Heroic Eritrean Mother Helen
Heroic Eritrean Mother Helen Few days ago I viewed beautiful family portrait of Helen and her three precious little kids who perished at the sea, with among over 300 others mainly Eritrean refugees. And then read

Heroic Eritrean Mother Helen
Few days ago I viewed beautiful family portrait of Helen and her three precious little kids who perished at the sea, with among over 300 others mainly Eritrean refugees. And then read about stories about one Eritrean woman, who was seven months pregnant and drowned while trying to give birth to her son, the premature male baby was still attached by the umbilical cord when rescue divers pulled their corpses.
Never before I felt this sadness, shame and uncontrollable rage; my disgust for the Isaias cult has indeed reached its maximum level possible for me. I swear if there was any Isaias PFDJ supporter near me trying to tell me the usual bullshit excuses of blaming the victims, blaming CIA, Woyane or even questioning their identity. I would have done something they would never forget or simply put them six feet under right there and then and get it done and dusted with…
The past few nights I was barely able to get any sleep in without having to think over and over and dreaming about the Lampadusa victims.
How could anyone one sleep in peace when you hear stories like this unnamed Eritrean woman, who was seven months pregnant who drowned to death while trying to give birth to her son? She drowned while trying give to birth to her son; the premature male baby was still attached by the umbilical cord when rescue divers pulled their corpses.
And then we have the Helen story; an Eritrean mother who perished alongside with her three precious little kids. Her last cry was “Why my children I let you down, blame me for this” (more or less translated from Tigrinya). It is a mothers’ cry in a desperate and frantic situation trying to save her children but failed. And that is unquestionably the hardest thing a parent can go though in life.
To me Helen is nothing short of heroic mother; because she tried her very best to save her children (frankly they are our children too) and, she was actually very nearly there but sadly it wasn’t to be, she run out of luck at the end.
I am writing this article to tell the sad story of what our sisters and mothers like Helen and the unnamed Eritrean women who died while giving birth in the middle of life or death situation are going through to just survive.
Listen, I went through the exact same journey and experienced the same hardships what many of the Eritrean refugees are going through right now. I meet many strong and kind Eritrean women like Helen who were driven to the edge of insanity by the cruel system they left behind in Eritrea.
Helen’s story is most probably identical to Feven’s or Fatima’s survival story except up until the final hours of Helens’ last gasp for air and life before precision to the bottom of the sea alongside with her three little angles and over 300 souls.
Allow me to share this short story of Feven and Fatima whom I meet in Teseney before my escape to Sudan from my country Eritrea.
It was February 2001 when I finally had enough with nonstop violation of my human rights and the tyranny that was engulfing Eritrea at that time, that I decided had enough with this madness of this barbaric country and decided to live Eritrea.
To cut long story short; I went to Teseney town and meet a guy who calls himself “Yunus”, people and goods smuggler with multiple identities from Sudanese and Eritrean side. After agreeing price with him to take me to the Sudanies town of Kassala, I went through with him to his ‘Agnet’ ( tribal shack) in Teseney before living Teseney to Kasala, and that is where I meet two girls totally veiled from head to toes ready to march to Kassala like me. Their name was Feven (aka gual Asmara) and Fatima (aka gual Keren. )
Feven had two years old child with her; she later admitted to me she was raped when she was in the military part of her 7th round of “national service”. Will come back to this more lately on…
Both Feven and Fatima were in their late teenage years but they were smart, strong and beautiful; I was glad to march alongside with.
The first 48 house of our journey was quite dangerous one; we only moved through the night to avoid detection and rested during the day wherever we find good hiding places.
I knew many Eritrean women in the so called national services where treated badly in the military but I always thought it was exaggerated like any old Asmara street gossips rather than being a serious matter. But that was all before I had first-hand account telling all about it.
Feven and Fatima were victims of continues and systematic rape inside the so called military. Fatima was a bit shy and reserved when chatting with me but Feven was determined to share all her pains with me. Including why she was forced to take incredible risk like this, traveling with people smugglers in undignified and unsafe manner holding very young child with her.
Both Feven and Fatima were forcibly put into “national service” before the age of 18 and both were allocated to high ranking military leaders as some kind personal assistance for the colonels and generals to cock food, prepare tea or coffee or to fray eggs for them. But not only that, the cruel military leaders systematically turned these smart and beautiful girls into sex slaves whose only purpose in life became pleasing the sexual appetite of the many colonels and generals they control them.
Feven told me the only way she could have escaped the daily abuse and raped was to conceive/get pregnant so that she would become unfit form farther serving the rapist. Feven became pregnant her masters baby and subsequently she was dumped and called unfit while (exactly what she wanted). Meanwhile the military leader who impregnated Feven and dumped her as unfit got another fit national service girls to impregnate again.
Back to the journey from Teseney to Sudan; while we were making our escape from Eritrea in to Sudan, the guy we paid to take us into Kassala had evil and dirty planes in his mind later surfesied halfway in the journey. I remember me and him having big arguments in the middle of the Eritrean and Sudanese boarder regarding him wanting to basically rape Feven and Fatima.
His name was Yunus and he said to me with his broken Tigrinya “I do Fatima and you do Feven”, when I said no he went saying “they did not paid me enough anyway plus this normal, I smuggle out many women all the time and have sex with them, it is not a big deal.” I had to man up and put the argument into rest ones and for all so said to him “Well not today, you see this big stick I’m carrying with me, I’ll have it open your skull with this if you try to rape either of them”. Lucky he did not argue much with that for so long, because he knew that is not going to happen while I was there. In fact he was really upset with me for preventing do what he does when he has helpless girls in the middle of nowhere, so much so he refused to give me water to drink and made Feven and Fatima walks on their foot while he rides on a mule we paid for.
Anyway to make long story short, Feven and Fatima made it to Kesela and then to Kartum relatively peacefully. I meet Feven in Khartum again where she was working as a street tea/coffe bender to support her son and herself.
During that time there was high numbers of Eritreans arriving into Sudan that the Sudanese had a nickname for us. They use to call us Kosovo or Taliban because of the high number of Eritrean refugees’ arrival coincided with the Kosovo or Taliban (Afghanistan) crises. Life in Sudan was and still is very hard for Eritrean refugees who are not allowed to have residence/work permit with virtually no educational opportunity for Eritreans, especially if your Christian then your doomed.
So that is why Feven and other three Eritrean mothers including one pregnant woman joined our group to cross the Sahara desert into Libya and beyond. We also had in another group few young Eritrean widows whose husbands got killed in the 1998-2000 war with Ethiopia…
These young but strong mothers were driven to the edge of insanity by the cruel system they left behind in Eritrea. Like many young Eritreans they only known misery, heard misery and lived miserable life in Eritrea, so like good parents they did not want their children to live the same miserable life they lived….
The story will continue….
Eng. Philmon Habtom
Sarah October 20, 2013
I applaud you for opening up and telling such an unfortunate experience. Each one of us has a stroy that is worse than the others. So if we write or talk about it the pain inside us will ease.
Thank you for sharing!!!
I hope one day I will be brave enough to share mine.
Romay October 20, 2013
ኢንጅነረ፡ ሓዘንና ክንገብር ቁሩብ ዘይትዕገሰና። እዚ ነብስኻ ከም Rambo ጌርካ ምግላጽ ይጽንሓልካ’ሞ ጉዳይ ሬሳታት ዜጋታትና ክንገብር። ሽዑ ቁሩብ ምስተጻናናዕና ጽውጽዋይካ ክትነግረና ኢኻ።
Dermas October 21, 2013
Romy …I am not that much in commenting, but after reading Enginears article and your response. I felt sad. Yes it is a difficult time that we are going through, but also a time of reflection.
Bravo Enginear for sharing your thouths and keep it up. For Romay, I will refrain from making any inferences, but, I strongly believe we should doe more as Engr. did and not shut our mouths. It is time to open our moths and not to shut it any more!
ERITRAWIT October 21, 2013
Romay,nseb entezey ferihka kurub n amlak frah melhaska gedeb gbereleu werada!!!
Genet October 20, 2013
Good for you for talking about the reality of our peoples’ life in Eritrea. Every body needs to speak their experience. If you can’t, don’t force yourself. Take your time, first you need to get well. We will overcome!
Yerhiwo October 20, 2013
Good job Engineer Philmon…please continue with your story. As a Tigrigna proverb say: “There is nothing that was not done in Eritrea except that was not told” I hope I am correct with the translation.
Zeitnegre ember, Zeitegebre yelen ab Eritrea!
Eritrea is a living hell…there are many horror stories that took place in Eritrean jail..that is also happening now! WEDI MEHIN BERAD killed our dream, our family, our ambition, our dignity, our culture, etc. GO TO HELL ISAIAS AZFWERKI WEDI MEDHIN BERAD!!! I hope someone finish you like your idol Gedaffi!
COW FACE October 20, 2013
Eng. Philmon Habtom,
You touched my heart. I have been crying for such daughters & younger sisters of mine for years ,now,I am also crying for Eritrean young men being raped by Bedouins & who knows who,yet the opposition people that “hate” PFDJ think I must be Weyane or ” AGAME”.To good for the Weyanes & Agames to have a heart & a brain like mine.
But it is not about me ,I join you in your outrage & God knows I have been saying it for ages…
But Ingineer while my respect is in it’s place..this is the branches of the problem…
The root of the problem lies with the
-fake imagined Colony by Ethiopia ,
-fake country Eritrea,
-fake Hizbe Tigrinya identity,
-fake heroism based on fake history & dimu Dimu .alcoholism….
Did Eritrea have the right to secede ..YES ,Like I have the right.
1) To sleep on a hot iron
2) cut my Testacles & give it to wild animals
3)get a head from a Crocodile..but ,would that be a wise decision ,I do not think so..As I will have
1) Aburned ass
2)No testacles no manhood
3) No Penis as the she crocodile would have cut my penis !!!..but ,it still is my right to choose such idiocy & maybe let Weyane sign for my decision !!!I could call it independent ass & dick
!!!!AND FELLOW ERITREANS I AM SAYING THIS NOT BECAUSE I LONG ETHIOPIAN CITZENSHIP OR KITFO BUT I LOVE MY ERITREAN PEOPLE…And for the record ,I am totally against Eritrea going back to Ethiopia ,I want Ethiopia to be our shelter when in 2 years we disintegrate.
We let
-a country that was our colony that we owned most of it’ s riches
-A country that treated as like special citzens ,even feeding us by flying food to Asmera when everything was closed (compliments of Mengistu Haile Mariam)
Even Weyane ,contrary to it’ s peoples wish, robbed Ethiopia (his own country) to pass us food & other daily living necessities.
I am not making a political point using our sisters tragedy ,but because I truly believe that was & still is the root of our problem….The Ethiopians are not stupid to let us go back (Ethiopia is not 7-11 where one enters & exits at will)..we can have a national/Qebele dialogue among eachother to make Eritrea less hurting..where I do not have to have sleepless nights because of raped women & men..complements of alcoholic date raping ,kidnappers ,assasins called tegadelti !!!
Fellow Eritreans smell the cofee & judge according to fruit ,not intention ..intention my ass.
Cow Face aka M.Habte aka YUgoslavo – Eritrean
kogne October 20, 2013
what kind mother,taking to unsafe illegal overcrowded boat,three beautiful innocent children,thats foolish,i cant call this a hero thats foolish,,,,
Dermas October 21, 2013
Sorry Kogne!
It is the one who cant understand the reality, or who knowingly put a dark blanket upon himself that cant get. Helen was basically trying to give a chance to her little angels that she did not have herself!
But for idiots like yourself, it is easy to blame the dead.
Only the “living dead” blames the dead. Helen is indeed a HERO! Lioness!
Sarah October 21, 2013
‘what kind mother,taking to unsafe illegal overcrowded boat’?????
the kind of mother who is desperate, the kind of mother who has a vision for her children, the kind of mother who wants her children to grow in peace, the kind of mother who wants her kids to grow with their dignity not as slaves, The kind of mother who entrusts her children in God than DIA!!!!!! THE KIND OF ERITREAN MOTHER WHO WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HER CHILDREN’S FUTURE!!!
Anseba October 20, 2013
Nice article but please edit the grammar before posting. The grammar was hard to read and takes away from the story.
ERITRAWIT October 21, 2013
Thank you for sharing u experience yes this is another Isaias ajenda( SAWA) we didn’t see any good about it except controlling our youth and demoralized them. How many girls been rape having unwanted pregnancy,HIV, very harsh Military service he distoroye every angle Eritrean peoples live.And people they done this devil job with him they will pay the price!!! I will wait for u next article Thank u.
rti October 21, 2013
A story well put together. And as for you Anseba, shame on you to criticize the grammar! Try writing one yourself! We will be the judges!
Dermas October 21, 2013
You are such a brave man and you should be commended. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I see some people still have the stamina to sugar coat what happened! Enough, these are not in the list of living bodies and we should never give them a chance.
Just like HGDEF who tried to blame CIA or whatsoever, these puppets are also trying to beat the same drum as their Muster in Asmara. My brothers and sisters (Isaias Supporter), I get it you have been misled or intentionally took the death trail to ensure your apartment in Asmara is safe or other interest. But, let me repeat Wedi Vacaro’s points. You will have it even after Isaias. As a matter of fact, without attachment. You don’t have to bow to someone to guarantee what you deserve.
Good luck.