign Affairs Tedros Adhanom said his country is ready to sit down for direct negotiations with Eritrea without any preconditions regarding to level, time or venue.”
It is clear by now that the Ethiopians are ready to give back Badme and Afwerki does not want to see it in Eritrea for this will open the door for other pending issues to come out on the open. The question is how long the regime will continue to ignore any initiative that would bring Badme home and how much more of this the Eritreans will take without action.
Then comes the US excuse that the Obama administration handled very well. There was nothing to say to challenge Afwerki’s nonsense; thus cold shoulder (ignoring) was the answer. What can the US do beyond recognizing the Eritrean sovereignty including its ownership of Badme? Eritrea denied an entry VISA to Mr. Carson (America’s top diplomat on East African issues) and the US moved on. There is now a rumor that Eritrea will allow a US Ambassador in Asmara. The question is why now if the US was an enemy? The answer is because it has no choice and it could not continue without. Humiliation was the language Afwerki understood during the Badme war and cold shoulder was American reaction to nullify his craving for attention and to normalize relationship with. By accepting a US Ambassador in Asmara, Afwerki conditions himself to shut-up for the rest of his political life about anything that may concern the Americans.
To make it difficult for him, “On World Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without Borders declared 39 leaders, groups named as Predators of Freedom of Information in 2013”: The champion of them all being Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea. What do you do when some prisoners in this category have died in custody, others lost without trace and the world keeps on asking for answer? You do not want to be in this situation.
Another upper cut comes from the best search engine, the GOOGLE. “Life in authoritarian states is likely to get tougher before it gets better as their citizens gain more access to the Internet, Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt said. “But their governments are not like our governments… In that context, (autocratic) governments are going to work really, really hard to stop this, because the way to really get a dictator going is to threaten his authority. They’re going to do things like restrict speech and restrict assembly — but they are going to find it impossible to do as comprehensively as they can. This “mobile revolution” will become “the defining story” for the 57 percent of the world’s population that lives in autocratic countries over the next five to 10 years, he predicted.” And while he once thought North Korea to be “the absolutely worst place” on Earth, Schmidt extended that dubious honor to Eritrea, scene of an apparent coup in January that went largely unreported for weeks.” Poor Afwerki of course cannot do better than being the worst president in silencing the people; neither can he avoid the cyber-heat from all of us in his confinement in Asmara.
It was a terrible season for the dictator considering how many things happened in the last few weeks alone. ”April 29, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The United Nations special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Eritrea, Sheila B. Keetharuth, is due to begin an official visit to Ethiopia and Djibouti on Tuesday to collect first-hand information from Eritrean refugees on the situation inside their country. The visit comes as the government of the reclusive Red Sea nation blocked her from entering the country.
“Due to lack of access to Eritrea, I will engage with all others concerned by human rights in Eritrea, including those who consider themselves to be victims of alleged human rights violations, human rights defenders and other civil society actors,” Keetharuth said in a statement issued by The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). “I will gather first-hand information from Eritrean refugees who have fled to neighboring countries,” she said, adding that her investigations will be strictly limited to the situation inside Eritrea. Authorities in both Ethiopia and Djibouti have agreed to provide access to Eritrean refugee populations residing within their borders for the purposes of Keetharuth’s 10-day fact-finding mission.” Simply speaking, every organization is after him like the Police having a neighborhood on surveillance to put a thief in custody.
Eritrea’s lost opportunities because of Afwerki
In the mean time, Afwerki’s economic sabotage continues full-fledged ahead. “..the world’s most populous landlocked country, Ethiopia, home to a fast-growing economy that needs access to the sea. Most of the food, oil and consumer goods imported for Ethiopia’s 83m-plus people passes through Djibouti. Instability in Ethiopia’s eastern neighbour, Somalia, and bad blood with Ethiopia’s other old enemy, Eritrea, mean that Djibouti is the only main transit option. Hence a new railway line to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, is being built. At the same time, freighters chugging between Europe and Asia have been seeking an alternative to their traditional halfway stop in Dubai, which involves a detour into the Gulf. Djibouti is more directly en route. In 2009 it spent $400m on a state-of-the-art container terminal, the only one in the region. In the five previous years, trade volume had already doubled and is set to do so again. To expand still more, Djibouti’s port authority is close to securing $4.4 billion from abroad for another five terminals which, it is hoped, will be ready in the next four years.” This was easy cash on the pocket for Eritreans.
Contradictory Afwerki is trying his best to deal with the Ethiopians on using Assab through a third party (Quatar). He will sign anything in this account in order to benefit from our port the hard way while pretending to “ not doing it with Ethiopians”. To the naïve this act is consistent with his refusal to deal with the Ethiopians because of Badme. To the curious observer, however, this move tells the opposite: that he is dealing with Ethiopians indirectly on Assab without Badme; meaning that he is contemplating to indirectly normalize the relationship with the Ethiopians while Badme is still under their control. What the Ethiopians want is access to the sea and the reason he denied them their right for this long was because of “Badme”, which now it is taking another direction against his own policy.
In the mean time, he is asking for trouble with our neighbor on issues that do not concern Eritrea. “ADDIS ABABA: Anger is fomenting in Ethiopia following last month’s statements from the Eritrean government over who has a right to Nile River water, which has become a contentious issue in recent years between Ethiopia and Egypt, who claims the lion’s share of water from the world’s largest waterway. The Eritrean government said in April that it supported Egypt’s position over a controversial colonial-era treaty that grants Egypt a right a majority of the Nile’s water resources.”
Clearly, this is none of Eritrea’s business and the act should further antagonize the Afwerki regime with all East African communities affected by the issue. He is doing all this to provoke war between Eritrea and Ethiopia in the midst of Ethiopia’s recent request for dialogue. Nothing can better clarify the desperate and confused mind of the president
than this.
With all these problems simultaneously coming against him, I believe we can deliver our punch effectively if we concentrate on few things in the coming few weeks ahead. What can the Diaspora accomplish for the resistance during the Independence Day festivals worldwide?
a) Full pressure against the mining industries in our country internationally
b) Unanimous demand for a united front to all opposition forces including the youth by making it clear that the immediate priority is to form a TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT, not A FULLFLEDGED GOVERNMEN T.
c) Unanimous pressure against the forces to initiate intellectual debates everywhere FOCUSED ON FORMING A TRANSISTIONAL GOVERNMENT
d) Unanimous pressure against the silent Eritrean intellectuals in Diaspora to actively involve in the struggle for freedom and democracy and to take the responsibility of managing the diplomatic efforts of the resistance in professionally organized groups.
e) Pressurize the websites to collectively push this effort without competition.
f) Pressurize the international community to continue the SANCTION
Petros Haile May 9, 2013
What is the difference on what Meles said, to what is reiterated by Tedros, Abai tsehai, Bereket Simon, and others …there is none, I sincerely believe you are highly confused and misinformed person, … Show me a single policy or attitude that has changed since Meles’s death … there is none.. In fact, the chosen slogan of the nation is to implement Meles’s vision, there are songs and poems about it .
there is no more woyane dominated rule in Ethiopia ? You must be joking, I hope you realize your statement is posted on Assena, for hundred’s of readers to see, not in a neighborhood coffee shop, where you can not verify, or authenticate the source … If you meant, down the line, Ethiopia can not afford to go the path of a minority government rule, then I may doubtfully entertain the idea that there is a trend towards the amalgamation of an all inclusive political system, it is on the making, then, I may swallow the rational, since the six percent can not hold controlling the ninety four percent of the population, for long …. … And please don’t comment on Ethiopian internal democratic changes, since your understanding is so limited on what is going on in Ethiopia, If you consider Democratic house where only one opposition vs to 534 EPRDF members, that is hardly democratic; When the opposition can only have a voice through highly censured newspapers, while no radio, and TV access is allowed, hardly democratic; When the Muslim Ethiopians accused through the state media, while they can not be able to articulate their position, hardly democratic … Ethiopia may be relatively better than Eritrea, but it is no hub for democratic rule … besides what is the relevance glorifying Ethiopia for Badme issue …
Tell me a single attitude that has changed since the death of Meles zenawi’s Negotiation, in fact what is dangerous about their proposal is their side stepping from the Algiers agreement, this is what Bereket was inferring last week on Eritrean pal talks, do you really understand what that means, If Eritrea meet with EPRDF regime with out any precondition, … they will submit their own conditions on the table, imagine what that condition could be … and what has been agreed in Algiers will be null and void … I recall a paper written by various scholars some times a go , addressing the importance of the Algiers treaty to revive talks between these two nations …
Fistum, The road to Asmara should not mean via Mekele, or EDA group with the help of Woyane Generals, I defiantly say no to that ….and if Americans wanted to start a diplomatic relationship with Eritrea, then be it, you do your job to form your coalition and address your grievances …. hopefully Americans will see your wisdom and pressure the Eritrean government … its up to your strength in campaigning and influencing the US state department and congress … Dear Fistum, I should not be worrying of the Americans coming to Eritrea, In fact, it can be a good thing … Carlson’s visa issue happened some 4 or 5 years a go … if the Eritrean government is desperate now, may be this is a good time to prepare a unified package and put condition to the emerging reality , may be starting to lobby the US congressmen is a good start … and allowing the Qatari to invest in Aseb is even better, I sincerely believe the “Carrot and Stick ” approach could be one significant strategy of a peaceful engagement to change the Eritrean reality, before Eritrea turned to chaos and anarchy … plus we need a strong force to defend us as well, just like Djibouti has French, we will have an external force we can depend on …
If Ethiopia desperately needs access to the sea, , then why not Ethiopia resolve the badme issue once and for all ? Simple logic, I don’t see Afeworki’s economic sabotage here …If Djibouti benefits due to the conflict between these two nations, then let it be, but on this particular issue, don’t try to blame Eritrea, If Ethiopia is in need of access to the sea, (by the way I am hoping your ” Ethiopia’s Right”, comment is accidental), then let them come out respect the international law, clearly addressed at Algiers … with no if’s, or but’s about it …
As far as your proposal is concerned, We may need to address other relevant and urgent issues before we commit to an agenda that may not be to the best interest of Eritrea,
fetsum abraham May 9, 2013
We are both speculating from what is available without having concrete proof to what we believe. You stick with yours and I wills tick with mine and the difference is ok as far as you do not consider your thoughts absolutely the truth. U can not prove your theory, nor can I. We need to agree to disagree without emotional discharge.
Petros Haile May 9, 2013
Dear Fistum,
Remember you are the author of this article, The burden of proof is on your convincing and fact based arguments … I clearly address my concern on your unsubstantiated reference ! There is too much at stake, to let go of your one dimensional and biased writing style, and definitely, I don’t want others to take it as accurate information, and most of all, I don’t want any Eritrean to take erroneous information and act upon it … Frankly, this one is a justifiable emotion, and I will vent it when similar article is posted in the future !!!
fetsum abraham May 9, 2013
U are coming here with absolutely correct mentality in a social issue that can not be mathematically proven.What ever u may believe about the Weyanes is ok but I elieve they are not that significant in ethiopian politics any more.
“And please don’t comment on Ethiopian internal democratic changes, since your understanding is so limited on what is going on in Ethiopia” Ur opinion TAKEN
without substance because u are taking all the freedom talking about them while tending to restrict my freedom to d the same.
“Fistum, The road to Asmara should not mean via Mekele, or EDA group with the help of Woyane Generals”. did I say this?
“Dear Fistum, I should not be worrying of the Americans coming to Eritrea, In fact, it can be a good thing … ”
Did I comment on the advantage or disadvantage of US normalizing relationship with us? U have misread me completely and please go back and read me again. In this article, I only shared the current affairs without detailed analysis. In fact I will be happy if this happens because the regime will be more directly challenged on merit.U need to slow down on ur emotion brother and read without premeditation.
“If Ethiopia desperately needs access to the sea, , then why not Ethiopia resolve the badme issue once and for all ?” It must resolve this issue before Eritrea normalizes the relationship. There is no normalization without Badme, but it must be through dialogue. Where is our difference here?
“Simple logic, I don’t see Afeworki’s economic sabotage here …If Djibouti benefits due to the conflict between these two nations, then let it be, but on this particular issue, don’t try to blame Eritrea”
I do because Ethiopia is not the only source of income from the ports but many others as well. U don’t kill the potentials of ports in the busiest path of the world. Besides, we could have deals withe west to use our ports for cash like Joubouti did (this has nothing to do with Ethiopia). Remember that Americans are one of the most important cash flows for Joubouti. That opportunity was offered but denied.
“As far as your proposal is concerned, We may need to address other relevant and urgent issues before we commit to an agenda that may not be to the best interest of Eritrea”
Here I suspect a foul play. I challenge u to tell us the relevant issues and the most urgent topics to u vis-a-vis the resiistance in relation to the points I suggested. I expect an answer and thank u.
Petros Haile May 10, 2013
“As far as your proposal is concerned, We may need to address other relevant and urgent issues before we commit to an agenda that may not be to the best interest of Eritrea”
Here I suspect a foul play. I challenge u to tell us the relevant issues and the most urgent topics to u vis-a-vis the resiistance in relation to the points I suggested. I expect an answer and thank u.
a) Full pressure against the mining industries in our country internationally
Pressure to do what ? Quit their investment ? A private company to demand a reform on behalf of Eritreans? Those companies who already invested in Eritrea, will not stop their project, just because the divided opposition demands it … in fact investors are lined up to do their business, even though Eritrea’s reputation as unsuitable for foreign investment, even Chinese companies are interested in investing …the Qatari’s are entertaining the idea of building an international hub on Aseb, not to mention the latest finding on Israeli & Iranians developing interest to advance their regional influence, Red Sea being strategical contention place for both … Not only mining companies, but others as well … Dear Fistum, trying to pressure the mining company is an up heal battle, So, If I were you I would focus more on policy level, by involving Governmental and institutional bodies … on the other side, If the Eritrean government takes even a symbolic step towards reform, You will see companies running left and right to come and invest, and also be mindful Eritrea may not get as much attention as South Africa did during apartheid era, which the resistance for divestment targeting foreign companies doing business in South African had an enormous pressure from the international community … for simple reason, apartheid is a race based issue that involves almost the entire world, although Ethiopia tried to paint the Eritrean government as a terror sponsoring state, and as the regions destabilizing force, unfortunately even this characterization did not produce the desired results as Ethiopia wished it to be … the small success achieved was due to the belligerent behavior and action of the president himself … In regards to the U.S, as much as they wanted Ethiopia,the complete trust is out of the question , partly Ethiopia’s close ties to the Chinese and Indian investors, among others, and realizes the potential counter balance candidate can be Eritrea, but first Eritrea has to show the level of interest for U.S to justify their initial contact and resume diplomatic relationships … however We see the indication as you your self stated in your article above … and as you know if the U.S does not pursue and spear-headed the divestment campaign, no other country will … So, my dear Fistum, When you talk about pressuring the Eritrean government through the companies who already invested in the country, it is a bit complicated … Although we should consider on how to convert the benefits of investment to the average Eritreans … in all fairness to your first agenda, I will agree with you this issue be submitted to our intellectuals, and experts, and hopefully they will come up with a sensible strategy that can satisfy the investors primary interest (profit), and at the same time the benefits that shold trickle down to the average Eritrean … It might be helpful to visit Regan’s “Constructive engagement” policy, purely for comparative reasons …
Petros Haile May 10, 2013
b) Unanimous demand for a united front to all opposition forces including the youth by making it clear that the immediate priority is to form a TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT, not A FULL FLEDGED GOVERNMEN T.
Fistum, Call it Transitional or full fledged, or give it any other fancy name, The bottom line is the divided opposition has to come out clean from the dependent status, and must give up the Armed struggle strategy, or forcefully disarm by their host country, if regional crisis is to be avoided… This ought to be done before you begin the exploratory stage for Transitional Government discussions … We have seen enough examples around the globe not to entertain the stated option … the recent disaster includes, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, DRC and others … almost in all these cases, the multiple ethnic and religious conflicts dominated the seen, and as the result of it, million’s of innocent citizens lost their lives in the most gruesome ways … and the crisis is still on going . The irony is in almost all the cases, The U.S regret the dismantling of the regular defence force’s of the respective nations … the impact of this harsh reality felt right after the disintegration of the army. Iraq, Malaki could not be able to stabilize his country a decade after the down fall of Saddam Hussein, and in retrospect many U.S policy makers regret the dismantling of the Baatist army that kept the country united for generations … Afghanistan, U.S installed government is in major crisis, and Karzai is having difficult time managing the troubled region, in fact, the U.S began secret talk with the Taliban, with the same group they force to dismantle. Not to drag this discussion, I will stop here with the examples, but I want you to check the historical and current standing of the remaining three countries, Lebanon, Congo, Syria and many others … In short, We can learn a valuable lesson from these countries. Our regional conflicts, it may differ in some forms but in essence it is very similar. Dear Fistum, it is one thing to come up with generic proposals, but to realize the danger we are facing with the current trends of arming multiple sectarian movements, and become part of the coalition, or as you suggested to form a Transitional Government, is an invitation to chaos & Anarchy, please, observe the Syrian conflict as it unfolds … It will be difficult to reverse ones it becomes the reality on the ground … and syria’s fate will be similar to their neghbours, So is our beloved Eritrea, if we fail to predict the inevitable !!!
Petros Haile May 10, 2013
c) Unanimous pressure against the forces to initiate intellectual debates everywhere FOCUSED ON FORMING A TRANSISTIONAL GOVERNMENT
d) Unanimous pressure against the silent Eritrean intellectuals in Diaspora to actively involve in the struggle for freedom and democracy and to take the responsibility of managing the diplomatic efforts of the resistance in professionally organized groups.
e) Pressurize the websites to collectively push this effort without competition.
****** I have no objection to the following C, D, E, They are just broad proposals, and I don’t want to knit pick … plus, if we clearly tackle the A & B, the rest is a follow ups, except for “F”, and here is my take on that :
Petros Haile May 10, 2013
f) Pressurize the international community to continue the SANCTION
Dear Fistum,
During my time at EGS (Eritrean Global Solidarity), and even before that , We approached our local representatives and others who were members of the U.S foreign relation committees in both the Senate & House, including our visit to the State department, that is where I wanted to start, specially the open and frank discussion we have had with the Eritrea & Djibouti desk representatives at the State Department, which Seyoum did the presentation from EGS side, and Hailesellasie from the EDA, To make the story short, the vibe we were able to receive from the representatives was more or less to engage, and not to close the diplomatic channels, how ever we also sensed if the diplomatic options were closed, they were willing to entertain some sort of punitive measures targeting the PFDJ leaders, and in so many ways we understood it as a commonly called the “Smart Sanction” approach … what it means is particularly for the Eritrean case, mainly to suffocate the leadership with travel restrictions and take away other privileges … However due to Isayas’s belligerent behavior and Ethiopia’s diplomatic maneuvers, the case of Sanction developed to have a broader reach and results on a severe impact in isolating and reducing the mobility of the regime … But I wanted to discuss the other aspect of the sanction that may result, not only punishing the criminal elements, but the innocent bystanders as well … As Fistum insist to continue the Sanction, I wanted him to realize what the sanction that may impact negatively the EDF capability to defend the nation, since the recent sanction includes the purchasing of military hardware’s and other supervisions that deter Eritrea from acquiring an up to date, and modern capabilities to defend its sovereignty … at the same time Ethiopia has given not only highly sophisticated state of the arts military hardware’s, but granted the advantage to engage on a joint military exercise with the world’s most powerful forces … Now without going into detailed discussions, let us consider and itemize Ethiopia’s regional and international violations, that often ignored or over-looked by the enforcers of the same law … The Alger’s treaty, Badmme , Human rights violation during the Badmme war, The uprooted of innocent Eritreans, and much more …. the moral of the story is by any standard these two nation are fundamentally hostile to each other … So, keeping one man tied one hand behind the back, and allowing the other not only to use both hands,but with it’s hostile chaperons and referee blocking the punches throwing by the one hand man would not be fair , and the results are obvious and predictable … Fistum I was in favor of “Smart Sanctions”, but as time goes by the scenarios has changed, and at this time , the punishment is going beyond the intended target, and it has the potential to harm the average Eritrean, and I am not about to accept the developing reality … So brother Fistum, as an Eritrean nationalist, who loves his country, you should also suggest a sound proposal, and encourage the intellectuals to come up with better alternative that avoids the unfair and dangerous proposals that its time passed, and put our nation in jeopardy ….
Olana May 9, 2013
What about the villages administrated by Eritreans for many years and given to Ethiopia? No Comment? Can you prove that Badem has ever been under Eritrean administration during the past history? Or is it because the Court decided it should be given to Eritrea? Do not fool yourself and wake up and face the reality. Fancy writings do not remove dictators.
Kalighe May 9, 2013
To those who glorify Ethiopia ..
1. From the day they entered Addis, the Weyane are in control of everything. Other members of the ruling coalition have a good roles to play, but only within the limits defined by Tigreyans.
2. Ethnic Federalism they put in place is a lot better than previous systems, but there are also severe problems they have not been able to solve till now. Some Kills are controlled from center very indirectly, as there are very little resources allocated to them. They complain of being neglected.
3. In some parts of the country there is a war going on (among the dissatisfied groups are the Somalis, Oromo, Amharas, and some Afars).
4. The economy is doing well, but it’s still largely controlled by Weyane (a lot of money is given to party members secretly to open business everywhere), exactly like their Shabia counterparts in Eritrea).
5. The so-called Anti-terrorist laws are a tool in the hands of Weyane to silence media and politicians from Amhara background (you can get 18 years in jail for criticizing the governments on the net).
6. Politically, the Weyanes have managed to forge alliances with different groups in the country, which gives them ample space to outsmart the opposition or crash them when they appear to be winning, specially where Western donors cannot verify. The country is one the biggest journalist jailers like Eritrea.
7. Ethiopia like many African countries still risks drastic changes in governance when those who control the center cannot continue to do so, for one reason or another. The Amhara based opposition, in particular those outside the country, would like to see the Federal system scrapped immediately, whenever they get the chance to rule again.
8. Ethiopia has done good progress in many areas and economic condition of those living in rural areas seem to be improving gradually. But as long as many Ethiopians feel their share of what the country offers is little or have no better option at the moment other than to use the small breathing space given to them by Weyane in the long run the country is at risk.
9. The political system in Ethiopia (by African standards) is a lot better than many of it’s neighbors, but seeds of future crisis are already there for everyone to see. Transition to democracy is not going to be easy. It’s a mild police state.
10. We Eritreans should know that, we and Tigreyans have a lot more in common. We should work hard to normalize relations with them. Weyanes are bad as Higdef (politically speaking) but we cannot choose our neighbors. It’s in the interest of both Eritrea and Tigray to demarcated the border, make peace and build bridges to join hands to fight our common enemy together: poverty.
If the Weyanes think they will continue to control from Addis for two more decades or so without being challenged, they have not done their calculations well. The moment they relax the grip, Ethiopia will face dramatic changes. Hence, their interest is with the people of Eritrea and the democratic forces that are fighting for change.
Petros Haile May 9, 2013
Thank you for balanced perspective on the reality of Ethiopia, and the need for cooperation !
Kalighe May 9, 2013
Dear brother Petros,
The Weyane belong to the same school of thought as Higdef when it comes to politics.
As far as know, there are no opposition political parties in Tigray, a group that split from them is based in Addis. Even when there is peace, the economy is booming and people seem to be happy, there is always a possibility that things can go wrong when change in leadership is needed, unless peaceful transfer of power is handled by well grounded democratic institutions. Tigray as the power base of the current ruling group, has yet to go through that crucial test. One reason why a non-Tigrean was chosen for the premiership could be, to avoid power struggle among Weyane leaders that could have unpredictable consequences. It’s very important for us to understand what is going on in Ethiopia without getting involved in their internal affairs. Although the attitude of many Ethiopians I have met in recent years is that we are under their mercy (because we lost the war), and that doesn’t help, as soon as Higdef is removed from power, relation with Tigray should be priority one of our foreign policy.
Kabbire May 9, 2013
kalighe, since you start to talk more about our neigbours our own home is burning in the name of Ghedli, here is for you to ponder,
After 30 years of fighting against our brothers and sisters of Ethiopia, we have ended up as Arab Bedouin and Rashayda slaves in the Arab world. We, the shameless “Abeeds”, as the Arabs call us, also burned our own languages to appear walking and quacking like the Arabs, and still we do not know who we are? Not only are we mental slaves suffering from inferiority complex but also physical slaves of the Arabs selling our own languages, women, men and children.
Only worthless people create worthless phantom nations.
Here is fresh news from Eritrea, via ICER:
” … ICER could continue writing letters of complaints to Egypt, UN agencies and by the way to the Sudan too whose government machinery is unashamedly geared towards making thousands of Eritreans victim of human trafficking, but to what end. Unless, one controls the source it is indeed futile exercise to expect solutions from beyond.
“Recently, Merkeba young lady of 19 year old was kidnapped from Barantu in broad day light. Barantu is a town in Eritrea some 130 Km from the border of Sudan. After few days stay in one of the many makeshift ‘slave holding’ spots in the Sudan, she was transported to Sinai to await her fate, that is, either to pay ransom money of 35,000 USD or face death. Upon hearing the dreadful news her parents hastily sold their house converted the Nakfa into US currency and send her older brother to the Sudan to pay the ransom money. I am sure they wished him Godspeed when he stared his journey. Unfortunately, her brother was caught crossing the border by the Eritrean Security forces and was thrown to jail with all his money confiscated by the government. Meron of Radio Erena had an extensive interview with Merkeb now awaiting death by the criminals in Sinai.
“Last week prison riot occurred in Yemeni were over 200 Eritreans are kept prisoners. Our source informed us that the cause of the riot in Merkezi prison in Hodeida was the death of a Yemeni prisoner of unknown disease. The prison population amounting 600 blamed the Eritreans and perhaps ‘Somali and Ethiopian’ prisoners as vectors of the disease and asked for their quarantine if not extermination. The Afrikans are desperately calling for help
“Similarly in Djibouti, prisoners are in an indefinite order of lockup with no one leaving his cell because of an incident that happened few days ago. Two mentally deranged Eritrean prisoners escaped from jail and the prison authorities blamed the entire population for their escape. We have no word yet whether the two mentally challenged inmates are apprehended or not. It is worth noting here that Eritrean refugees in Djibouti are kept as prisoners same as those surrendered EDF members victims of the brief skirmish with Djibouti few years ago.”
Dear Kabbire,
I do not know how old you are,..but I am 55 year old Eritrean Gentleman (that is no oxymoron).
Kabbire ,let me enlighten you about ERITREANISM in case you are a young man.
1)As long as Ethiopia & above all Tigrawot are does not matter how bad Eritreans are suffering..the Gedli was never about the people ..but the land ..and extreme hatred of Tigrawot of Tigray by as Tigrawot of Kebessa..who Italians told us we were better than our ancestors to the south..So it is self hatred…which can only be motivated through hatred.
2)The opposition hates and has hidden resentment & ill will towards Ethiopia..those who are eating Gored gored or kitfo in Hawassa may even be the most offenders of this. The only way our Gedli spirit can continue is through hatred & vengeful events…Culpable for this are the Ethiopian people & particularly tha Tigrawot brother..instead of burnning the flame of hatred and antagonism..for every evil thing we provoke including massacaring Mekkele children with cluster bomb does not seem to provoke them enough to make an emotional & foolish decision..they are giving us security,food ,shelter & higher education treating us as prodigal sons instead of for ERITREANISNM to continue, we need to beg Ethiopians to be foolish & add oxygen to the flame of fake hatred..but the Ethiopians are our ene3mies ,so they are showing us compassion & doing it in action.
Go damn it you Ethiopians..give us something to hate,,you are confusing us,,we have been bombarded you are our enemies for 50+++ years ,if not we may have to invade you…just kidding no more..SUN NOR RISING & MEKHALIF..just forget it…You are bad bad berry bad Ethiopians.
Genet May 10, 2013
Who is this confused man calls himself “New Hope..” Is this a big jok or someting?
Kalighe May 10, 2013
Kabbire and NEW HOPE please stop posing as Eritreans . I don’t mind discussing with you any issue that concern Tigray and Eritrea, but only if you stop insulting Eritrea and it’s people.
Stop hiding like rats, it’s a useless exercise because we know who you are. Eritrean have no problem identifing who is who from the moment he/she opens his/her mouth.
Genet May 10, 2013
Dear Ahmed Saleh
Reg. the Badme issue, can you please write more about it?. Thank you for shedding light on this important issue. What you are taking about is what I heard in the past. Even after costing us precious lives, the PFDJ leaders never bothered to tell us, why Badme became a dispute territory? It is so clear that there is some suspicious activity around this issue, but I can’t put my finger on it. HOW AND WHEN DID BADME FIRST BECAME DISPUTE TERRITORY? WAS BADME USED AS A CARROTS FOR SOME PEOPLE TO DO WHAT THERE WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO DO? Ahemed, please tell us more. Thank you!
ahmed saleh May 11, 2013
Ghenet haftey
I was teenager just to fight the enemy at that time . But we always get information about military
activities on all direction of our land . Even we use to know the identity of those forces . To get
true detailed ideas about Badme issues circumstances I leave on a person of highly informative access
to tell the whole history behind it like T . Temenewo .
The bottom line is we are for our people to fight for principle of truth not for propaganda or selfish interest .
Genet May 12, 2013
Ahmed Saleh
Thank You, for your response. I agree with your point we have to fight for principle of truth not for propaganda. Since the PFDJ leaders are not going to tell us the truth, we need to find out and let all our people know what the so called “Border issue” is all about. If Mr T. Temenewo knows about Badme then we should ask him and let our people know.
Daniel May 12, 2013
Yes, as you said Badme issue is a game to strengthen power.
Some people have miscalculation that Ethiopia’s acceptance Alger’s agreement will help in bringing peace between both countries or will enable to gain extra optional territory.
Do we really think the border was real cause of conflict?
I was brought up near the disputed areas. So let me put the story of conflict and end result in this way. While we were living usual peaceful life in the border area, an unfortunate dispute had occurred and the children and families as well as properties are displaced, some to Ethiopia and some to Eritrea. And as resolution, alien moderators then attempted to distribute the displaced families and belongings randomly instead to entitled owner. So can I accept this international treaty that switched my child with my neighbor’s one and handed over accordingly? It is daylight injustice for people residing at the borders. Fortunately, international court decisions can be ignored for it has no enforcement unlike domestic.
Genet May 12, 2013
I write my name without the “h” Genet. Thanks.