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Hamdy al azazy, Egyptian activist involved in helping Refugees in Sinai shares information ….”very touching, and very crucial” – by Samuel

yesterday I was chatting with hamdy al azazy, the egyptian activist who is actively involved in helping refugees in the sinai deserts.  . . .while discussing on how i can be of little help towards

yesterday I was chatting with hamdy al azazy, the egyptian activist who is actively involved in helping refugees in the sinai deserts.  . . .while discussing on how i can be of little help towards freeing two eritrean girls from cairo police station, , he shared me this piece of info . . . very touching, and very crucial.










Review overview
  • meharenazgi April 22, 2014

    Amanuel! please think before you leap.

  • ahmed saleh April 22, 2014

    Do not let some of the staff ruin the credibility of your web site.

    • Eritreawit April 23, 2014

      How is this Amanuel Eyassu’s fault? please understand this is a free press look like
      allowing the good the bad and the ugly, and we the people will decide to take it or reject it. TRUTH ALLWAYS WIN.

      • ahmed saleh April 24, 2014

        No question about Amanuel but if …..

  • Bus.Zone April 22, 2014

    If what has been said is true then be it why would bury the truth But make sure it been said real people not Fake once ,bcoz there are dark forces who would not sleep to bring down their. opponent with any means .

    Here is what happen to (Stephen Colbert ) on the Colbert report here is the link check it out by ur self

  • Denden April 22, 2014

    I said it and commented several times that people want us to bark at the wrong tree and that is Esias and his junta collection of Dracula. I said it time and time again we need to focus on those imposters, and those who are supplying money to young eritreans to embark into the unknown dangerous territory and indirectly funding traffickers and those who are giving false hope to eritreans in search of better life and led them into trap.Thank You Assenna For sharing The Issue from the person who is battling the issue head on first hand.
    We need a UN security council investigation to investigate the roll of eritreans, ethipians, prominent figures and even the relative of the victims who live in eritrea and abroad, several opposition parties, armed oppositions.
    We already know without shadow of doubt that eritrean security and military are evolved but we have to investigate the strategic alliances between them and the so called opposition and human rights group in destroying eritrean lives.we all know that young girls and boys are funded by their relatives who live abroad to leave eritrea by any means leading them into well known barbaric trap then they scream with pain to the world or other eritreans to help them while those who fund and led them to the torture camp went underground into hiding.”CHEGURAF NINEBSA HARIMA BAALA TIEWI” “A whip hits itself and scream”. I was the supporter of Israeli blockade of the Egyptian Border and I was right. No body stopped Sinai But only the smart Isrtaelis and it is undeniable truth. Had the border was open today young girls and boys will still be raped in sinai.Mossad new who was funding the Traffickers and who was misleading the young girls and boys to to the torture camp.Those people supplying money so that people can enter illegally to europe are also braking Europian Law and can be brought before court. when they reach europe they want to choose the rich country to settle in or they want to go to the people who funded their trip (sweden, norway, denmark)ultimately not refugees but economic circumstances which led them to leave the country. Then they dance, clap, sing for eri-tv news so their relatives can see them back home. What a mockery.But recently to prove they are refugees the participate in demonstration and meeting but their heart is still with the dictator. Once they get westren passport they go to eritrea for the show off wealth and the Dictator loves them as long as they share their wealth with him be his puppets and no body can do anything about it.As the DIA said “they Will come back to me, they are on holiday” No body is serious to remove DIA they just want to play circus and conduct their own economic or popularity business.millitary coup is not going to happen because the high ranking soldeirs are tainted with blood themselves and the foot soldeirs are interested in money westren passport so the only two things are military solution or an open uprising inside eritrea which the people in eritrea will not do it so we the diaspora have to do it but we have to get rid of our remote control because no government can be changed by remote control from far away.

  • Dawit April 22, 2014

    Why are we going to gual mengedi.Focus on the main target than criticizing each other

  • Tesfu Kidane April 23, 2014

    This may be a systematic chracter assasination by PFDJ against Meron. For example why was hamdi Azary silent for so long, why did he not tell Meron when he used to meet her personally when she came to Sinay before two years, why could he not contact other concerned People in the issue, did Meron not save many People in the last five years? Did PFDJ not try to desgrace her earlier? So we must be aware of these lies and slanders, EOLF/PFDJ is an expert in such matters. The best way is to contact Hamdi Azary. I think Amanuel can do that.

  • ahmed saleh April 23, 2014

    If the writer named Samuel managed to have contact with the Egyptian activist , why not concentrate to find
    a way to do his part on how to help Eritrean refugee in Egypt than wasting time to dig for dirt of those
    brave women who took the courage to take the walk to bring solution .
    I may applaud his findings if he write about those bastard Eritreans who cooperate with those Bedowins in Sinai .

  • kemal April 23, 2014

    I have many questions for Meron but i don’t know how to contact her. I read a story of a 14 yrs old Eritrean boy who miraculously saved from the tragic Lampadusa accident. He later continue his trek from Italy to where Meron lives i guess Sweden. My question is why he traveled all the way to Meron? did he has any connection with her for some reason. Those are few of my question. Can you say some thing Meron ? Thanx

  • Mike G April 23, 2014

    Dear Assena :

    I hope the article contributor (Samuel) gave you a detailed information about himself.( full name, where he lives etc.) Furthermore, it will be a good idea to contact directly the Egyptian person (Hamdy Alazazy) to get more information.
    Because, there are a lot of people who want to tarnish the image of the lady (Meron) and cover up the dirty job of the dictatorial regime. The article should not be ignored but further information is needed.

    Thank you .

  • Dawit April 23, 2014

    To the writer
    Did you do anything worth than Meron did ? Aye Eritreawyan nzserh kab srah tetew keteblu n baelkum wela hanti keygeberkum .

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