Israeli couple accuses hospital of racism after baby swap
Yossi and Hadar Braha, a Petah Tikva couple of Ethiopian descent who were given an Eritrean couple's newborn baby, say racism was behind Beilinson Hospital's mistake. A Petah Tikva couple has accused the city's Beilinson Hospital

Yossi and Hadar Braha, a Petah Tikva couple of Ethiopian descent who were given an Eritrean couple’s newborn baby, say racism was behind Beilinson Hospital’s mistake.
A Petah Tikva couple has accused the city’s Beilinson Hospital after their newborn baby was swapped with another last week, Israeli paper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Tuesday.
Yossi and Hadar Braha, a young couple of Ethiopian descent, was mistakenly given a baby born to an Eritrean couple at the hospital’s maternity ward. The mistaken identity emerged only after Hadar started nursing the baby.
“It probably wasn’t conscious but I’m sure there was an element of racism involved,” the baby’s father told Channel 2. “They saw a black baby, so they gave it to a black woman – I can’t think of any other explanation. Had it been a white baby, they would have double-checked.”
Shortly after his son’s birth on Friday, Braha arrived at the ward’s nursery and asked to see him for the first time, but was told that the baby has to undergo some additional medical checks before his mother could receive him.
A few minutes later, he was approached by a nurse who invited him to join his wife while she was breastfeeding their son. Braha then realized that it wasn’t their son, and rushed to inform his wife. At the same time, an Eritrean man rushed into the room and said that the baby was actually his.
The Beilinson Hospital management apologized for the mistake. “It was an honest mistake committed by a staff member who clearly didn’t abide by our very strict rules,” they said in a statement. “We are looking into the matter, and will take steps against the staff member should they be found responsible.”
Source: Haaretz
Dawit August 2, 2013
Plz all children of God.
Do your best to ward loving each other
All of us we are human beings,and children of Adam and Eve
What is going among us?Who made all this things in the name of
racism.Which direction is advancing our world and civilization.
God told us to love each other,but human beings we are making the world
worsen,and every single day becomes hell to all human races in the world.
No one can get better life by presssing the other one depending,faith,colour,race,culture,
tradition, etc.
We have to learn from privioues mistakes otherwise human race will be in danger
in this world.
God bless you
Dawit wedi keren
TwoWayStreet August 2, 2013
What are you trying to say??????????????????
Amaunel August 2, 2013
I think this shows that we Eritreans and Ethiopians are the same people, it is just politics playing around us. when they want they tell us we are one, when they donot want us to be together they tell us we have nothing in common….bla bla………….
Bellize August 2, 2013
Mahber Andinet in progress!
Kabbire August 2, 2013
Do you mean that he has to look an Arab? I am glad you did not insult him “Mahber Arab”, i.e. the savage Arab in Egypt-Sinai, Libya and Arab Rashaida. Because no Eritrean looks like an Arab though there are some inferiority laced dogs who would do anything and burn everything to be an “Arab”.
Nahom August 3, 2013
The complexity is that some of our Eritrean brothers are “inferiority laced dogs who would do anything and burn everything to be an “Arab”.
And some are inferiority laced dogs who would do anything and burn everything to be an “Ethiopians”.
Nahom August 3, 2013
The complexity is that some of our Eritrean brothers are “inferiority laced dogs who would do anything and burn everything to be an “Arab”.
And some are inferiority laced dogs who would do anything and burn everything to be an “Ethiopian”.
Leah Negash August 4, 2013
You are real bla bla.We stoped you in 1998 and the big mistake we did why we are not deported all Tegaru from our soil and this wrong doing coing fron Isaias,B.Gen Abraha Kassa,Yemane Gebraeb,Hagos G.Hiwet and Yemane G.Meskel.We enjoyed our Redsea and you just enjoy in Tekeze River and its good for your lavel
Tamrat Tamrat August 2, 2013
Thanks to God they are Eri-Ethios!!
Senaitt August 2, 2013
this is an honet mistake..give it rest. probably looking for $$.
g.tesfay August 3, 2013
A baby is a baby. Ethiopian and Eritrean babies are all the same
SABA August 3, 2013
Are you missing the point??!! Or trying to be funny!!!??
dekibat August 3, 2013
The Hospital should have informed DIA and his generals to identify which one is Eritrean and which one was Ethiopian because they think they are the creators of Eritrean genes and chromosomes trying to change our blood, bones, history, custom, culture even our clothes just because they hate themselves as being Habesha. As isias said “history change peoples ideology and perception of their identity and we will invent our own history and we will write our own history” he said this in 1984 after the civil war. Isais and other people in his circles hate themselves for being from AKSUM, MEKELE , ADWA and AGAME. Why do not they tell us first their identity and their parents’ identity before telling us that Eritreans are arabs or from other planets. If they want to deny who they are and their fake real identity, that’s fine but do not force us to fake our identity.
Semhar August 3, 2013
Do you know that the mad dog, the tyrant Isayas is 100% Ethiopian.
His father is from Tembien and his mother is from Adwa.
His uncle on his father side dejesmach Solomon Abreha was a governor of Wollo province.
Now what can you say about this mad dog?
One thing we all should learn a mad dog is always hazardous to every body.
That’s why this mad dog took us to war against all our neighbor counties.
This mad dog tyrant is the #1 enemy of Eritrea, Djibouti, Yemen Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia.
Tamrat Tamrat August 3, 2013
We demand both mengistu and isayas to be deported to their mother land and get punished. we punish mengistu more for his greed in suppressing Democracy for his personal benefits which in Return forced us to get suffer under meless and isayas rules. Both Eritrea and Ethiopia would never be the same again. Remember what you wished for both ethiopians and eritreans before 1991 and where are we now.
Truly Truly i say to you August 3, 2013
Do you know this bible story? How king Solomon without a modern DNA test, at that ancient time, a difficult similar case how judges narrating? If you not know, here we go!
One day two prostitutes came and presented themselves before King Solomon. One of them said, “Your Majesty, this woman and i live in the same house, and i gave birth to a baby boy at home while she was there. Two days after my child was born, she also gave birth to a baby boy. Only the two of us were there in the house- no one else was present. then one night she accidentally rolled over in her baby and smothered it. She got up during the night, took my son from my side while i was asleep, and carried him to her bed; then she put the dead child in my bed. The next morning, when i woke up and was going to nurse my baby,i saw that it was dead. I looked at it more closely and saw tat it was not my child.”
But the other woman said, “No!the living child is mine, and the dead one is yours!”
The first woman answered back, ” No The dead child is yours, and the living one is mine!”
And so they argued before the king.
Then King Solomon said, ” Each of you claims that the living child is hers and that the dead child belongs to other one,” He sent for a sword, and when it was brought, he said, “Cut the living child in two and give each woman half of it.”
The real mother, her heart full of love for her son, said to the king, “Please, Your Majesty, don´t kill the child! Give it to her!”
But the other woman said, “Don´t give it to either of us; go on and cut it in two.”
Then Solomon said, “Don´t kill the child! Give it to the first woman- she is its real mother.”
When the people of Israel heard Solomon´s decision, they were all filled with deep respect for him, because they knew that God had given him the wisdom to settle disputes fairly. (1st Kings, 3; 16- 28)
I hope some of you have brain you may know it why i brought this example! Anyway it may will help you to analyze its other part motive of this incident.
Tamrat Tamrat August 4, 2013
It has nothing in common With the main article. But comming to Your wierd history first it shows only the woman who said that the boy can live With the other woman shows that the love she has for the chiled but doesnt proof that it is her chiled. And the other thing we have no idea whether the king could have stopped the killing if both women were agreed that the baby should be killed. He came up With the idea after one of the woman said stopp the killing. I dont expect any better from 3000 years ago king.
Truly truly i say to you August 4, 2013
Like your name indicate you are realy Tamrategna. In your little narrow brain which you even not fitted to stand in 1st stage thinking level, you want to stand over against the the highest level knowledge which comes from God! Ameasing! First of all i never said my massage has 100% to do with the news. I even never said or reviled anything about its motive, but you are to fast to be little people, without you understand other people soul and motive! How Miskien!
Tamrat Tamrat August 5, 2013
What is Your motive then?
josef August 4, 2013
Racism is anti white term. Black people often use it when they feel they’re being attacked by white people. If all white people were racists then Why would all these mudda fuckin niggahs pay a lot of money and sometimes their lives to live in their countries?
Alem August 5, 2013
You are in Israel unwanted and uninvited and complain against racism. You were unable to preserved your dignity in your own country and now you want it in Israel.