Italian and German Police Arrest Measho Tesfamariam and 10 Eritrean Human Traffickers
Original story in Italian with google translation CATANIA - " It ' a despicable traffic " . The words of the prosecutor of Catania Giovanni Salvi crystallize the abomination of what emerged from the operation conducted
Original story in Italian with google translation
CATANIA – ” It ‘ a despicable traffic ” . The words of the prosecutor of Catania Giovanni Salvi crystallize the abomination of what emerged from the operation conducted by the Flying Squad and the Sco Rome that led to bring to justice the alleged leaders of the transnational organization that traffics in human beings and profiting unlawfully flows from North Africa to Sicily . The headquarters would be in Libya , and the criminal group , would also be the one that would leave the boat then sank in the Strait of Sicily between 27 and 28 June , killing at least 244 people .
Tokhla , jackal in Italian , is the name of the operation that led to the arrest of 11 people in Italy and Germany . The collaboration with the German police who brought to justice one of the organization’s criminal minds , Measho Tesfamariam , 29, arrested yesterday in Muncheberg , a German national. Him and his role apical had already talked about the Espresso and Future with the investigations which have brought to light the tragedy of June . A fact already emerged from the investigation of Mobile games last May , when the ship arrived in Catania Grecale carrying 17 corpses , in addition to 206 migrants . The Eritrean was under wiretap and in several conversations referred to sinking . Then the pieces of the puzzle have been reconstructed by the police who requested his arrest . Tesfamariam understood to be picked up by investigators and , in fact , goes so far as to shut down for a certain period of time his phone number to which several relatives of the victims were trying to contact him for news of their relatives . Caution useless his trip to Germany ended with the handcuffs .
The police place detained nine other people between Sicily and northern Italy . In Milan Abdullatif Mohamed , 26, Mahmud Seid Mahamud Kar , 28, in Monza Kibrom Khasay , 24, in Rome Omar Ebrahim , Marsala Kibrom Khasay , 28 years. The others have ended up in the police net in Catania and Filipos Abraha , of 19 years , Ali Abdallah Mahammed , 24, Provide Omer Ibrahim , 19, and Efrem Goitom , 18 years . Between May and September, the organization would organize at least 23 crossings . The investigation leads to this count : with a ticket payment that ” hovers .- says Andrea Bonomo pm – between 2000 and $ 3000 .” “Our goal – added the prosecutor Giovanni Salvi – is to ensure over the reception of migrants also to target criminal organizations to the heart .” The chief prosecutor etnea points out , even if there is a suspicion that this is the group that caused the sinking of the barge in late June , to not arrested are accused of murder . ” This organization is among the most dangerous working in human trafficking . – Says Vincenzo Nicolì SCO Rome – E ‘ a transnational network that operates a logistics base in Libya where people are picked and whole families from the area sub- Saharan Africa . From there they are taken on dilapidated boats and then once you are in Italy , is ready for another network that takes care of their transfer in northern Europe , and between these goals is especially Germany . ” Rome , Monza and Catania are the logistics bases located by police . A proof that the capital Etna plays a strategic role in the migration offense run by the organization and that today the execution of stop police discovered that a building on Via Di Prima , in the heart of San Beryl , had been turned into a hiding for migrants waiting to be transferred . In an attic were ” prisoners ” 9 Somalis , including eight minors aged between 14 and 16 years. “We think there were at least two days. ” – Says the manager of the Mobile Salvago Antonio . The youngsters had been locked in the house waiting for the relatives inviassero the necessary documents for the trip to Northern Europe . After the gruesome discovery , police arrested the tenant of the apartment, Andemeriam Yemane , 26, accused of kidnapping and abetting illegal stay .© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
dan December 3, 2014
The root of the cause is the only isaias and his followers
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis December 3, 2014
Here we are, this action was necessary and this are the
Agents of the regim of Eritrea if we go we shall see it.
The Eritrean regime is well organised criminal Mafia.
let to ask these people who is thier leader, you will find it in Asmars in the president office
Selam Berhe December 3, 2014
This is a by product of the model of living in Eritrea. People please weak up we are losing our HUMANITY…..
Said December 3, 2014
Wedi teasfmaram we fand you many are the following you can run but you can’t hype. welcome to hell.
Eritrawi December 4, 2014
Hold your horses now! Remember that these people are innocent until PROVEN guilty. Let’s not make the mistakes of DIA and his clique of gangs.
Said December 4, 2014
That is who are abuye by the law either way there life is dan of course, the European, going to mike an example of them only way to stop human trafficking no they are just skip got , otherwise they’d have to hire a lower that cause a lot of money no they going to start making a movie out of there.
Said December 4, 2014
sorry there is some corrections because I’m driving
Said December 4, 2014
Eritrawi , whatever happen there life thru out the window, I’m sorry there scapegoat, but it is life, about the innocent until proven guilty, forget about that that’s not going to work on this one, they have to try anything and everything in order to stop human trafficking, otherwise they won’t be arrested, now they going to play a big game, they going to make them example, I hope they have a lots of money, to fight their charge, otherwise they’re going to throw the key on the seat in telling telling them go find it. do you think we can help um we don’t know nothing we can help these people anymore, what happen if they done it what happen if they done it that’s my question to you???.
Joe December 6, 2014
Eritrawi “Ede”
They are guilty until proven innocent
Afewerki December 4, 2014
Where had the Italian and German Police been till now? So smart and efficient as their respective security systems are, they could have no problem at all either to arrest Measho Tesfamariam or to catch the other (tragedicaly!!!) Eritrean Human Traffickers with their [Italian MAFIA like BOSS]? This is a Long overdued hypocratic action, but too late is better than nothing ! We will wait and see the next hypocratic and conspired actions!
The Italians and GERMANS(!) defend naturaly only their respective interests; only the victim Eritreans have no defender as it should be.
God bless the honest Eritrean victims !
AYE GOOOOD December 4, 2014
Good news. I wonder what was our contribution to stop this criminals?????? If you are Eritrean ask your self! What ever the Europians dose that is only aditional but YOU? PLEASE have the humman heart, love you’r brothers and stand with them.
ogbai December 4, 2014
We are in a huge trouble as a nation. As we can see it the Italian politics playing game with their old colony Eritrea. I am sure they know very well, what the Dictator Musolini Junior, is in our country doing to our people, that chocking by its neck for the last 23 years. Their Ambassador was kicked out few years back by the same dictator. That was good enough to boycott him. Instead they scratch their back may be for some crime Mafia like business to dump their wast material shit on the Red Sea Coast who knows. Any way to arrest this dealers, call them traffickers is not going to solve the flow of refugee. The only way is to remove the worst dictator of our time. The world should help us to remove him with its roots, and replace him by the Rule of Law. the root of our problem, which is the dictatorial system. It is like giving some tips for the dictatorial regime to buy some game time. The criminal is Isaias himself. I would to callhim. ‘Mussolini Junior’ to be reminded if you will. When I say this I wouldn’t pass by with out thanking the good friendly people of Italy. Who stand with us with the just seekers in hard time in many events in the past and time to come until our victory. Such as the tragedy of Lampuduza, special thanks to Madame the Mayor of that city. She wept with us like mothers and sisters did and so many others too. You will be in our hearts. Thank you again. If,I have the power I will granted you Eritrean citizenship of Honor With Sheik Mohammed of Sinai. thank you!
afewerki December 5, 2014
@Ogabai, I agree with you mostly.
The hypocrats, Italians [with their German friends as always in the history of East Africa] are just repeating their racist history once again, we didn’t only recognise it early enough
It was a coordinated plan with the German interior minister Otto Schily already in 2004, to keep the African refugees’ in a concentration camp in North Africa! Then the refugees could apply for entry to the Heaven (Europe)
Now we see the concentration camps in Libya and Israel and they keep our brothers and sisters like animals or even worse[then in Europe, aniimals have right per law!]. They slaughter our kids in Sinai, just at the border to the `HOLY LAND`, Israel and sell their organs in black markets !!!!
We the ignorant AFRICANS/Eritreans do not dare to think and talk about our GOD-given heavenly Africa, a rich continent that provides almost every thing you like, [autarch area] without any need from outside. Why do not we make it ourselves, instead of letting Neo-colonizers do it for us!
We need neither a Mussolini Junior nor any other consultant, in reality we are matured enough in all aspects. We have very competent, even over-qualified sisters and brothers. Let’s believe in our natural and aquired potential; no doubt, we have it.
Lets work hard and unit to disengage the Dictator Musolini Junior from serving the [Italian & German] fascists and Neo-colonizes, who converted PIA to DIA, i.e to be the worst Dictator ever.
As to the tragedies in Lampuduza and Sinai:
i) Even if the Madame, the Mayor of that city, wept with us like mothers and sisters did and so many others too. It is Italy (her country)& co that are conspiring the situation in our country and inflicting so much misery and tragedy. It is just human to feel our sadness.
ii) As to Sheik Mohammed of Sinai, do we realy know the situation there and the role of some so-called NGOs operating there? I think not at all. May be the ‘good man’ has a great heart, but the interweaved and complex extinction of our youth there (Guantanamo!!) is not clearly represented to the consumers. There are also other realities / perspectives than the medias feed us with distorted informations. Do we know exactly who the colaborators [/NGOs] there are?
Remember, Eritrea IS OUR COUNTRY, not one man’s [DIA’s, foreign] gift!
ogbai December 9, 2014
Mr.Afewewrki. For a moment I thought DIA showed up for comment here. But I found out another brother from the true mother of ours. My offering an Honor citizen to two individuals is only to encourage others to help us in our cause. Another thing you touch about our sources as distorted media is a little bite out of the line. I believe they are doing a good job with out having any major support of any sort. They might not perfect,but even as we speak or exchange ideas and comments is of a high value itself. Thank you!
hureya December 5, 2014
they are making the bad bessnuss on thier brothers.the suck the blood of thier mother womb,but still we have to continu the action on the military staffs and Isyas they are too involved on it and they are the root couse
tekle December 5, 2014
What are we turning into? We are becoming like the Nigerians