Isayas: From Confrontation to Avoidance
Isayas has been suiting everything to his whims commending and condemning or avoiding and compromising or admitting and denying in order to benefiting the vision for his tyranny. As powerful as he is, nothing lies

Isayas has been suiting everything to his whims commending and condemning or avoiding and compromising or admitting and denying in order to benefiting the vision for his tyranny. As powerful as he is, nothing lies outside Isayas’s power in that he shuts the door on those unwelcomed and widely opens the door on those favored. His link is an opportunity found to many, opening for them the door widely for everything including regular/irregular businesses, scholarships and travelling. Many of his favored close friends bounced back from business failures with just his approvals. His relationship with others is based on never to confuse those that strengthen his power with those that weaken his position. Thus, using avoidance approach as a means to ignore and discourage those unwanted is designed to enable him to avoid setbacks by shifting shames and failures to others through confrontation.
At first, Massawa was chosen to be the tyrant’s convenient place for imposing his tyranny’s reality on the Eritrean people and the whole nation by avoidance or staying away from making direct decisions to address questions of the time or sensitive and controversial issues. To further narrow the tyrant’s inner circles, his place of avoidance was first moved to Gahtelay and then to Adi Halo. From his place of avoidance, the tyrant must be using the most sophisticated technology to check on his regent or the generals or those who are potential sources of threats, while the people are only allowed to use a reverse peephole to follow where and what the tyrant is doing at his new place of avoidance, Adi Halo. Although the tyrant’s avoidance approach is not a response or a solution to correcting his behavior and controlling his arrogance, the continuation of his confrontational behaviors from Adi Halo is becoming a cause for blaming all failures on the tyrant and making the criminal generals into victims of the tyrant.
All those remote controlled by the tyrant from Adi Halo are said to be doing their best to carry out orders strictly as instructed. Yet, there is no any peace associated with what those remote controlled are carrying out because they know that in the event of any fault they are on their own and supposed to take the blame. They cannot resign. The only option they have is either to commit suicide or flee the country. Their taking the blame makes the tyrant always perfect and all achievements are meant to release greatness for the tyrant, who is hiding in Adi Halo. Unless the place of avoidance is meant to hide the tyrant’s poor health, for the people who are seeing the country shaped by the generals’ decisions may push the tyrant out of the people’s minds.
No doubt, the tyrant’s staying at distance or not being directly involved might be reducing his bitterness towards those who secretly blame and criticize him. Similarly, his absence might also be denying him to praise those who deserve it and, as well, is preventing him from building relationship with those who could serve him better. With the generals’ decisions shaping the country and resolving all the tensions between the government and the people, it seems like Isayas has either quietly handed the power over or that he was forced to hand the power over to the military junta of criminal generals to govern the country. It would have been better for Isayas not to hide in his place of avoidance and, instead, return to secure his regular office as the safest place from where he could face the realties without avoiding direct confrontation, when needed.
Confrontation as a Means to Get Away with his Denials
Isayas’s close friends always try to find out whether his confrontational behavior springs from cover ups or strength. If Isayas has no frustration and has no reason to be pretentious, why would he be so confrontational? If there is anything that comes back to haunt him in the fear of retaliation from the silent supports of G-15, can’t he silence the source of the threat? BTW, do these silent supporters of G-15 have power to counterattack and who are they?
Should Isayas be suffering from frustration other than failure of his rule, he then could be having a problem of making a precise distinction between his supporters and those supports of the G-15. And, if Isayas knows what Wedi Ali was up to, then he can have a hint about the potential threats. Otherwise, Isayas, as the most power man, has to move on peacefully past his actions of dismantling the political opinions of the G-15 inside Eritrea. After all, Isayas is well aware that it takes a lot of crookedness, bullying and intimidation to be a dictator but it takes courage and openness to be a good leader.
The EPLF veterans believe that the EPLF’s legacies are the only forces that can drive the democratic changes in Eritrea. Isayas is blamed for most or 99.99% of leadership failures to live up to the EPLF’s legacies and the Eritrean Revolution’s promises. If Isayas’s denial of these facts is the root cause for his frustration, then his arrogance or confrontation on all fronts is to deny the truth and punish those who are trying to find the truth in an effort to bring about justice and rule of law in Eritrea. The fear from Isayas’s punishment have made all those around him wretchedly blind to the ugly political reality in Eritrea, where tyranny has inflicted fear, forced labor, slavery, wide starvation and economic devastation that are forcing the people to flee the country depopulating the country. Many of Isayas’s life-long comrades tried to put truth into his lips but every attempt was met with anger and negative reciprocity escalating him into a full-fledged confrontation with everyone around. The following are a few examples of his confrontations and denials:
-When a group of religious people questioned about the failure of the government to function appropriately, Isayas replied asking, “What can I do by myself when the entrusted Muslims have become drunkards and the entrusted Christians have become thieves?”
-When a journalist asked Isayas about democracy in Eritrea, he answered saying that, “Democracy has so many definitions and it is a shocking fact that it has even failed to work in the USA and UK.”
-When close friends informed Isayas that there are people who are questioning his good intentions and backgrounds, he told them, “Tell those people that like I brought the independence by breaking away, I could surrender it back.”
-When a journalist asked Isayas to clarify about press freedom in Eritrea, he explained that, “You can no longer persuade people that there is freedom of press and freedom of expression or there to be unchecked political opinions (anywhere in the world).”
-When a close friend from Hadamu of Asmara jokingly suggested to Isayas that he could run for election from Hadamu rather than Tselot, Isayas jokingly and without anger retorted saying that, “All of Kebesas cannot trace back more than four generations in Eritrea, and specifically you of Hadamu starting with your Harogot and general Inghida cannot count back more than two generations in Eritrea.”
-When a close friend from Sahle jokingly suggested to Isayas that he could run for election from Sahle rather than Hamasien, he jokingly without anger replied explaining that, “With exception of Naras, Kunamas, Danakil and the Eritrean crocodiles, all the rest are of new arrivals from across the borders.”
-When a journalist asked him as to why thousands of Eritrean youth were fleeing, Isayas replied, “They will come back. They are just on picnic and for sure they will come back soon.”
-When people asked about the mined gold, Isayas answered, “That mined metal has its owner and it is unhealthy to expect a change in the economy of the country from the mined gold.”
All of Isayas’s confrontational statements are to escape accountability and clarity. It is not a surprise to see the secret holders fleeing the country when they feel that their secrecy is failing. Although Isayas knows that the best way to ensure credibility of his entrusted people is through confrontation and not avoidance, his choice for avoidance is not without cost. For sure, the avoidance approach is failing to keep the horrors of his rule in safe hands. Thus, for those silent supporters of the G-15, it is time to be firm in holding their grounds. They don’t have to be allowing themselves to be stuck in between Isayas and his generals. This time, the silent supporters of G-15 have to declare their political stances if they could to send a message that they too are there. They don’t have to continue to be politically repentant who are forced to stay out of politics condemned to work only towards self-destruction.
Other Forces that can pose a Coup Threat are the Pro-G15 Elements
Indeed, to many of Eritreans inside Eritrea, the absence of Isayas or staying away from sight is only about who he is and not what he does. During his absence, the tyrant has been forced to share his authority, however; his generals with whom the authority is shared, they have become more cruel and abusive. It looks that according to the forces of tyranny, the generals appear to be worse in terrorizing the people into submission. Everyone is pressured to comply with the orders of the generals. Should the generals do not remain to be loyal dogs to Isayas during his absence, they could unite the people in hating the tyrant and removing him any time. Similarly, it is time for the silent supporters of G15 to match their political practices with their principles even if that poisons their relationship with the generals. After all, in the absence of Isayas there is no a safe distance from the criminal generals, who are accused of corruption and crimes. The game played by the pro-G15 elements, in the absence of the tyrant, should be challenging the unfettered powers of the generals. Otherwise, military dictatorship will become inevitable taking root by the unrestricted discretion the generals are enjoying during the tyrant’s absence.
The other possibilities for Isayas’s turning away to take stance of avoidance in Adi Halo to escape blames could be due to his inability to forgive himself for what he did to the G-15. It is usual that young and cruel revolutionists, like Isayas and Gadhafi, when they get old, they try to review their past mistakes in isolated places. Very much, Isayas should be in such life crisis reviewing and looking, as regret stricken person, into his past mistakes in isolated places like Adi Halo, while at the same time keeping his distance from those who let him commit the mistake against his life-long comrades.
If Isayas is suffering one betrayal pain for each of the betrayed G-15, then he must be suffering from 15 betrayals that he has to deal with at his place of avoidance in Adi Halo. Prior to the G-15 disappearance, Isayas must have had trust and respect for each of them. And, if deep inside Isayas admits that he had backstabbed each of the G-15 when they served the nation honestly and honorably, he might be struggling, in Adi Halo, for the right words of apologies to their families and offspring who suffered the consequences. Therefore, if Adi Halo could not end the pains of Isayas for the betrayal of his life-long comrades, the only solution is for Isayas to honor those comrades, who perished in his dungeons, by stepping down and handing power back to the people in the name of the G-15.
Long Live Eritrea
Mokie November 11, 2016
“The EPLF veterans believe that the EPLF’s legacies are the only forces that can drive the democratic changes in Eritrea. Isayas is blamed for most or 99.99% of leadership failures to live up to the EPLF’s legacies and the Eritrean Revolution’s promises.”
I think you are talking about how some many people used to see the EPLF in nineties.
Now many ordinary Eritreans in particular the new generation are living in fear of EPLF’s legacy, The latter is not limited to liberating Eritrea, it’s a lot more than that. The worst part is its culture of intolerance and the zero sum game they have always played perfectly.
k.tewolde November 11, 2016
Well stated Mokie,patriotic doesn’t mean you are democratic minded,Americans are a good example,look at the people who pledge allegiance to the flag of the U.S.A but are very polarized in their views of the America they envision.The Eritrean people who sacrificed both in ELF and EPLF during the liberation struggle was a display of unmatched patriotism of its kind,no doubt about that,but it has nothing to do with the democratic psyche of the individual,on the contrary the culture of intolerance,dismissive,arrogance,exclusive,intimidation…….. that was incubated in that era in EPLF came out roaring in post independence era serving us a plateful of misery.Is the individual evolving?yes,slowly.In retrospective,are there any veterans who wish they have done things differently?yes there are.Is the young generation who is the direct victim of this undemocratic attitude double guessing their mentor?The answer is a resounding yes.So,the future democratic force is not nestled in one former group or organization,it is in the Eritrean individual who is going through metamorphosis from within.
k.tewolde November 11, 2016
continuation- remember the statement from Mr.Khan to Trump,’Is my son have a place in your America?’ Yep,there are a lot of Eritreans like me and tens of thousand who paid the ultimate price who don’t have a place in today’s Eritrea,even-though we fought for it.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 11, 2016
We can heal injured body but an injured heart can’t be healed . Tyranny
in Eritrean politics had been structured through misleading information
and betrayal . Unfortunately G15 were part of the actors alongside their leader in support HGDF ruling party dominance .
Responsible people should ask themselves if they contribute negatively
to present predicaments and find alternative solutions than pointing our
finger on an individual . Victimizing Eritrean youth under occupation era
supposed to end in free Eritrea but from the beginning people ignored signs that threaten their well beings . If we agree in numbers (1+1=2) it
also make a sense ISSAYAS IS (1-1=0) WITHOUT HIS DEFENDERS .
Z. Hagos November 11, 2016
K.tewolde, It seems that Isayas is getting the message and regretting the way he is ruling. Hiding in Adi Halo is an expression of shame that Isayas is feeling for denying a place for those who paid dearly. Like Mamino suggested, Isayas has only to step down and let the rule of law prevail giving the right places to all who are presently denied their role and a place to enjoy life.
Z. Hagos November 11, 2016
Mokie, When we judge Isayas in terms of his failure, we first refer to the EPLF’s legacy whether betrayed or not. Secondly, if the G15 represent the EPLF legacy, then we go back and see what the G-15 called for: constitution and rule of law. And, that’s what the Eritrean justice seekers are call now for.
PH November 11, 2016
ISEYAS, FROM CONFRONTATION TO AVOIDANCE? NO. ONCE A STREET BOY now ” PRESIDENT ” has no intention to flee since everyone is fleeing. He is secured because there are many beleave him. Every one is controlled by ADI-HALO by remote control thanks puppets. Green light for who flee and red for the opposite. That means he is in confrontation. He will never change his stand. If someone ask him seriously if he is a problem? he would answer no! the problem is you because you beleave on me.
Z. Hagos November 11, 2016
PH, what the article is articulating about Isayas’s absence is that Isayas most probably is ashamed of what he did to the Eritrean youth by giving them no peace and the right to grow educationally and economically in their home country. The Adi Halo secret is being discussed and explained, for the first time, by Mamino. If you got something to add your input will be enlightening the Assenna family enriching their discussions. Otherwise, Isayas is too old to flee like the youth are doing. He will be there in Eritrea, we know. But, it is better for him to step down in the name of his life-long comrades and give democracy and rule of law a chance in Eritrea and for Eritreans to enjoy both democracy and constitutionalism.
PH November 12, 2016
Dearest brothers and sisters in this forum. I confess my comments are not clearly put in due to my poor english. even, if I write it in Tgrigna many find it hard to understand. Despite, I continue to write and tray to express my opinion. For thus, at least give me credit time. In addition, thanks to article makers and those active commentators like Z. HAGOS, AHMED, K.TEWELDE and others.
Therefore, my above comment concerning the article was simply telling that ISEYAS is not a right person to avoid evil thinking un less confronted. If we think he avoid trouble for him self it might be too hard to believe because he knows our weaknesses. If he is sick and old the more things go wrong. we don’t even aware of it. The problem is ours expecting his departure doing nothing Thanks!
k.tewolde November 14, 2016
PH dearest,you doing just fine,it is the content that matters not the articulation,continue doing what you doing.God bless.
Bereket T. November 11, 2016
The next step would be to reestablish friendly relations with neighbors, beginning with Ethiopia.
Indeed, it is the only gate that leads to the four corners of the world. But one must enter through that gate.
The alternatives is to keep circling the castle walls looking for a gate that does not exist. If it existed, the nation would not be in its present predicament.
The tyrant is too lame to trudge along the castle walls for much longer. He is running out of time, much as he thinks he is immortal. He is too blind to see, and too selfish to let a nation move without him. That is the badge of wicked men. Only time will break the inertia, hopefully without much irreparable damage.
Z. Hagos November 11, 2016
Bereket T.
Indeed, the tyrant is running out of hiding places be it for avoidance or to hide his leadership failures. It is time, like you said, to reestablish relationship with Ethiopia and also strengthen relationship with those countries that are giving refuge and support to the Eritrean refugees.
The tyrant is proving every day that without the support of the people achieving success for his leadership is not possible. To do that he has to come out from his hidings and face the people demands giving the people back the right to accessing their money and wealth so as for them to live without fear like any person in this world.
koubrom November 12, 2016
Ridiculous always looking for something to blame, if he was at his office will stop barking no,why you guys don’t go and confront him ,show us some leadership please instead of writing nonsense her from the confort of your couch, all of coward time will traitors arrested or hunted down,
Z. Hagos November 12, 2016
Those people, you are referring to as writing from the comforts of their homes condemning Isayas again from the comforts of their couch outside Eritrea repeat outside Eritrea, believe me they can remove Isayas in minutes if they want using whatever can outpowers him. But the reason for not doing that is that they don’t want to send Eritrea into Libya type of internal wars. Since Isayas is rolling empty like the toilet tissue paper in that he is today in Adi Halo and tomorrow he will be airlifted by Qatars to Qatar. Then, Eritreans will be free for ever.
AHMED SALEH ! November 12, 2016
Well said Z. Hagos
The question is not about removing Issayas only but also to look for peaceful
transition . We give prior consideration to the safety of our people and stability
of the country in general . The struggle to bring change requires awareness of
people and their willingness to join political reform movement . It takes two
hands to clap . The time other hand inside the country joined with diaspora
hand to make loud applause , by then the call for FREEDOM and JUSTICE will
ring from every corner . Everything in life has it’s limit . It is matter of time .
Koubrom November 13, 2016
Haha you make me laugh
With what ??with your pen ?
What a lier you are hahah( Koboro)
You can not even move your leg m sure you got fed by welfare,I heard
It make people act like lion it’s like drug for lazy hahah losers ,
You have only Gurra nothing else .just spread lies and propaganda so international community can harm more our people.
Koubrom November 13, 2016
The answer wasn’t for you is for z hagos
Koubrom November 13, 2016
We don’t want transition,because there is no alternative than the weak divided and puppets opposition who harm the most our people by asking more sanction so we can suffer
You asking for transition,we are asking all opposition to be extraded so we can hung them in the middle of Asmara that s my wish.
Koubrom November 13, 2016
Haha you make me laugh
With what ??with your pen ?
What a lier you are hahah( Koboro)
You can not even move your leg m sure you got fed by welfare,I heard
It make people act like lion it’s like drug for lazy hahah losers ,
You have only Gurra nothing else .just spread lies and propaganda so international community can harm more our people.
Ghirmay November 12, 2016
If we look at the poor disorganized and opportunist opposition who should count the most (the Islamic and ethnic organization), they don’t see Isaias with the same prism foreign interests do. To the Eritrean ethnic and Islamic organization, defeating Isaias the one-man doesn’t serve any purpose to their ultimate objective; because defeating Isaias is not their ultimate goal; defeating the Tigrigna clan and reversing the “Tigrignanization project” is.
As far as they are concerned, the difference between Isaias and any leader from his clan is just the mustache and nothing else. That’s why they are not in a mood to talk about reform. That’s why they have made their central objective to defeat the PFDJ regime, to uproot the whole PFDJ infrastructure, and to outlaw PFDJ members from practicing politics. And if you care to know, they’ve operational name for their mission, ‘radical change’.
Ghirmay November 12, 2016
please add after ‘radical change’, absurd Eritrean so-called opposition politics.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 12, 2016
We heard stupid arguments based in religion , region , race ……… and so on .
As wise people sayings put it ; ” you can fool some of the people all the time
and all of the people some time but you can fool all of the people all the time “.
ERITREANS learned a lesson the hard way .
Ghirmay November 13, 2016
You are a kurkur muslim Arab hired by your slave masters to cause the most irreparable damages and divisions on the people of Eritrea & Ethiopia.
I don’t know why people are taking you serious by responding to your nasty but meaningless comments and that’s why I will just choose to ignore you this time that is just out of pity for not having your own free human mind.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 15, 2016
“divisions on the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia ” , BINGO .
I know we are different breed from different societies .
Words (kurkur Muslim Arab) is in dictionary of anti-Eritrean
forces . You know its origin , right .
I feel bad for Ethiopian Muslims to have you around them .
Z. Hagos November 12, 2016
I don’t think Isayas believes like you do. He is not for Tigrigna or Tigre or Saho or Kunam. He is just and only for himself. Whoever serves Isayas better is hired and however disobeys him is imprisoned or poisoned or forced to flee. Poor Tigrina is suffering because Isayas betrayed them, used them and caused them all the hardships. BTW, who the Tigrigna are you talking about? Is there other Tigrina, who are the apple-eyes of Isayas? If you are, I don’t know. May be not you. If you were, you would go back to Adi Halo and be with him hiding from the anger of the people. No food, no water, no electricity, and no life for all Tigrigna and all others. The generals made things worse. People are crying for help. So, you better talk about how to help the people who are suffering under Isayas’s rule. .
AHMED SALEH !!! November 12, 2016
The worst enemies of Tigrigna speaking Eritreans come from people who speak the same language . It is sad reality we can not deny facts on the ground .
I rather ignore suspicious elements influenced theory of TIGRAI TIGRIGNI than
give attention to their ulterior motives . They should learn from their mistakes
inside Ethiopian social political affairs which is a teaching lesson to us .
When nose get hit , eyes shed tears . The same goes with our people
sufferings , only their follows share their pain to shed tears . So who cares if
outsider ignored our people’s plight . I am not mad .
Koubrom November 13, 2016
So you’re selfish ,how can help people in one hand and lobbying sanction economics in the other , hypocrites you are .
Judgment day is close
AHMED SALEH !!! November 14, 2016
sorry , you need to do your homework on Eritrean politics if you want
understand the root cause of our problems and details about united
nations sanction . I hope you take advantage to learn and get some
useful information from independent sources .
Selam November 13, 2016
Ahmad Salah,
What a waste! You are a retarded, idiot and you think every person’s mental capacity is below your mental ability.
Your main obsession (argument wise) is always to save your islam and arabic language in Eritrean politics. Your obsessive attempt to save (politically, legally and historically) islam and arabic language is quite obvious in all your poor confusing comments. At the same time you are afraid (paranoid) about the demographics of biher Tigrigna. So, in future keep your all garbage talks, confusing acts and your suspicious beliefs to yourself. If you keep suffering from islam’s inferiority complex or identity crisis then deal with them without so much fuss.
The main problem is, Kebessa is being depopulated of its youth because of mad man Esayas’s policies (basically cruelty), while unfortunately your muslim population number is on the increase in Eritrea. It is the unbalanced and unsustainable exodus of its young that would destabilize Eritrea, and probably even make Eritrea a failed state. Meaning, if the current trend continues for a decade or more, the Eritrean ethno-religious demograph would be altered in a big way. As a result, your muslims will have a commanding majority in the Nation. But once we finish with the mad man Esayas (by getting rid off), we would then be coming after you to kick you out of Eritrea with your arabic language and islam. You’d be kicked out to your arabs who are paying you dirty blood money to confuse and divide christians.
Z. Hagos November 13, 2016
First thing is always first. Your priorities are different than those youth who are perishing in the deserts and the seas. Trust yourself and trust those around you before you start fighting in the name of saving the Eritrean youth. Like they say when fire engulfs burns everything. No one wants such a fire to start in Eritrea because it is going to destroy everything. To avoid such damageous thing, we are even calling on Isayas to peacefully step down lest not cause trouble to our starving people. Do you know that things are getting worse with the absence of Isayas. The generals are found to be the worst devils on earth cruelly everything in their path: people, wealth, and life. Please join the saving hands and don’t be another enemy of the Eritrean people.
PH November 13, 2016
Oh yeah, deaf is deaf intentionally. The worst thing is when a blind told to go along. The sense less wouldn’t even respond to therapy in dead dead clinically .
PH November 13, 2016
Pls read it instead of in dead. Thanks.
Eritreawit November 20, 2016
Selam, you low life stop calling names
hidat November 13, 2016
Wey gud niska AHMED SALEH Do aykonkan gezawutkum ferisu higi kitilalu alekum meneseyat adi keyih ilka tixehif zineberka higi gimitil ilkas neseyas bselam kenewerido ina nideli kkkkkkkk
AHMED SALEH !!! November 13, 2016
Hasot newri iyu zeytebahle aytizareb , hidat , Menesayat Adi Keyih bizey haghez bojbatat teazebti kemzi kemakha jigninetom ameskirom iyom . zereba hatewketew turghum yeblun .
Higi ewn intekhone hizbi Eritrea habiru nezi cheflaki mehghisti awridu HIZBAWI MENGHISTI
zeytekhlelu mikhniyat yelon . Haghernan hizbinan ab hadega keywedekna abti zidile hawahu
nimibxah iyu iti kalsi .
TeAzabi November 13, 2016
Hidat, ezi mebeqolu zeyifluT sahsah komal agame aslamay is a jasus shifta ELF killer animal.
He is a disguised Arab agent mercenary sent to spread Islam and confuse opposition people.
He should be a marked Arab mercenary to be killed as his hands are full of blood killing people.
manjus. November 13, 2016
Is this moslem liar from Adi keyih then? I used to think he was from Adi grat.
But I suppose all moslems the same liars, cheat, murders and peadophile like their Mohammed.
Why are they on assenna and Eritrea when they have their disgusting moslem criminal savage countries and also their moslem taliban jihadi terrorist websites.
We will make sure that they don’t poison our Eritrean people with their stinking Arab’s Islam and also we will revenge on them for our Christians beheaded in their savage moslem countries.
Wedi Adikeyih November 13, 2016
Brother Manjus, he can’t be from Adi Keyih as we don’t have snake muslim in Adi Keyih. But he might be a refugee or nomad immigrant from Somalia or the Sudan in Adi Grat selling his backside to biggest bidder.
He is a waste of time and the sooner he is eliminated from Eritrea the better for our future. Otherwise, he will contaminate our healthy Christian society in our region.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 14, 2016
It is funny to observe how they succeeded to get free pass in damaging
this forum with offensive languages . Too bad I can not speak that way
because I was raised on different environment where tolerance and love to your neighbor was the mandate for survival in every society .
Even though I don’t take personal for any offensive language that comes
from the mouth of Eritrean enemies but I wonder when they will leave us
alone .
Do they speak like an Eritrean ? No way .
Do they think like an Eritrean ? Never .
So why we bother , brush them off , let them bark 24/7 like a sick dog .
Ghirmay November 13, 2016
As you have the right to bluff non-stop, others also have the right to express their opinions, which some like (Selam) are doing brilliantly and to the point. Unless you are a new beginner with Eritrean politics, PFDJ’s weakness and mistakes or crimes we have already said/discussed it more than enough in the past. But you are the one who is deliberately twisting facts to satisfy your small functioning mind/head.
The current corrupted opportunist opposition former ELF cadres would have some decency to refrain from repeating the exact same mistake ELF leaders did in the early 70 – 80s. Having a platform that would defeat, dismantle and outlaw the whole PFDJ infrastructure is ‘neither a winning strategy nor an intelligent way to govern a nation’. To any pragmatic person, the we are going to defeat PFDJ by the barrel of a gun and we are going to weed out every PFDJ bigot type bravado could only be explained as an empty political rhetoric intended to attract the attention of a narrowly targeted people during desperate times; nothing more, nothing less.
Rational people justify regime change only after they quantify cost benefit analysis, and since all the Eritrean opposition could offer to the Eritrean people is either Parochial or Unionist politics, the Eritrean people are left with no other choice but to remain with the better alternative : PFDJ. Now tell me, in the last 20 – 30 yrs, what have the Eritrean opposition leaders and their cadres like yourself done to defend Eritrea? When was their/your proudest moment in their/your 2 – 3 decade journey?
Now, can you see why the Ghedli Generation Eritrean opposition is in irreversible coma today? I do. You should also do unless you are an old parrot conditioned to repeat the same old bullshit. In short, you lot are only good in the rhetoric and shenkolel games and the big talks behind screens but you fooling no one.
Z. Hagos November 14, 2016
I hope you know what you’re saying: ” the Eritrean people are left with no other choice but to remain with the better alternative.” People have only one choice and that is “constitutionalism,” not a constitution in name but a working constitution.
You sound a sophisticated person and as a sophisticated person you know what is in the hearts of our people. Today, in Eritrea not even bread and that is worse than yesterday. People don’t know what tomorrow is holding for them because Isayas is not available to take questions. He is hiding ashamed of his failed leadership. PFDJ that parrots “him-us and us-him,” they are just a bunch of non-functioning people. You call such a non-functioning group of people as a party with no alternative for the Eritrean people. What a shame to even call them a party? They are there to only get the benefit of coupons to feed their stomach – that’s why the African Union once referred to PFDJ members as sold people who don’t care about their nation and its people.
Z. Hagos November 14, 2016
After the UN extended its embargo on Isayas, his supporters are thinking of extraordinary think tank to help Isayas out of the problem. Since Eritrea has no enemy in the region, it does need to buy any more bullets and guns. So, there is any point to speak about embargo. This thinking is affecting Isayas’s supporters because he is currently buying bullets and guns from black-markets and that is costing him four times the actual price. His supporters for the first time are thinking of turning the spent money on our starving people, but can they convince Isayas? And, where is he to convince him?
The article “Goodbye my beloved Erittrea,” sees this fact, which is inflicting every Eritrean with despair and hopelessness. What would one get from the denials of Isayas, who denies that even he did confiscate the last penny our people had in their pockets. As a result of his confiscation of last penny, the hunger stricken Eritrean children are dying everyday and no body cares. Ghirmay, can you explain what’s going on right now in Eritrea?.
Z. Hagos November 14, 2016
Even your friend Alem Goitem is questioning the reasoning of the regime: Alem Goitem when fails to understand Isayas, he asks questions. I, too, have asked you to explain the latest news from Asmara, which part of its Alem Goitem is covered by the question of Alem Goitem, as under:
ኣብ ጊዜ ቀውዒስ ግፋ? ዘራእቲ ሃገር መን ክዓጽዶ?
“ንምንታይ ኣብ ግዜ ቀውዒ ኣብ ክንዲ ዓጺድ ግፋ?” ይብል ህዝቢ
” ዝዓጽዶ ስኢኑ እዚ ዝመስል ሽሻይ ወዲቑ ዝምሽምሽ ዘሎ ንምንታይ?
ህዝቢ ኣንጸርጺሩ ኣብ ልዕሊ መንግስቲ ጽልእን ቁጠዓን ከሕድር ዝገበሩ ውዲተኛታት ድኣ ከይህልዉ?፡