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  • Berhane Habte February 12, 2013

    This is Victory look at the tank

  • Asgedet February 12, 2013

    I suggest the picture should be rendered an emblem of the movement for change until the regime is removed. This is the very first time we have a semblance of a visual of the concerted effort being undertaken against the regime and needless to say it will lift up the morale of every soul involved in the struggle for a just cause. I salute the person who had sent out the picture given the vicious intelligence apparatus of the regime.

  • MacMan February 12, 2013

    Greetings everyone,

    I wrote the following note earlier and I am posting it here for what it is worth. Without much ado, the said note follows below in two parts:

    A : On Operation Mount Adal, Operation Fenkil, and Operation Forto:

    To this writer, things don’t just stand there and stay the same but rise or fall, grow or die, win or lose in time. Time is the currency of life and wasting one’s time is like wasting one’s life if it takes a life of its own and becomes a delusional world where people live in waiting for the tomorrow that may or may never come at all. When the blind leads the blind, they all end up in the proverbial ditch. When people start living in a world created for them by liars, thieves, and killers, you get a case of an arrested society like what we now call the Eritrean society that is struggling to reclaim its freedom to live according to the values of the diverse communities it embraces based on the rule of the supreme law of the land and not the rule of political organizations and their failed leaders.

    Be the foregoing statements as they may, Operation Fenkil may stand as one of the epic events in Eritrean socio-political and politico-military history. Now, a third history seems to make its voice heard loud and clear from the hights of Asmar : Operation Forto is a history of the military speaking on behalf of the society it was formed to defend. Operation Forto may be the string that connects the social, political, and military voice of the Eritrean nation in the making. I was a member of the ELA before the ELF disintegrated into daughter factions some thirty years ago and considered Wedi Awate as the commander in chief of the ELA and EPLA that gave Eritrean socio-politics its military muscle to bring about Eritrea’s independence from Ethiopian colonialism with world acclaim. That is beside the fact that Eritrea’s two liberation armies were instrumental in helping Ethiopians free themselves from the bestial rules of Janhoi the terrible and Menigstu the devil. Other than that, the rest is yesterday’s story and today’s history.

    Proceeding, Operation Forto may be seeing as another Operation Mount Adal that called all Eritreans to rise up in arms and free their land from Ethiopian occupation. The only difference is that Operation Forto may be seeing as giving Eritrean socio-politics the necessary coercive voice that it needed to get it moving in the right direction till the Eritrean people are set free to establish the government they seek by whatever means necessary. Furthermore, Operation Forto may be likened and turn out to be like the candle that gave Eritrean politics the necessary light and coercive voice it needed to keep the course at the right place and at the right time by burning itself out.

    Wedi Ali and his friends spoke loud and clear to make the voice of the oppressed Eritrean people heard from the military side of things in Eritrean politics. Operation Forto is the voice of those who bear arms to defend their people and their homeland both in words and deeds on the ground. Wedi Ali and those who may have or may sooner or later be martyred with him are just like the rare candle that burns itself out to give light to its people with world acclaim.

    B : On the ongoing Eritrean-Ethiopian crisis and political state of affairs :

    By now, most Eritreans and the whole world know that DIA was and is a liar, a thieve, and a murderer from the outset. Like father like son, DIA and his PFJD regime are nothing but servants of the devil who lie, steal, and kill as they rule the Eritrean people with diabolical impunity. DIA is a demoniac exterminating the Eritrean people and his PFDJ regime and its supporters are nothing but tools of his genocidal mission of destruction. People should not waste their time listening to or arguing with the servants of DIA and his evil PFDJ regime. These servants and worshipers of DIA and his evil PFDJ regime are pleased to consider Eritrea as his real estate and its people as his slaves. It is as clear as black and white and it is time to call a spade a spade and treat evil with the right medicine.

    It is time for Eritreans to start thinking as civic citizens instead of as the citizens of the useless Eritrean political organizations and their failed leaders. It is clear for all who care to see that DIA and his regime of savages are starving, jailing, defiling, selling, and killing Eritreans in broad daylight for all to see. Eritreans who support or serve DIA and his demonic PFDJ regime will either have to be on the side of the Eritrean people and stand up for the rule of law to rule in Eritrea or will face the music till they expire and go to hell. In these dangerous times, Eritreans worth their human salts should strive to rise above their partisan politics as civic citizens in order to establish their own government under the rule of law without DIA and Weyane socio-political contamination.

    For decades, Eritreans have been talking much about how good or bad DIA was and is for Eritrea and its people whom he rules like slaves and animals. For many years, Eritreans have been talking much about how good or bad the EDA or Kidan and its affiliates were and are for Eritrea and its people. For a long time now, Eritreans have been going around the world and protesting before the halls of DIA’s and Weyane’s Luciferian masters calling for the rule of national law to rule in their land. However, it is hypocritical that the Diaspora Eritrean opposition to DIA’s bestial rule in Eritrea has been saying little or nothing about the need for the rule of international law to rule as agreed upon by all parties concerned and demarcate the Eritrean-Ethiopian borders.

    Eventually, those in the Eritrea-4-Eritreans camp will have to first rally their forces and resources and wage a unified and popular struggle to bring about the change they seek in unison with all who are struggling to end DIA’s tyrannical rule in Eritrea. It is about time for all Eritreans to stand up and defend both the sovereignty of the Eritrean people and their homeland based on the rule of national and international laws. It is time for all Eritreans to mount a unified popular challenge to both DIA and his Weyane cousins and their New World Order Luciferian masters to let the rule of national and international law rule and leave the Eritrean people free to establish their own government.

    Cheers and Peace!

  • Mulugheta February 12, 2013

    That is great
    Our defence forces are WISE AND RESPONSIBLE
    they do not want to kill any one but with PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING
    their actions are very modern and highly appreciated
    if they want, they could have bombarded Isayas and other selfish generals but they chose a very decent way.
    But, Isays and his generals will not understand this peace full language.This is the thing,one who tries to do things in justice(like Ali and others) and one who is Born evil like Isayas.

  • Abdallah Abdu February 12, 2013

    The so-called mutiny was staged by the government.

  • Eriche February 12, 2013

    What is the point of posting a photo when we don’t know what exactly happened? In other words, If you can get the photo, you should also get the story; otherwise, the photo is meaningless.

  • abdella February 12, 2013

    Real change coming to Eritrea b/c of those who went to FORTO

  • Hafash February 12, 2013

    An iconic photo that will shine for ever in our history! Viva Forto 21!

  • Hafash February 12, 2013

    Good job Assenna for deleting the nasty comment of the morally devoid Higdef by the name Asghedom. Good job!

    • belay nega February 13, 2013


    • belay nega February 13, 2013


  • mickielle February 12, 2013

    Salute the Forto seige by our troops and their demands on behalf of our people. That said, as Durue said in his last speach, boarder demarcation is best left to an opportune time. Many well meaning eritreans like MacMan above, get carried away in lamping Issayas the venomous dictator with Meles the Statesman and the responsibility of both in starting the war, managing it,concluding the war and the postwar statusquo. Lamping Issayas with Meles is tantamount to glorifying Issayas, neither is it realistically possible without bending facts and performances of domestic, and international realities. The two are in a diametrically opposite ends with Issayas on the pit and Meles through his death – ataining an iconic figure.

    Meles has gone the extra mile to heal the wounds on both sides. Many people foolishly beleive that if the boarder was demarcated, our youth in agelglot would be come home. The thinking is that Issayas would have no excuse to keep them in service. How quickly they forget, the army rebelion of 1993 was precisely because he wanted the forces to stay in service. Issayas knows a youth roaming the towns and villages are hard to keep track and could wage a rebellion to remove him. Military service ala ghedli style give him the room to do what ever he wants.

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