Lampedusa migrant shipwreck toll rises to 359
Rome: Divers on Saturday found an additional 20 bodies off the Italian island of Lampedusa, Italian media reported, bringing the still provisional death toll from an October 3 shipwreck to 359. Only 155 of the about

Rome: Divers on Saturday found an additional 20 bodies off the Italian island of Lampedusa, Italian media reported, bringing the still provisional death toll from an October 3 shipwreck to 359.
Only 155 of the about 545 migrants aboard the vessel, mainly from Eritrea, survived the disaster, the worst immigration tragedy for Italy in more than a decade.
An Italian military ship, the Cassiopea, arrived today at Lampedusa, Italy’s southernmost island, to pick up 339 coffins bearing the first batch of victims, to transport them to Porto Empedocle, Sicily.
The coffins were loaded using a crane in a lengthy operation beginning in the early afternoon.
About 100 of the victims may be buried at the cemetery of the southern Sicilian city of Agrigento, and the others in nearby towns, the Italian news agency ANSA reported.
Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said on Wednesday that a state funeral would be held for the victims, but did not announce a date.
The latest group of bodies were brought up as rescuers scrambled to deal with another tragedy in the Mediterranean after another migrant boat went down off the coast of Malta yesterday about 100 kilometres south of Lampedusa.
A Maltese government spokesman put the death toll from that disaster at 31. The Italian navy earlier gave the figure of 34 dead.
Humanitarian agencies say nearly 20,000 migrants have perished while trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe over the past 20 years.
Some 30,000 migrants have landed in Italy this year — four times more than in 2012 — many of them fleeing dictatorship in Eritrea.
Just October 13, 2013
why should their body be shipped back to the same horrible place they dearly paid to escape from (thanks to PFDJ)?
Hade October 13, 2013
Some 30,000 migrants have landed in Italy this year
— four times more than in 2012 — many of them fleeing dictatorship in Eritrea.
Very soon Isayas and company will be
left alone
abyssinia October 13, 2013
A call to all Eritreans! Please please stand against the decision of Italian authories not to bury the bodies of our people in a foreign land. If the Italian authories are willing they should allow citizenship to hundreds and thounds who live in Italy. The corpses of the victims should go back to their origin ..ancestral land. The Italian authorities must respect our culture, values, mores and tradition tradition. The devastated families are waiting for formal funeral services in their own soil.
Kabbire October 13, 2013
if the Eritrean regime is not willing to allow the Eritrean victims to be buried to Eritrea, what can the Italian government do?
There is no doubt that the Italians want the Eritreans to rest in Eritrea, the point is that they have no choice if the Asmara regime can not cooperate.
belay nega October 14, 2013
“There is no doubt that the Italians want the Eritreans to rest in Eritrea, the point is that they have no choice if the Asmara regime can not cooperate.”
What is your evidence?
josef October 13, 2013
350 resa ertrawyan hgdef intay ilom keetiwiwo ilka thasib? Baelom naebi hzbi keleelu. Yemane monkey zbelo kulu poletikawi halki yu.
belay nega October 14, 2013
“350 resa ertrawyan hgdef intay ilom keetiwiwo ilka thasib? Baelom naebi hzbi keleelu. Yemane monkey zbelo kulu poletikawi halki yu.”
እቶም ንኢትዮጵያ ክም መንግስተ ሰማይ
ኢትዮጵያውያን ክአ ክም መልአኽቲ ቆጺርኩም ካብ ገዝኦም ዘፈናቀልኩሞም ብዝበለጸ ተሓተቲ ኢኹም
eritrean October 14, 2013
This is done for health reasons. It has been more than 2 weeks now.
Kabbire October 13, 2013
Here is poem you may need to hear:
Kabbire October 14, 2013
The recent past of the Malta to Eritrea deportation of Eritreans was very horrible:
ERITRAWIT October 14, 2013
Thank u for the post yes what a terrible things happend to our brother. Alot of things been done behind close doors in Eritrea alot of people been taking from there house covered there face and disappear or prison in Asmera villas.
Tamrat Tamrat October 14, 2013
This picutre reminds me the government sponsered terror in Ethiopia during the 2005 election. Ya, now is government sponsered terror in Eritrea. Mr isayas you dont ampute a person on his throat from whatever sykness. You clueless good for nothing leave the land now.
selam October 14, 2013
anta ezi adgi entay yigebir alo? Tamrat Tamrat elka wedi ere yelen. Why dont you try to fight your own woyane? This our problem yes Isaias is idiot but you dont need to tell us this. Donkey amharay
Tamrat Tamrat October 14, 2013
Dont you see a difference of 2005 woyane and now? Do you think this comes by worshiping an idiot like isayas or by saying no to him and his followers? But isayas and his rullings is Our matters too for the well being of both Eritrea and ethiopia.
selam October 16, 2013
so you cleraly are telling me woyane is changed after 2005. That is why you are here in an eritrean site. Why cant you enjoy your changed weyane then? Just leave the idiot Isaias for eirtreans we are getting stronger every day to punish him and his black regime. But enjoy your developed and changed weyane since 2005 hahahahahaha
Tamrat Tamrat October 16, 2013
You live in derg era i dont blame you. Woyane has changed doesnt mean i have to support it. Change is a process. There are many things woynae must be forced to change to. When an oppostion party or parties win and woyane gives the keys for all political Offices not by gun fire but by a live broadcasting of congratulation for the winners and good for Your participation then i stop from being oppostion to supporter of the New regime. That is why millions sacrificed for democracy.
Berhe Tensea October 14, 2013
The Temben and pigs regime in Eritrea is not yet done. The Warsay is only interested in fleeling
and not in demanding sis or her right.
people that that continue to worship their tormentor from Tigray must live in agony and despair, so be it, why should we care.
Kabbire October 14, 2013
why do you call him a “Temben and pigs regime in Eritrea”?
Issaias is not Tigraian nor Ethiopian. You created and carried him on your back all the way from his hideouts in denden, Nakfa. He does not want to speak any Ethiopian language and he is not Ethiopian. He prefers to look and sound like the Arabs who are enslaving Eritreans. He wants to act and behave like an Arab dictator not dfferent from Qadaffi, Sadam, al Bashir, Salah, Assad or the Wahabist monarchies of the lazy and retarded in Riyad and Kuwait. And still he is seen by his masters as their Arab Abeed, like any black person whom they despise.
True to his servitude to the Arabs, Issaias never complains against any Arab regime to the mistreatment and slavery of Eritreans in Sudan, Libya or Egypt.
Eritrea is a problem you and we created, so deal with it. Eritrea is not Ethiopian problem anymore.
Kebaz October 14, 2013
Your dumb brian of feudal ethiopians(not all) has no clue, Eritrea was created by Italians and coward Menelik who signed a MILASH MEREB, WITCHALE TREATY instead for dying his bretheren that were being colonised by Italians. …..You have no idea, this is not the end and you might be thinking it is alas for Eritrea…no WE LIBERATED YOU BEHIND from a DERGUE, and I know so many great Tigrayans paid with their blood but it was our cause that drove brutal Mengistu. Back to my point Issayas is an Eritrean citizen with a defunct inferiority complex of WEDI ARBAA. You see HIGI INDABA allowed Issya’s grand parent to stay 40 years and Aferworki become a citizen of Zelot, Hamassien….but there is this Feudal brain that stayed with Issayas ….and you may not know his own uncle(elder to Aferworki) was one of the 60 (Detzamach Solomon guilty of starving WOLLO….he did not want anything to do with Eritrea but the Afeworki’s were afforded our beautiful AGAAZIEN law of HIGI INDABA to the extent this beautiful heart of ancient Puntlanders and rest of our brethern in Eritrea (kunama, Saho, Benamir etc each with their distinct origin) are non feudal and progressive to the extnet of international law…..Your see what you do not know is almost 80 per cent of Ethiopians are not even Habesha. You and your dead brian of feudal mentality think Ethiopia owns the hisory we own from Axum to Asmara. ….we are destined to sacrifices for a region that direly needs it to understand it’s destiny. GO READ YOUR HISYORY EVEN WHILE the coward MENELIK abandoned Eritrea(like many feudals and dictators who care of their power) some briliant Eritreans came to the rescue of the King Haile Selassie – Lorenzo Teazas, Abraham Tewoldmedhin while no elite existed in Ethiopia to help drive Italy out….so many heroes have perished doing the right thing unlike the coward Menelik and child abuser Haile Selassie.
Tamrat Tamrat October 15, 2013
Now, there is no threat from italya, no derg so let joine hands. The problem we create give ways for confused People like isyas. 23 years have given us a lesson. Let’s not punish People because of the past. I think those who died for us from both sides wont be disappointed if we make Our relation for the best of Our both Peoples.
Kebaz October 14, 2013
Berhe,my apology,…did not mean to respond to you!
Your dumb brian of feudal ethiopians(not all) has no clue, Eritrea was created by Italians and coward Menelik who signed a MILASH MEREB, WITCHALE TREATY instead for dying his bretheren that were being colonised by Italians. …..You have no idea, this is not the end and you might be thinking it is alas for Eritrea…no WE LIBERATED YOU BEHIND from a DERGUE, and I know so many great Tigrayans paid with their blood but it was our cause that drove brutal Mengistu. Back to my point Issayas is an Eritrean citizen with a defunct inferiority complex of WEDI ARBAA. You see HIGI INDABA allowed Issya’s grand parent to stay 40 years and Aferworki become a citizen of Zelot, Hamassien….but there is this Feudal brain that stayed with Issayas ….and you may not know his own uncle(elder to Aferworki) was one of the 60 (Detzamach Solomon guilty of starving WOLLO….he did not want anything to do with Eritrea but the Afeworki’s were afforded our beautiful AGAAZIEN law of HIGI INDABA to the extent this beautiful heart of ancient Puntlanders and rest of our brethern in Eritrea (kunama, Saho, Benamir etc each with their distinct origin) are non feudal and progressive to the extnet of international law…..Your see what you do not know is almost 80 per cent of Ethiopians are not even Habesha. You and your dead brian of feudal mentality think Ethiopia owns the hisory we own from Axum to Asmara. ….we are destined to sacrifices for a region that direly needs it to understand it’s destiny. GO READ YOUR HISYORY EVEN WHILE the coward MENELIK abandoned Eritrea(like many feudals and dictators who care of their power) some briliant Eritreans came to the rescue of the King Haile Selassie – Lorenzo Teazas, Abraham Tewoldmedhin while no elite existed in Ethiopia to help drive Italy out….so many heroes have perished doing the right thing unlike the coward Menelik and child abuser Haile Selassie.
Tamrat Tamrat October 15, 2013
There are millions who think both Haile and Minilik had done great jobs given the time and cicumstances. The good thing is now no italy, no derg. Why dont we invest on the future instead of the past? How can we do the best out of the present situation? Insulting the Whole history of ethiopia and making friendship With ethiopia is a difficult strategy.
The important thing is do we have a common Language i mean what we ethiopian say bad is the same thing in Eritrea. The majority of ethiopians think isayas is not a good person and the worst one to lead Eritrea. And if we agree on that, then Our relation coulndnt be a good one.
I dont thing isayas at this dodering age would change who he is. If he by some miracle stops to lead Eritrea then let’s stop investin on the past instead let’s do invest on the future. Remember one thing. There are always who proffit from the confrontation of any two Groups.
sebhat October 22, 2013
Shame to those who where dancing the entire night at atlanta, befote burial of our beloved and also while halfe of the bodies still tropped under the sea.
sebhat October 22, 2013
Shame to those who where dancing the entire night at atlanta, befote burial of our beloved and also while halfe of the bodies still tropped under the sea. Tomorrow they will be held accountable.