Have your say: Is safe exit to Isayas of Eritrea worth considering?
The recent Gambian crises has been a good lesson to many Africans and should be debated throughout the continent. The reason this needs to be debated is the continent is facing with aging authoritarian leaders

The recent Gambian crises has been a good lesson to many Africans and should be debated throughout the continent. The reason this needs to be debated is the continent is facing with aging authoritarian leaders who cling to power and are insecure, and fear of retributions from the people or their opponents once they leave power. If we see African countries from north all the way to south, it is full of authoritarian regimes from Albert-Bernard Bongo of Gabon, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, Idriss Deby of Chad, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh of Djibouti, Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Omar H.A. Al-Bashir of Sudan, Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Paul Biya of Cameroon, José Eduardo dos Santos of Angola, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea, Paul Kagame of Rwanda,Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Salva Kiir Mayardit of South Sudan,
Jammeh of Gambia came to power through a military coup and cling to power for centuries and even used to boast by vowing to reign in power for a billion years. Jammeh like many other African leaders has deceived his people by pretending as a religious figure, who has a higher calling to save the Gambian people, but he had no internal convictions nor any moral compass to lead people.
In Africa, the authoritarian leaders fear election and election related processes like implementing constitutions and abiding by rule of law. Some entertain their humble people by conducting an election dramas and often succeed in doing so. But for some leaders those types of snare tactics won’t work and even costed them a lot, losing their long lasting reign and is a live trap like what happened for Gambia’s president. Often those leaders conduct non-transparent elections either to legitimise their continuity in power by seducing poor people or due to the pressure from international communities to do elections. Jammeh also conducted those elections for any of those reasons, however, the recent election was not like the other once. Immediate after the election he conceded defeat, without realising he is in a big trouble and it is going to cost him his billion years reign. Similar elections in several African countries ended up manipulated by the ruling regimes either during voting or counting and they guarantee their continuation in power by intimidation and use of force.
Gambia’s recent election was a different one Jammeh was not able to manipulate the result, who knows he was busy collecting the gold and silver of the country and did little attention to the developments in the election processes. Here comes a million dollar question to all Africans; can an authoritarian ruler leave power peacefully?
Or is it worth considering a safe exit for all the exciting dictators in Africa for the sake of peace and to avoid bloodshed, displacement, and more social crises that come with unseating them militarily? Gambia’s recent events teach us a lot, and the regional group The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) leaders should be applauded for their effort and for trying all windows of peaceful negotiations. If it was not for the wisdom of those leaders the country could have ended up in a disaster and in a lot of bloodsheds.
The safe passage to president Jammeh was a good negotiating deal and resulted in immediate peace and hope among the people. Though some still disagree on the deal and may choose to see him caught in Gambia and put in jail. After noticing all the atrocities and human rights abuses and selfish desires of these dictators one cannot deny the voice those who oppose the deal but we need to thoughtfully examine the consequences if not succeeded. History thought us a lot, in many African countries a military intervention or military coup to unseat an authoritarian ruler have had a negative outcome with the emergence of either of the following; a new young brutal dictator, an authoritarian party, or a family member of the ousted dictator his son or daughter or brother. Hence what had happened in Gambia can be agreed as a good deal to the Gambian people they are left with a democratically elected president and, peaceful transition leaving aside the issue of emptied banks. The question comes how much can we compromise?
My main idea as the topic shows is to invite everyone who reads this small introductory article to come and discuss/debate an important issue that affects all Eritreans. The topic is;
“Is safe exit to Isayas and his accomplice worth considering for the sake of peace?”
Let us discuss and debate and brainstorm our thinking now as this will happen sooner or later.
We cannot avoid history and what happened in Gambia or other African countries will happen to us and a sense full discussion without emotion could save us a lot.
Thank you
PH January 25, 2017
A LESSON? safe exit? Is unlikely until he hands power to his son Abraham. If things go wrong before that he will escape like a dog exactly what mengustu did. Not similar to. ..but on foot towards native land Temben ( Tigray ). They will not receive him laying red carpet but they will hang him as a loser for not create the famous agenda “Tigray – tigrigni.
Hab Tecle January 25, 2017
Safe Exit ?? Wedi Afom of Tembien is not cornered. Is still in control of pretty much everything in the territory of his terror rule. Fellow citizens may entertain and hallucinate over any idea that cross their mind. But, when they regained their consciousness they will find things are stand still. The dilapidating ultra cruel, sadist, & vindictive wedi Afom still in the helm of life in Eritrea. While suffering from his usual psychopathy, narcissism, and machiavelianism.
Eritreans have long missed to understand him. To this day they don’t. For they try to use rationality, logic and justification to deal with him. This make it a asymmetric battle. And, hence make solution elusive. In wedi Afom’s mind; nation, people, vision and future are not even a far distant matters to get his attention much less to care and have policy and philosophy regarding them. One thing preoccupies him all. Unrestrained Power. To rule by the whip and by the whim. Then you might ask what does he need it for. To maintain he stays so until even some time after his death. If in this process resources are wasted, people destroyed, generations lost and opportune times missed for the country, it doesn’t amount even as simple one wrong doing event. It is done with intent. Because that is the norm he operates and functions with.
That’s why the regionally contagious so called ” Arab Spring” uprising weren’t able to catch to Eritrea, despite being a stone throw away from the heart of this storm that send many dictators tumbling down. So, this new model we are seeing in West Africa works only on the right environment. One condition that made it possible is; Might. As the Tigrigna proverb goes ” n’eshok b’eshok”. In our current setting we don’t have that eshok. we are so much caught up in endless side issues. we haven’t made a single step towards creating a might that threatens all dictators. Dictators are easily frightend and highly confused. Some times their confusion and nonsenseness distracts their oppenents because they often read it as a well organized move that amounts as reasonable confidence. No. Dictators have committed countless crimes every other day if not everyday. As a result, they don’t replay back anything. For they wouldn’t be able to stand to view what they deed humanely even for one second. They only live in another state that is not human.
Tes January 25, 2017
Hi all
Our Eritrean dictator is unique than the other dictators for a number of reasons.
1st the crime committed in Eritrea is a whole sale against the population. There is no one segment spared.
2nd the magnitude of the crimes have no parallel in the world. It is second to none.
3rd he was/is rulling without law.
The list ill deeds were /are endless.
The writer is a bit kind to compare Isiais with other dictators in Africa. It is difficult to compere orange with stone. You only compere like with like. In this occasion they’re not.
In addition in Eritrea we have no friends and are enemy of ourselves. We are suspicious of external forces to ask for help and we are incapable of doing ourselves. Eritrea situation is a mess afair. The people of Eritrea are confused and disoratated. Our problem is bigger than eseyas and would take very long time after demise of eseyas. Half of the population is useful idiot to be exploited by eseyas.
Until we Eritreans know who our enemy and admit our weakness and work on it there is no easy fix.
The auther tried to blittle the election of many Africans. What he miss is the time democracy start as infent and grow with time. At one stage it would mature to near perfect. As an Eritrean I can’t dare talk about other election imperfection. In West Africa like Gana for example their election satisfactory. In Nigeria power has been transferred peacefully. In other African countries at least there is a basic rule of law. However in Eritrea there is none. In Eritrea the is chief crook master and a rotating idiots who excute the crime. They are too many of them the accomplice. At one point they’re victim of the situation in other time they are the victim themselve.
To conclude our situation is unique which requires a unique solution tailored for it.
Joshuwa January 25, 2017
We have an old tigrigha saying : “MerAwi keyhazas Arki yiHiza”, something along this fact!!
Where is the people’s leader in the oppositions or the “merAwi” to take over from Wedi Afom anbessa??
The Gambian people had an election (free & democratic) where their dictator was defeated and kicked out.
In the case of poor Eritrea there is no such thing called election, opposition, free media or free independent people.
Dictator Isaias would only be replaced by his own son Abraham and then just like Basher junior of Syria, Abraham Isaias junior will make poor Eritrea the next Syria of Africa.
In short, watch what you wish for as your wishes might bring you more evil dictators and moslem murderers.
Tesfai January 25, 2017
In order to learn “a lesson” from others Eritrea’s main problems need to be identified. Issaias may be one of many Eritrean problems but he is not the only, therefore, Eritrea’s political problem will not change by the exit of Issaias. In fact, there are many indications that it will get worse as it did in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia … all our Arab “friends”.
The next and the worst of Eritrean political problem is the Arabization-cancer at the expense of Eritrean languages, identity and history. Jebha’s Arabization process went on for more than a decade but it finally succumbed in its Abeed mentality and servitude, and it dissolved like the sea salt.
Burning Eritrean languages and identity to promote Arabization will end every dream of Eritrea remaining a viable nation because Arabization promotes the ugly malady of mental slavery as it did to Jebha, in this case known as mental Abeedism. People who see themselves as Abeeds are incapable of managing their own national affairs, except to serve as servants and Abeeds of others.
Anti-DIA January 25, 2017
Do you have democracy in Tigray ?
Anyone who has a problem with the way Weyane runs the region escapes to Addis Abeba, for his safety. Cruelty is feature of Tigreyan culture.
You speak about “Abeed”, bla bla. Aren’t those bleeding Eritrea rootless Tigreyans like you ?
You January 28, 2017
I do not think Arabization is a problem the problem is the domination Tigreana and believing Eritrea belong only to those speak Tigreana others have nothing this is the main problem and it will be. The current government is doing settlement Israel type resettlement occupying other people land demolishing their culture . this is main cancer no one say this is not true every christian believe Muslims not belong to Eritrea even though 70 % land in Eritrea belong to Muslims out of 9 tribes in Eritrea 7 or 8 are Muslims and from these 9 tribes 8 of them hate what called Tigreana this is the reality but no one want to face at the end Eritrea will be like former Yugoslavia .
nakifa January 25, 2017
Wedi afom will never kneel down,he is the hero and the people of Eritrea is on his side no mutter what happen in the country,do we have apposition in eritrea? NO, people like him a lat.no kidding you can see him walking in the street of asmara who president does that .You sitting in a sofa eating hamburger some body is going to dai for you are you kidding you joking bro.He is your hero you like it or not he was your president for 25 years and more to come.He got the name a freedom fighter that he leads his people to independent no body can take it the tattle he got it sorry you can’t change it he is the hero makes you to talk about your country with out him you wouldn’t talk naw about eritrea..Democracy democracy my a.Go over there and get it chicken.HADAMI.
Anti-DIA January 25, 2017
I don’t know in which planet you are living, but you have zero understanding of who is Iseyas. You call a diabolic rat a hero ?
When Tegadelti were fighting the enemy, he was either in hiding, having good time with women and drinking smuggled beer or conspiring to kill innocent Tegadelti who were struggling to liberate Eritrea.
There isn’t a single instance of Iseyas heroism in EPLF history.
Eri January 26, 2017
Anti DIA
Where did you get that ?? In Tigray manifesto??
Hey backstubber,fix your own democracy first
There is no genocide her but peace and harmony amongs people
How about TPLF still want to rule after all this crime ??
Why don’t he want to leave power ??
Simon G. January 26, 2017
Who cares about TPLF? It is non of our business. Talk about HGDF. Oh, I forgot, HGDF is indeed TPLF. My bad.
eri January 27, 2017
Hgdf us ours money your own business don’t act as you are eritrean
hidat January 25, 2017
yemane January 25, 2017
Agame is a place where your brothers and sisters have settled as refugees.
so you should be proud of it. if you want just come and join the universities.
Eri January 26, 2017
Eritrea is place where sinc your ancestors use to come and in the street to beg
Mente Mariam my people if they come to you is not to leave there ,is for transit to abroad and they taken care UNHRC not by beggar you can t even feed yourselves
Simon G. January 25, 2017
This article is recommending to solve pythogoran theorem using Schrodinger’s equation.
This lunatic and fool isayas didn’t follow any norms when he came to power. He understands nothing but force.
Don’t try to over analyze. You want to get rid of him, use force. Anything beyond that is fruitless.
Besides, we have no leverage to negotiate.
Gosh, we are really hopeless and pothetic.
Anti-DIA January 26, 2017
Selamat Simon G.
Brother we have been missing your valuable contribution at comments section.
You are right, DIA and his regime, have respect only for those wielding military might, not the peace loving people of Eritrea.
Simon G. January 26, 2017
Anti-DIA Nebsi,
I was just hibernating.