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Investigation about Migrant Baby Thrown into Ocean

Investigation about Migrant Baby Thrown into Ocean   Child born on the boat of migrants "He gave no signs of life, thrown into the ocean" | July 9, 2014   The dramatic story of an Eritrean woman, seven months pregnant, who gave

Investigation about Migrant Baby Thrown into Ocean


Child born on the boat of migrants
“He gave no signs of life, thrown into the ocean” | July 9, 2014


The dramatic story of an Eritrean womanseven months pregnant, who gave birth on a boat of hope arrived in Pozzallo (Ragusa).

It ‘a dramatic story that told by an Eritrean woman landed from a boat of migrants Monday in Pozzallo (Ragusa), which is now admitted to the hospital Maggiore di Modica. Doctors said she had given birth on the boat during the sea crossing, a premature baby. The child, who showed no signs of life, it would have been thrown into the water. The officers of the squad are experiencing the story. The woman, who was in her seventh month of pregnancy, she went into labor early. After giving birth recalls having tried to feed the baby at her breast, but he did not move. Then she lost consciousness and when she recovered her son had already been thrown into the sea by other migrants. On the matter the Prosecutor opened an investigation Ragusa.


Software Translation from Italian

Source: Investigation about Migrant Baby Thrown into Ocean

Review overview
  • Neberr July 10, 2014

    Ashebir get a life…this is not a loughing matter if you were trying to be sarcastic please stop it and try to be on the victims shoe for a moment. Hope you’ll get in to your sense. Let’s pray hard to see the end of this tragic moment.

  • Mike July 10, 2014

    This is sad and simply tragic story. A new born child thrown to the ocean – what is it that the nation of Eritrea is going through – no matter the situations were as to why a child is thrown in to the ocean this is at the lowest level yet for the nation of Eritrea. God is watching.

  • Dan July 10, 2014

    The cause of all eritrean people problem is hgdef so everybody to stand against this mafia regime otherwise we’ll be lose our land forever.

  • Dan July 10, 2014

    The regim still in jungle low.

  • kubrom July 10, 2014

    This is very sad story . As Eritreans, we will hear again very strange news until the group of gunges in power (PFDG OR HIGIDEF).this is time to stand every Eritrean against these dictator group.

  • sahle July 10, 2014

    I agree Asheber was very insensitive to laugh, but he does have a point.
    According to the report the infant was thrown overboard by the other migrants. If these were people escaping from the dictatorship of PFDJ, one would assume non of them were HIDGEFites. The blame can only be put on those refugees that were on that boat. If the act was cruel, it appears cruelty is not a monopoly of HIGDEF

  • Kidan, Sudan July 10, 2014

    hgdf is the source of all this misery and this will not stop unless hgdf removed from power.

  • Med July 10, 2014

    Guy stop writting here go and fight for your diginity; this is to the lowest level of humamity that we can see in this planet; I am forced to conclude we don’t deserve to live in this planetas a people. Complaining the dictator can bring nothing to the victims; determination and comitment to sucrify for your people is the only solution. Apart from that nothing can bring change. As long as Iseyas is suffering by inferiority complex he will extinict the Eritrean people.

    I want remind you one thing every one has option in this planet either to live humiliation or in diginity; so it seems we choose to live in humiliation.

    Still we have time regain our diginity if we are ready to be determined against the dictator.

    • ahmed saleh July 10, 2014

      I agree . If in deed Eritreans took part
      on this inhumane act they are in big
      problem . I don’t feel bad if they hand
      those selfish and cruel immigrants to where they belong .

  • ahmed saleh July 10, 2014

    I agree . If in deed Eritreans took part
    on this inhumane act they are in big
    problem . I don’t feel bad if they hand
    those selfish and cruel immigrants to where they belong .

  • Semhar July 10, 2014

    As long as the mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas and HIGDEF are in Eritrea misery and death will continue. The only solution is to get rid of crazy mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers. Eritreans should unite and get rid the tyrant mad dog Isayas, his son, his blind followers the HIGDEF and their burned flag.

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