Lampedusa boat disaster: Row in Italy over deaths – France calls for an urgent meeting of EU states following the tragedy.
Italy's coast guard has denied that it was slow to respond to the sinking of a boat carrying African migrants off the island of Lampedusa on Thursday. The accusations were made by a fisherman who took

Italy’s coast guard has denied that it was slow to respond to the sinking of a boat carrying African migrants off the island of Lampedusa on Thursday.
The accusations were made by a fisherman who took part in the rescue and a local newspaper.
So far, 111 bodies have been recovered, and 155 people survived, but about 200 are still unaccounted for.
High winds have prevented divers from reaching the boat, restricting rescuers to an aerial search.
France has called for an urgent meeting of EU states following the tragedy.
“European political officials must talk, and soon,” said French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.
“It is up to them to meet to find a proper solution; compassion is not enough.”
Click on the BBC Link: Lampedusa boat disaster: Row in Italy over deaths – France calls for an urgent meeting of EU states following the tragedy.
Yerhiwo October 5, 2013
Dear Mr. Jean-Marc Ayrrault, the only solution to ongoing problems to charge the Dictator Isaias Afwerki in the International Criminal Court. He is the sole cause of all the problems in the region. He supports Al-Shabab, unelected president, rules a country with no constitution, arrests people with no due process, kills his own collegues and comrades, extorts money from diaspora in the name of 2%, etc.
As you know, there are more jails in Eritrea than schools in Eritrea. The people live in fear…, they can’t talk or oppose the mafia regime. The youth are fleeing the country in droves, this tiny troubled nation is a living hell for its own citizens…people are not allowed to breath peacefully…
UN, EU, AU, USA… please save our country from this made man (Dictator Isaias Afwerki), the No. 1 terrorist in the world!
Kalighe October 6, 2013
We should ask Italy and European Union to help send back the bodies of victims to Eritrea for burial, as tradition requires. For sure the regime will not accept, but let them feel the shame, let the international community know what type of regime Eritrea has. Please assenna organize a petition to be sent to Italian Government and European Union HQ. The bodies can be transported by military cargo planes. There is no much time to lose, it has to be done immediately, else they will be buried in Lampedusa.
ahmed saleh October 6, 2013
Very interesting and mind blowing comment to wake up the people back home . Under international pressure
let the dead have the respect to have traditional burial within the present of their family members , friends
and neighbors . Arriving 350 corpses at one time might wake up the walking dead souls inside the country .
ERITRAWIT October 6, 2013
Kalighe, It is excellent idea but then we will get another slap on our face first TV-ERI. second from his resah melhas we don’t know what will come out deki hager gud terekibu alo.
Genet October 6, 2013
OH…. Eritrean People, what have we done to deserve this devil dictator?
He call himself President of Eritrea. No body elected him. He has been killing our people for more than 50 years. Who is this man? When is going to end? This can’t be tolerated for ever. People like this can’t be rehabilitated. We need our people to wake up. Then we need the world to see who this man is. He doesn’t have normal brain to lead any body leave alone a country/people. Eritrean people please wake up; open your eyes to see your brothers’ and sisters’ suffering and dying, because a wild animal(Dictator)is occupying their home. They can’t go home; They rather die trying to get away.
ተወልደመድኅን October 6, 2013
ገነት ክሳብ ሎሚ ህዝቢ ኣኤርትራ ኣይነቕሐን ትብሊ።እቲ ሕቶ ምንቃሕን ዘይምንቃሕ ኣይኮነን።ኩሉ ህዝቢ ኣኤርትራ ምሉእ ነቒሑ ክትስእ ትጽበዩ እንተሊኺ ወዲ ወዲኺ ወይ ወዲ ጓልኪ ጥራሕ’ዩ ክበጽሖ ዝኽእል።ኩሉ ክነቕሕ ኣይኮነን ዝድል ዘሎ ሎሚ።ኩሉ ኣንቒሒኩ ብሓደ ግዜ ሆሆ ክብል ዝኽእል የለን።እታ ሃንቲ ኣማራጺት ን ኢሳያስ ምቕንጻል።ድሕሪኡ በብተራ ክጻፈፍ ዘለዎ ጉዳይ ኢዩ።ሎሚ ናይቶም ኣብ ጥቓ ኡ ዘለው ሰባት ድኽመት ጥራሕ’ዩ።ምኽንያቱ ነዚ ህዝቢ ተጻዊቱሉ ኢዩ።
manfre October 6, 2013
The only solution for the Eritrean problem is to unit and get ride of this DIA once for all. Eritrean people never deserve this suffer as we paid a great price to have peace and freedon in our belove country. We should learn from our mistake and respect each other and find a solution now before tomorrow. Lets wake up together take a revange of our brothers againest the torturer DIA.