Former Consul in Melbourne leads blackmail campaign against the Eritrean community in Australia
Farajat : Melbourne Under the direct supervision of the former Eritrean Consul to Australia, Bashir Idris Nour, the consulate in Melbourne made an extortion campaign of collecting the illegal "2% tax" which is already condemned by

Farajat : Melbourne
Under the direct supervision of the former Eritrean Consul to Australia, Bashir Idris Nour, the consulate in Melbourne made an extortion campaign of collecting the illegal “2% tax” which is already condemned by many countries including Australia. This condemnation is made on the basis of UN report that the collected money is used to finance terrorist groups in the Horn of Africa.
The campaign aims to collect signatures on the forms by circulating among Eritreans who are loyal to the dictatorial regime in Asmara and those who have to visit their families in Eritrea.
The form indicates that all payments collected by the consulate were ‘voluntary’ in order ‘to revive the economy in their motherland.’
However, many of those who refused to sign the form for different reasons have been subjected to threats and intimidation by the former Eritrean Consul.
Besides Eritreans believe as a matter of principle the dictatorial regime which run the country for more than 20 years without election and without constitution does not have the mandate and right to impose tax. In short ” No Taxation Without Representation ” On top of that the collected money is used for expanding the security system and prisons.
It is to be remembered that Australia was one of the first countries that supported UN sanctions against the Eritrean regime and has formed a special committee to monitor the implementation of the sanctions.
In mid- March of this year the Australian media gave wide attention coverage about the consulate’s activities for extorting the widely condemned and illegal “2% tax” by the consulate in Melbourne specially from social security recipients.
The Australian Foreign Minister the honourable Mrs. Julie Bishop has said to (SBS): ” The Australian government condemns any efforts by Eritrea to impose a tax on the Eritrean diaspora , whether in Australia or internationally .”
Press reports indicated that the Australian government in June of 2011 asked the Eritrean Consulate in Melbourne to stop the collection of the tax to 2% of Eritreans in Australia .
Mrs.Bishop said it had asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the federal and state authorities to inform her of any evidence of attempts to collect such taxes in Australia .
In the period that followed the Australian media report about the extortion and blackmailing by the consulate in Melbourne the consul Mr. Bashir Nur held a series of secret meetings with pro regime Eritreans in all Australian States.
Mr. Bashir Nur Idris had left Australia mid last year after crossing the length of stay allowed for personnel of diplomatic missions in Australia, which is ten years.
According to Australian laws, the maximum for the establishment of foreign diplomatic missions in Australia is ten years.
But he returned a few months ago and is committing unofficial diplomatic activity by blackmailing Eritreans to pay the widely condemned and illegal 2% tax.
ahmed saleh April 25, 2014
Those Eritrean activists in Australia should campaign against his illegal
activity . Follow the example of Eritreans in Canada to take legal action
to their practice of extortion .
Bokre April 25, 2014
Read: Eritrea: De-railing Railroads and History
By Zekre Lebona
In this website, a couple of articles were recently published in order to debunk the alleged de-industrialization during the period of the federation and the complete union with Ethiopia through the alleged acts of factory removals to the hinterland, discouraging direct foreign investment and complete neglect. This de-industrialization narrative was meant to leave the reader with the impression that the relatively high growth of industrialization was only during the time of Eritrea’s existence under Italy and particularly under the Fascist government. While many have chosen to keep silent, a few have however made a counter argument. They dismissed the claims about economic growth and industrial progress in Eritrea during Haile Selassie era as Asmera-centric and highland-based without making any serious effort to debate the subject. Is their critique fair? Were the lowlands in Eritrea completely a backwater with little or no connection to the economic advance witnessed in Asmera? Certainly not!
Read full at:
ERITREA oll over the world they shued condem any payment%2 or anything must stop IHGDEF THOS [ RATS ]THEY Must go
gebre1 April 26, 2014
it is important to deal with the local authorities there including police. better to collect pictures of those involve in it. We need to stand together.
Bus.Zone April 26, 2014
People in Australia ,EU and USA still they can say No to blackmail to the bandits in Asmara but the people who work and live in Arab countries who hold (HEGDE ) passport are the most affected segment of Eritrean because they have no choose they have to pay what ever they ask in short they are the milking cow for HEGDEF I hop sooner The UN Passport will be re-instated .
Amerna April 26, 2014
Thanks Farajat and Assena!
Writing and exposing on websites only is not enough! As Eritrean Australians, we must inform the UNSC desk at DEFAT about the Eritrean Regime illegal activities in Australia.
The powerful resolution passed by the UNSC imposing sanctions against Issayas Afewarki’s Regime in Eritrea is critically based on key justifiable measures including, but not limited to: an arms embargo; the inspection and seizure by Member States in their territory of such cargo to and from Eritrea; and, the imposition of a travel ban, and the freezing of assets of, Issayas Afewarki’s political and military leadership who is already blacklisted by the AU and UNMEE Committees other international bodies for its active participation in piracy, arms smuggling and intensification of tension along all the borders of neighboring countries.
A bright day is on the way thanks for our the UNSC-sanctions against Eritrean Regime.
Amerna April 26, 2014
Thanks Farajat and Assena!
Writing and exposing on websites only is not enough! As Eritrean Australians, we must inform the UNSC desk at DEFAT about the Eritrean Regime illegal activities in Australia.
The powerful resolution passed by the UNSC imposing sanctions against Issayas Afewarki’s Regime in Eritrea is critically based on key justifiable measures including, but not limited to: an arms embargo; the inspection and seizure by Member States in their territory of such cargo to and from Eritrea; and, the imposition of a travel ban, and the freezing of assets of, Issayas Afewarki’s political and military leadership who is already blacklisted by the AU and UNMEE Committees other international bodies for its active participation in piracy, arms smuggling and intensification of tension along all the borders of neighboring countries.
A bright day is on the way thanks for the UNSC-sanctions against Eritrean Regime.
solomon April 26, 2014
Hgdef they collect money
In Sinai, by changing their words
They try to collect money
In countries also.
Mehari T April 26, 2014
I hope that, with the active participation of genuine deleyti fetihi Eritreans
this illegai extortion business of mafia higdef will end for once and for all.
Gideon April 26, 2014
Once again it’s high time to call upon individuals and civic
organizations in Australia to have a second look at the extortion
operation going on in the country and fight it with any means possible.
It is very important to rise up and to launch more campaigns and dry the
coffers of the coward but petty tyrant in Asmara urgently. Sooner than
later PFDJ will go to dustbin of history in similar situations of other oppressors.