Former Consul in Melbourne leads blackmail campaign against the Eritrean community in Australia
Farajat : Melbourne Under the direct supervision of the former Eritrean Consul to Australia, Bashir Idris Nour, the consulate in Melbourne made an extortion campaign of collecting the illegal "2% tax" which is already condemned by

Farajat : Melbourne
Under the direct supervision of the former Eritrean Consul to Australia, Bashir Idris Nour, the consulate in Melbourne made an extortion campaign of collecting the illegal “2% tax” which is already condemned by many countries including Australia. This condemnation is made on the basis of UN report that the collected money is used to finance terrorist groups in the Horn of Africa.
The campaign aims to collect signatures on the forms by circulating among Eritreans who are loyal to the dictatorial regime in Asmara and those who have to visit their families in Eritrea.
The form indicates that all payments collected by the consulate were ‘voluntary’ in order ‘to revive the economy in their motherland.’
However, many of those who refused to sign the form for different reasons have been subjected to threats and intimidation by the former Eritrean Consul.
Besides Eritreans believe as a matter of principle the dictatorial regime which run the country for more than 20 years without election and without constitution does not have the mandate and right to impose tax. In short ” No Taxation Without Representation ” On top of that the collected money is used for expanding the security system and prisons.
It is to be remembered that Australia was one of the first countries that supported UN sanctions against the Eritrean regime and has formed a special committee to monitor the implementation of the sanctions.
In mid- March of this year the Australian media gave wide attention coverage about the consulate’s activities for extorting the widely condemned and illegal “2% tax” by the consulate in Melbourne specially from social security recipients.
The Australian Foreign Minister the honourable Mrs. Julie Bishop has said to (SBS): ” The Australian government condemns any efforts by Eritrea to impose a tax on the Eritrean diaspora , whether in Australia or internationally .”
Press reports indicated that the Australian government in June of 2011 asked the Eritrean Consulate in Melbourne to stop the collection of the tax to 2% of Eritreans in Australia .
Mrs.Bishop said it had asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the federal and state authorities to inform her of any evidence of attempts to collect such taxes in Australia .
In the period that followed the Australian media report about the extortion and blackmailing by the consulate in Melbourne the consul Mr. Bashir Nur held a series of secret meetings with pro regime Eritreans in all Australian States.
Mr. Bashir Nur Idris had left Australia mid last year after crossing the length of stay allowed for personnel of diplomatic missions in Australia, which is ten years.
According to Australian laws, the maximum for the establishment of foreign diplomatic missions in Australia is ten years.
But he returned a few months ago and is committing unofficial diplomatic activity by blackmailing Eritreans to pay the widely condemned and illegal 2% tax.
Hgdef April 29, 2014
I am happy to my tax
Hgdef April 29, 2014
I pay my 2’% bs I am happy to pay it
selamawit2 May 1, 2014
the saying goes: no tax without representation.
– (mass) rapers
– thieves (smaller ones and and mafiosi)
– abusers of kids, elderly, priests and other religious leaders
– human traffickers
– organ thieves
– traitors (to the eritrean people and to their own dictatorial club members)
– culprits who brought slavery back to africa
– culprits who will find their selves personally charged soon (the big stinking fish in Den Haag, the small stinking fish in democratic eritrean courts with their ex-victims as judges)
are represented by hgdf.
ok, i see – you feel comfortable with that.
but sorry, we can’t congratulate you since you are a dead creature walking.
samuel May 30, 2014
Elias November 5, 2016
I’m More than Happy to do it’s fine for me I not complaining even deserves more than that I had paid.
Cheers Elia