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  • Semhar October 14, 2011

    A massage to all DEKEBAT Eritreans and supporters!
For the demonstration please do not bring PFDJ’s flag. (ISAYAS’S FLAG)
(The flag that our martyrs never saw.)

    (2) We should all bring our original flag; the flag of our fathers, the flag of our martyrs. The flag that represent our people, our culture, our land our identity, our stand.
    (3)Do not forget the the
 UK flag! We should thank them for the sanction against the dictator.
    Let freedom ring allover Eritrea!
    Let’s LIVE FREE OR DIE with dignity.
    DISTROY the PFDJ the terrorist organization where ever they are.
    Eritrea will be free soon!

    • Wedi Zere October 14, 2011

      Dear Sister Semhar,
      Your motivation and energy in the fight against tyranny is highly commandable and appreciated but with all due respect, rasing less important issues such as flag at this stage of our struggle is just a distraction.What kind of flag or whether we should use the old blue or not should be totally left to be discussed post tyranny and dictatorship.What we should concentrate on is how to bring every Eritrean with conscience on board in the fight against ruthless dictatorship that is reducing our nation that thousands perished their lives for into a rubble.
      LETS KEEP POUNDING THE IRON WHILE ITS STILL HOT.Dictatorship is on its last leg breathing with the help of a life support machine and lets join hands to unplug it and throw into the dustbin of History.Freedom and Justice are just on the horizon.

  • Semhar October 14, 2011

    This is the time that we as ERITREANS unite and get rid of the dictator.

    Eritrean assembly officially adopted the first flag of ERITREA on September 15, 1952.

    In 1962 Ethiopia took down our flag and replaced it by Ethiopian flag…. it took us 30 years to raise our flag all over Eritrea again. Our flag was used during the fight for independence from Ethiopia (won in 1991).

    In 1993, the dictator took down our flag and replaced it by his own flag. Instead of raising our original freedom flag at the United Nations he gave them his own flag (HIGDEF’s flag).

    We should use our original flag again during our fight against the dictator and his regime (HIGDEF).

  • Semhar October 14, 2011

    “OLD GLORY!”

    The flag of our forefathers, of our martyrs, of our heroes!

    For more than 60 years, the Eritrean flag has been the symbol of our nation’s strength and unity. It’s been a source of pride and inspiration for millions of citizens. And the Eritrean flag has been a prominent icon in our national history.
    Here are the dictators that took down our national flag and replaced it by their flags,
    (1) Replaced by Ethiopian flag in 1962.
    (2) Replaced by Ethiopian mercenary (Isaias) HIGDEF’s flag 1993.
    (3) This Ethiopian mersinary not only chaged our flag but also our provincese and replaced them by his zobas.

    If tomorrow this tyrant mercenary (Isayas) change the name ERITREA into ISAYAS and get acceptance by the rest of the world including UN would you accept it?

    That’s what it is in ERITREA!

    • peter October 14, 2011

      You have no idea what you are talking about ! The blue flag is given by united nations as Eritrea was under federation with Ethiopia as temporary flag until the referendum. If you see the current UN flag it is idetical to the former Eritrean federation flag, thus , it is not as you claimed , our fathers flag! Moreover, even though there many things that I am not happy with the current Eritrean Gov., but the Zobas are not , the awraga thing is created by the colonizers to divided and rule , no moder Eritrean wants to go to that era, you can be an old generation , but the new generation , do not want to be subjected to that old mentality of awraga and religion division, we lost so many heros to erase these kind of divisions, and I know for fact that 99.9% Eritreans scared of this kind of divisions. I will say that, erasing the awrajas and religion divisions , and replace them by zobas is the most commendable achivement of the current Gov. You seem a naive an old mentality persona , with nastalgias to the pride of clanship , awraga , and religion but in the future do a littlie bit research before exposing your illutracy about your country as you did in case of the flag!

    • Huluf October 14, 2011


      While it is true it was a flag for the last federation govenomentof Eritrea with Ethiopia, that flag is UN Trusteeship council. Like it or not this flag we have now was brought by brave men and women who died for the freedom since the first day of the bullet fired by Awate….all ELP, EPLF fighters and martyrs. There will be enough time to debate and redo our flag….stop deviating and divisive discussions.

      I know you mean well but do not give room to those that have already diveded us.

  • HayaT October 14, 2011

    Deqi Erey!
    Every struggle has a beginning! When the freedom of Eritrea began fifty years a go, it was with few selfless Eritreans. It is with enormous pride that we come – one by one – come in a group in London to expose the nature and criminal act of the murderer tyrant. What our brothers and sisters accomplished in Leeds, New York, Germany, and Sweden will continue galvanizing progressive minded Eritreans. We will embody the hundreds of Eritreans who vanished at Mediterranean Sea, our heroes and heroines that are dying and rotting in prison with out due process, the hundreds of Warsays that are in defacto slavery, to the journalists that have been silenced by the merciless HGDF, the husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters that are forced to abandon beloved Eritrea and of course to all Eritreans – including those that have become the tool of the tyrant. We will spread to the out side world – specially – to the UK government. We are not power monger individuals or people with sinister objective. Out cause is ONE: the establishment of law abiding government empowered by the people to serve the people – at the will of the people. Our love of Eritrea is genuine and there is NOT any thing humanly possible that we do not do to reclaim Eritrea. Our martyrs did not die to crown a tyrant or replace a foreign colonial master by an indigenous one.
    Les come one by one – lets come all – for Eritrea!

    • Concerned Eritrawi October 14, 2011

      Keep it up!
      That is great

    • peter October 16, 2011

      I respect you oppinon , how ever it sounds more emotionAL , rather well crafted political statment. The reason that we can’t have successful opposition is
      1.Lack of effective and compitent leadership within the oppositon
      2. No coherant agenda
      3. No one organized fighting force
      4. the current oppostion relatioship with woyane
      5. Power fight among them


  • GG October 14, 2011

    Semhar. Flag, Flag, Flag…… Stop. It is what it represents. If PIA was clever and ruled by rule of law and democratic, I don’t care if he put his picture on it. Campaign for peace, democracy, freedom… don’t get hung up on the past. Worry where Eritrea is heading, not what its flag will look like. You need a country first; then flag. Have a peaceful demo.

  • shawel October 14, 2011

    Semhar you seem quite intelligent girl, but the only problem with you is you are obsessed with the flag. unless you father is berried under that flag, the flag is not a big issue to me or to the majority of Eritrea people. except to Jebha.
    (Jebha is history it was over in 1982) so this people on this forum need new ideas motive to unite us all, not the old ideology.
    this is the internet and Facebook generation, fed-up with the old ways of flags as well as divide and rule.
    what we need is justice, democracy, law, constitution the right to cast you vote as well as the right to be elected even as a president. because that is every Eritrea right!!!
    The people whom pass away for us sacrificed their life for only this reason, nutting else.
    so forget flag come to life and join the right movement and be productive to your brother and sisters.

  • yasin October 14, 2011

    Looking forward to see and hear something that we saw here in USA, in Germany, and Israel. Show the PFDJ’s that their time is almost over!!!

  • Semhar October 15, 2011

    and GG,

    You love the dictator’s flag. You love his Zobas.
    I think you all belong to HGDEF. You are supporters of PFDJ
    You all have one thing in common, “identity crises”.

  • Semhar October 15, 2011

    The dictator must go!
    – His boss (Mubarak of Egypt) is thrown out of power.
    – His adored brother (Gaddafi) is facing worse fate then Mubarak.
    – The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
    – The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself — that it needs to be overthrow.
    This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.

    Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
    Let freedom ring in Barka!
    Let freedom ring in Denkel!
    Let freedom ring in Hamasien!
    Let freedom ring in Sahil!
    Let freedom ring in Semhar!
    Let freedom ring in Senhit!
    Let freedom ring in Seraye!

    Let freedom ring in ERITREA!

    A massage to all DEKEBAT Eritreans and supporters!
For the demonstration please do not bring PFDJ’s flag. (ISAYAS’S FLAG
    (2) We should all bring our original flag, our forefather’s flag, the flag that our martyrs die for. The flag represents our people, our culture, our land our identity and our principle.
The UK flag! We should thank them for the sanction

  • samiel October 15, 2011

    Hi I want to ask where in London will the demonstration be?